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  1. #76
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

    I think Carson/Rubio ticket would win in a landslide in 2016. Here's my reason...25% of the population are libs. The true libs/Progs didn't determine the last election.* They vote the same every time, regardless of candidate.

    The remaining 75% are either Conservative or Middle of the Road.

    Run the 2012 election again, but swing just 10% of Latino voters (half of what GWB got) and 2% of Women, and Mitt Romney wins.

    With a Carson/Rubio ticket... you'd probably see a swing of at least 15%*Latinos and 10% of Women.* Don't discount the impact of Dr. Carson's care for children...and how it will affect women's perceptions. That = landslide.

  2. #77
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    Default Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

    Quote Originally Posted by longhornfan1234
    I think Carson/Rubio ticket would win in a landslide in 2016. Here's my reason...25% of the population are libs. The true libs/Progs didn't determine the last election.* They vote the same every time, regardless of candidate.

    The remaining 75% are either Conservative or Middle of the Road.

    Run the 2012 election again, but swing just 10% of Latino voters (half of what GWB got) and 2% of Women, and Mitt Romney wins.

    With a Carson/Rubio ticket... you'd probably see a swing of at least 15%*Latinos and 10% of Women.* Don't discount the impact of Dr. Carson's care for children...and how it will affect women's perceptions. That = landslide.
    A visual representation of election night 2016:

  3. #78
    National High School Star
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    Talking Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

    Quote Originally Posted by DonDadda59
    A visual representation of election night 2016:

    You cant refute the truth.

  4. #79
    College superstar kNicKz's Avatar
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    Default Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

    omfg faux got pwned!!! this solves everything!

  5. #80
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    Default Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

    Quote Originally Posted by longhornfan1234

    You cant refute the truth.
    Karl Rove lookin ass

    Hillary Clinton Trounces Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, and Paul Ryan in New Poll

    A new Quinnipiac University poll found that Hillary Clinton would trounce any of the top three Republican 2016 contenders, but Vice President Joe Biden would lose to Christie, struggle against Ryan, and defeat Rubio.

    If the election were held today, former Sec. of State Clinton would have an easy time against either Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, or Paul Ryan. Clinton would defeat Sen. Marco Rubio 50%-34%. She would also win by double digits over Rep. Paul Ryan 50%-38. The Republican that would give her the most trouble is the one that the conservative base likes the least. Clinton would defeat Gov. Chris Christie 45%-37%.

    Hillary Clinton Hits Record Favorability, Poll Shows Wide Support For 2016 Candidacy

    A decision by Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2016 would be welcomed by most Americans, according to a Washington Post/ABC poll released Wednesday.

    As she prepares to step down as secretary of state, Clinton has a lifetime high favorability rating of 66 percent, according to the Post/ABC poll, with less than a third of respondents holding unfavorable views. Two-thirds of Americans approve of her job performance in the Obama administration.

    That goodwill translates into broad support for Clinton to make a second run at the presidency in four years, with 57 percent supporting her candidacy.

    Carson = Hermain Cain redux

  6. #81
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

    Quote Originally Posted by longhornfan1234
    I think Carson/Rubio ticket would win in a landslide in 2016.
    Are you aware when you are trolling? This is a serious question. Or does it just happen?

    Like when you posted about a landslide presidential candidate who is not a politician that virtually no one has ever heard of---was there any consciousness on your part that this is just some nonsense and maybe it will get people riled up?

    Or are you just so taken by whatever is the passing fad on Fox and Friends that you believe it for a day or two?

  7. #82
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    Are you aware when you are trolling? This is a serious question. Or does it just happen?

    Like when you posted about a landslide presidential candidate who is not a politician that virtually no one has ever heard of---was there any consciousness on your part that this is just some nonsense and maybe it will get people riled up?

    Or are you just so taken by whatever is the passing fad on Fox and Friends that you believe it for a day or two?

    You're better than this, Kevin. You're letting your emotions take over. Believe it or not... a lot of women don't like Hillary.They think she is shrewd. I think that is a big reason she lost the primary.She has also moved further Left...the media won't be able to attack Carson the way they normally do the conservative candidate. I'm not saying anything out of the norm.
    Last edited by longhornfan1234; 03-20-2013 at 08:30 PM.

  8. #83
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

    Liberal biased polls. Did not read.
    Quote Originally Posted by DonDadda59
    Karl Rove lookin ass

    Hillary Clinton Trounces Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, and Paul Ryan in New Poll

    A new Quinnipiac University poll found that Hillary Clinton would trounce any of the top three Republican 2016 contenders, but Vice President Joe Biden would lose to Christie, struggle against Ryan, and defeat Rubio.

    If the election were held today, former Sec. of State Clinton would have an easy time against either Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, or Paul Ryan. Clinton would defeat Sen. Marco Rubio 50%-34%. She would also win by double digits over Rep. Paul Ryan 50%-38. The Republican that would give her the most trouble is the one that the conservative base likes the least. Clinton would defeat Gov. Chris Christie 45%-37%.

    Hillary Clinton Hits Record Favorability, Poll Shows Wide Support For 2016 Candidacy

    A decision by Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2016 would be welcomed by most Americans, according to a Washington Post/ABC poll released Wednesday.

    As she prepares to step down as secretary of state, Clinton has a lifetime high favorability rating of 66 percent, according to the Post/ABC poll, with less than a third of respondents holding unfavorable views. Two-thirds of Americans approve of her job performance in the Obama administration.

    That goodwill translates into broad support for Clinton to make a second run at the presidency in four years, with 57 percent supporting her candidacy.

    Liberal biased polls. Did not read.

    Carson = Hermain Cain redux

  9. #84
    NBA Legend Jailblazers7's Avatar
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    Default Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

    Quote Originally Posted by longhornfan1234
    Liberal biased polls. Did not read.
    Ignoring "liberal biased polls" really helped Republicans last time around.

  10. #85
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    Default Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

    Quote Originally Posted by longhornfan1234

    You're better than this, Kevin. You're letting your emotions take over. Believe it or not... a lot of women don't like Hillary.They think she is shrewd.
    From the damn article I linked you to:

    The demographics of her support provide a sense of what could be a key constituency for a Clinton campaign: women, especially those who are younger or middle-aged. [COLOR="Red"]Two-thirds of women, including 75 percent of those under age 50, say they would like to see her run.[/COLOR]

    You have to be trolling at this point, right?

    the media won't be able to attack Carson the way they normally do the conservative candidate. I'm not saying anything out of the norm.

    Liberal biased polls. Did not read.
    You've learned nothing from very recent History. But Karl Rove gonna Karl Rove I suppose

  11. #86
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

  12. #87
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

    Quote Originally Posted by longhornfan1234

    You're better than this, Kevin. You're letting your emotions take over. Believe it or not... a lot of women don't like Hillary.They think she is shrewd. I think that is a big reason she lost the primary.She has also moved further Left...the media won't be able to attack Carson the way they normally do the conservative candidate. I'm not saying anything out of the norm.
    No. This is exactly what I'm talking about. I think you have so internalized the trolling nature of the modern Republican media wing that you don't even recognize this as trolling. It's like it doesn't matter that the Fox News doesn't produce high quality news, as long as it pisses off fans of the Democratic Party, it must be OK. Wait make that the Democrat Party, let's pretend we don't know how to use adjectives. That will really piss them off. You just posted a bunch of nonsense that will never happen and now you're invested in defending it because it pisses off "libs." Your political instincts can be this bad naturally. You would have had to train them to be these bad.

    My emotions? Nope, you go that wrong. My response was based on cognition not emotion. Because my first response to reading your post was "Who the **** is Carson?" Because I honestly had no idea who you meant. I'm a guy who is reasonably well-versed on the political scene and I was baffled.

    I had to google him and find out he's a guy who made a speech in the past week. Maybe it was a really good speech. And maybe he's a real impressive guy. However, correct me if I'm wrong but, the guy hasn't run for dogcatcher. Oh, and also he's black. When's the last time a black Republican won a state-wide election? In your lifetime, I think the highest office won by a black Republican was Lieutenant Governor and that was in a reliably blue state. I believe the last time a black Republican won a big state election was when I was 2, back when Republicans supported Civil Rights. And that was in Massachusetts. So not only is he not the VP pick he's the presidential pick and a landslide one at that.

    I wasn't even thinking along the lines of Don Dadda -- about him actually facing a Democrat because this guy winning a single primary is a fantasy. I thought it was funny that you thought a landslide candidate is someone who

    A. Has virtually no name-recognition among Americans
    B. Has no political experience whatsoever.

    Even for folks who read threads like this, what percentage of people know who Carson is? I googled him a few hours ago and I don't remember his first name.

    Long story short, Longhorn, I wish I could say your better than this, but it's par for the course.
    Last edited by KevinNYC; 03-20-2013 at 11:40 PM.

  13. #88
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

    Obama became the first US president to win Israel's highest civilian honor.

    The ceremony was carried live by some US cable networks.

    In more substantial news, Obama got Israel and Turkey to hug it out and help deal with what is going in Syria.

    [QUOTE]Barack Obama has persuaded Israel to apologise to Turkey for the loss of nine lives on board the Mavi Marmara

  14. #89
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Politics is rough in NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    3 women were paid to falsely claim they had sex with Menendez, Dominican police say.

    This allegation got shopped around to several news outlets, but only The Daily Caller published the story.
    The guy who gave this story to the Daily Caller is not claimed they hired him to hire prostitutes who were willing lie about sleeping with Menedez.
    A top Dominican law enforcement official said Friday that a local lawyer has reported being paid by someone claiming to work for the conservative Web site the Daily Caller to find prostitutes who would lie and say they had sex for money with Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.).
    Dude is probably lying, but it just shows you who the Daily Caller is willing to get into bed with.

  15. #90
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: The BigAss 2nd term thread

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    Also in the last two week, two of three biggest Obama political strategist have quit the administration and joined MSNBC.
    MSNBC is getting younger.

    In their M-F 8PM slot 34 year old Chris Hayes replaces Ed Schultz.

    Hayes's Sunday show is being taken over by 33 year old Steve Kornacki.

    Probably a good move for a long term strategy. Wonder if they will keep Sharpton.

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