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  1. #31
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: How to get out of your lease due to bad roommate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Puck
    Yep, you're a certified idiot.
    Either that or the new guy got owned by a regular.

  2. #32
    Fan in the Stands (unregistered)

    Default Re: How to get out of your lease due to bad roommate?

    Quote Originally Posted by BankShot
    Either that or the new guy got owned by a regular.
    So someone is a "scum, rat bastard" if they report someone who is continually interfering with that person's sleep, and therefore affecting other aspects of their life?

  3. #33
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: How to get out of your lease due to bad roommate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Puck
    So someone is a "scum, rat bastard" if they report someone who is continually interfering with that person's sleep, and therefore affecting other aspects of their life?
    1.) I'd say they're more of a p*ssy for not being able to stand up to someone like a man, and instead resorting to whining on a message board, or contemplating calling the cops.

    2.) Regardless of the actual content of the disagreement between you two, my earlier post stands.

  4. #34
    I hit open 5-foot jumpshots with ease
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    Default Re: How to get out of your lease due to bad roommate?

    So I tried talking to him today, but he just kept ignoring anything I said and just locked himself in his room and slept. My apartment is a complete fucking mess the kitchen floor is littered with trash. In addition, he continues to have his gay friends sleep over night after night who do not pick up after themselves and only make the place dirtier. So since I possess most of the items in the apartment I am slowly moving all the items into my room, which includes 90% of the dishes, TVs, etc. He just trashes the place when he is drunk and it slowly adds up to one giant clusterfizuck.

  5. #35
    Fan in the Stands (unregistered)

    Default Re: How to get out of your lease due to bad roommate?

    Good decision. No need to call anybody.

    Stop talking to him. Don't acknowledge his existence.

    Everything that is yours, make sure he never sees again. Easy. Watch him fall apart. Either that, or he'll kill you in your sleep. Make sure to lock your door.

  6. #36
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: How to get out of your lease due to bad roommate?

    Quote Originally Posted by phelix2000
    Is there any way to get out of your lease due to roommate issues. My roommate is just extremely noisy and I don't even think he is enrolled in college anymore so he is constantly partying and it can be extremely disruptive at times. Is there anyway I could break my lease? I lived with him in the past for a year and he was fine, but I find him being excessively loud these days I mean he goes downtown 7 times a week it feels like.
    unless your lease has a bad roommate clause you're f*cked.

    get your roommate to find a friend to take over your rent, or you yourself find someone to take it over.

  7. #37
    I hit open 5-foot jumpshots with ease
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    Default Re: How to get out of your lease due to bad roommate?

    Quote Originally Posted by jaydacris
    just bring over dudes and have sex with lots of dudes

    eventually he'll be grossed out and break off from the lease on his own
    yeah that is a great idea. bring over dudes and have a gay sex orgy for my GAY roommate. god you are a moron.

  8. #38
    I hit open 5-foot jumpshots with ease
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    Default Re: How to get out of your lease due to bad roommate?

    Quote Originally Posted by JtotheIzzo
    unless your lease has a bad roommate clause you're f*cked.

    get your roommate to find a friend to take over your rent, or you yourself find someone to take it over.
    In the process of searching for someone to take over my lease. I would let his friends take it over, but none of them can afford the rent.

  9. #39
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Jan 2008

    Default Re: How to get out of your lease due to bad roommate?

    Gotta be civil and negotiate man.

    It's tough. But just straight up look him in the pupils of his eyes, and let him KNOW that you are S.U.F.F.E.R.I.N.G. That this was supposed to be a cooperative effort for the both of us, and by you being an irresponsible f*ck, and not getting your shit in order, you will S.U.F.F.E.R worse.. or to something to that tune. I'll tell you, man, that you ought to learn some persuasive skills... saying it in the right tone, negotiating, eye for an eye, You clean up your dishes... I hook u up with a dime.. you keep the noise steady.. i'll share some pizza with you etc. . This will help immensely later in life in getting what you want, and especially parenthood type sh!t.

    I'm in the exact same situation, but my roommate doesn't really party.. rather plays videogames all day and is a f*cking pussywhipped bum who dropped out of all his classes. Well, I actually have 3 roommates (2 who are fine), but this last one is a worthless fvck. Part of me wants to use guilt trips and emotional blackmail to eat out his soul.. but for now we're seeing steady progress just by bossing his azz around to do some housework. This power game is tough, but you've got to emphasize how reliant the dude is on you, and if you were to disturb his peace (which I suppose is quite a hard feat on his chaotic azz) the negative feelings that ensue. Hit him up with a little Pavlovian conditioning. If he skips out on a party, ro does something responsbile.. give the lil bugger a Klondike Bar. If not, he's got to face your calm, cool, collected, but S.T.E.R.N wrath.

    Best of luck, homes, I feel ya pain.

    In the meantime, I suggesting becoming stronger friends with him.. u know connecting with him and his crew and reiterating how great it is that you two are living together.

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