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  1. #1
    Krust Kingz
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    Default Melo his future....

    If Melo decides to opt out and wants to be free, the Knicks should trade him.

    Melo isnt worth Max Money. If he wants Max Money he has shown he isnt that important of a draw, he isnt that important in the locker room, he isnt that important to his teammates on the floor, he isnt the face of the franchise or leader of men. So IMHO he isnt worth the MAX MONEY.

    The same way ARod opted out I thought the Yankees should have let him go. He wasnt worth MAX MONEY.

    As a former athlete I believe every athlete should get the most money they can get for whatever reason they choose. It really doesnt matter to me get the most you can while you can. I just dont think the TEAM I CHEER for has to pay the money. Not many athletes in sports are worth MAX MONEY.

    What say you?

  2. #2
    I Run NY. niko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    I saw why do you bold your posts?

    Actually I say it doesn't work that way. Once he opts out, he can leave. Not opting out means taking less years at less money (because the CBA is retarded) so even a player who decides to stay, opts out. So the only thing you can do is trade him based on your opinion if he'll stay. Which if it doesn't mean getting a star back makes no sense to me. The teams who'd want him don't have young talent or picks. Not having Melo for nothing > trading Melo for salary that fills our cap.

    To me, let him leave, and you can totally rebuild next year. I don't see a package out there worth trading him for.

  3. #3
    NBA sixth man of the year knickballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    He's no question a max player.

    I never liked the trade from the get-go(you can see some of my older posts on this forum) but at this point we put all our eggs in one basket and we must keep him. He's a #1 option and a great player(as well as a genuine prick).

    We don't have the picks in the future to do a proper rebuild.. If we had this years first round pick we could have drafted a guy like Marcus Smart(PG) or a elite prospect(in a strong draft) to go along with the guys we have now. But no instead we'll try to fight for a 8th seed which is pointless since we'll get anally raped by Miami or Indiana and we'll probably end up trading for a guy like Lowry to make that playoff push and mortgage our future even more.

    Best thing to do is resign Melo and just hope we can sign some players when Amare and Tyson expire.

    But if the value for Melo is there then why not.

  4. #4
    #knickstape bluechox2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    i think our minds have been severely clouded by this lackluster, no heart team we put together around melo...i say we try to keep him and actually bring in guys that compliment him...just gotta wait it out till 15

  5. #5
    Krust Kingz
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    Anthony’s current contract, which is set to pay him $21.7 million in 2013-14, runs through the 2014-15 season, but it includes an early termination option that allows him to become an unrestricted free agent in July 2014.

    If Anthony chooses to opt out and sign with the Knicks, he can ink a a five-year contract worth $129,135,806. If he signs with another team, the maximum he can earn is $95,897,372 over four years, according to calculations by ESPN salary-cap expert Larry Coon.
    If this guy decides to opt out then I say let him walk. This guy is barely worth the current salary he's making.

    If you believe this guy is a 25 million dollar a year player or more, please tell me how.

    Best Melo thread ever!
    Last edited by Rameek; 12-28-2013 at 03:02 AM.

  6. #6
    5-time NBA All-Star Clutch's Avatar
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    Quote Originally Posted by Rameek
    Yeah,everyone should check it out. That thread is gold.
    I was like

  7. #7
    The People's Choice Draz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    He's worth the max but were just blinded by the losses. We need to build properly around him.

  8. #8
    Krust Kingz
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    Quote Originally Posted by Draz
    He's worth the max but were just blinded by the losses. We need to build properly around him.
    Still havent seen why he should be paid 25 mill plus...


    Its better for the team if he doesnt opt out early. If he wants to be a FA for the first time in his career let some other team pay that money. Get what we can get and lets do it right. If Melo goes then JR has to be on the bus out of here as well.

  9. #9
    "The Residential Pit" franchize's Avatar
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    Dying to know who IS worth max money in some of you guys' eyes.

    I personally wouldn't hesitate to give him a max deal. We don't have many draft picks going forward nor has any Knicks GM in the last 2 decades shown the ability to be creative in free agency and the trade market. But yea. Let him walk so we can sit with Tyson Chandler, Amare Stoudemire and the next Jared Jeffries/Pablo Shitioni we've all been told is the unsung hero of the team

  10. #10
    Krust Kingz
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    Quote Originally Posted by franchize
    Dying to know who IS worth max money in some of you guys' eyes.

    I personally wouldn't hesitate to give him a max deal. We don't have many draft picks going forward nor has any Knicks GM in the last 2 decades shown the ability to be creative in free agency and the trade market. But yea. Let him walk so we can sit with Tyson Chandler, Amare Stoudemire and the next Jared Jeffries/Pablo Shitioni we've all been told is the unsung hero of the team
    So why is he worth max money? I havent seen one concrete answer yet. Not one person has presented a reasonable nor rational explanation to resign this guy for 25 mill or more.

    It really doesnt matter who is on the roster with him or without him. The Knicks are losing with him being the best player on the squad. What will change in the future that suggest that having him suck up that much cap space without picks and chandler and stat on the team? The team is going to lose with a max guy or without him.

  11. #11
    "The Residential Pit" franchize's Avatar
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    My opinion:
    1. Because he lead the league in scoring last year and is like #2 this year.
    2. Because I personally feel he's one of the best players in the league.
    3. Because no player I feel is better than Carmelo will be available. Ex. We don't have a shot at LeBron and Durant will be part of the Thunder for years to come.
    4. Despite our record this year, we overachieved last year and I personally think he was the biggest reason why.
    5. Because he is one of a handful of players who can truly compete head up with LeBron James.
    6. Because we don't have draft picks or many assets to replace a player of his caliber.
    7. Because he's the best player we've had since Patrick Ewing. I do recall us paying Allan Houston a shit load of money btw.

    So there's my rationale. People on this board have readily said "why should we keep him?" and "we should just blow it up". well there's my answer. Now I'd love to see everyone's plan once we "blow it up". The bottom feeder teams "blow it up" all the time. Cap space doesn't win championships tho. So what's the plan when we do get rid of the disease that apparently Carmelo Anthony is lol?

  12. #12
    College star el gringos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    2 years from now? Locking down 4th straight division title for the Knicks. 2 seasons of 25&10 +.

    How is getting a guard and a couple rotation bigs out of chandler, shumpert, Felton, hard away jr so impossible?

    Carmelo will have some peak seasons in his 30's. He obviously needs help but who doesn't need a coach and a pg

  13. #13
    Knicks Board Moderator knickscity's Avatar
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    Kinda noticed winning isnt listed in any of these

    Quote Originally Posted by franchize
    My opinion:
    1. Because he lead the league in scoring last year and is like #2 this year.
    Lots of shots, inefficient in doing so, but mainly...lots of shots.

    2. Because I personally feel he's one of the best players in the league.
    not even top 10.

    Lebron, Durant, Dwight, CP3, Westbrook, Curry, Paul George, Harden, Parker, and finally since scoring matters then Kevin Love puts up the same points + is a beast on the top 10.

    And that doesnt include injured Rose Rondo and Kobe.

    3. Because no player I feel is better than Carmelo will be available. Ex. We don't have a shot at LeBron and Durant will be part of the Thunder for years to come.
    This may be true, but it isnt about better players, isiah taught us that doesnt matter, but rather better teammates.

    4. Despite our record this year, we overachieved last year and I personally think he was the biggest reason why.
    If anything this year is showing he wasnt of of the top 3 reasons why.

    Leadership, high ball IQ, guys stepping up at key points, and blistering 3 point makes.

    5. Because he is one of a handful of players who can truly compete head up with LeBron James.
    I've only seen Melo play LeBron once in the playoffs, but if the regular season is the bar, then also note how many guys that can compete with him.

    6. Because we don't have draft picks or many assets to replace a player of his caliber.
    Thats why you build a TEAM, collective pieces that can get the job done, and with a proper system and development greater goals can be achieved.

    7. Because he's the best player we've had since Patrick Ewing. I do recall us paying Allan Houston a shit load of money btw.
    No major dispute here, but this doesnt establish why he should be max.

    Some feel Sprewell was actually a better player, certainly more complete, and definitely had the capability to score points.

    So there's my rationale. People on this board have readily said "why should we keep him?" and "we should just blow it up". well there's my answer. Now I'd love to see everyone's plan once we "blow it up". The bottom feeder teams "blow it up" all the time. Cap space doesn't win championships tho. So what's the plan when we do get rid of the disease that apparently Carmelo Anthony is lol?
    Not a disease just not a main component to a winner, no player making max should need a multiple all-stars just to get out of the first round.

    Melo is a co-star type of player, not a main guy.

    Main guys do one of the defense consistently, score efficiently, help make plays.

    Most maxes do at least two, but they certainly do at least one.

    Melo does none consistently.

  14. #14
    5-time NBA All-Star Clutch's Avatar
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    From day one I was one of the biggest Melo supporters but to be honest I think it's time to trade him.

    Why ?

    First of all it's not a sure thing he will re-sign with us. We aren't going to win a championship with him being #1 option either.
    This team is a mess. Just a bunch of idiots,low IQ chuckers and those who don't fit that description don't have any talent.

    I say blow it all up. We can get some solid role players and/or a couple of picks for Melo. We can get something good for Tyson Chandler as well. Despite playing so poorly I think we can even get something for J.R.

    My plan:
    1. Trade Melo before the deadline and get some solid role players and/or picks. Preferably trade him for a good penetrating point guard like Dragić
    2. Explore what we can get for Tyson. If there's not a solid deal then keep him until his contract is expired and then try to re-sign him for less money. If he won't re-sign for less,let him go.
    3. Get rid of J.R.Smith. THIS IS A MUST. I don't care for what. Just get rid of him
    4. Get rid of Iman Shumpert. He started to suck,obviously doesn't want to play here anymore and is injury prone
    5. Keep Hardaway,Felton and Kenyon Martin but stick them to the bench. Maybe start Hardaway if he continues to improve.
    6. Wait until Amare's contract expires and don't re-sign him.
    7. Re-sign Bargnani for SIGNIFICANTLY less money. If he doesn't want to show him the door.
    8. During the summer sign only players that can defend and hit a three at a solid rate.
    9. Fire Woodson and give opportunity to some coach with an assistant coach experience. It worked out for Celtics and Hawks.
    10. Fill big man positions with youth.

    Build a great defensive team who can shoot the ball,will move the ball around and is filled with a high IQ players. There wouldn't be a superstar on the team but you can hope one of the players will evolve into a star or that you'll get lucky in the draft.

    We probably won't win a championship either way but I would rather watch a mediocre team that will defend,move the ball and play the right way every night than watch a bunch of low IQ chuckers. Who knows,maybe one of them evolve into a star (look at Paul George and Indiana) and we become contenders.


    Penetrating point guard / Felton / Another guard
    Defensive guard that can hit a three / Tim Hardaway Jr.
    Defensive wing that can hit a three /
    Andrea Bargnani / Young power forward / Kenyon Martin
    Tyson Chandler / Young center

    I know there's a lot of positions unfilled but those players will be either acquired in Melo/J.R. trade,signed during free agency and draft.
    Bargnani is in there because we need some scoring and a penetrating point guard will create better looks for the teammates and the team wouldn't just be launching threes all game long,they would be able to attack the rim. Bargnani isn't a good help defender but if other 4 positions are filled with defenders then they would cover up his weaknesses and he wouldn't need to help as much,he's a solid 1-on-1 defender.
    Last edited by Clutch; 12-30-2013 at 06:37 AM.

  15. #15
    ILL WILL RUNS NYC WhySoInsecure?'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Melo his future....

    Send him to the Lakers and get them to take on JR and Felton in the deal. I'd be happy with Pau/Blake/Henry/3 1st round picks for Melo/Felton/JR.

    Another option would be Detroit. Stuckey/Charlie V/Monroe for Melo/JR would do it for me. I'd throw in Hardaway to make that Drummond instead of Monroe.

    At the very least I'd send Chandler somewhere where he can contribute. Let the Thunder have him for Perkins and their 2 first round picks.
    Last edited by WhySoInsecure?; 12-30-2013 at 09:04 PM.

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