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  1. #46
    Good High School Starter Miller for 3's Avatar
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    Default Re: #56 NBA Player Of All-Time According to InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by Kblaze8855
    Yes. No standout. Im not acting like 23ppg is amazing for a guy who does literally nothing else that justifies getting into an NBA game. Amazing is Jerry West dropping 40ppg the entire playoffs in a finals run. Amazing is Bernard King vs the Pistons. Duncan vs the Lakers in 03. Dirk vs the Thunder.

    Again....low standards for a guy who isnt good enough to justify the use of high ones.

    Talking to me about 23 and change and nothing else as if a guy like Kevin Durant wouldnt be clowned and called overrated if he played on such a level.
    Youre getting too caught up in boxscore stats and not considering that Reggie was a team player. Scoring 23 ppg while not dominating the ball or only taking 16 shots a game is crazy. There's a reason why role players excelled on the Pacers. Imagine if Reggie got to play with a Pippen or Ewing instead of Smits. Reggie could carry a team (see the 2000 squad he led to the Finals), be a killer 2nd option (shame we never got to see him in a Drexler 95 type role) or even late in his career be one of the best 3rd/4th options in the league. And how do you explain Reggie dominating the best defenses in the league year in and year out? From 1990 to now, no one played against tougher defenses in the playoffs than Reggie. One would expect his numbers to fall off the most then right? Reggie's level of the play in the postseason increased more than anyone else during that time. It wasn't a one time fluke, it was routine.

  2. #47
    Titles are overrated Kblaze8855's Avatar
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    Default Re: #56 NBA Player Of All-Time According to InsideHoops

    I dont need to explain what didnt happen. nobody has ever done as little as Reggie and had it called dominating as they lost every year. No need to start.

    And no I would not really expect Reggies numbers to drop vs a good defense. Guys who are isolation scorers and slashers would be much worse off vs a physical penetration preventing defense than a guy who runs around multiple screens looking to get open....or just not get the ball.

    What opponents shoot vs a team does not tell you what kind of scorers they are good at limiting.. Reggie didnt take the kinds of shots that a Ewing/mason/Oakley/smith frontline does a lot to prevent. Lebron does. Id expect him to struggle. Reggie does not. I wouldnt expect him to be off as much as a slasher would.

    Starks ran his ass off after him and they had good on the ball guards. Reggie wasnt an on the ball scorer. Shooters could go over the top on the Knicks. Dell Curry had one of his only big scoring games vs them. I remember the Magics shooters doing some things.

    Dont talk to me about GOAT defenses as if it means they are designed to shut down the kind of player Reggie was. The east best defenses were designed to stop Michael Jordan. The Bulls defense was led by two people who while great were free to do as they pleased and roam around.

    No reason to think Reggie couldnt score on teams that were not designed to stop guys like him. Reggie was hard to guard because he was in a league shifting towards isolation play and preventing penetration off the spaced floors that shooters had started to provide. And in the playoffs he played teams even better at defending players...he didnt play like.

    You wanna talk ball talk ball. Dont tell me about GOAT defenses like I dont remember the 90s and their numbers are gonna make me think Greg Anthony was gonna run though Dale Davis unusually well.

  3. #48
    Linja Status Whoah10115's Avatar
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    Default Re: #56 NBA Player Of All-Time According to InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by Kblaze8855
    Yes. No standout. Im not acting like 23ppg is amazing for a guy who does literally nothing else that justifies getting into an NBA game. Amazing is Jerry West dropping 40ppg the entire playoffs in a finals run. Amazing is Bernard King vs the Pistons. Duncan vs the Lakers in 03. Dirk vs the Thunder.

    Again....low standards for a guy who isnt good enough to justify the use of high ones.

    Talking to me about 23 and change and nothing else as if a guy like Kevin Durant wouldnt be clowned and called overrated if he played on such a level.

    This is complete disregard for the way the Pacers ran their offense and the way he got his points.

  4. #49
    Titles are overrated Kblaze8855's Avatar
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    Default Re: #56 NBA Player Of All-Time According to InsideHoops is giving due credit to players better than Reggie Miller who were...because of it...asked to do more. Reggie played the way he did because he was not a clear it out go one on one scorer. Im not grading on a curve because he has less talent than a Durant, Tmac, Jerry West, or whoever. And im not gonna act like 23 a game while losing is amazing for a player who doesnt do anything else.

    You give me numbers like its a "Well what say you noooooooow sir?!?!" great point. It isnt. Reggies numbers would be great for Ben Gordon. For a supposed superstar scorer with no other real Straight "eh" status numbers. Reggie was most of the time better than his numbers. But you posted them and then reposted them as if you wanted a response so...there you go.

    They just...arent very impressive.

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