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  1. #31
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    Is the OP Meticode?

  2. #32
    Local High School Star Rolando's Avatar
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by eurobum
    Because growing up with your parents being in a loveless marriage does wonders to you.

    Tell her you want a divorce because you don't feel she loves you anymore and the spark is gone.

    One of two things will happen. 1) She will realize she does love you and she will make an effort to save your marriage. 2) She will accept, in time move on like you and hopefully you will not become enemies = happy divorced family.

    The key is not becoming enemies, but if she doesn't love you and isn't crazy (IS SHE CRAZY?) then it won't happen. Most likely she is crazy though as 90 % of the female gender. If she is crazy there is a 3) She neither loves you but don't want you to move on (for many reasons, maybe because she can't move on herself and wants to drag you down to her level) in which case you will become enemies and 'happy divorced family' will be tough to attain.

    Good luck, bro.
    This guy knows. Do as he says.

  3. #33
    #Trump4Treason nathanjizzle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    you know, you have to actually work hard at marriage for it to work.

  4. #34
    NBA Superstar fiddy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by rufuspaul
    Is the OP Meticode?
    I thought Meticode already divorced/lives separated with his wife.

  5. #35
    I Run NY. niko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by fiddy
    I thought Meticode already divorced/lives separated with his wife.
    I'm not surprised, he was one of those always reaching. Every time he mentioned his wife, he had to say she was the most beautiful woman ever, she was a virgin when he met her, she never looked at anyone, Beyonce? Dog, not like his much reassurance.

    My friend who did the same thing had a second family on the side.

  6. #36
    Retired Bloggissist 2LeTTeRS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by #number6ix#
    A child isn't really a reason to stay with someone... Growing up around a toxic relationship can be more detrimental to a child than you guys be divorced... If you tried and you feel like you've done the best you could to make your marriage work and its still in the dumps it's time to call it quits

    The next step would be talking to your wife about a trial separation and the possibility of the marriage coming to a end... Life's to short to be unhappy everyday
    You say this as if things will get better after a divorce. Trust me normally it doesn't. Fighting over how all your possessions will be split is not a good way to starting a good friendship.

    Also you have to realize that she will most likely get his kid and if she pursues it will get child support as well. I can't speak for the OP but I couldn't imagine not seeing my son everyday, and from what I hear having the courts involved dealing with child support seems like pure hell.

    With that being the case I say fight as hard as you can to make things work.

  7. #37
    NBA Legend DeuceWallaces's Avatar
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    April 2013

  8. #38
    Retired Bloggissist 2LeTTeRS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by SpurrDurr
    Postpartum depression, it's pretty common but this seems to be a severe case so she needs to see a therapist.

    Check this out:
    Not sure man. That's the first thing people say when they hear things changed after a pregnancy; but I'd say 90% of the time its just the extra stress that having a kid brings into the picture. I am by no means an expert but I'd say its normal to see these symptoms from time to time after having a baby:

    - Low or no energy,
    - Becoming easily frustrated, and
    - Feeling inadequate in taking care of the baby
    - Exhaustion

    However if you are starting to see these symptoms though look out it just might be Postpartum Depression:

    - Sadness
    - Hopelessness
    - Low self-esteem
    - A feeling of being overwhelmed
    - Guilt
    - Sleep and eating disturbances
    - Inability to be comforted
    - Emptiness
    - Anhedonia
    - Social withdrawal
    - Decreased sex drive
    Last edited by 2LeTTeRS; 11-18-2013 at 03:31 PM.

  9. #39
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    Look up

    Alex Loyd's Healing Codes
    Sifu Anthony's Qigong.

    Get her to do the exercises 2X a day. I don't care if you yell at her to do it. Get her to fukking do them. Period. Expect results in 304 weeks after consistent practice.

    Your. F*cking. Welcome.

  10. #40
    Is it in you? hateraid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    Why are most of you initiating a seperation/divorce?
    Are any of you that suggest that married?

    It's disheartening that the first insticnt society has today is that if their's a problem, just turn your back on at and sweep it under a rug.

    The FIRST thing you should do is seek a mediator. Marriage counseling, church leader, anyone who can listen without siding. They will not only identify where the problem areas are, but also challenge your wife into identifying her flaws.

    Also you have to realize that she will most likely get his kid and if she pursues it will get child support as well. I can't speak for the OP but I couldn't imagine not seeing my son everyday, and from what I hear having the courts involved dealing with child support seems like pure hell.
    Judging from most of these posts some of you aren't parents either. This alone would want me to work harder at making my marriage work.
    Not only the bond between a child but the bonds created with family you are seperating as well

    Work on it kiddo. 1 year is not a great time frame to assess that this marriage won't work out

  11. #41
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Look up

    Alex Loyd's Healing Codes
    Sifu Anthony's Qigong.

    Get her to do the exercises 2X a day. I don't care if you yell at her to do it. Get her to fukking do them. Period. Expect results in 304 weeks after consistent practice.

    Your. F*cking. Welcome.

  12. #42
    Dunking on everybody in the park
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    Pump her sister.

  13. #43
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by rufuspaul
    Not joking Grandpa.

    Check it out and at least.. experiment with it.

    It's based off of curing Soldier's PTSD I think and forgiveness. It's very Christian based alongside Energy ideas and feels like a weight's been lifted off your head and you're in bliss. Like I've gotten into fights with previous friends and relations have been mended from this, also I generally feel healthy despite never eating organic and having terrible sleeping habits lol.

    This is an ancient Chinese Energetic Art that keeps you nimble and stress free and oozing virility. If the lady realizes she needs to stop thinking and stop getting into silly feedback loops of depressive thoughts and in her body and in the present, she'll slowly start to heal herself.

    Total Cost: Zero ****ing dollars. And Zero cents.
    Total time: 21 minutes.

    And my dear Rufus Theodore Ignatius DaVinci you'll need a few tricks to remain your lovable Southern self as the Golden Age approaches thee.

    Willpower above all.
    Last edited by JEFFERSON MONEY; 11-18-2013 at 02:54 PM.

  14. #44
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    You're going to make some woman a very interesting husband indeed J$.

  15. #45
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: Really feel like the wife doesn't love me anymore

    Talk, talk, and talk some more until you guys find out what is really up. It's normal to be depressed after having a kid... So much responsibility. Find out what she needs from you and see if you guys can team up, come up with a plan, and tackle this together... if you can do that, it should give both of guys a type of teamwork high that will really help your relationship. If you guys are still friends and enjoy being around each, some simple adjustments and a little effort are likely all that's needed.

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