View Full Version : Carmelo Anthony = Dominique Wilkins

08-01-2008, 04:54 PM
Does anyone else think of Dominique Wilkins when you talk about Carmelo?

Both great scorers but thats about it. Not much team success. Of course Carmelo didn't have the athletic ability Dominique had and Carmelo certainly didn't have Dominique's dunking ability.

08-01-2008, 04:55 PM
No I dont. Did you pick Nique because 1. He was recently mentioned or 2. Because the comparison has rarely if ever been used so you thought you found a gem

08-01-2008, 04:58 PM
Don't insult Dominique

Sir Charles
08-01-2008, 04:59 PM
Don't insult Dominique


08-01-2008, 05:00 PM
Do was a lil' more gifted offensively than Anthony. But I'm afraid you're right when you say they don't win with their teams...

Scott Pippen
08-01-2008, 05:01 PM

08-01-2008, 05:05 PM
Horrid comparison.

08-01-2008, 05:32 PM
i thinks tmac is a better comparison. Ecspecialy on the Magic when he dunked more and scored around 30 ppg. But niether are close to Niq: how is carmello like him at all??

08-01-2008, 05:36 PM
im still saying

melo = glenn robinson

Scott Pippen
08-01-2008, 05:37 PM
melo = glenn robinson

good comparison:applause:

08-01-2008, 05:52 PM
im still saying

melo = glenn robinson
Well, a rich man's version of Robinson anyway. Offensively I'd say he has a good bit more in common with Bernard King.

08-01-2008, 05:53 PM
Not a good comparison. Dominique was much more gifted athletically and he could jump higher. Melo is a craftier scorer and better low post player.

08-01-2008, 05:54 PM
glenn was a better shooter. melo is better with his back to the basket game.

other than that their careeers are eerie identical. the scoringnumbers are a bit different due to the teams being made up differently

08-01-2008, 06:08 PM
The Big Dog comparison is weak too. Carmelo is more athletic, bigger, stronger and does more damage in the post than Glenn ever could. He's a more explosive scorer as well.

08-01-2008, 06:08 PM
i thinks tmac is a better comparison. Ecspecialy on the Magic when he dunked more and scored around 30 ppg. But niether are close to Niq: how is carmello like him at all??

Tmac is a better defensive player and playmaker than Carmelo. Try again.

08-02-2008, 01:12 AM
Does anyone else think of Dominique Wilkins when you talk about Carmelo?

Both great scorers but thats about it. Not much team success. Of course Carmelo didn't have the athletic ability Dominique had and Carmelo certainly didn't have Dominique's dunking ability.

melo took a 17 win team and put them into the playoffs in some very difficult conferences every single year hes been in the league.

08-02-2008, 01:13 AM
im still saying

melo = glenn robinson

as dumb of a comparison as it was years ago. :roll:

White Chocolate
08-02-2008, 01:23 AM
Dominique in his prime was a 30 PPG scorer with about 8 RPG and 1.5 SPG. He was also a far better leader than Melo and almost got the Hawks to the ECF in '88. Keep in mind the Hawks had a 3-2 lead on Boston in '88 before losing games 6 and 7.

08-02-2008, 01:39 AM
Tmac is a better defensive player and playmaker than Carmelo. Try again.

pretty sure he meant nique and mac was a better comparison :hammerhead:

08-02-2008, 04:27 AM
The Big Dog comparison is weak too. Carmelo is more athletic, bigger, stronger and does more damage in the post than Glenn ever could. He's a more explosive scorer as well.
im mostly talking career and number-wise. like i said melo's more powerfull

08-02-2008, 08:22 AM
Dominique Wilkins = Tracy McGrady

08-02-2008, 11:43 AM
There aren't really a lot of small forwards in the current NBA that can score like the 80s contingent did. 'Nique averaged over 30 twice, and over 25 for about a decade. Alex English led the 1980s in the scoring and had i believe 8 straight 2000 point seasons. Adrian Dantley averaged over 30ppg 4 years in a row, and put up 29.8 two years later. Bernard King was putting up 33 ppg and on his way to a 2nd straight top 3 MVP vote (likely) before he wrecked his knee. Then there was Kiki Vandeweghe, Marques Johnson, Purvis Short, Mike Mitchell, Terry Cummings, Tom Chambers. Then of course there was Larry Bird and Dr J who were a whole level above all those guys.

08-02-2008, 11:54 AM
Tmac is a better defensive player and playmaker than Carmelo. Try again.

i was comparing tmac to wilken retard

08-02-2008, 01:48 PM
nique is a finesse power dunker, melo is a power player with finesse skills.

08-02-2008, 01:53 PM
i was comparing tmac to wilken retard

And again the same holds true idiot. Tmac is a better defensive player and playmaker than Nique was.

:oldlol: @this kid calling someone retarded like his comparison holds up still.

08-02-2008, 01:55 PM
pretty sure he meant nique and mac was a better comparison :hammerhead:

Still a bad comparison.

08-02-2008, 02:15 PM
Well, a rich man's version of Robinson anyway. Offensively I'd say he has a good bit more in common with Bernard King.

I think King is a decent comparison. Game wise.

In spite of the holes in Jellos game I think he might improve as he gets older and starts to get it. The nugs as built and led now are not a great environment for him to fine tune his game... If a team lets you freelance and you keep doing it, you never improve. Webber didn't start to hone his game 'tel he was off the bullets for instance.

08-02-2008, 03:34 PM
Despite his off court issues, VC = Dominique.

And Glenn Robinson was a better player than you guys give him credit for. Played on some bad teams.


08-02-2008, 04:41 PM
Tmac is a better defensive player and playmaker than Carmelo. Try again.
As far as career achievements, T-Mac isn't so bad. Not talent wise in which T-Mac was a lot better. But Melo is pushing 5 years out of the first round and being just a scoring giant only really.

08-02-2008, 05:10 PM
No I dont. Did you pick Nique because 1. He was recently mentioned or 2. Because the comparison has rarely if ever been used so you thought you found a gem

:roll: :roll: :roll: People sleepin on this post

08-02-2008, 05:16 PM
Carmelo Anthony = Alex English and Bernard King ( Former NBA Scoring Champs)

08-02-2008, 05:26 PM
im mostly talking career and number-wise. like i said melo's more powerfull

Melo's numbers are considerably better than Robinson's. And 5 years doesn't make a career for guy that's only 23 (well 24, but just after his season).

And saying Melo doesn't win with his team is ****ing retarded. Like Nugzfan said, he took the worst team in the league, and with a couple of mid level role players took them instantly to the playoffs in a very tough division. And has made the team a perennial playoff team. That's not losing

08-02-2008, 05:51 PM
Carmelo is more Adrian Dantley than Nique. He isn't as explosive as pre-injury Bernard king either. Dantley is the most similar to Carmelo's game imo.

08-02-2008, 06:51 PM
I think Carmelo is like a healthy Danny Manning...who ironically was traded for Nique.

08-02-2008, 09:37 PM
Melo's numbers are considerably better than Robinson's. And 5 years doesn't make a career for guy that's only 23 (well 24, but just after his season).

And saying Melo doesn't win with his team is ****ing retarded. Like Nugzfan said, he took the worst team in the league, and with a couple of mid level role players took them instantly to the playoffs in a very tough division. And has made the team a perennial playoff team. That's not losing

Right... because the 03 and 04 team were exactly the same aside from Melo right? And tough division? There were the T-Wolves and that's it. It's not like Portland, Seattle, or Utah were making any noise whatsoever. Why do you think people gave Lebron the ROY award even though his team only won 30ish games? Because he clearly did more to lead the team.

You'd think that if he was so good he would've not been routinely brushed out in the first round on such a stacked team.

08-02-2008, 10:55 PM
Right... because the 03 and 04 team were exactly the same aside from Melo right? And tough division? There were the T-Wolves and that's it. It's not like Portland, Seattle, or Utah were making any noise whatsoever. Why do you think people gave Lebron the ROY award even though his team only won 30ish games? Because he clearly did more to lead the team.

You'd think that if he was so good he would've not been routinely brushed out in the first round on such a stacked team.

See this is what happens when stupid people try to be smart.

First of all the division wasn't just Twolves/Denver/Portland/Seattle/Utah that year, there were only 2 divisions in the each conference and Sea and Por weren't even in that division... instead it was San An/Dallas/Houston/Memphis 3 of which were 50 win teams and the other 45 wins. Furthermore, no team in that division finished with a .500 or less record (Utah was 42-40).

2nd They gave Lebron the ROY for what many people admitted to, because they felt like Lebron would be a great player in the future and it would look funny not giving it to him (and considering Melo is also a young perennial allstar as well, I don't think it would look funny at all). And while the Cavs improved, you and anybody else would have to be stupid as hell to think Lebron "led" them better at **** that year. LOL @ clearly did a better job of leading the team that year.

3rd, the only other real difference between that 03 and 04 team besides Melo as far as personnel was Miller... a man who previously has not helped any team win sh*t, and like I said in my original post... is a role player. Ofcourse he helped, but Melo led that team to that huge turnaround. A team that EVERYBODY went into the season thinking would be once again one of the worse teams in the league.

4th Denver may look good on paper, but they're not built correctly or coached properly. Even besides all of that, a large reason they don't get out of the first round is because of injuries both hurting their standings and putting them against a top seeded team (3 times they've gone against the eventual WCF champ, and once against the Wolves with the best record in the league) and injuries in the playoffs. So don't pretend that anybody is stupid enough here to think that Melo and Denver are losing in the playoffs when they're favored every year.


08-03-2008, 12:55 AM
See this is what happens when stupid people try to be smart.

First of all the division wasn't just Twolves/Denver/Portland/Seattle/Utah that year, there were only 2 divisions in the each conference and Sea and Por weren't even in that division... instead it was San An/Dallas/Houston/Memphis 3 of which were 50 win teams and the other 45 wins. Furthermore, no team in that division finished with a .500 or less record (Utah was 42-40).

2nd They gave Lebron the ROY for what many people admitted to, because they felt like Lebron would be a great player in the future and it would look funny not giving it to him (and considering Melo is also a young perennial allstar as well, I don't think it would look funny at all). And while the Cavs improved, you and anybody else would have to be stupid as hell to think Lebron "led" them better at **** that year. LOL @ clearly did a better job of leading the team that year.

3rd, the only other real difference between that 03 and 04 team besides Melo as far as personnel was Miller... a man who previously has not helped any team win sh*t, and like I said in my original post... is a role player. Ofcourse he helped, but Melo led that team to that huge turnaround. A team that EVERYBODY went into the season thinking would be once again one of the worse teams in the league.

4th Denver may look good on paper, but they're not built correctly or coached properly. Even besides all of that, a large reason they don't get out of the first round is because of injuries both hurting their standings and putting them against a top seeded team (3 times they've gone against the eventual WCF champ, and once against the Wolves with the best record in the league) and injuries in the playoffs. So don't pretend that anybody is stupid enough here to think that Melo and Denver are losing in the playoffs when they're favored every year.


1. You got me. I totally forgot that it used to just be MidWest and Pacific.

2. The Cavs made NO additions (although addition through subtraction is arguable regarding Ricky Davis) aside from Lebron heading into the 03-04 season and he effectively doubled their wins. Melo on the other hand came to a completely different and much better team and only topped Lebron's win total by 6.

3. I'm not sure if you're kidding. Because the only one that played significant games the year prior from that 04 team was Nene. Camby was injured all year and they got Lenard and Miller and Anthony. The only person from that 02-03 team that still has a job in the NBA is Nene and the aforementioned injured Camby. Most of them didn't even make it to the 04 team. So to say that they only added Miller would be incorrect. They practically got a team overhaul and Anthony was in the right place at the right time. I'm also not sure why you decided to suddenly bash on Miller when most role players are simply role players. This is not Elton Brand or Vince Carter we're talking about.

4. You guys have gone through two coaches already and Karl came to the rescue in 04-05 when you guys were on the verge of missing the playoffs. There are many teams that have far less talent and still manage to creep into the playoffs. If there's nobody to guide them then it should be up to the leader of the team to step up. But instead of doing so Anthony does nothing but repeatedly get in trouble. Even since acquiring Iverson, that team has accomplished jack. You could say getting a team studded with lottery picks and quality pieces to the 6-8th seed and routinely getting beaten in 5 games and under an accomplishment but I'll have to disagree.

09-11-2015, 03:37 AM
im still saying

melo = glenn robinson

Still saying this.


09-11-2015, 03:44 AM
See this is what happens when stupid people try to be smart.

First of all the division wasn't just Twolves/Denver/Portland/Seattle/Utah that year, there were only 2 divisions in the each conference and Sea and Por weren't even in that division... instead it was San An/Dallas/Houston/Memphis 3 of which were 50 win teams and the other 45 wins. Furthermore, no team in that division finished with a .500 or less record (Utah was 42-40).

2nd They gave Lebron the ROY for what many people admitted to, because they felt like Lebron would be a great player in the future and it would look funny not giving it to him (and considering Melo is also a young perennial allstar as well, I don't think it would look funny at all). And while the Cavs improved, you and anybody else would have to be stupid as hell to think Lebron "led" them better at **** that year. LOL @ clearly did a better job of leading the team that year.

3rd, the only other real difference between that 03 and 04 team besides Melo as far as personnel was Miller... a man who previously has not helped any team win sh*t, and like I said in my original post... is a role player. Ofcourse he helped, but Melo led that team to that huge turnaround. A team that EVERYBODY went into the season thinking would be once again one of the worse teams in the league.

4th Denver may look good on paper, but they're not built correctly or coached properly. Even besides all of that, a large reason they don't get out of the first round is because of injuries both hurting their standings and putting them against a top seeded team (3 times they've gone against the eventual WCF champ, and once against the Wolves with the best record in the league) and injuries in the playoffs. So don't pretend that anybody is stupid enough here to think that Melo and Denver are losing in the playoffs when they're favored every year.


:lebronamazed: got damn

09-11-2015, 03:53 AM
I made this thread 7 years ago and I ended up being right on the money.

Different playing styles, Dominique was more athletic and a great finisher, Carmelo is more skilled and has a better jumper.

Career scoring averages...
Dominique - 25 ppg
Carmelo 25 ppg

Stats are very similar all across the board including fg%, reb, & ast.

Dominique - 7x All-NBA Team, 9x All-Star
Carmelo - 6x All-NBA Team, 8x All-Star

Both players aren't known for making their teammates better and they are not known for their defense. Both made multiple playoff appearances that ended pretty quickly.

1987 Lakers = Nostradamus :pimp:

09-11-2015, 03:57 AM
I made this thread 7 years ago and I ended up being right on the money.

Different playing styles, Dominique was more athletic and a great finisher, Carmelo is more skilled and has a better jumper.

Career scoring averages...
Dominique - 25 ppg
Carmelo 25 ppg

Stats are very similar all across the board including fg%, reb, & ast.

Dominique - 7x All-NBA Team, 9x All-Star
Carmelo - 6x All-NBA Team, 8x All-Star

Both players aren't known for making their teammates better and they are not known for their defense. Both made multiple playoff appearances that ended pretty quickly.

1987 Lakers = Nostradamus :pimp:

You should track down gobb and literally make him eat your shit.

09-11-2015, 04:03 AM
You should track down gobb and literally make him eat your shit.

He's still hiding from me after I raped him in a debate in the football forum a few months back.

09-11-2015, 04:13 AM

Almost identical at age 27.

09-11-2015, 10:48 AM
if we were to make the comparison by saying impact wise, and thus also allow slight differences in PER for it not being considered as an end all measurement to players dominance.

by taking into Carmelo Anthony's early year accomplishments, this can be made as a fair comparison.

as for what differences does playing style really matters then?

if we go by the Princeton offense, we would derive to the answer with, who hustles more in a half court or a full court setting.

09-11-2015, 06:58 PM
Does anyone else think of Dominique Wilkins when you talk about Carmelo?

Both great scorers but thats about it. Not much team success. Of course Carmelo didn't have the athletic ability Dominique had and Carmelo certainly didn't have Dominique's dunking ability.

I see the comparison! Stylistically, Melo reminds me of Bernard King the most. But in terms of being a true alpha dog scorer AND great rebounding SF in one, Melo, King (great rebounder and Nique are very similar), and Nique are similar.

The unique thing about Melo is the fact that he blends the scoring skillsets of Bernard King, Dantley, Aguirre, and Alex English into one. I think he's the most similar to King, but he has traits of the other guys as well. Nique comes from the family tree of the freak athletic SF's. The guys like Baylor, Hawkins, and Dr. J. But Nique's scoring skillset was better than all of those guys.

But sadly, Melo's legacy will get underrated and hated like Nique IF he doesn't win a ring. Both guys get shitted on for what they CAN'T do INSTEAD of being applauded for what they are great at. The SF's like Bron, Bird, and Hondo were such epic all around players that other great SF's tend to get underrated at times.

09-11-2015, 07:13 PM
Dominique in his prime was a 30 PPG scorer with about 8 RPG and 1.5 SPG. He was also a far better leader than Melo and almost got the Hawks to the ECF in '88. Keep in mind the Hawks had a 3-2 lead on Boston in '88 before losing games 6 and 7.

Well said! The fact that Nique and the Hawks pushed the Celtics to the brink of elimination says it all! It SHOWS that Nique was a great player! And at the time, the 2nd best SF in the world! And overall a top 10 player in the world!

That Hawks team had NO BUSINESS being in that position looking at their roster. But Nique was SO DOMINANT that he made that team better than it should have been. And that's TRULY the make of a great player. If u added another top 15 caliber player on that Hawks team, they would have beat Boston FOR SURE!

And we can't forget when the Hawks traded Nique either! Nique had a GREAT CHANCE to be MVP of the league that year. And to also get the Hawks to the NBA Finals. They were the top seed in the East when they traded Nique.

09-11-2015, 08:44 PM
Never watche Nique in his prime, but I remember him not being known as a good team player. Low assists, low impact outside scoring. Didn't he play for the Spurs the year the Admiral got hurt? And they still didn't win more than 19 or something?

09-11-2015, 08:46 PM
I see the comparison! Stylistically, Melo reminds me of Bernard King the most. But in terms of being a true alpha dog scorer AND great rebounding SF in one, Melo, King (great rebounder and Nique are very similar), and Nique are similar.

The unique thing about Melo is the fact that he blends the scoring skillsets of Bernard King, Dantley, Aguirre, and Alex English into one. I think he's the most similar to King, but he has traits of the other guys as well. Nique comes from the family tree of the freak athletic SF's. The guys like Baylor, Hawkins, and Dr. J. But Nique's scoring skillset was better than all of those guys.

But sadly, Melo's legacy will get underrated and hated like Nique IF he doesn't win a ring. Both guys get shitted on for what they CAN'T do INSTEAD of being applauded for what they are great at. The SF's like Bron, Bird, and Hondo were such epic all around players that other great SF's tend to get underrated at times.

Melo deserve the hate. If you're that skilled and refuse to learn how to play a team offense and pass the ball, then go sit down and have a chat with Alex English and Bernard King as the guys no one cares about.

09-11-2015, 08:53 PM
Nah, Dominique was better than Melo. The guy used to go on scoring sprees against Jordan and Bird and hold his own. He was unfortunate to have played for the shitty hawks. :oldlol:

09-11-2015, 11:45 PM
Never watche Nique in his prime, but I remember him not being known as a good team player. Low assists, low impact outside scoring. Didn't he play for the Spurs the year the Admiral got hurt? And they still didn't win more than 19 or something?

Quite the contrary... He was not a good passer/playmaker or anything like that but he was a good team player and received plenty of praise for his impact.

Nique was 2nd in MVP voting in 1986, above such players as Magic, Kareem, Hakeem, Zeke, Barkley, English, Dantley... The MVP, Larry Bird in his peak, even said that Wilkins deserved that trophy.
His Hawks were always one of the top teams in a stacked conference, making noise in the Playoffs plenty of times.

You could even say that SF's such as Dantley or English had better overall raw stats than Wilkins but they just weren't consider as good as him by most, and Dominique was just more impactful...

09-12-2015, 04:59 AM
Quite the contrary... He was not a good passer/playmaker or anything like that but he was a good team player and received plenty of praise for his impact.

Nique was 2nd in MVP voting in 1986, above such players as Magic, Kareem, Hakeem, Zeke, Barkley, English, Dantley... The MVP, Larry Bird in his peak, even said that Wilkins deserved that trophy.
His Hawks were always one of the top teams in a stacked conference, making noise in the Playoffs plenty of times.

You could even say that SF's such as Dantley or English had better overall raw stats than Wilkins but they just weren't consider as good as him by most, and Dominique was just more impactful...

Well said! What people need TO REALIZE is that great passing-playmaking ISN'T a premium asset at the SF position. It's MORE OF A BONUS!! Point guard is the ONLY POSITION historically where great passing should be considered a premium asset.

Nique at his peak was a great scoring SF and a great rebounding SF. U are talking a guy that could get 30 points AND 9 rebounds in a given season. He SHOULDN'T be penalized for not being a great passer. And among the freakish athletic SF's, I think Nique has the best scoring skillset of ALL TIME!! Better than Doc, Baylor, Hawkins, G Hill and even Lebron. When u look at the variety of Nique's scoring skillset, u will see what I'm talking about...

Nique was also a great player for a long ass time. Even after his Achilles tear, he was the best scoring SF in the world. The BOTTOM LINE is Nique was EPIC at the most premium asset in basketball. And THAT'S ALPHA DOG SCORING!! For that alone, Nique is a legend.

But he ALSO redefined the SF position with his brand of athletic ability too. Before him, u didn't see SF's dominating off the vertical power two foot hops like him. What Doc and Baylor did for the gliding, Nique did for power two foot hops.

09-12-2015, 05:06 AM
Nah, Dominique was better than Melo. The guy used to go on scoring sprees against Jordan and Bird and hold his own. He was unfortunate to have played for the shitty hawks. :oldlol:

Good points! Me personally, I also think Nique was better than Melo. The main reason why is the PRESSURE Nique would put on a defense. Nique could literally go OVER THE TOP of defense and dominate better than any SF EVER!! His powerful two foot hops ALLOWED him to go deeper in the paint than the other SF's. And CHALLENGE the big guys! Dr. J was more of a glider and dominated that way. But Nique would get AS CLOSE AS HE COULD to the rack and STILL dunk out!!

When u factor in Nique's midrange game, postup game, slashing, offensive rebounding, and domination in transition, it literally made him unstoppable. Other SF's could average just as many points. But the FASHION Nique scored his points in made him tougher to stop. Nique's blend of athletic ability AND scoring skillset made him standout.

09-12-2015, 05:43 AM
front court players favor Wilkins playing style because those are easier rebounds and put back points, in which they look at it as easy points.

back court players favor Carmelo Anthony because as long as you have the ability to hit the high arching pull up shots, you can really frustrate the opposing team even having length over you.

and even if we were to say that Phil Jackson and the triangle offense he could implement solves that issue

I hope people won't find it outrageous for me to say that when it comes down to the best of the best level of coaching in basketball, bench play matter more than the system.

09-12-2015, 06:01 AM
Not really. I think Wilkins was way better.

09-12-2015, 11:45 AM
You could easily put Wilkins in top 50 of all time.

Melo may not even be top 100.

09-12-2015, 12:26 PM
Individual scoring is great and someone who can score at an elite level is a rare talent but basketball is a team game. Ball movement and body movement should always be stressed on offense. Sometimes a great individual scorer can upset the flow of an offense by playing too much iso ball and becoming a black hole. That's why there are levels to greatness. There are the guys who can score at an all time great level but don't have that next level game of finding the right balance between scoring and getting his teammates involved. And the top tier talents who found that right balance and gave the team exactly what it needed for any given situation.

09-12-2015, 12:43 PM
Dominique Wilkins was clearly better. Guy was a legit Top 5 player at one point. Melo has been fringe Top 10 player at his best.

09-12-2015, 12:46 PM
They were definitely both black and had a mustache.

09-12-2015, 05:43 PM
Individual scoring is great and someone who can score at an elite level is a rare talent but basketball is a team game. Ball movement and body movement should always be stressed on offense. Sometimes a great individual scorer can upset the flow of an offense by playing too much iso ball and becoming a black hole. That's why there are levels to greatness. There are the guys who can score at an all time great level but don't have that next level game of finding the right balance between scoring and getting his teammates involved. And the top tier talents who found that right balance and gave the team exactly what it needed for any given situation.

Good post! U can't beat guys who are great scorers AND great passers in one. When looking at perimeter players, I think MJ, Big O, Bird, Kobe, Bron, Hondo, and Barry are some of the guys who fufill that. Among PG's, Magic, Big O, Frazier, Isiah, and Tiny are examples of that. But Nique and Melo are still great players. Some guys just aren't going to be great passers.

It's not that they are selfish and bad teammates. But the thing they do BEST is score. For a SF, I put scoring, rebounding, and defense higher on the totem pole than passing. Nique and Melo are great scorers AND great rebounders at the SF. I choose to focus on that INSTEAD of what they can't do.

09-12-2015, 10:03 PM
He wishes...

09-13-2015, 09:40 AM
Their stats are essential the same and both have done the went same places in the playoffs. So essentially either Dominique was not as good people thought or Carmelo is better than we think.

09-13-2015, 09:43 AM
Why would Wilkins be in the top 50 and Carmelo be in the 100s if they have the same stats and same rings.

09-13-2015, 11:09 AM
Atleast Wilkins was exciting to watch and had nice dunks. Marshmelo is just an average efficiency, long 2pter chucking, no defense playing, honey nut Cheerios eating lazy ass bum

09-13-2015, 05:07 PM
Their stats are essential the same and both have done the went same places in the playoffs. So essentially either Dominique was not as good people thought or Carmelo is better than we think.

Like I've previously said, Wilkins was 2nd in MVP voting once, ahead of Magic, Hakeem, Kareem, Moses, Isiah, Barkley, Dantley, English... Melo ain't really seeing that; even the MVP, peak Bird, said that Nique should've won that award that year.
Dominique was also 5th in MVP voting for two times, also once 6th and once 8th... Anthony was only twice in the top10, being 3rd and 6th once.
And Carmelo never made the all-nba 1st team, unlike Wilkins.

Wilkins led the Hawks to various 50W's seasons in a stacked conference, as high as 57 W's once, and he did his thing in the Playoffs... Plus, I'm not denying that he had some good teammates, but for example, Melo made the conference Finals playing alongside Billups, JR Smith, Nene and K-Mart, that's better than Willis, Rivers, Wittman, Webb...

Wilkins more than held his own vs MJ, he had classic battles with Bird (including that amazing one in '88), so on...

Nique even came back from a rupture achilles still wrecking shit up.

It's definitely close but Wilkins was better or call it more impactful.

09-13-2015, 07:11 PM
Like I've previously said, Wilkins was 2nd in MVP voting once, ahead of Magic, Hakeem, Kareem, Moses, Isiah, Barkley, Dantley, English... Melo ain't really seeing that; even the MVP, peak Bird, said that Nique should've won that award that year.
Dominique was also 5th in MVP voting for two times, also once 6th and once 8th... Anthony was only twice in the top10, being 3rd and 6th once.
And Carmelo never made the all-nba 1st team, unlike Wilkins.

Wilkins led the Hawks to various 50W's seasons in a stacked conference, as high as 57 W's once, and he did his thing in the Playoffs... Plus, I'm not denying that he had some good teammates, but for example, Melo made the conference Finals playing alongside Billups, JR Smith, Nene and K-Mart, that's better than Willis, Rivers, Wittman, Webb...

Wilkins more than held his own vs MJ, he had classic battles with Bird (including that amazing one in '88), so on...

Nique even came back from a rupture achilles still wrecking shit up.

It's definitely close but Wilkins was better or call it more impactful.

Well said! At their best, Nique and Melo are great scorers as well as great rebounding SF's. ANY SF capable of getting 28-30 points and 8-9 boards a game is a great player. But the FASHION in which Nique dominated seemed more impactful than Melo. Nique could OVERPOWER a defense with is athletic ability better than any SF in NBA history.

Bron has the physical tools to do it, but he wasn't as relentless as Nique scoring. When u couple that with Nique's scoring skillset (which is underrated by many), I just think it gives the edge to Nique. Even though Melo has PROVED he can match Nique in terms of numbers in general.

09-13-2015, 07:48 PM
Does anyone else think of Dominique Wilkins when you talk about Carmelo?

Both great scorers but thats about it. Not much team success. Of course Carmelo didn't have the athletic ability Dominique had and Carmelo certainly didn't have Dominique's dunking ability.
WTF are you smoking? :facepalm :facepalm

09-14-2015, 03:05 PM
Like I've previously said, Wilkins was 2nd in MVP voting once, ahead of Magic, Hakeem, Kareem, Moses, Isiah, Barkley, Dantley, English... Melo ain't really seeing that; even the MVP, peak Bird, said that Nique should've won that award that year.
Dominique was also 5th in MVP voting for two times, also once 6th and once 8th... Anthony was only twice in the top10, being 3rd and 6th once.
And Carmelo never made the all-nba 1st team, unlike Wilkins.

Wilkins led the Hawks to various 50W's seasons in a stacked conference, as high as 57 W's once, and he did his thing in the Playoffs... Plus, I'm not denying that he had some good teammates, but for example, Melo made the conference Finals playing alongside Billups, JR Smith, Nene and K-Mart, that's better than Willis, Rivers, Wittman, Webb...

Wilkins more than held his own vs MJ, he had classic battles with Bird (including that amazing one in '88), so on...

Nique even came back from a rupture achilles still wrecking shit up.

It's definitely close but Wilkins was better or call it more impactful.

I think it's very close right now, they both have suffered from some pretty mediocre to bad supporting casts. But Melo still has about 3-4 more very impactful years left so we will see if he can surpass him in the coming years.

09-14-2015, 03:18 PM
Nope. When I watch Melo play, he reminds me of a Alex English or a chocolate version of Kiki Vandeweghe :oldlol:

09-14-2015, 09:50 PM
Dominique Wilkins was clearly better. Guy was a legit Top 5 player at one point. Melo has been fringe Top 10 player at his best.

I'm not even a Melo fan but he finished 3rd in MVP voting in 2012-2013.

09-14-2015, 10:02 PM
I'm not even a Melo fan but he finished 3rd in MVP voting in 2012-2013.

Doesn't mean he was a Top 3-5 player. But that probably was his best season and I guess people will argue for him.

Fallen Angel
09-14-2015, 10:03 PM
I've got to look back at the 2013 season, but without doing it I can say from memory that Carmelo was one of the five best players in the league at least.

09-14-2015, 10:16 PM
Tmac is a better defensive player and playmaker than Carmelo. Try again.

T-Mac at his peak was even better Kobe and it isn't even a question. Carmelo isn't even in the same realm.

09-14-2015, 10:56 PM
No. Melo is a better shooter, Nique is better in everything else and has more heart.

Stringer Bell
04-04-2016, 05:51 PM
Never watche Nique in his prime, but I remember him not being known as a good team player. Low assists, low impact outside scoring. Didn't he play for the Spurs the year the Admiral got hurt? And they still didn't win more than 19 or something?

Wilkins was like 37 when he played with San Antonio.

Wilkins had a reputation early on for not being the best team player. Not sure how accurate that rep really was. He had a solid jumper, and relied on it more after he tore his Achilles heel. He came back from that injury to score 30 a game in the 92-93 season.

Like Melo, Nique was an excellent scorer and solid rebounder, and not so good defensively.

04-04-2016, 05:57 PM
if anyone here watches hockey melo is just like rick nash

best player in a pretty bad franchise for a while, really big, seems like a really elite scorer yet was never really the best

all the tools but couldnt really put it all together to be the best

really really elite in international play

both got traded to new york and have been unable to do anything there

04-04-2016, 06:29 PM
They are similar in terms of being great scoring and rebounding SF's. Anytime u are an SF capable of 8-9 boards a night, I consider that great for a SF. Both men have done that. From there, I would say Nique is the better defender while Melo is the better passer. Both are ALPHA as hell and basically unstoppable at their peaks. Melo the better shooter while Nique the better slasher. Postup wise, both are beasts. Nique's ace in the hole was his freakish athletic ability. Melo's was his strength and physicality. Both in their own way could overpower u.

But unless Melo wins a ring, certain critics will look at them in a similar light. Critics will say both were great scorers but didn't make their teammates better because they are selfish. I disagree with that notion. Every SF can't be a great passer like Bird, Bron, Pippen, or Hondo. U can win a ring with Melo or Nique as your best player. U just have to build the proper team around them.

At their peaks, both were top 10 players in the world. And among the top five scorers in their given eras. They are just harder to build around than a Bron, MJ, Magic, or Bird. Those four fill so many holes for a team that it makes life easier. But Melo and Nique are both legends and legit franchise players.

04-04-2016, 07:56 PM
if anyone here watches hockey melo is just like rick nash

best player in a pretty bad franchise for a while, really big, seems like a really elite scorer yet was never really the best

all the tools but couldnt really put it all together to be the best

really really elite in international play

both got traded to new york and have been unable to do anything there

Rick Nash is a scorer and he never had the tools to be the overall best because he wasn't a great playmaker.

The Rangers made the Finals in 2014 and almost made it last year to the Finals too. How is that unable to do anything ? Not like they were going to beat the Kings and Blackhawks, who have both dominated this decade.

04-05-2016, 01:29 PM
Rick Nash is a scorer and he never had the tools to be the overall best because he wasn't a great playmaker.

The Rangers made the Finals in 2014 and almost made it last year to the Finals too. How is that unable to do anything ? Not like they were going to beat the Kings and Blackhawks, who have both dominated this decade.

rick nash was bad in the playoffs and has not been very good in the playoffs for the rangers

i wouldn't say he isn't a great playmaker, he he had 40G 39A one year playing in columbus with the 2nd best player being rj umburger lol

also - you don't need to be a great playmaker to be the best, ovechkin the best player of this generation and he is a pure goal scorer, 45G 21A this year and arguably still the best player in the nhl

04-05-2016, 01:45 PM
Melo was the better dunker, the rest belongs to HHF :cheers:

04-05-2016, 01:46 PM
They are similar in terms of being great scoring and rebounding SF's. Anytime u are an SF capable of 8-9 boards a night, I consider that great for a SF. Both men have done that. From there, I would say Nique is the better defender while Melo is the better passer. Both are ALPHA as hell and basically unstoppable at their peaks. Melo the better shooter while Nique the better slasher. Postup wise, both are beasts. Nique's ace in the hole was his freakish athletic ability. Melo's was his strength and physicality. Both in their own way could overpower u.

But unless Melo wins a ring, certain critics will look at them in a similar light. Critics will say both were great scorers but didn't make their teammates better because they are selfish. I disagree with that notion. Every SF can't be a great passer like Bird, Bron, Pippen, or Hondo. U can win a ring with Melo or Nique as your best player. U just have to build the proper team around them.

At their peaks, both were top 10 players in the world. And among the top five scorers in their given eras. They are just harder to build around than a Bron, MJ, Magic, or Bird. Those four fill so many holes for a team that it makes life easier. But Melo and Nique are both legends and legit franchise players.

Good post but i would have to disagree that you could win a ring with Melo as your best player. The nature of his game (iso scoring) is not optimal bball. And you add in the fact that he wasn't a great passer and that makes it even more difficult. At least Nique had the athleticism to impact the game in other ways with his slashing and running the court. Maybe if the cards are stacked in his favor like in a weak era, he might. Like 2009 Nuggets situation. But there is always a GOAT tier player winning rings in a given era. He happened to be in the Kobe and Duncan era. Scoring is huge but only one aspect of the game. How you get your points is also crucial. Iso ball with the inability to create for others isn't optimal.

04-05-2016, 02:04 PM
Melo to me is Bernard King mixed with Glen Robinson

Thick Frame like robinson but can absolutely score the ball in so many ways.

I don't like Nique comparison because Nique led his teams deeper than Melo and Nique also could impose his will on the game by just being so much more athletic at the 3 spot.

04-05-2016, 02:07 PM
Good post but i would have to disagree that you could win a ring with Melo as your best player. The nature of his game (iso scoring) is not optimal bball. And you add in the fact that he wasn't a great passer and that makes it even more difficult. At least Nique had the athleticism to impact the game in other ways with his slashing and running the court. Maybe if the cards are stacked in his favor like in a weak era, he might. Like 2009 Nuggets situation. But there is always a GOAT tier player winning rings in a given era. He happened to be in the Kobe and Duncan era. Scoring is huge but only one aspect of the game. How you get your points is also crucial. Iso ball with the inability to create for others isn't optimal.

If the Pistons would have drafted Melo (like they should have), he would have won a ring. AND BE the best player on the team. The reason why is because Melo's defensive shortcomings would have been hidden BIG TIME! Scoring wise, he would have guys like Rip, Big Shot, and Sheed to help out. On teams built like the Pistons, Melo could have won rings. Melo could play in the flow of the game EASIER on a team like that. He wouldn't iso as much..

04-05-2016, 02:44 PM
They are similar in terms of being great scoring and rebounding SF's. Anytime u are an SF capable of 8-9 boards a night, I consider that great for a SF. Both men have done that. From there, I would say Nique is the better defender while Melo is the better passer. Both are ALPHA as hell and basically unstoppable at their peaks. Melo the better shooter while Nique the better slasher. Postup wise, both are beasts. Nique's ace in the hole was his freakish athletic ability. Melo's was his strength and physicality. Both in their own way could overpower u.

But unless Melo wins a ring, certain critics will look at them in a similar light. Critics will say both were great scorers but didn't make their teammates better because they are selfish. I disagree with that notion. Every SF can't be a great passer like Bird, Bron, Pippen, or Hondo. U can win a ring with Melo or Nique as your best player. U just have to build the proper team around them.

At their peaks, both were top 10 players in the world. And among the top five scorers in their given eras. They are just harder to build around than a Bron, MJ, Magic, or Bird. Those four fill so many holes for a team that it makes life easier. But Melo and Nique are both legends and legit franchise players.

Solid post . I totally agree .

04-05-2016, 03:18 PM
Melo to me is Bernard King mixed with Glen Robinson

Thick Frame like robinson but can absolutely score the ball in so many ways.

I don't like Nique comparison because Nique led his teams deeper than Melo and Nique also could impose his will on the game by just being so much more athletic at the 3 spot.

Great points! I do think Nique is better than Melo, even though I think both are great players. As u stated, Melo is more like King and the Big Dog. I even see shades of Aguirre in Melo as well. Scoring wise, Nique is one of those special freak athlete SF scoring machines like Baylor and Dr. J.

The special thing about those three are the fact that they can go OVER THE TOP of defense. And from there, they had good enough scoring skillsets to keep a defense honest. U can't teach the athletic gifts that Nique had. That combined with his scoring skillset made him unstoppable!

04-05-2016, 04:23 PM
Melo wasn't nearly as entertaining though.