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  1. #166
    Great college starter
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by FireDavidKahn
    I don't get why people are talking about Wilt high jumping 6'6 like it's a good thing. 6'6 is pathetic. Last year the winner in Minnesota jumped 6'10. Besides he jumped forward over the high jump? Horrible form.

    Cuz Wilt was 7'1", that's pretty impressive for being that young at that height.

    Here's the modern-day fastest man on the planet, who looks like he can hardly dunk......

  2. #167
    NBA Legend CavaliersFTW's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by Deuce Bigalow
    what can you say?
    retards gonna retard

  3. #168
    Great college starter Asukal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber
    First of all, I don't believe everything Wilt claimed. BUT, much of what he gets "credit" for, he did NOT claim. The famous "mountain lion" story, was a second hand account, and NOT directly given by Chamberlain. The famous "broken toe" story was NEVER attributed to Wilt. It was, in fact, claimed by the very person to whom it supposedly occurred.

    The "20,000" women? Wilt regretted that claim, and in fact, he pulled that number from a fiend who ran a hotel in which Wilt stayed for 10 days. According to the story, the man counted 23 different women going to Wilt's room in that 10 day stay. Wilt was 48 at the time. He multipled 2.3 women per day, times 30 years (Wilt from 18-48.)

    In any case, it was WELL-KNOWN that women FLOCKED to Wilt (and NOT the other way around.) Nate Thurmond told the story, that, after a practice, Wilt asked him what he was going to do that night. Thurmond told him that he was probably going to catch a Kim Novak movie. According to Nate, Wilt told him that he had a better idea. They jumped into Wilt's car (Bentley I believe), and drove awhile. They pulled up to a secluded home, and lo-and-behold, out comes Kim Novak. (BTW, just google her...she was beautiful.) And there were MANY more stories of Wilt's "companions" many of them among the hottest women at the time.

    As for the rest...the 500 lb. bench...WAY too many accounts to believe that this was some kind of fabrication. Same with dunking on a 12 ft rim, or touching the top of the backboard, or dunking from the FT line. There was enough physical evidence, including VIDEO footage of amazing leaps by Chamberlain, as well as the well known fact that Wilt was a multi-event track star, who won high-jumping championships (all while doing it part-time and with poor technique.) And why would I NOT believe Sonny Hill or Tex Winter?

    Here again, provide me with something concrete that DISPUTES most of these so-called "myths."
    So which do you believe? Tex's version or Wilt's version?

  4. #169
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by Asukal
    So which do you believe? Tex's version or Wilt's version?
    Worst case, Tex, who claimed that Wilt only needed three steps. Best case, Wilt, starting his effort from just inside the top of the FT circle. In any case, there is a good chance that no other legitimate NBA player accomplished what Chamberlain did some 60 years ago.

  5. #170
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    BTW, the world record for the Long Jump is 29' 4", and was set over 20 years ago. The previous record of 29' 2" was set in 1968.

  6. #171
    Great college starter Asukal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber
    Worst case, Tex, who claimed that Wilt only needed three steps. Best case, Wilt, starting his effort from just inside the top of the FT circle. In any case, there is a good chance that no other legitimate NBA player accomplished what Chamberlain did some 60 years ago.
    See? He actually believe Wilt could dunk from inside the circle...

    I'm done with your so called facts.

  7. #172
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by Asukal
    See? He actually believe Wilt could dunk from inside the circle...

    I'm done with your so called facts.
    You are among those "anti-Chamberlain" folks here who go out of their way to disparage Wilt's accomplishments.

    As for the FT Line dunk story...much like his mythical vertical leap...I really don't care about the minute details. You see, I have been on this forum for over 2 years now, and when I came on board, the "Chamberlain-bashers" laughed at any discussion on Wilt's accomplishments. Any mention of an incredible vertical, or a mammoth bench press was met with..."Where is the footage." Which, as KBlaze and other's here have pointed out, did not exist for even some of the most major events that occurred in those years. Hell, we don't even have any footage of Wilt's 100 point game (although we DO have the radio broadcast of the 4th quarter.)

    And, those "Wilt-detractors" always felt secure because, deep down, they knew that none existed. Well guess what? In the last few months, VIDEO FOOTAGE has suddenly surfaced, and we now have a Wilt block that INDISPUTABLY depicts Wilt's fingertips within a fraction of the top of the backboard. And keep in mind that, one, Wilt had no time to react; two, he only has a split-second to go straight up; three, he blocks the shot with his off-hand; and four, he is accomplishing this feat in a fast-paced game that surely would have drained something from him.

    What is even more comical about that VIDEO footage, is that in the last few weeks, Sports Science came out with an episode in which Dwight Howard edges the so-called "record" set by Shaq at a draft combine, of 12' 5". And, Dwight is well-rested, gets two attempts, and has a full running start, and with his normal hand. With all of those benefits, he STILL didn't reach the REAL mark, at least by any LEGITIMATE NBA player, of Chamberlain in that video. CLEARLY, from everything seen in that VIDEO, Wilt would have been capable of MORE. Give a well-rested Wilt two explosive attempts, and with a running start, and his right hand fully extended, and there is now NO DOUBT, that Wilt was capable of touching the top of the backboard.

    Of course, we had the EYE-WITNESS accounts of Sonny Hill, a well respected Philly sports icon, who obviously was around in the Wilt-era, and long-time Sixer trainer, Al Domenico, that were claiming Chamberlain accomplished that exact feat in the 60's.

    And while the "anti-Chamberlain" clan were laughing at ANYTHING Chamberlain was credited with, most all of them were completely respectful of the claims of Bill Russell. Well, guess what again? Russell came out and said that he had his eyes at rim level. And no, I am not disputing that, either, BUT, clearly, if Russell could have accomplished that, then Wilt was easily capable of it. In any case, the general consensus by the players at the time, were that BOTH Russell and Wilt were touching the top of the backboard. And we now have VIDEO footage which confirms that Chamberlain would have easily accomplished it.

    And, back to the OP, and again since I have been here, the "FT Line Dunk" story was ripped by those with their "anti-Wilt" agenda. It was impossible, and it never happened. Well, we still don't have VIDEO footage (but here again, given the times, why would we?), BUT, we suddenly have the VIDEO conversation with well-respected Tex Winter, who was so well respected that he was in charge of the Rules Committee at the time, who claims that he witnessed Chamberlain, taking three steps, and dunking the ball from a FT line leap. And, on top of that, Cavalier fan has also pulled NEWSPAPER ARTICLES from that period, which confirm exactly that. So, this was not something that just surfaced, but was in FACT, well known AT THE TIME.

    I was also among those that claimed that Wilt had a good outside game (I actuall SAW games in which Wilt was hitting shots from 15+ feet), BUT, since we had very little VIDEO footage, I was ripped here by the "Wilt-disparagers." One well-known "Wilt-hater" put together a two-minute "highlight" video, covering portions of two of Wilt's playoff games that did have video footage, and of course, he deliberately edited out Wilt's better shots. But even then, in his agenda-driven obsession to disparage Wilt, Chamberlain STILL went 8-13 from the floor in that "highlight video." Once again, though, he edited only the worst of Wilt's moves and shots.

    Well, lo-and-behold, thanks to someone going with the moniker of DanTheMan, we now have SEVERAL college games on VIDEO, one of them a complete game, in which Wilt is CLEARLY making shots from 15+ feet, including a jump shot from the above the FT line. These were not some RANDOM, ISOLATED shots that Wilt in his career, but, in fact, were ROUTINE SHOTS that he was taking in full games. Even Wilt's FT's look respectable (which, BTW, Wilt claimed in his autobiography...that he was a decent FT shooter in college, and in his early NBA years.)

    I also claimed that Wilt was ROUTINELY blocking Kareem's skyhook. Well, we have VIDEO footage in which an older and heavier Wilt, and probably a year removed from major knee surgery (he only battled Kareem in one of their 28 H2H games before his knee injury) blocks not one, but TWO of the "unblockable" skyhooks, and within a span of seconds. Of course, Julizaver, who is probably the most used source in the actual H2H games, had Wilt with a known 24 blocks on Kareem, and in only five of their 28 H2H games (and we also have Robert Cherry with an additional five block game, bringing the known total to 29 in just six of their H2H battles.) And given the fact that Kareem was almost exclusively shooting the skyhook at the time (and let's get real here...Kareem would not have been taking other shots if Wilt couldn't block his skyhook), it is a relative certainty that I was indeed correct, and that Chamberlain was ROUTINELY blocking Kareem's skyhook. BTW, that DanThe Man is quoted as claiming that Wilt blocked 23 of Kareem's skyhooks, just in the '72 WCF's. I was on record as claiming it was 15. Here again, no matter what the actual number was, there can be no doubt that it was quite a few.

    PHILA, Pointguard, myself, and some other's here, had an interesting discussion a while back regarding footage of Wilt's games. The point was, IF the NBA ever started releasing the supposed footage that exists (Bill Simmons claims to have watched video footage of a game in which Wilt scored 73 points...but, of course, he is a well-known liar, so not sure we can believe anything that idiot claims), that it would be the death-knell of the "Wilt-bashers." They would be exposed for the uneducated fools that they have been all along.

    I have long maintained that if we could get our hands on just a few of Wilt's 271 40+ point games, or better yet, just a couple of Chamberlain's 118 50+ point games (actually 122, if you include his post-season games), or god forbid, even one of his 32 60+ point games, that we would have a much better view of the REAL Chamberlain. I KNOW that it would blow away the "Wilt-bashers" who have claimed that Wilt was basically a stumbling clod who just overpowered helpless 6-6 white nerds for point-blank dunks. If anything, the vast majority of Chamberlain's points came on 5-15 ft shots. Had he chosen to play like Shaq, he most certainly could have scored FAR more. Having said that, though, I have no doubt that the NBA would never have allowed it. They would have enacted more "Wilt-Only" rules, perhaps one that would have been an exclusive Wilt rule, which would have banned him from the paint altogether on the offensive end.

    So, I already know that the "anti-Wilt" clan (including the idiotic Simmons) are becoming more-and-more uncomfortable, as more-and-more FOOTAGE of Chamberlain is becoming available. They can no longer just deny what so MANY who were around in the Wilt-era claimed.

    Of course, even with the MOUNTAINS of evidence that exists out there now, they still refuse to believe it. And that is there sole argument (they have NOTHING else)...they refuse to believe it...even if their own eyes tell them differently.

  8. #173
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Chamberlain was very unlucky because he played in the 1960's. Prime Chamberlain in today's NBA = best athlete in the world.

  9. #174
    Great college starter Asukal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber
    You are among those "anti-Chamberlain" folks here who go out of their way to disparage Wilt's accomplishments.

    Of course, even with the MOUNTAINS of evidence that exists out there now, they still refuse to believe it. And that is there sole argument (they have NOTHING else)...they refuse to believe it...even if their own eyes tell them differently.
    1. How am I anti-Chamberlain when I respect his place among the top ATG players? If I am anti anything, that would be anti-jlauber and his unhealthy infatuation to wilt. You are just like the Kobe stans in this forum, in your eyes your idol has no flaws. You are the bruce blitz of ISH, knowledgeable but totally biased.

    2. If Wilt could really dunk his FT from inside the circle, why did Tex saw a different scenario? The answer is because he couldn't, he loves to prop himself up by exaggerating his stories. Stop being blind to reality, Wilt like any other person is not without flaws. Grow up.

  10. #175
    NBA Legend CavaliersFTW's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    My 2 cents:

    Based on his practiced high jump 3-step approach and how closely it follows Tex's description, it looks like he almost certainly took 3 steps to dunk it. You do need a lot of momentum to sail across the free throw line. It's hard enough to believe anybody did it in 3 steps but he had one of the most impressive looking strides + acceleration in just 3 steps that I've ever seen out of an athlete. Most high jumpers of his time took at least 5 steps and most took 7. At that age he was still thin - but he had a lot of strength in those long legs.

    I also don't think Wilt is an outright liar like some people do, I think he's more of just an entertaining "story teller" in the sense that he embellishes things to get a point across - it just sounds ridiculous to people that don't understand this because he's embellishing things that are already impressive or otherworldly enough that they wouldn't need any exaggeration. If he's referring to the foul circle - he's likely embellishing his ability to free throw dunk. But has anyone considered that he might be referring to staying within the half-court circle? His 3 strides might have stretched him out that far, just a thought.

    Check out his 3 stride high-jump - his first few approaches show very impressive speed and explosion by only his 3rd step from a dead stand-still.

    Check this out too. His stride rate when he opens up the throttle with those long legs
    Last edited by CavaliersFTW; 02-27-2012 at 10:41 AM.

  11. #176
    I brick nerf balls La Frescobaldi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by taucesays
    You realize this blows up everything you've said? The free throw line is 15 feet from the backboard. If he could broad jump 22 feet, he should be able to dunk without steps.

    The farthest broad jump I could find in the NFL combine is Calvin Johnson with 11' 7". You expect me to believe someone almost doubled that?
    You realize you didn't read my own comment on that article?

    which was......
    edit: I don't know that the guy can jump that far.... I'm just saying these articles are EVERYWHERE saying he could. Now a running long jump? absolutely I'd bet money he could get 22'

  12. #177
    I brick nerf balls La Frescobaldi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lebron23
    Chamberlain was very unlucky because he played in the 1960's. Prime Chamberlain in today's NBA = best athlete in the world.
    his coach, Alex Hannum, went on record in 2003 saying he thought Chamberlain was one of the best athletes "in the history of time"

  13. #178
    Kobe Apostle Deuce Bigalow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by Asukal
    See? He actually believe Wilt could dunk from inside the circle...

    I'm done with your so called facts.
    He also thinks Wilt could bench 500 lbs and had a vertical of 48-50 inches
    Here is a full list of what he believes :
    he even replied saying that it was all true

  14. #179
    Dunking on everybody in the park
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by FireDavidKahn
    I don't get why people are talking about Wilt high jumping 6'6 like it's a good thing. 6'6 is pathetic. Last year the winner in Minnesota jumped 6'10. Besides he jumped forward over the high jump? Horrible form.
    They didn't use the fosbury flop back then. 6' 6" is very high for the time and was probably pretty close to the world record. High school kids can break 7 feet now.

  15. #180
    I am your soldier!
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Wilt broad jumped 22 feet, foul line to rim = 13... Yeah it was probably impossible for him.

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