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  1. #151
    Dunking on everybody in the park Court Vision's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dan Gilbert's open letter to Cavs fans

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBlackAttack
    Oh.. There is more coming out.

    Gilbert just released another statement saying that we are now saying the REAL LeBron James and that he has been coddled and given cover for too long.

    He also said that LeBron 'quit' during the second round against the Celtics.

    My goodness... This is insane.
    So Gilbert knew LeBron was a selfish, self-center, QUITTER?

    Why did he want him on the team if he is a quitter? Must be about money.

    Good thing LeBron left then since its all about the money, and not winning in Cleveland....

  2. #152
    Hardwood Hero Showtime's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dan Gilbert's open letter to Cavs fans

    Quote Originally Posted by chopchop20
    Avoid the Press??? ARE YOU SERIOUS? His actions created this media merry-go-round.
    Try reading again. Of the 3 options of breaking the news: avoiding any press, releasing a press statement, or answering questions on a camera, clearly the last option was less harsh, and yet you are saying it's the worst and cowardly.

    And AGAIN, any half way decent person would have least called management and ownership along with his teammates to let them know.
    And if he did that, then immediately everybody would know through leaks anyway. So then you would have a media shitstorm of "sources" making these claims, and fans left in a purgatory not knowing what to believe until he comes out and makes the final clarification ANYWAY. So, the fans would be raked through the coals until he he rips their heart out instead of just letting them have it all at once.

    Making them watch it on TV is as low as it gets in terms of cowardice.
    No, it's not. Saying nothing and just signing the contract and leaving NO explanation would be cowardly. Releasing a statement for fans to read on a website or hear a guy read it on ESPN would be called cowardly. Anything he did would illicit reaction, because it's a no-win situation from that perspective.

    Why couldn't he face the team in Cleveland?
    Why would he? Why would he go in front of crowds and tell them he's leaving and then have them shit in his face? What would the be the point?

  3. #153
    Local High School Star
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    Default Re: Dan Gilbert's open letter to Cavs fans

    Quote Originally Posted by Showtime
    Try reading again. Of the 3 options of breaking the news: avoiding any press, releasing a press statement, or answering questions on a camera, clearly the last option was less harsh, and yet you are saying it's the worst and cowardly.

    And if he did that, then immediately everybody would know through leaks anyway. So then you would have a media shitstorm of "sources" making these claims, and fans left in a purgatory not knowing what to believe until he comes out and makes the final clarification ANYWAY. So, the fans would be raked through the coals until he he rips their heart out instead of just letting them have it all at once.

    No, it's not. Saying nothing and just signing the contract and leaving NO explanation would be cowardly. Releasing a statement for fans to read on a website or hear a guy read it on ESPN would be called cowardly. Anything he did would illicit reaction, because it's a no-win situation from that perspective.

    Why would he? Why would he go in front of crowds and tell them he's leaving and then have them shit in his face? What would the be the point?
    Cuz that's MEN do -- at least the ones that have ballz

  4. #154
    Hardwood Hero Showtime's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dan Gilbert's open letter to Cavs fans

    Quote Originally Posted by PleezeBelieve
    LeBron talked to the Heat owner to let him know he's coming but not Gilbert to let him know he's leaving even though he Gilbert paid 15 mill in luxury tax while the Heat owner been tanking for three years. And oh yea, LeBron took less money and a lesser role in doing so.

    Now that folks, is classless.
    Gilbert's teams blew draft picks, and gave him a team which included Lebron's best teammate to be a non-all star chucker and an insane dude who banged his mother.

  5. #155
    Local High School Star icemanfan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dan Gilbert's open letter to Cavs fans

    Quote Originally Posted by Derka
    He had a lot of years to put winners around Lebron. All he found were a group of great regular season players. Dan Gilbert didn't do his job and he's mad now.
    Gilbert sounds like a kunt whose lover just left. What a total *****.

  6. #156
    Fan in the Stands (unregistered)

    Default Re: Scathing Letter from Cavs Owner Dan Gilbert

    What's amazing to me...

    If Lebron had gone through all this hoopla and then chosen to stay with the Cavs...none of these Cavs fans would be mad and Dan Gilbert would be stroking Lebron's shaft again like he's done for 7 years.

    But because he didn't choose Cleveland, this whole spectacle is suddenly offensive and its a betrayal and yadda yadda yadda.

  7. #157
    Local High School Star icemanfan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dan Gilbert's open letter to Cavs fans

    Quote Originally Posted by chopchop20
    Cuz that's MEN do -- at least the ones that have ballz
    really? Cuz I think only a flaming prick would do that. So for Cav fans he would have been a prick doing anything but resigning with a team that has had the best player for years but could not put a championship team together. Wow, some classy folks in Ohio.

  8. #158
    Decent playground baller
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    Default Smart move by Dan Gilbert

    Yes, the letter was in Comic Sans font. Yes, random sentences were in all caps. Yes, he made random biblical references to heaven. And Yes, he didn't end with 'Sincerely, Dan Gilbert", but rather "DELIVERING CHAMPIONSHIPS, Dan". And Yes, he used terms of like 'never before experiences levels of motivation"

    But he had to do this. If he towed a corporate line and made some random generic response like "We regret LBJ did not stay and wish him well. We appreciate the years we was here, and regret we could not continue our partnership. We will continue to strive for our goals to win championships", Cleveland folks would have just laughed, gave up, and moved on.

    The way he spoke, like part of the Internet message board mob, seems to me like he was trying to create a mob mentality. Rally around the flag approach. Get Cavs fans pumping their fists in support, with the common unifying thread being sticking it to LBJ and trying to support the team in helping Gilbert complete his goal of winning a ring before LBJ. Wouldn't have worked with a carefully crafted, generic letter.

    So basically, what I'm saying is the letter was so stupid and delusional that it was smart. Or, I suppose it could have just been stupid and delusional.

    EDIT: Just hit the wire a moment ago... Gilbert on phone with AP declaring LBJ quit in the playoffs. Why bring up those skeletons? Because Gilbert knows that one strikes a cord with the Cavs fans. I feel more and more confident I'm right on this one.

    EDIT 2: Just spoke to my resident Cavs fan. He says the Cavs board he visits now using the term "King Gilbert", with one of them saying "I just bought season tickets".
    Last edited by ds123; 07-09-2010 at 12:35 AM.

  9. #159
    The Paterfamilias RedBlackAttack's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scathing Letter from Cavs Owner Dan Gilbert

    Quote Originally Posted by Derka
    What's amazing to me...

    If Lebron had gone through all this hoopla and then chosen to stay with the Cavs...none of these Cavs fans would be mad and Dan Gilbert would be stroking Lebron's shaft again like he's done for 7 years.

    But because he didn't choose Cleveland, this whole spectacle is suddenly offensive and its a betrayal and yadda yadda yadda.
    Read my posts for the past two weeks. I've been consistently saying that, regardless of whether or not he decided to return to Cleveland, I will have lost a massive amount of respect for LeBron and I would have a hard time rooting for him due to this whole grandiose charade.

    I've probably said it 20+ times in the last 14 days.

    Now, you throw in his callous, self-centered, stone-faced interview about his 'talents'.... Yeah, we're mad.

  10. #160
    Off the Meds. MMKM's Avatar
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    Default Re: Smart move by Dan Gilbert

    Quote Originally Posted by ds123
    Yes, the letter was in Comic Sans font. Yes, random sentences were in all caps. Yes, he made random biblical references to heaven. And Yes, he didn't end with 'Sincerely, Dan Gilbert", but rather "DELIVERING CHAMPIONSHIPS, Dan". And Yes, he used terms of like 'never before experiences levels of motivation"

    But he had to do this. If he towed a corporate line and made some random generic response like "We regret LBJ did not stay and wish him well. We appreciate the years we was here, and regret we could not continue our partnership. We will continue to strive for our goals to win championships", Cleveland folks would have just laughed, gave up, and moved on.

    The way he spoke, like part of the Internet message board mob, seems to me like he was trying to create a mob mentality. Rally around the flag approach. Get Cavs fans pumping their fists in support, with the common unifying thread being sticking it to LBJ and trying to support the team in helping Gilbert complete his goal of winning a ring before LBJ. Wouldn't have worked with a carefully crafted, generic letter.

    So basically, what I'm saying is the letter was so stupid and delusional that it was smart. Or, I suppose it could have just been stupid and delusional.
    actually a really interesting take.

  11. #161
    NBA sixth man of the year Indian guy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Smart move by Dan Gilbert

    I don't see how it was smart by any definition. What FA or star would want to play for that lunatic now? Not only did the fool lose LeBron today, but he lost any chance at every landing a good player too. Trades/free agency was his only HOPE of winning a championship before LeBron. But after this stupid tirade, he can kiss that dream good bye.

  12. #162
    Banned hawkfan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dan Gilbert's open letter to Cavs fans

    Quote Originally Posted by Showtime
    Gilbert's teams blew draft picks, and gave him a team which included Lebron's best teammate to be a non-all star chucker and an insane dude who banged his mother.
    Plus 1.

  13. #163
    Hardwood Hero Showtime's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scathing Letter from Cavs Owner Dan Gilbert

    Quote Originally Posted by Derka
    What's amazing to me...

    If Lebron had gone through all this hoopla and then chosen to stay with the Cavs...none of these Cavs fans would be mad and Dan Gilbert would be stroking Lebron's shaft again like he's done for 7 years.

    But because he didn't choose Cleveland, this whole spectacle is suddenly offensive and its a betrayal and yadda yadda yadda.
    For real. Where was all the criticism before he announced he was leaving? Oh yeah, if he stayed, fans would be PRAISING HIM FOR SHOWING THE WORLD HIS LOVE AND LOYALTY FOR CLEVELAND and rubbing it in the faces of the big market teams which expected to nab him.

  14. #164
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: Scathing Letter from Cavs Owner Dan Gilbert

    I didn't think LeBron was stone faced in a cold way ... I think he was clearly uncomfortable up there and wanted to keep his emotions in check.

    Mav Carter or whatever idiot is in his entourage probably was the one who pushed the idea of making this into a whole TV special spectacle.

    Because the ESPN guys even said right at the beginning LeBron didn't look happy being there. The whole thing was awkward.

    LeBron needs to cut off that entourage. They're a bunch of 25-year-old kids who think they're big time businessmen.

    If he let Mav Carter or whoever choose which team to play for he'd probably be a Knick right now. LeBron should just handle his own career and kick those clowns to the curb.

  15. #165
    The Paterfamilias RedBlackAttack's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scathing Letter from Cavs Owner Dan Gilbert

    Quote Originally Posted by Showtime
    For real. Where was all the criticism before he announced he was leaving? Oh yeah, if he stayed, fans would be PRAISING HIM FOR SHOWING THE WORLD HIS LOVE AND LOYALTY FOR CLEVELAND and rubbing it in the faces of the big market teams which expected to nab him.
    Read any post of mine for the past two weeks. This outrage has been building for some time.

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