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  1. #1
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Last edited by Riddler; 01-17-2013 at 09:41 PM.

  2. #2
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    I haven't heard 4 handguns before. I thought they were saying he actually took the rifle with him and it was a shotgun they found in the trunk.

    This rapid style media is a mess.

  3. #3
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    I haven't heard 4 handguns before. I thought they were saying he actually took the rifle with him and it was a shotgun they found in the trunk.

    This rapid style media is a mess.

    BTW... if you want to see Piers Morgan get completely owned by some guy I've never heard of... watch this video:
    COMPLETE: Ben Shapiro CUTS Piers Morgan DOWN

  4. #4
    #Trump4Treason nathanjizzle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    good god not another topic with a never ending debate.

    he shot and killed 20 human. period end of story.

  5. #5
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by nathanjizzle
    good god not another topic with a never ending debate.
    I think it is good, at least it isn't going away until the next time it happens. I mean after Aurora this discussion only lasted maybe a week, and it was back to business of usual.

    Whatever side you are on it is an important issue that needs to be resolved. I think the problem is that people seem to becoming more entrenched in their opinion about guns and thereby the discussion is ONLY about guns now, and not the wider influence of gun culture, pop culture, the media, mental health problems, socioeconomic problems etc.

  6. #6
    NBA sixth man of the year knickballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    BTW... if you want to see Piers Morgan get completely owned by some guy I've never heard of... watch this video:
    COMPLETE: Ben Shapiro CUTS Piers Morgan DOWN
    Haha, I actually saw this the other day. It's Piers Morgan we are talking about, all he does is just cut people off and go on stupid rants. Alex Jones brought the lulz when he was on his show

  7. #7
    cereal killah daily's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    Bushmaster to kill everybody and one of the handguns to kill himself was reported

    the video you linked to is over a month old. the day after the shooting
    Last edited by daily; 01-17-2013 at 11:00 PM.

  8. #8
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by daily
    Bushmaster to kill everybody and one of the handguns to kill himself was reported

    the video you linked to is over a month old. the day after the shooting

    Multiple reports suggest the Bushmaster was found in the trunk of his car.

    I'd like to know why this was reported, and if it's true or false.

  9. #9
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    Multiple reports suggest the Bushmaster was found in the trunk of his car.

    I'd like to know why this was reported, and if it's true or false.
    They originally reported that the gun was the SLR because the media were just putting any scrap of information out there as quickly as they could.

    It was a shotgun - Saiga-12 (apparently, I don't know guns well enough to identify them), but you can see video of it where the officer unloads a shell from the chamber - if I were a betting man I would put my money on shotgun.

  10. #10
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    They originally reported that the gun was the SLR because the media were just putting any scrap of information out there as quickly as they could.

    It was a shotgun - Saiga-12 (apparently, I don't know guns well enough to identify them), but you can see video of it where the officer unloads a shell from the chamber - if I were a betting man I would put my money on shotgun.

    Haven't watched the youtube video yet (but I will)

    Here is my problem... We have a crime scene... Are there photographs of the crime scene? Are there surveillance tapes of Adam entering the building?

    Just show me a picture of a dead body...

    Just show me the video tapes from the cameras in that building.

    Whenever a conspiracy theory takes place, it's because the public doesn't get access of the video tapes (or photos) of the event taking place (or it's aftermath):

    No photo of OBL's dead body.

    No video of the Boeing hitting the Pentagon (and there were other cameras filming that day)

    and I think there are 12 surveillance tapes that have not been released to the public regarding the OKC bombing.

    I just wish we had more access to information withheld from the public when tragedies like this take place.

  11. #11
    Meats Don't Clash RaininThrees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    Haven't watched the youtube video yet (but I will)

    Here is my problem... We have a crime scene... Are there photographs of the crime scene? Are there surveillance tapes of Adam entering the building?

    Just show me a picture of a dead body...

    Just show me the video tapes from the cameras in that building.

    Whenever a conspiracy theory takes place, it's because the public doesn't get access of the video tapes (or photos) of the event taking place (or it's aftermath):

    No photo of OBL's dead body.

    No video of the Boeing hitting the Pentagon (and there were other cameras filming that day)

    and I think there are 12 surveillance tapes that have not been released to the public regarding the OKC bombing.

    I just wish we had more access to information withheld from the public when tragedies like this take place.

    Why are you assuming there are video tapes of the event? The camera used to let him into the school was likely a live feed and unrecorded. This is very, very common, especially for entrance video intercom systems.

    And why do you want to see pictures and video of 5 and 6 year olds being mowed down?

    You have no right to that information, nor should you want to see it.

    Absolutely disgusting.

  12. #12
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    Whenever a conspiracy theory takes place, it's because the public doesn't get access of the video tapes (or photos) of the event taking place (or it's aftermath):
    I understand being skeptical, but I'm not sure why conspiracy theories are the inherent response to evidence not being released?

    There are a myriad of reasons why videos and photos have been withheld. Often the best thing to do in these types of cases is to bury the suspect to avoid giving them notoriety. Also, do you really think it is a good idea to throw out images of massacred school kids?

    Also why weren't people asking for the same thing in response to the VT shooting? Why isn't that a conspiracy?

  13. #13
    Meats Don't Clash RaininThrees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    I understand being skeptical, but I'm not sure why conspiracy theories are the inherent response to evidence not being released?

    There are a myriad of reasons why videos and photos have been withheld. Often the best thing to do in these types of cases is to bury the suspect to avoid giving them notoriety. Also, do you really think it is a good idea to throw out images of massacred school kids?

    Also why weren't people asking for the same thing in response to the VT shooting? Why isn't that a conspiracy?
    Oh god no. No. NO. Don't! Don't open the door!!!!!

  14. #14
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    I can understand wanting to see OBL's body (I'd like to) but not a bunch of 5-6 year olds.

  15. #15
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    Also why weren't people asking for the same thing in response to the VT shooting? Why isn't that a conspiracy?
    There wasn't any reason to suggest that it was a conspiracy.

    I'm glad you asked that question... People like to accuse us of suggesting everything is a conspiracy, but that isn't the case.... as far as I know, I haven't seen one reason to be skeptical of that event.

    And that guy used handguns right?

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