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  1. #46
    The Love B-Low B-Low's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who influences (or inspires) YOU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lebron23
    1. Alexander the Great
    2. Jesus Christ
    3. Confucius
    4. Michael Jordan
    5. Larry Bird
    6. Achilles
    7. Napoleon Bonaparte
    8. Isaac Newton
    9. Michael Jackson
    10. Tupac Shakurs
    11. King Arthur
    12. LeBron James
    Never in my life thought I'd see a list of ANYTHING that somehow included Jesus, Napoleon, Larry Bird, Tupac, LeBron and King Arthur. Repped whenever I can rep again

  2. #47
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who influences (or inspires) YOU?

    Quote Originally Posted by B-Low
    Never in my life thought I'd see a list of ANYTHING that somehow included Jesus, Napoleon, Larry Bird, Tupac, LeBron and King Arthur. Repped whenever I can rep again
    Last edited by Lebron23; 01-17-2011 at 03:12 AM.

  3. #48
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who influences (or inspires) YOU?

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Yep. :)

    Beast. Artist in the ring. Provoked Whitey. Travelled Round the World. Oversped and gave a police officer 100$ even though its a 50$ ticket, saying hes gonna come back the same speed. Arbiter of Fashion. Chaser of White Women when it was socially discouraged. Fan of opera. Polarizing figure. Every ingredient of a legit legend.
    is the james earl jones movie based on him worth watching? (if you've seen it)

  4. #49 andgar923's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who influences (or inspires) YOU?

    Quote Originally Posted by bladefd
    List your top 5 inspirational/influential figures and why (does not need to be in any specific order, just list 5 from the top of your mind in whatever order):

    1) Albert Einstein: Went from a nobody to the man of the century and perhaps the greatest scientist ever. At a young age, people looked down at him and questioned his intelligence in early age and he was pretty socially retarded somewhat. Proves everybody wrong starting in college and created some of the most advanced theories known to mankind that are still pretty widely accepted today + quantum physics field pretty much was started after his research/writings. Crazy guy but very smart. Quite an accomplishment, eh?

    2) Mahatma Gandhi: What was he? A tiny guy with bones sticking out of every part of his body with just enough food to stand upright. Then you look at what he did: he took down the British empire through strictly peaceful means. He would starve himself for months at a time if any of his people used violence against the British (and the Muslims later on when India was violently split between Hindus/Muslims after British left). People (from both Hindu and Islam side) would beg him to eat again and stopped violence just for him. After he was shot, he had the largest funeral ever with all of India closing down for days, and it is still a major holiday today. Unbelievable. Arguably the most influential person ever.

    3) Martin Luther King Jr.: Much like Gandhi, he believed in getting black rights through only peaceful means (he actually said that he studied Gandhi closely, took out books on Gandhi's philosophy and his teachings and later used those teachings in his own fight). He pretty much was the most important figure in getting blacks their rights and removing the segregation. Gave his life for what he believed in. MLK also had fewer people to work with; Gandhi had all of India behind him while MLK was mostly blacks, who were a minority. I GREATLY respect people that against all odds come out victorious just so that their children could have the same opportunities as others. Of course, there is still lots of racism and the opportunities are not the same between blacks/whites, but it doesn't compare to how it was during the segregation days.

    4) JFK: I don't even know where to start. Space race was won during his presidency, first moon landing ever. Closest we have ever came to world annihilation (or at least destruction of much of USA and most of USSR) after Cuban missile crisis but was thwarted by JFK (he went against what most of his Generals were asking for - a preemptive strike on USSR). Youngest president ever, normal family that people can connect with. Drilled Marilyn Monroe and other beautiful women of that time. War hero. Assassinated. Damn, what he could have been if he wasn't assassinated. All we can do is speculate, but he sure was somebody you want to admire.

    5) Humanity as a whole: It is inspiration for where we are today as a human race. We have gone through a lot... Quick list of what makes us absolutely awesome. Evolved from apes. Invented tools from stones and firepit for staying warm+cooking. Spoken language and agricultural farming. Domesticated animals. People came together to create civilizations and large cities. Underground sewers, new foods and crops. New ideas coming together from all corners of the globe. Mathematics, physics, economics, philosophy, etc. History being constantly written and retold. Created cars and airplanes. A-bomb and genetic engineering. Space travel, research. The challenge to find new better sources of energy. Hate and love. War and stability. We are where we are today and that in itself is an inspiration to all that it stands for.
    In all honesty (no beef... seriously), this sounds like some beauty pageant answer.

    Not saying you aren't influenced by them, but just saying.

  5. #50
    An Icon Forever
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    Default Re: Who influences (or inspires) YOU?

    Arnold Schwarzenegger

    He went from a poor peasant living in Austria to a become a bodybuilding champion, successful movie star in Hollywood, and former governor of California. His work ethic was second to none. I personally look up to Arnie, because he was truly the definition of Alpha.

    He accomplished every goal he tried to achieve, Bodybuilding, acting, politics etc, he pretty much epitomized the American dream.

    If that's not someone to look up to, then I don't know who is.

  6. #51
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who influences (or inspires) YOU?

    Quote Originally Posted by andgar923
    In all honesty (no beef... seriously), this sounds like some beauty pageant answer.

    Not saying you aren't influenced by them, but just saying.
    Well, I am definitely influenced by the first 3 (from least influenced to most: MLK, Gandhi, Einstein most influenced by humanity as a whole). I have done research on those 3 people on my own time to learn more about them, I know a lot about each individual persons' lives. I put JFK on there only because of what his influence has been for others, he is probably a top 5 most influential person in this country; I am not influenced by JFK personally. I would put on Bruce Lee instead of JFK. I don't know which ghost took over when I threw JFK on there.

    I could probably also replace MLK with Clint Eastwood or Denzel Washington because I am probably more influenced by those 2 than MLK. I am alright with keeping MLK on though, even though he hasn't been as influential as Eastwood/Washington (as actors obviously in their respective roles).
    Last edited by bladefd; 01-17-2011 at 04:14 PM.

  7. #52
    3-time NBA All-Star BaņkShot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who influences (or inspires) YOU?


  8. #53
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who influences (or inspires) YOU?

    3 years later, I have decided to look back on this after some life-altering events in last 6 months. Something inside me has changed - perhaps my outlook on life in some ways.

    I am keeping Einstein, Gandhi & humanity on the list. I'm switching out JFK with Bruce Lee and switching MLK with Carl Sagan. JFK is being replaced because he hasn't directly influenced my life - I know a lot about him, I respect him a lot, and I look up to him as a leader of men/women and definition of leadership BUT he has not directly influenced my life enough to put him on my list.

    I'm removing MLK because he has not directly influenced my life enough to be top 5 (still top 10). I look up to him as a great man of peace worthy of honor, admiration & utmost respect, but top 5? No, I'm not doing him justice.

    Here's my addition:

    Carl Sagan: There was something very special about this fellow. He made you feel small by showing you humility and how Earth is simply a pale blue dot in the vastness of the universe. He also made you feel big by showing you that

  9. #54
    NBA Legend Bandito's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who influences (or inspires) YOU?

    Ada lovelace

    Bill Gates

    Steve Jobs

    Zuckerberg (the guy that invented Facebook)
    Last edited by Bandito; 01-11-2014 at 07:11 PM.

  10. #55
    Success PullupJay's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who influences (or inspires) YOU?

    My Dad - Real stand up guy,accomplished big things, he was a semi pro boxer and a pro baller in Europe

    My Cousin - Popular charismatic ladies man, looked up to him as a kid.

    Dr Dre- Awesome creative producer I try to emulate in terms of his unique style and status.

    George Carlin - Wise man who kept it real and spoke his mind..funny too

    Elliot Hulse- One of the strongest and wisest men of our current generation. Know's a lot about hollistic health,happiness,well being,peace of mind. I share most of his philosophies. His motto is "become the strongest version of yourself".

    Michael Jordan - Self explanatory...he is just the definition of greatness

    Heath Ledger - His Joker performance is on another league in terms of greatness, imo. Inspires me to step into that layer or tap into that zone of "DAMNNNN how does he do that/ how did he think of that???"

  11. #56
    new based god MetsPackers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who influences (or inspires) YOU?

    In no order

    Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Dennis Rodman before the Korea stuff

    Lebron James

    My father

    can't think of any more

  12. #57
    LeMassiveunderdog JebronLames's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who influences (or inspires) YOU?

    Lebron- unfair expectations and criticism against him. Played with bad teammates for 7 years, and brought them further than anyone else could have.
    Let people, and all the hate get to him in 2011 and lost in the finals with healthy wade and bosh.
    Overcame all that by winning in 2012 with hurt wade, and hurt bosh.
    Wins again in 2013 with scrub wade and 12 ppg bosh. Now, he ain't got no worries!!

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