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  1. #16
    Decent college freshman
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    Quote Originally Posted by dd24
    There's always going to be some difference makers though. At the bottom of the 1st round and through the 2nd round it is weak. I think when people are saying it's weak they mean in depth. People also said the 2009 draft class was weak (outside of Griffin). Then we saw what guys like Evans, Curry, DeRozan, Jennings, Daye, Holiday, Lawson, Collison, Beubois, Jerebko, etc, etc, etc did for their teams. I think it's all about being smart and trying to get the best guy. There's a few people in this draft that will be stars. We just have to do our homework and try to nab one of them.
    its rare in the NBA, but I'd love to trade down for 2 guys. Gimme Faried and Darius Morris or something like that. Probably not those 2, but I'd love for Faried to be one of them.

  2. #17
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    Quote Originally Posted by Nastradamus
    its rare in the NBA, but I'd love to trade down for 2 guys. Gimme Faried and Darius Morris or something like that. Probably not those 2, but I'd love for Faried to be one of them.
    I think in a draft like this you have to trade up. This draft isn't deep enough to trade down. I like Faried, but not enough to trade down for him. We need a potential superstar player. We have none on this team right now. If we were able to move up into the top 3 we'd have a much better chance. Honestly, I like what the Cavs did by getting another lottery pick this year. If they end up getting the top pick and say something like #10 they'll have some nice pieces to build around. They might even be ahead of us at that point. They realize nobody wants to play in Cleveland so they're going to have to draft them :). I think it's the smart thing for teams who aren't Miami, NY, or LA to do.... In order for us to get better we really need to grab one of the stars of this draft, regardless of position. Then hopefully we could trade off what we don't need for players we could use (or expirers) and hopefully more picks down the road.

  3. #18
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    Well i think trading up might be tough. What do we give? I also think there wont' be a potential superstar available at the 7 area. If someone grades out well, then things change. I'm not saying trading down is my #1 choice, but I could see it being a good idea depending on the situation.

  4. #19
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    Quote Originally Posted by Nastradamus
    Well i think trading up might be tough. What do we give? I also think there wont' be a potential superstar available at the 7 area. If someone grades out well, then things change. I'm not saying trading down is my #1 choice, but I could see it being a good idea depending on the situation.
    First we have to hope there's a new CBA reached otherwise the NBA draft will be like the NFL draft where we won't see players getting traded. The Pistons have assets they are willing to move. I could see a Prince sign and trade happening. If he's going to walk they're going to try to get something for him. I think Joe D will also do his best to move Rip. If Ben Wallace decides to retire they could also move his expiring contract. We could all cross our fingers that BG was moved

    It will be tough to get another high level player at 7 again. First we need to see where the balls end up. Maybe we luck out and end up with a really high pick anyway. More than likely that won't happen but we can only hope. It's not like the team with the worst record typically gets the #1 pick. That's how the Wizards got Wall last year.... I don't think the Cavs are a lock for the #1 pick. They're the most likely but that doesn't mean it will happen. If we did somehow end up at #7 (again), there are a few guys that I think might fall and and end up like Monroe for us. I see Perry Jones and Harrison Barnes as guys that might be like that. They have really high ceilings, but people might shy away because they have the potential to be mediocre too. I'd be willing to take the risk.

  5. #20
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    Certainly a lot depends on the CBA and who we are able to trade. If Prince,Rip and TMac are all gone, we may end up needing another SG/SF or 2. If we trade Rip for a PG or PF it will change our plans and so on.

  6. #21
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    Quote Originally Posted by Nastradamus
    Certainly a lot depends on the CBA and who we are able to trade. If Prince,Rip and TMac are all gone, we may end up needing another SG/SF or 2. If we trade Rip for a PG or PF it will change our plans and so on.
    Exactly, right now we really don't have a huge need but that might change with a trade or free agency. Though I still think this draft is more about getting the best available guy.

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    I would have never guessed so many people would make the decision to stay in college another year. This is officially a really bad draft. I can see a lot of lottery teams trying to trade down now. Perry Jones just announced he was returning to Baylor.... It doesn't make much sense because he would have likely been a top 5 pick and Baylor's top recruit coming in plays a similiar game to his. With Barnes seeming like he won't be entering the draft either and Sullinger officially staying it makes drafting 7th look pretty bad this year. Kanter will likely be a top 5 pick now, which he probably shouldn't be. I think it means we'll probably end up with Brandon Knight or Kemba Walker now. I wasn't for trading down when I originally thought all of these players would have been smart enough to come out rather than wait until next year where they probably won't get drafted as high because it's a deeper draft. Now I'm thinking the best option might not just be to move down but maybe totally out of the first round. I guess nobody likes the thought of potentially getting drafted by Cleveland or Minnesota

  8. #23
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    So many people staying, probably the smart move for the kids, not knowing what will happen next year with a lock out.

    I'm drinking the Kool Aid at this point, I've fallen in love with a guy I hadn't heard of several days ago. I think most of it comes from me wanting to shout his name.... BIYOMBOOOOOOOOOO

    The novelty will probably wear off by the end of the week though...

    There is a nice highlight video here from the nike hoops summit:

    Kemba or Knight would be alright, just a little disappointing because hopefully we won't be picking in the top 10 for much longer. Maybe Kahn will trade us 'sota's 2012 pick so they can pick both of them :)

  9. #24
    Decent college freshman
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    Well I think Kemba and Knight are probalby the 2 least likely guys we would draft but that's just me. I think I want Vessely or Biyombo(sleeper). That Biyombo kid is blowing me away lately. He's from the Congo if you haven't heard of him. He just dominated the Nike Hoops summit. About 6'9, NBA body, about 5' more of a wingspan than Monroe though. Extremely intense and athletic on defense. Lots of Ben Wallace comparisons, more than Faried even as he is more athletic and more of a shot blocker. Huge gamble, but aren't we in position to do something like that at 7 rather than take some safe combo guard who won't help us win?

    Vessely is like another AK 47 and he and Daye would make for an interesting forward combo. 2 6'11 guys at F would help you cover a lot of ground

    Perry Jones wasn't ready. Smart move. He needs to learn what position he'll play and generally how to use that talent
    Last edited by Nastradamus; 04-12-2011 at 04:08 PM.

  10. #25
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    I think there's a chance that Vesely could fall to us, but I actually think his stock is going up and he could get drafted before we have a chance to pick him. With that said, I'm not completely sold on him yet either. Although, I think he does have the best highlight films of all the European prospects including Kanter. I think there's more "upside and potential" with Vesely than the other Europeans. Some people have him projected as high as #3 now.... (which really shows how bad this draft has become over the last few weeks).

    The person I really don't want is Donatas Motiejunas. I've been doing some searching around on all the European guys and he is the one that really looks like he could be a bust. There was one of his highlight films that really didn't even show him playing basketball.... That tells me he doesn't have the experience or a good enough game. If you can't even put together a good highlight film there's a problem. Even high schoolers can do that.

    We need to think about this... Williams and Irving are obviously going 1 and 2. There's nothing really left after that. So you know Kanter will end up getting drafted, probably Jan Vesely, and someone will more than likely be dumb enough to grab Donatas Motiejunas. That's still only 5 picks (and I'm not saying that's 1-5 in any order). So that really only leaves guys like Walker, Knight, and Jonas Valanciunas. One of the Morris twins will probably sneak up a little higher too (of which I hope we don't draft either).

    I watched the Nike Hoop Summit this past Saturday night. Sure Biyombo had a nice game. I wasn't that impressed with the international team. They actually had a ton more size than the US team. The US team was going to have a tough time inside any way around it. They only had that one guy who was a legit big man. Everybody else was pretty under sized playing out of position. I'm not going to say I'm sold on him because of one game. He did some decent things in Europe. Rebounding is one thing that always translates when heading to the NBA and so is shot blocking. He could be a liablility on offense. He definitely has a lot to learn yet. If Kanter somehow dropped (since some think Valanciunas might go before him) I'd take him first.

    Overall I'm still kind of up in the air with who I want with the draft. I'm not overly excited with anyone, anymore.

    What is everyone's thoughts on the 2nd round? If JuJuan Johnson doesn't get picked up I'd love to take a chance on him. Other than that I was actually thinking about Shelvin Mack or Darius Morris. I like big PG's and I think they have a chance. Plus I kind of like the idea of just stacking up on a whole bunch of the same position in the 2nd round (last year we had White), because we all know most 2nd rounders don't typically make it in the league. At least with drafting 2 or 3 guys at the same position in the 2nd round there's the hope that at least one of them is a guy who will make the rotation. There's also Jeremy Tyler (if anyone has ever heard about him). He's the big kid from San Diego that decided to skip college and go pro overseas. He was projected to be a lottery pick and then had a tough time adjusting as a 17/18 year old over there and just didn't fit in so his stock fell. I actually think he might be worth a gamble. Some mock drafts have him at the end of the 1st round, some have him at the very end of the 2nd round.

  11. #26
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    I'm not a fan of Mack at all. I do like Morris as I've mentioned though and I'd love to take the gamble on Tyler and his talent. Why not with 2 2nd rounders and a dearth of talent up front.

    Unless the contract situation becomes an issue, Valanciunas is definitely going before Montejunias. You seemed to have it backwards, not sure if it was an accident or not though.

    It'll be interesting to see if anyone will move up after workouts and such.

  12. #27
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    The other thing we need to keep in mind is there will probably be some trades before July 1st. That's when the players can lock out because of the CBA and owners will be looking to make moves before that date potentially. I think we could see Joe D finally make some moves. He could package our pick with Rip, BG, or Tay (in a sign and trade). If it brings in a really good player I wouldn't be upset with that, since it's going to be much more difficult to find a good player if we end up at #7.... I guess we'll find out May 17th.

  13. #28
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    [QUOTE]If the Cavs have interest in Kentucky point guard Brandon Knight (6-foot-3, 170 pounds)

  14. #29
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    I don't see us taking a PG any way or any how. Fredette is a Ben Gordon clone more than a Stephen Curry clone and Knight isn't enough value at 7. I think we need a PF too much to avoid one this draft, when a decent PF will be available most likely IMO.

    OTOH, it depends on how guys like Knight and Walker test out. How does their athleticism look at the combine, how is their shooting stroke,work ethic, basketball IQ, measurements etc.? Scoring PGs are becoming the way of the league lately, so its possible we may look at one I suppose, if they look like a true All Star caliber player. I highly doubt Kemba or Knight ends up better than Stuckey though. I like Stuckey's size better and they are all similar as scorers really. Stuckey's probably the best defender in the bunch and seems like he may have figured out the PG position finallly, at least a little. It took Chauncey quite a while too.

  15. #30
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    Default Re: Piston draft prospects

    Trust me, I agree. I'm not one of the people who wanted to take a PG. If we do take one I hope it's Knight or Fredette. I've been a Stuckey supporter at PG all along. He put up good numbers this year. The only thing I can think is management must think having Jerebko next to Monroe is better than the other big guys they could draft.... Or maybe they don't have any intention of matching an offer for Stuckey???

    I've read up quite a bit on Vesely and he seems like he's pretty legit. I think if he's still available wherever we're picking at Joe D will have a hard time not drafting him. The problem is he's more than likely going to be gone at #7. I like Knights size and athleticism. He put together a pretty good tournament too. He seems like he'll be good at the next level. If we ended up with him I wouldn't be totally disappointed. It's tough to figure this draft class out.

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