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  1. #16
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    There wasn't any reason to suggest that it was a conspiracy.

    I'm glad you asked that question... People like to accuse us of suggesting everything is a conspiracy, but that isn't the case.... as far as I know, I haven't seen one reason to be skeptical of that event.

    And that guy used handguns right?
    I think so.

    But anyway they neither released a photo of the perpetrators body, nor did they release any photos or footage of the attack or deceased victims from VT. Both reasons you said make you skeptical. If it is acceptable in that case, why not this one? Simply because you have other suspicions?

  2. #17
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Balla_Status
    I can understand wanting to see OBL's body (I'd like to) but not a bunch of 5-6 year olds.
    Okay... can we see pictures of the adults killed... or how about just the shooter?

    They showed us pictures of the Columbine shooters after they committed suicide... Can we see a picture of Adam Lanza dead body? I think people would actually get have a small bit of satisfaction seeing the corpse of that murderer.

    Just show me one drop of blood somewhere...

  3. #18
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    I think so.

    But anyway they neither released a photo of the perpetrators body, nor did they release any photos or footage of the attack or deceased victims from VT. Both reasons you said make you skeptical. If it is acceptable in that case, why not this one? Simply because you have other suspicions?

    No no no no... I don't recall any of the victim's family members talking to the press days after the shooting... and that's how a grieving family member is suppose to act... They didn't talk to Anderson Cooper with a smile on their face a few days after their child was killed, and the victims family members certainly didn't make gun control an important issue days after the event.

    I can understand if the victims family members became gun control activists a month or two after the event... But you're gonna preach to the media that Obama needs to do something about this after your child was killed? C'mon!!!

    Now let's say the Newtown shooting wasn't a conspiracy...

    can you at least see how the government/media could use a tragedy like to this for gun control purposes... ?

    Look at this $hit:


    after the VT shooting... gun control wasn't the hot topic... students and professors were demanding to have the right to carry a concealed weapon to class.
    Last edited by Riddler; 01-18-2013 at 08:25 AM.

  4. #19
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    can you at least see how the government/media could use a tragedy like to this for gun control purposes... ?
    Yes, after the fact. In the same way I believe they took advantage of 9/11 to enter the middle east. That doesn't mean they necessarily orchestrated it though.

    But your interpretation of the interviews is still only speculation. You are talking about expected behaviour in regards to an incredibly rare and tragic event. I watched the interview and I agree the levity was higher than you probably would expect, but there is no reason to believe that this behaviour would be consistent throughout their entire ordeal. You are looking at this one piece of information and extrapolating someones entire psychological profile from it. You don't know ANYTHING about these people.

  5. #20
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    Yes, after the fact. In the same way I believe they took advantage of 9/11 to enter the middle east. That doesn't mean they necessarily orchestrated it though.

    But your interpretation of the interviews is still only speculation. You are talking about expected behaviour in regards to an incredibly rare and tragic event. I watched the interview and I agree the levity was higher than you probably would expect, but there is no reason to believe that this behaviour would be consistent throughout their entire ordeal. You are looking at this one piece of information and extrapolating someones entire psychological profile from it. You don't know ANYTHING about these people.

    there is proof of a conspiracy in regards to 9/11... people like to say there isn't any proof... But the proof is there. I mean, I'd love to take a Boeing and nose dive it in same field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania to show you guys what a real plane crash would look like... People like to take this PROOF and twist it around to suggest flight 93 was shot down so we could stop AQ from hitting their fourth target... give me a break. (that's one of the many examples of PROOF)

    A dozen people acting odd days after the Newtown shooting is not proof... you are correct... But if people have done the amount of research I've done on Sandy Hook, you'd be a fool to NOT be skeptical.

    with 9/11 being the conspiracy that it is... setting up a Sandy Hook Hoax would be a walk in the park for these people... It would be easy to fake.

  6. #21
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

  7. #22
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    there is proof of a conspiracy in regards to 9/11... people like to say there isn't any proof... But the proof is there. I mean, I'd love to take a Boeing and nose dive it in same field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania to show you guys what a real plane crash would look like... People like to take this PROOF and twist it around to suggest flight 93 was shot down so we could stop AQ from hitting their fourth target... give me a break. (that's one of the many examples of PROOF)
    We can talk about 9/11 another time. I was just using it as an example of where I personally think the government may have deliberately capitalized on a tragic event. I don't think that is beyond them.

    A dozen people acting odd days after the Newtown shooting is not proof... you are correct... But if people have done the amount of research I've done on Sandy Hook, you'd be a fool to NOT be skeptical.
    Well what are the other evidences? All I've seen so far in general (not just from you) are weird interviews, lack of photos and/or video, various media mistakes, references in the batman movie to this and aurora, and a connection to the Libor scandal. I might be forgetting some small bits here and there but generally that is all I have come across. At best to me they seem more like factoids or pieces of trivia than evidence of a conspiracy.

  8. #23
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    Well what are the other evidences? All I've seen so far in general (not just from you) are weird interviews, lack of photos and/or video, various media mistakes, references in the batman movie to this and aurora, and a connection to the Libor scandal. I might be forgetting some small bits here and there but generally that is all I have come across. At best to me they seem more like factoids or pieces of trivia than evidence of a conspiracy.

    No, that's basically it... just the weird interviews.

    And I've watched as many as I can... There's much much more than Robbie Parker, The McDonald Family, and Victoria Soto's family (the sisters and brother are beyond strange)...

    And I just don't give a f*ck what anybody says... I have no problem calling Robbie Parker a fake.... If that dude isn't an actor, he is quite possibly the strangest MFer I've ever seen.

    Like I've posted before... THIS VIDEO SUMS it up BEST

    867 likes - 163 dislikes

  9. #24
    Not airballing my layups anymore timlush's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Wouldn't the government, with their endless money, be able to hire a better actor?

  10. #25
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by timlush
    Wouldn't the government, with their endless money, be able to hire a better actor?
    They don't give a f*ck how sloppy their conspiracies are because the majority of people are gonna defend the official story no matter what.

    and... even when a f*ck up the size of Building 7 happens... Nobody even knows about it. People are ignorant.

    And look... Look at what the victim's family members have done with Building 7.

    Go ask a few random individuals if they know what Building 7 is.

  11. #26
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    No, that's basically it... just the weird interviews.

    And I've watched as many as I can... There's much much more than Robbie Parker, The McDonald Family, and Victoria Soto's family (the sisters and brother are beyond strange)...

    And I just don't give a f*ck what anybody says... I have no problem calling Robbie Parker a fake.... If that dude isn't an actor, he is quite possibly the strangest MFer I've ever seen.

    Like I've posted before... THIS VIDEO SUMS it up BEST

    867 likes - 163 dislikes
    But wouldn't people in the Sandy Hook community say something about people being interviewed that have nothing to do with the shooting?

    However lets say they are actors. What if they were arranged in agreement between the parents and news companies to facilitate with the interviews? Maybe some parents wanted to make a statement but didn't want to be or weren't able to be on camera? You need corroborating evidence for either situation. But there is more than one possible reason for this if they were indeed actors.

    Personally I don't think they're actors, at least in the conspiracy sense. There would be to many variables to count for to keep it under wraps.

  12. #27
    I Run NY. niko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Little kids were killed. Yet you don't see anything but a chance to apply conspiracy theory logic. You don't see pictures, etc. because dumbass - LITTLE KIDS WERE KILLED.

    It's mind boggling how dense people can be.

  13. #28
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by niko
    Little kids were killed. Yet you don't see anything but a chance to apply conspiracy theory logic. You don't see pictures, etc. because dumbass - LITTLE KIDS WERE KILLED.

    I want to see a picture of Adam Lanza.

    They showed us a pic of Eric and Dylan... I want to see a pic of Adam.

  14. #29
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by niko
    Little kids were killed. Yet you don't see anything but a chance to apply conspiracy theory logic. You don't see pictures, etc. because dumbass - LITTLE KIDS WERE KILLED.

    It's mind boggling how dense people can be.
    Kids are dead, so you're seen as insensitive the moment you even think it could be a conspiracy.

    Well, I was reading a thread on a forum that an article about the shooting was written like 2 or 3 days before the shooting per google's little text that shows you when something was written (if that makes sense, the words I'm looking for aren't coming to me).

    You could just say it's a glitch or something but it's never wrong otherwise, and there's too much sample of it not being wrong for you to say something like that logically.

    I feel wrong for thinking it could be some big conspiracy because of those involved. But I think to discredit a conscpiracy solely because there are children involved is stubborn

  15. #30
    I Run NY. niko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maniak
    Kids are dead, so you're seen as insensitive the moment you even think it could be a conspiracy.

    Well, I was reading a thread on a forum that an article about the shooting was written like 2 or 3 days before the shooting per google's little text that shows you when something was written (if that makes sense, the words I'm looking for aren't coming to me).

    You could just say it's a glitch or something but it's never wrong otherwise, and there's too much sample of it not being wrong for you to say something like that logically.

    I feel wrong for thinking it could be some big conspiracy because of those involved. But I think to discredit a conscpiracy solely because there are children involved is stubborn
    My point was the people here ONLY see it as a conspiracy. They could give a rats ass about kids being shot, the moment it happened they started looking for interesting tidbits like it's a movie to analyze. That's strange to me. Kids got shot, wow interesting. Let me look for inconsistencies so i can post them on youtube for my friends and blame the govt.

    When did this become normal?

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