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  1. #31
    Learning to shoot layups Da Hammer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does Kevin Durant have the charisma and personality to be the face of the NBA?

    Quote Originally Posted by SacJB Shady
    have u noticed how the NBA still has a lot of house hold names while the MLB has very few house hold names right now?
    Yea although I think MLB has always been more about the teams rather than the NBA where it's more about the star players. The only house hold names I can think of at the moment would be a couple yankees like A-Rod and Jeter. And Josh Hamilton has gained a lot of fame last couple years. Other than them you are right not a lot of house hold names.

  2. #32
    5-time NBA All-Star Clutch's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does Kevin Durant have the charisma and personality to be the face of the NBA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Theoo
    i think he funny actually!!
    I'm actually starting to like KD. He seems like a nice guy.

  3. #33
    Big Booty Hoes!! NumberSix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does Kevin Durant have the charisma and personality to be the face of the NBA?

    I see Derrick Rose being the new face of the league more than Durant.

  4. #34
    National High School Star Nevaeh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does Kevin Durant have the charisma and personality to be the face of the NBA?

    Quote Originally Posted by NumberSix
    I see Derrick Rose being the new face of the league more than Durant.
    Well, like every Generation, there's usually a few "Faces of the League", or a counter to the "Main" face of the League.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Does Kevin Durant have the charisma and personality to be the face of the NBA?

    Rose, Durant and LeBron will probably continue to share the general title of "face of the NBA". There is no single, dominant presence in basketball anymore... comparable to a Shaq, prime Kobe, or Jordan.

    While LeBron racks up the individual stats to argue his case, his team shortcomings in two Finals appearances, in addition to the "love him or hate him" stigma that follows him around, discredit him considerably. Rose's injury places doubt on his future for anything. While I'm sure he bounces back, there's always a slim chance he could wind up like Grant Hill: groomed for NBA greatness but decimated by injuries.

    Durant would seem the most likely candidate, if one individual had to be chosen. The 'quiet' thing isn't exactly the most marketable personality type, but it's not impossible. Bird was comparable to Durant in a variety of ways: reserved, stayed out of the public eye. Both kept to themselves, but were tirelessly competitive.

    Obviously, Bird had a mean streak a mile long and a mouth like a sailor, too... so there are clear demarcation lines drawn between the two. Point is: the NBA has marketed less-than-ideal personalities before and can do it again.

  6. #36
    Success PullupJay's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does Kevin Durant have the charisma and personality to be the face of the NBA?

    I think he should turn heel

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