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  1. #211
    13.37 PER ballup's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Official Starcraft 2 Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Sakkreth
    I don't really get this stress and pressure when playing sc2, are you planning to be a pro or something ? Just have a damn fun! I am in masters and I just play whenever I have time to and don't give a fck if my rank drops or not, I noticed that the more relaxed I am the better I play, especially managing to do way better multi tasking.

    I play dota2 from time to time, but I couldn't ever follow it as spectator, it's to boring to watch for me, games are long. Starcraft tho is miles ahead of any esport for spectating.
    In SC2, I really want to win and I like making the right moves. I'm really amateur (top of silver to bottom gold), but I did know a lot of the basics, builds, and matchup situations. When I rewatch my games, I always criticize myself such as "I should have positioned this squad over here" or "I should have expanded at this point". The stress is also from having to keep in mind of so many things such as worker count, scouting, timings, unit counters, etc.

  2. #212
    Raps Sakkreth's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Official Starcraft 2 Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ballup
    In SC2, I really want to win and I like making the right moves. I'm really amateur (top of silver to bottom gold), but I did know a lot of the basics, builds, and matchup situations. When I rewatch my games, I always criticize myself such as "I should have positioned this squad over here" or "I should have expanded at this point". The stress is also from having to keep in mind of so many things such as worker count, scouting, timings, unit counters, etc.
    Well, yeah actually there was point in time when all I wanted was to win, but I learned that it's wrong, the game and ladder is build the way that you will lose games no matter what, little by little I've got completely calm about it, just watching replay if after the game if wonder why something happened or if I wanted to check something. Sometimes in my head after the game I do thnk it's unfair that I've lost, but I try to shake that off as fast as I can as I know it's not a good mentality and will not give you anything beneficial.

  3. #213
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: The Official Starcraft 2 Thread

    Rain won WCS Asia last night. Prooooobably the best protoss player right now, as MC hasn't won in a few weeks.

    Thorzain just won the Asus ROG GD Invitational. He plays terran so well. I think among foreigner terrans he has the best TvP, and right now is the best overall. Major is inconsistent and doesn't attend enough events. It's a shame TSL ****ed him over.

  4. #214
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: The Official Starcraft 2 Thread

    Slayers disbands...CoCa, Puzzle, and Min have been playing LoL since a few months ago...

    The disbanding isn't quite as sad, but that part is. CoCa was probably top 3 zerg in korea just a short time ago. Puzzle is a ro8 level protoss, and Min was performing well in teamleagues, primarily online.

    MMA and Alicia both have said they want to go to foreigner teams. Other hot commodities will be Ryung, Genius, Cella (coach), Miya, Yugioh, Dark, KDY, Miso, and Arthur.

    Any predictions where most of them land?

  5. #215
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Re: The Official Starcraft 2 Thread

    just saw on TL
    ryung to Axiom

    and mma is going to either eg or axiom

  6. #216
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: The Official Starcraft 2 Thread


    MMA is probably torn. Axiom has 2 of his friends and potential/more attention able to be given to him, whereas EG has several of his friends, the potential to play in the GSTL, and more money.

  7. #217
    National High School Star
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    Jun 2006

    Default Re: The Official Starcraft 2 Thread

    Wow, reading that huge ass thread... that's ****ing sad. I can't believe the whole embargo/blacklisting stuff... so petty. Feel bad for Jessica, she's not perfect but she didn't deserve that

    MMA to EG, wow never thought that would be possible.. EG is my fav foreign team so I wouldn't mind haha. Can EG become what Slayers was for terran players and develop a terran mastermind group? PuMa, MMA, Thorzain, Demuslim. Great terran core

  8. #218
    Hi Anti Hero's Avatar
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    Default HotS update

    [QUOTE]While its impact to players may seem subtle, the out-of-game experience in StarCraft II can be just as important as the in-game experience. Our statistics show that players spend about a third of their time in StarCraft II using the menus outside of a game. They might be browsing the latest Arcade games, checking out someone

  9. #219
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: The Official Starcraft 2 Thread

    Wow, reading that huge ass thread... that's ****ing sad. I can't believe the whole embargo/blacklisting stuff... so petty. Feel bad for Jessica, she's not perfect but she didn't deserve that
    Jessica is a ****ing liar and has proved this time and time again. Her PR skills are awful and she has proven to be a total bitch on countless occasions. While I'm sure lots of what she said has truth to it, lots of it is assuredly bullshit. I'm quite sure all of this drama is a huge reason that Boxer left slayers.

    MMA to EG, wow never thought that would be possible.. EG is my fav foreign team so I wouldn't mind haha. Can EG become what Slayers was for terran players and develop a terran mastermind group? PuMa, MMA, Thorzain, Demuslim. Great terran core
    He still may go to axiom, you never know. But yeah, that's a decent group of terrans. Puma hasn't been too great this year and demuslim still has never broken out at a live event, but yeah, good core nonetheless. If EG got rid of Lzgamer and machine (i know they'll never get rid of incontrol) and made room for players who actually are skilled i think they could be contending for best team non-korean.

    MMA and Crank are speaking to Ethan Ahn, a big name for thisisgame (huge korean esports site) late tonight and apparently will be saying a lot. Really interested to see what goes on there.

    This is a complete shitfest and I just hope the dust settles. I want these players to find a new home.

    Boxer being named head coach for SKT1 is pretty cool and I wonder if we'll see any of the slayers players pop onto skt1 because as far as i know they can...

  10. #220
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: HotS update

    hope the ui is actually better...

  11. #221
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: The Official Starcraft 2 Thread

    i might get around to editing around the op/first page of this thread a bit to make it look better tomorrow. we'll see how lazy i am.

  12. #222
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: The Official Starcraft 2 Thread

    REMINDER: LG-IM.MVP and Startale.Life will be facing off at 11:00pm pst 2:00am est in the GSL Finals! Best of seven terran versus zerg.

    This matchup has a great storyline behind it. MVP is the seasoned vet, looking for his fifth GSL victory, while Life is the royal roader, looking to win the GSL in his first season in Code S at age fifteen!

    Plus, LG-IM has been known for winning everything, while Startale is kind of known as the Kong Team (countless players known for second place finishes, such as Life, Parting, Squirtle, and even July).

  13. #223
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: The Official Starcraft 2 Thread

    If anyone has any suggestions to how I should adjust the op/second post let me know. I changed up the original post a little bit, adding more reigning champions and some youtube channels to watch.

  14. #224
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: The Official Starcraft 2 Thread

    I find this dreamhack to be somewhat uninteresting due to no terrans past ro16 (thestc and rain both lost in the ro16). plus, no good koreans aside from thestc, rain, and sage.

    bly is up 1-0 v mana right now. this is the first ro4 game. after this is nerchio v starnan

    i think nerchio is going to win this whole thing, and have thought this all along.

  15. #225
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: The Official Starcraft 2 Thread

    less activity in this thread as of late is saddening. especially because tournaments are starting to really kick it up. dreamhack was pretty good. needs moar terrans. nerchio is the man.

    Here's the list of players that will be at dreamhack winter (not including anyone who may drop out, plus the 4 that will qualify thru the live byoc)

    eg.thorzain (T)
    tsl.polt (T)
    mouz.mana (P)
    mtw.dimaga (Z)
    liquid.taeja (T)
    mill.forgg (T)
    acer.nerchio (Z)
    acer.bly (Z)
    eg.stephano (Z)
    quantic.sase (P)
    liquid.ret (Z)
    roxkis.fraer (P)
    mf.targa (Z)
    quantic.thestc (T)
    liquid.hero (P) (Z)
    liquid.tlo (Z)
    atn.socke (P)
    naniwa (P)
    ww.starnan (P)

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