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  1. #1
    skuduskur DonD13's Avatar
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    Exclamation PED's in the nba

    I don't know nothing about it, so please ISH educate me:

    - What kind of testing do they have?
    - What substances are beeing tested?
    - What happens if you get caught?
    - Who got caught?
    - Is there enough testing/too much testing in your oppinion?

  2. #2
    Very good NBA starter chips93's Avatar
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    rashard lewis got caught for them a few years back right? got like 15 games suspended, and has been on the dexline ever since

    rose and durant have both stated that other players use them, but retracted their statements afterwards (PR move presumably)

    thats about all ive heard with regards to peds and the nba

  3. #3
    I hit open 5-foot jumpshots with ease
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    didnt OJ Mayo get caught 2 years ago as well?

  4. #4
    Great college starter chocolatethunder's Avatar
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    I know people who play or have played professional baseball football and basketball both in the NBA and overseas. There's a general perception that PED use is commonplace in the NFL and MLB. Part of the reason is the size of the players which is understandable. However, my friends who played in MLB told me that tons of little guys like infielders who didn't look particularly big or strong would use them like crazy. PEDs don't make you muscular they just make you be able to recover quickly. They said that Dominican infielders would take them like vitamins and not even really work out and just use them for recovery. My one friend also said that his last steroid dealer told him that if the NBA ever cracked down on PEDs that he'd go broke. He said that in his experience, the NBA was the league in which the problem was the worst. Their testing is a joke and there isn't that much suspicion because much like the infielders in baseball, the basketball players are using them more for recovery. Now obviusly guys like Howard would be using them to get bigger. So in my estimation I would say that PED use is rampant in the NBA.

  5. #5
    Local High School Star Rolando's Avatar
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    I wonder about testing during the off season. Do they do it?

    How about during a strike, like last summer. To me, that would be the perfect time to get in some PEDs, particularly for the older guys who need to heal and rebuild.

  6. #6
    Top 1 Bball Mind.
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    Olympians undergo random year round testing, I believe. So i doubt use of steroids is THAT bad in the NBA.

  7. #7
    Great college starter chocolatethunder's Avatar
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    Quote Originally Posted by RoundMoundOfReb
    Olympians undergo random year round testing, I believe. So i doubt use of steroids is THAT bad in the NBA.
    You can't be serious can you? The dopers have been and always will be ahead of the testers. Do you know anything about the BALCO scandal? As soon as there is a test for a specific drug, a new designer drug is created or a masking agent is used to throw off the testers. Do you realize that until recently there wasn't even a way to test if someone was using HGH? Think about that for a moment. When you know the guy who is competing with you for your job is or may be taking HGH and you can't even get tested for you and not doing it could cost you literally millions of dollars, why would you not do it? You must not follow olympic sports in any way because people are busted all the time. Just this week the Silver medalist in the discus from 2004 from Hungary refused his drug test and was banned from the Olympics. He joins the 2004 gold medalist also from Hungary who is banned for PEDs. I know firsthand from people who play these sports, what do you know? You choose to be naive and think that this isn't happening in basketball for some reason. Well it is happening just as it happens in all sports. You must be very young.

  8. #8
    Dunking on everybody in the park shaq's--lakers's Avatar
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    Everybody knows that Kobe is on HGH and had to go to Germany and do it because it is illegal in America

  9. #9
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    There is NO DOUBT in my mind that a ton of guys are on HGH supplementation. Especially the elite guys like Kobe, Wade etc.

  10. #10
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatethunder
    PEDs don't make you muscular they just make you be able to recover quickly. They said that Dominican infielders would take them like vitamins and not even really work out and just use them for recovery. My one friend also said that his last steroid dealer told him that if the NBA ever cracked down on PEDs that he'd go broke. He said that in his experience, the NBA was the league in which the problem was the worst. Their testing is a joke and there isn't that much suspicion because much like the infielders in baseball, the basketball players are using them more for recovery. Now obviusly guys like Howard would be using them to get bigger. So in my estimation I would say that PED use is rampant in the NBA.
    Yup, and this is the dirty little secret to much of the "longevity" of today's players. They're not doing it naturally.

  11. #11
    Great college starter chocolatethunder's Avatar
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    And let me just add that Marion Jones never failed a drug test but admitted doping and paid dearly for it. In addition Lance Armstrong has never officially failed a test in over 500 tests but is a known doper as is every winner of the TDF since LeMond. Armstrong did anonymously fail two tests however. Something that he refuses to admit.

  12. #12
    Serious playground baller
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    I honestly dont see what the big deal is.

    If it were up to me I would let professional players use PED's as long as they are doing it under a doctors' supervision and are doing it at their own (acknowledged) risk.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    I thought for recovery all NBA players just used those cyrogenic chambers...tht seems a lot easier then messing with drugs

  14. #14
    Decent college freshman theaussieguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    Quote Originally Posted by OldSchoolBBall
    There is NO DOUBT in my mind that a ton of guys are on HGH supplementation. Especially the elite guys like Kobe, Wade etc.
    yep, its very obvious in some players, just that fine conditioning they get even with age like derek fisher.

  15. #15
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: PED's in the nba

    Quote Originally Posted by OldSchoolBBall
    There is NO DOUBT in my mind that a ton of guys are on HGH supplementation. Especially the elite guys like Kobe, Wade etc.
    Why Kobe? Definitely see Wade doing it. Just look at his jaw.

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