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  1. #76
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    Quote Originally Posted by RRR3

    For real, how much Godzuki butt are you going to lick really?
    Whenever he's in some nonsense "beef" you're there to lick his butt and defend him, it's beyond pathetic.

    The guy is a 30-40 year old korean man who's been beefing with people on ISH for more than 6 years straight and he's the most banned poster ever. Ask Jeff. And ask Godzuki what happened to his "Poodle" and "Smokee" account, both accounts got banned time after time, even his Godzuki account has been banned time after time.

    Smokee (BANNED):
    Poodle (BANNED):

    Look at both accounts reps, all-time ISH low and his Godzuki account was also all red before Jeff removed negs, and now when their back Godzuki's green bars are steadily going down. Never been a rep whore but considering how many threads Godzuki has started over his rep I bet he is damn happy to be in the green, for now..
    You're defending a troll.

    What kind of lonely retard are you, either you're spamming about a swedish model on ISH or you're defending Godzuki, what happened with having an identity of your own?
    Last edited by millwad; 08-17-2012 at 05:38 PM.

  2. #77
    Lol RRR3's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    Quote Originally Posted by millwad
    a bunch of angry insult-filled ranting
    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Godzuki in the past has been a pretty bad troll at times, but he has been pretty okay as a poster lately, except when you and your acolytes start shit with him. I don't have any allegiance to Godzuki, I just don't find your cyberbullying amusing or tolerable at all. It's nice you're so concerned with my personal life, though, I wonder why you care so much about me LOL.

  3. #78
    in Brooklyn alwaysunny's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    Quote Originally Posted by millwad
    There the thread is, the first wasn't even of me, it was from a gym site/blog in Sweden and since you guys are making such a big deal of it I'll google for the site tomorrow. The reason why I changed pic was because people actually thought the first one was me and the head was blurred from the beginning, not anything I did.

    I've never posted a pic of myself on ISH, but be honest, was the first pic of a fat guy? I can't recall the guy being fat but Godzuki has been calling me fat ever since, haha.
    That doesn't make any sense. If you put a picture advertising as you then of course people will think it's you. What did you think they were going to assume?

    I remember the original photo you posted, and it wasn't even that bad. You were pretty built from what I remember.

  4. #79
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    Quote Originally Posted by RRR3
    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Godzuki in the past has been a pretty bad troll at times, but he has been pretty okay as a poster lately, except when you and your acolytes start shit with him. I don't have any allegiance to Godzuki, I just don't find your cyberbullying amusing or tolerable at all. It's nice you're so concerned with my personal life, though, I wonder why you care so much about me LOL.
    Haha, have you even seen Godzuki's post towards people at all? No one in ISH-history have beefed more with people than Godzuki, not even close. He fights and insults everyone no matter what.

    So you even know how much crap the guy has been up to but still you're in EVERY thread licking his butt. He's been doing this for plenty of years now and he's the most banned poster ever for a reason, he writes crazy much crap toward other posters.

    How stupid are you? So you're against cyberbullying but you're defending Godzuki time after time, the same guy who's been insulting most people in ISH history..

  5. #80
    Lol RRR3's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    Quote Originally Posted by millwad
    Haha, have you even seen Godzuki's post towards people at all? No one in ISH-history have beefed more with people than Godzuki, not even close. He fights and insults everyone no matter what.

    So you even know how much crap the guy has been up to but still you're in EVERY thread licking his butt. He's been doing this for plenty of years now and he's the most banned poster ever for a reason, he writes crazy much crap toward other posters.

    How stupid are you? So you're against cyberbullying but you're defending Godzuki time after time, the same guy who's been insulting most people in ISH history..
    Difference between being a jackass (Godzuki) and stalking people on online, posting pictures and other personal info and claiming it is said poster, and constantly following them around attempting to embarass them (you).

  6. #81
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    Quote Originally Posted by RRR3
    Difference between being a jackass (Godzuki) and stalking people on online, posting pictures and other personal info and claiming it is said poster, and constantly following them around attempting to embarass them (you).
    Wow, now you're just getting pathetic.

    Godzuki mentions me in basically every thread there is, he's been spamming about me in so many threads. I stopped replying for a while and then he started to write stuff like "I will own you just like owned Millwad who doesn't even dare to come to the OTC anymore" whenever he started to beef with yet another poster.

    If you want to act like a good samaritan you're really defending the wrong guy. And stalking? Godzuki uses old posts against everyone, he calls GOBB a unemployed mailman, he mocks Niko for a crazy old post about him getting mocked by some kids, he calls Nick-Young a fgt cartoonist, he mocks Raz for a pic he posted in the OTC and makes fun of his looks and appearantly Raz wrote somewhere that his parents were poor and Godzuki mentions it all the time etc..

    Again, if you want to act like a hero, you're defending the wrong guy, want to do anyone a favour? Go and help some homeless people on the street instead of acting like the most banned poster's bodyguard..

  7. #82
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    let me address a few things since millwad is generalizing an awful lot here. and this will probably end up a huge wall of txt as i go since i got a lot to say....

    everyone that i've beefed with lets say in the last few months has started beef with me, in fact even when i was posting on poodle and smokeee i was almost always reactive and rarely just starting beefs with people out of the blue but i'll get into that later.

    you want to bring up Raz aka Ced...that started from his thread about the use of 'gay' and 'fgt' here. i defended its use in that thread straight up with what i thought about it without attacking him and he singles me out and starts attacking me. i'm like do you really want to beef? somehow his pic gets brought up, maybe i brought it up altho i can't remember knowing he had a pic out or not, where he basically dared/asked me to criticize him and i did. it shook him and he got butthurt with a vendetta from that moment on. he took subtle shots here and there but i let them go but i could see it would probably come out into a confrontation at some point. fast forward to recent threads and he calls me out with some car thread for no reason at all, and its funny how so many of the same previous people i've beef with time and again jump into that blaming me for the beefing. its generally the same people who would start threads here calling me out and i'm sure the rest of otc has seen quite a few of them. i don't ask for the attention most of the time but i get blamed for it for defending myself or hitting them back if they're playing it like a weasel in one of their later threads(see dumsby). i'd love for anyone to find any back and forth between Raz and i where i started the beefing.

    its the same with Gobbs, i rarely if ever attack him for no reason, in fact we've had back and forths in some sports debate threads with no attacks at each other at all. but he tends to jump in when i'm being mobbed and tries to call me out where this has happened repeatedly, where we get into insulting each other. at no other times can i remember starting a beef with gobbs out of the blue unless its on the heels of him attacking me. its the same with niko since i generally had no problems with him but he'd subtely take some shots and often jump in the lynch mob threads coming at me, and a lot of others, even Nickyoung of whom we used to constantly be going at each other when OTC was a war zone like a year ago. i don't really hold grudges and it seems they don't either, but it also seems we've matured, if a lil bit since older posting days and that probably goes for more than a few of the long time otc posting 'trolls'. i can only speak for myself but in the smokeee/poodle days, mostly smokee tho, i didn't give a fukk and didn't hold back. it was me vs the forum and i'd never quit, even in hindsight i don't blame jeff for banning me since thats the only thing that would had probably made me stop getting insulting them(which was against a lot of otc at the time lol). basically i had a lot more drive and energy to get the last word in back then, these days i just got less energy and don't care as much and like i said maybe matured a lil bit.

    one thing i'd like to emphasize is between all of my handles i was almsot always reactive. what would often happen is someone would randomly take a shot at me, whether it was my grammar, opinion, whatever....i don't let that shit go. i'll insult them, mostly in a very crude manner, and i didn't care about what type of clout they had here. they could've been Jeff, Steve, or anyone thats revered by old time posters here which is how a lot of the older lynch mobs would form against me. one of their friends would jump in, another and another, then more because they despised my crass posting style/iinsults or were defending the 'revered popular posters' here, and then it would eventually turn into a otc lynch mob. i may have been partially at fault at times because i can be real juvenile or mean, but one thing i've always taken pride in myself here is i generally dont' start beefs with people until they start with me.

    there are a few things on ISH i can't stand, and its why i do mention u a lot millwad, u definitely have a point there i'll give u. i hate liars. especially posters that completely fabricate and lead everyone else into believing stuff that isn't true. and it gets worse when u don't own up to any of it and just give lie after lie on top of another lie....i'm not even trying to attack u here more than be straight up either. you had 3/4's of this forum believing i was someone i'm not, and i wasn't the only one u pulled that on either. its just a character issue i have with people who lie, and its the same in RL.

    one of the two other things i can't stand are weasels, basically posters like Osiris/dictator who go around starting beefs with people but get everyone else involved and then they hide. its the same with their use of alts pretending to be other posters and they're not the only ones that pull that but i think its lame. and before anyone tries to call me out for having multiple handles like u constantly try to millwad, the only reason i do is due to bannings. i've never purposely used an alt in those lame ways ever, then again i'm not afraid of getting redvotes or saying politically incorrect things on whatever handle either so i have no need to.

    last thing i can't stand are people with all of this ego that judge everyones posts, grammar, etc. when they don't bring much to read or contribute themselves. i had major back and forth beefing with what i used to call the high horse nerds or greenstacks like a year or two ago as well, but it was so annoying to hear some of these posters constantly be judging your threads, posts, etc. talking from some high horse when they barely contributed. it really is/was like green stacks go to some peoples heads where they have this sense of entitltement like they run OTC/ISH in general, and its sort of a buddy buddy crowd where they tend to fend for each other in an elitist, snobby manner. its still like that to this day on some levels with some posters but i think its a lot less than the older days of ISH.

    this wall of txt all said, the biggest thing i take pride in and always have in how i post here is i'm reactive. i think i sent a PM to dolphin emphasizing this as well a while back but it truly is the one thing i feel that makes me almost completely innocent with most beefs i've gotten into. i'm ONLY a ahole when people come at me and take shots, and from that point on i have no guilt trips or conscience where to me they deserve to be clowned. i'll never just randomly attack some poster for no reason here, and i'd love for anyone to find an incident of that happening. there are just different types of crowds here, and they all tend to have a few people who like to take shots out of the blue, thumb their nose, etc. at people and think they're not going to get hit back. and with some people they probably won't retaliate, and those who take shots get away with it but i don't tolerate that BS.

    sure i've beefed a LOT here with people, and some days i enjoy it when i'm in a troll mood since serious posting all of the time gets real old after so long, but its not like thats all i do here. i engage in serious discussion just as much in a variety of threads as well as contribute to threads for discussion more than most here do, nor am i afraid to share my experiences with the forum(od blunt thread for ex. and theres tons more especially when i posted as poodle i think that most haven't read or forgot about). i'm not asking to be loved, and i do encourage those that dislike/despise me to put me on ignore, in fact i'd make them if i could but a lot won't. i've often thought it'd be nice if the poster posting could actually block specific posters from reading their threads here.....i'm definitely not completely innocent, but i'm sure as hell not nearly as guilty as some people try to portray it. Almsot every recent beef have been the same people following me around, or starting threads with my name in it calling me out. Its pretty obvious, but i think once those threads get to about 3-4 pages all people see is me insulting and they blame me

    anyways for what its worth millwad, i won't bring u up anymore out of the blue. i'm definitely guilty of that and i'll own up to it. not to say i won't ever insult u again or anyting along those lines but i won't be taking pot shots, lets put it that way.
    Last edited by Godzuki; 08-17-2012 at 08:00 PM.

  8. #83
    MVP upside24's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    Nah whoever kobron23 is/was is.

  9. #84
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    Quote Originally Posted by Godzuki
    let me address a few things since millwad is generalizing an awful lot here. and this will probably end up a huge wall of txt as i go since i got a lot to say....

    everyone that i've beefed with lets say in the last few months has started beef with me, in fact even when i was posting on poodle and smokeee i was almost always reactive and rarely just starting beefs with people out of the blue but i'll get into that later.

    you want to bring up Raz aka Ced...that started from his thread about the use of 'gay' and 'fgt' here. i defended its use in that thread straight up with what i thought about it without attacking him and he singles me out and starts attacking me. i'm like do you really want to beef? somehow his pic gets brought up, maybe i brought it up altho i can't remember knowing he had a pic out or not, where he basically dared/asked me to criticize him and i did. it shook him and he got butthurt with a vendetta from that moment on. he took subtle shots here and there but i let them go but i could see it would probably come out into a confrontation at some point. fast forward to recent threads and he calls me out with some car thread for no reason at all, and its funny how so many of the same previous people i've beef with time and again jump into that blaming me for the beefing. its generally the same people who would start threads here calling me out and i'm sure the rest of otc has seen quite a few of them. i don't ask for the attention most of the time but i get blamed for it for defending myself or hitting them back if they're playing it like a weasel in one of their later threads(see dumsby). i'd love for anyone to find any back and forth between Raz and i where i started the beefing.

    its the same with Gobbs, i rarely if ever attack him for no reason, in fact we've had back and forths in some sports debate threads with no attacks at each other at all. but he tends to jump in when i'm being mobbed and tries to call me out where this has happened repeatedly, where we get into insulting each other. at no other times can i remember starting a beef with gobbs out of the blue unless its on the heels of him attacking me. its the same with niko since i generally had no problems with him but he'd subtely take some shots and often jump in the lynch mob threads coming at me, and a lot of others, even Nickyoung of whom we used to constantly be going at each other when OTC was a war zone like a year ago. i don't really hold grudges and it seems they don't either, but it also seems we've matured, if a lil bit since older posting days and that probably goes for more than a few of the long time otc posting 'trolls'. i can only speak for myself but in the smokeee/poodle days, mostly smokee tho, i didn't give a fukk and didn't hold back. it was me vs the forum and i'd never quit, even in hindsight i don't blame jeff for banning me since thats the only thing that would had probably made me stop getting insulting them(which was against a lot of otc at the time lol). basically i had a lot more drive and energy to get the last word in back then, these days i just got less energy and don't care as much and like i said maybe matured a lil bit.

    one thing i'd like to emphasize is between all of my handles i was almsot always reactive. what would often happen is someone would randomly take a shot at me, whether it was my grammar, opinion, whatever....i don't let that shit go. i'll insult them, mostly in a very crude manner, and i didn't care about what type of clout they had here. they could've been Jeff, Steve, or anyone thats revered by old time posters here which is how a lot of the older lynch mobs would form against me. one of their friends would jump in, another and another, then more because they despised my crass posting style/iinsults or were defending the 'revered popular posters' here, and then it would eventually turn into a otc lynch mob. i may have been partially at fault at times because i can be real juvenile or mean, but one thing i've always taken pride in myself here is i generally dont' start beefs with people until they start with me.

    there are a few things on ISH i can't stand, and its why i do mention u a lot millwad, u definitely have a point there i'll give u. i hate liars. especially posters that completely fabricate and lead everyone else into believing stuff that isn't true. and it gets worse when u don't own up to any of it and just give lie after lie on top of another lie....i'm not even trying to attack u here more than be straight up either. you had 3/4's of this forum believing i was someone i'm not, and i wasn't the only one u pulled that on either. its just a character issue i have with people who lie, and its the same in RL.

    one of the two other things i can't stand are weasels, basically posters like Osiris/dictator who go around starting beefs with people but get everyone else involved and then they hide. its the same with their use of alts pretending to be other posters and they're not the only ones that pull that but i think its lame. and before anyone tries to call me out for having multiple handles like u constantly try to millwad, the only reason i do is due to bannings. i've never purposely used an alt in those lame ways ever, then again i'm not afraid of getting redvotes or saying politically incorrect things on whatever handle either so i have no need to.

    last thing i can't stand are people with all of this ego that judge everyones posts, grammar, etc. when they don't bring much to read or contribute themselves. i had major back and forth beefing with what i used to call the high horse nerds or greenstacks like a year or two ago as well, but it was so annoying to hear some of these posters constantly be judging your threads, posts, etc. talking from some high horse when they barely contributed. it really is/was like green stacks go to some peoples heads where they have this sense of entitltement like they run OTC/ISH in general, and its sort of a buddy buddy crowd where they tend to fend for each other in an elitist, snobby manner. its still like that to this day on some levels with some posters but i think its a lot less than the older days of ISH.

    this wall of txt all said, the biggest thing i take pride in and always have in how i post here is i'm reactive. i think i sent a PM to dolphin emphasizing this as well a while back but it truly is the one thing i feel that makes me almost completely innocent with most beefs i've gotten into. i'm ONLY a ahole when people come at me and take shots, and from that point on i have no guilt trips or conscience where to me they deserve to be clowned. i'll never just randomly attack some poster for no reason here, and i'd love for anyone to find an incident of that happening. there are just different types of crowds here, and they all tend to have a few people who like to take shots out of the blue, thumb their nose, etc. at people and think they're not going to get hit back. and with some people they probably won't retaliate, and those who take shots get away with it but i don't tolerate that BS.

    sure i've beefed a LOT here with people, and some days i enjoy it when i'm in a troll mood since serious posting all of the time gets real old after so long, but its not like thats all i do here. i engage in serious discussion just as much in a variety of threads as well as contribute to threads for discussion more than most here do, nor am i afraid to share my experiences with the forum(od blunt thread for ex. and theres tons more especially when i posted as poodle i think that most haven't read or forgot about). i'm not asking to be loved, and i do encourage those that dislike/despise me to put me on ignore, in fact i'd make them if i could but a lot won't. i've often thought it'd be nice if the poster posting could actually block specific posters from reading their threads here.....i'm definitely not completely innocent, but i'm sure as hell not nearly as guilty as some people try to portray it. Almsot every recent beef have been the same people following me around, or starting threads with my name in it calling me out. Its pretty obvious, but i think once those threads get to about 3-4 pages all people see is me insulting and they blame me

    anyways for what its worth millwad, i won't bring u up anymore out of the blue. i'm definitely guilty of that and i'll own up to it. not to say i won't ever insult u again or anyting along those lines but i won't be taking pot shots, lets put it that way.
    You might be the biggest loser/nerd I've ever encountered. Ever.

    [COLOR="White"]and needless to say... tl/dr[/COLOR]

  10. #85
    Lol RRR3's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    Quote Originally Posted by DFish
    You might be the biggest loser/nerd I've ever encountered. Ever.

    [COLOR="White"]and needless to say... tl/dr[/COLOR]
    You pretended that you were at a "writer's party" and met megan fox, and were exposed. You can't talk shit to ANYONE on ISH. Not even the dumbest and most annoying trolls are as pathetic as you are.

  11. #86
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    Quote Originally Posted by DFish
    You might be the biggest loser/nerd I've ever encountered. Ever.

    [COLOR="White"]and needless to say... tl/dr[/COLOR]

    i see u didn't respond to my earlier post breaking your whole lame ISH persona down

  12. #87
    I Run NY. niko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    Quote Originally Posted by Godzuki
    i see u didn't respond to my earlier post breaking your whole lame ISH persona down
    Just be done with this. It's boring. Move you said you did not start this.

  13. #88
    o()xxx[{::::::::::::> SourPatchKids's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

  14. #89
    NBA Legend kentatm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    yea, I think if we get to bring up that Godzuki OD'ed on a blunt all the time the DFish MFox thing should be brought up just as much.

    point to Godzuki.

  15. #90
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: Is Godzuki the BIGGEST Loser on ISH?

    I respect your post, Godzuki.
    Sure, I still don't agree with alot of stuff but you probably feel the opposite regarding my stuff.

    The reason why I mentioned your "beefs" (still feels nerdy to call internet insults as beefs..) with Niko, Raz, GOBB etc. was because RRR3 has been on your dick lately for some reason and he came here trying to call me out for the nonsense between you and me and he acted like you're some saint and that I'm stalking and trying to argue with you everywhere.

    I actually left these silly "beefs" in the OTC for a good while and you know it, but you kept mentioning me and and trying to diss me in plenty of threads and that's why I came back, which was a really stupid move.

    The whole thing is just nonsense anyway, that's why I left for some time as well. I mean, silly internet "beefs" where everyone disses everyone for everything while we actually don't know crap about each other, it's just beyond childish. I feel more embarrassed that I have wasted so much time on crap like this now, it's not an intelligent thing to waste your time on when you're 22 like me, and I guess that you're probably 10 years older than me so you've been wasting your time just as much as me and I bet you feel that it was a pure waste of time as well. Right?

    Anyway, keep doing your thing if you enjoy it, I won't take part in any silly internet beefs like this anymore. I'm not trying to tell you to stop "beefing" either, but I guess that you probably feel that this is pure waste of time as well. But if you really enjoy "calling me out" or mentioning my nick you're welcome to do so, but just so you know, I won't reply anymore.

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