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  1. #106
    The Real Ced TheReturnofCed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Locked_Up_Tonight
    Josh Howard averaged 17 points a game this year for the Mavs and he was a "garbage basket" scorer. He had no "go to" moves to speak of. He got most of his points on junk like offensive reounds, transition.

    Just because you score 18 points does not necessarilly mean you are a great scorer.

    And yes I've seen Spoon play. He was a decent scorer. He maximized his ability. A homeless man's Charles Barkley.
    Some common sense arrives!

  2. #107
    Please clap. Real Men Wear Green's Avatar
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    Except that no one said Spoon was a great scorer. Guess common sense doesn't require reading.

  3. #108
    The Real Ced TheReturnofCed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Real Men Wear Green
    Except that no one said Spoon was a great scorer. Guess common sense doesn't require reading.
    They all said exactally the same thing as me, but GOBB added that Spoon has an "up and under".

  4. #109
    NBA Superstar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Real Men Wear Green
    Except that no one said Spoon was a great scorer. Guess common sense doesn't require reading.
    Mr Green what you said is

    true true true

    some just like to

    spew spew spew

    regardless of what anyone said before or how much they really

    knew knew knew

    on that note I am

    through through through

    because I cant deal with Ced's myopic

    view view view

  5. #110
    Local High School Star WoGiTaLiA1's Avatar
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    Just because you score 18 points does not necessarilly mean you are a great scorer.
    It does mean you are a good scorer though. I mean however you get the points, you are getting them. Antoine Walker had the most unusual post game I've seen, but he could flat out score with it. Shaq scores nearly all his points on shots within 5 foot, doesnt mean he isnt a great scorer. Getting puts on putbacks and garbage style just means you are good at that, you still have to find position and put it in the hole. Lots of players flat out suck in the open court, others excel, depends on different things. Dino had a good offensive game though and so did Spoon(In a Walker sort of way really).

  6. #111
    Sixers|Eagles|Phillies GOBB's Avatar
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    CED got destroyed.

  7. #112
    The Real Ced TheReturnofCed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GOBB
    CED got destroyed.
    In your little dream world, what was a wearing there poof?

    You just backed u pwhat I was saying, Spoon has basically no offensive game.

  8. #113
    NBA Superstar
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    Ced, I kind of thought you were a punching bag this whole thread, but you kept coming back so I guess you are more like one of those plastic dolls you punch that always bounce back up.

    The only way Ced will concede an argument is if time travel was possible and you could go back in time so he could see first hand the point you were trying to make. Even then he would probably trust his own opinion over the evidence.

    How else can you explain calling 18ppg twice and 15 ppg twice: "No offensive game to speak of."


    We are all stupider for having played along for so long

  9. #114
    Sixers|Eagles|Phillies GOBB's Avatar
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    Weatherspoon was rubbish, He had two good seasons, his rookie year and his sophmore year, after that he was absolute garbage.
    and I didn't even need to see 76er games to make a statement about Weatherspoon, he was a tub-o-lard. Corliss Williamson without the post game. Basically Bo Outlaw
    Weatherspoon is end of the bench fodder, and anyone that thinks otherwise is a moron. How many games did those Phily teams win with Weatherspoon stat-whoring? Was he ever on a winning team with a prominent role?
    Anyone that is debating that Weatherspoon was more than bench fodder is an idiot. Spoon is a 6'6" (at best) power forward with no offensive game to speak of, and questionable defense. No perimeter game either, all he had was athleticism in his younger days and 6 fouls.
    Now I'd like both of you to debate that Corliss Williamson (Spoon) is equal to Pau Gasol (Dino).
    Never said I have seen Weatherspoon as a 6er
    CED talkin out his ass, didnt see Spoon play admittingly yet is breaking down his game as a Sixer. How did he do this? Dunno...
    Offensive rebound put backs. Dunks. A little bit of back to the basketwork ala Charles Barkley, but with a limited reportaire. Basically scores and rebounds on will and physical strength. Was a good man to man and helpside defender when he was younger and had athleticism.
    Bo Outlaw has had 40+ point games in summer league, what do you read into that?

    Shawn Marion is also a good comparison, what offensive game does he have?

  10. #115
    The Real Ced TheReturnofCed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GOBB
    CED talkin out his ass, didnt see Spoon play admittingly yet is breaking down his game as a Sixer. How did he do this? Dunno...


  11. #116
    why live??
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    Default Re: Dino Radja......

    Weatherspoon.............. good god. JtotheIzzo and GOBB displaying their complete lack of knowledge about Weahterspoon.

    "Up and under" = Offensive game = LOL

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