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  1. #16
    (◣_◢) CoLa Loneshot's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    1) what are your roots?
    Mother is black, father is Puerto Rican. I have a bunch of other blood mixed in from my mother's side; blackfoot indian is the main one i can remember.

    2) if you could have any particular extra roots in a culture / ethnicity of your choice, what would it be?
    I'm cool with just being black. Nothing against non-blacks, but if i had to be reborn, i'd choose black again. We're the coolest people on the planet. We just need a better love for education as oppose to a love of money.

    3) any particular comments about being the species that you are? like, positive or negative?
    Black people are disappointing when i consider our history. From slaves, to flourishing communities of doctors and businessmen, to pimps, hoes, drug dealers, and addicts. We can be such a greater people (especially considering our small population) that i don't understand why we appear to have the least unity of all the races in America.

    A positive thing i like about being black is that no matter where i am, i never feel like a stranger when around other black people. If i'm walking down the street and another black person is passing by, we always acknowledge each other with a head nod or hello. I like that small sense of community, if you can call it that.

    I also like that our population is around 8 or 9 percent. Despite how much people say we pop out babies, compared to the mexican our numbers are actually decreasing in this country (jail has a lot to do with that), but the smaller our numbers are, the more hope there is for getting our culture back on track. I can't wait for that day.
    Last edited by Loneshot; 01-03-2013 at 08:07 PM.

  2. #17
    NBA All-star Derka's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    Irish (12.5%)/German (12.5%)/Portuguese (25%) from Dad. French (25%)/Polish (25%) from Mom.

    Descended from the second generation of colonists to the United States, with two male ancestors who fought the Revolution.

  3. #18
    The People's Choice Draz's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    I'm Guyanese. I came here when I was nearly 2 so I'm pretty light skinned.

  4. #19
    . blablabla's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    I'm caucasian, my parents are both from bosnia(bosniaks)

  5. #20
    NBA Legend pauk's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    Quote Originally Posted by LEFT4DEAD
    1/2 Bosnian, 1/2 Austrian

    wish I had some Italian blood, i fcking love that country!

    May I ask you where you live?
    I am in between Bosnia (Sarajevo) & Denmark (Copenhagen)

    How about you? Pricas li Bosanski? :)

  6. #21
    ISH' Muslim Community LEFT4DEAD's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    Quote Originally Posted by pauk
    I am in between Bosnia (Sarajevo) & Denmark (Copenhagen)

    How about you? Pricas li Bosanski? :)
    Im in Vienna right now, not too far from Bosnia, thats the good thing. I was many times down there in the last 3-4 years, in a place near Tuzla where my grandparents from mom's side are.
    Da, pricam bosanski, ne znam bas ni ja kakva mi je gramatika, tako da izvini na greskama unaprijed ako ih ima

  7. #22
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    Quote Originally Posted by pauk
    Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrian aka ex. Yugoslavian ethnicity/ancestry... have different type of religions in me/my family/relatives aswell, muslim (Father is Bosnian) Christian/Orthodox (Mother is from Croatia/Montenegro)... not so religious myself, but yea i love my ancestry/culture, wouldnt want any change and there has been only positives...
    Question brotha pauk?

    Why the f*ck are Montenegron guys so fukking tall and Albos so fukkin short?
    Also why are Romanian/Bulgo/Albo girls so fukking gorgeous and feminine and Greek/Macedonian women so goddamn fat and hairy and manly looking? (No offense)

    Furthermore, why does one part of SE europe have a bunch of stocky bearded Muslim looking guys who are strong as fukk and participate in organ human traffiking while the other part has a bunch of -ovic sounding dudes who like to camp by the baseline and shoot threes and smoke all day and eat cevapi.

    Furthermore, do all of you collectively hate the Serbs? I know the Kosovo/Bos/Albo Muslims and the Christian Croatins aren't the bset of friend, but they seem to be a-okay.

  8. #23
    ISH' Muslim Community LEFT4DEAD's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Question brotha pauk?

    Why the f*ck are Montenegron guys so fukking tall and Albos so fukkin short?
    Also why are Romanian/Bulgo/Albo girls so fukking gorgeous and feminine and Greek/Macedonian women so goddamn fat and hairy and manly looking? (No offense)

    Furthermore, why does one part of SE europe have a bunch of stocky bearded Muslim looking guys who are strong as fukk and participate in organ human traffiking while the other part has a bunch of -ovic sounding dudes who like to camp by the baseline and shoot threes and smoke all day and eat cevapi.

    Furthermore, do all of you collectively hate the Serbs? I know the Kosovo/Bos/Albo Muslims and the Christian Croatins aren't the bset of friend, but they seem to be a-okay.
    I lol'd hard on this post my man!

  9. #24
    Maeru Perinawa Achali TaLvsCuaL's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    1. I'm caucasian.

    2. Melanesian probably, those black people with blond hair is unique, and I look like pretty average here.

    3. I honestly do not think there's positive or negative things according to what race you are. Except those imposed by our racist culture, and some minor differences in our physical ability, but they are only noticeable when it comes to professional sports or things like that.

    On the other hand a curious thing I can tell you, is that many people in the U.S. think that the Spaniards are not white and Spain is close to Mexico.

  10. #25
    I Run NY. niko's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    Quote Originally Posted by gigantes
    for some reason i'm kind of fascinated by the origins of people. feel like sharing?

    1) what are your roots? I'm Puerto Rican, born in Brooklyn. One of my parents was born in PR, the other in Brooklyn.

    2) if you could have any particular extra roots in a culture / ethnicity of your choice, what would it be? Nothing, never particularly felt anything was missing.

    3) any particular comments about being the species that you are? like, positive or negative?
    If you want negative, growing up i felt like we had a lot of victim culture going on. Woe is us, we are picked on, nobody gives us a break. Which at times was true (i've went into detail prior on this board about the shit i took from cops growing up essentially doing nothing). But goign woe is me and not trying to better yourself pisses me off. It's much less now i think.

    myself, i'm half peruvian (born there), one quarter german, one quarter english. but if i could add another influence, it would be celtic (like irish / scottish / welsh / old french) or asian (chinese or japanese). and yes, i'm proud to be peruvian, but still embarrassed that my spanish is so primitive (after age four i grew up in the USA).


  11. #26
    NBA rookie of the year raprap's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    half sexy half beast

  12. #27
    NBA Legend pauk's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Question brotha pauk?

    Why the f*ck are Montenegron guys so fukking tall and Albos so fukkin short?

    On a more serious note, Albanians are a completely different ethnicity from us SLAVS (Croats, Slovenians, Serbs, Bosnians, Macedonians, Montenegrins)... so it might have something to do with that

    Also why are Romanian/Bulgo/Albo girls so fukking gorgeous and feminine and Greek/Macedonian women so goddamn fat and hairy and manly looking? (No offense)
    Whoa, you have then seen some very random people... because by majority any other balkan women/men > albanian men/women... trust me.. Croatian/Bosnian/Slovenian/Montenegrin women are the most beautiful... and the hardest ones to tame.. :)

    Furthermore, why does one part of SE europe have a bunch of stocky bearded Muslim looking guys who are strong as fukk and participate in organ human traffiking
    lmao.... Anyways, its just an ideology presented to us (slavs) by the Turks very long time ago, we are all the same people/culture/language really.... except the Albos... Islam is very different here culturally, what you see/learn from Islam as an American is very stereotypic and very Arabic/middleeastern, the women wearing headscarfs, the men with the beards and turbans and white pyjamas... lol... that is more about culture rather than religion, non of that is obligatory as a Muslim haha... its just like the Christian culture difference in Sweden and Mexico... understand?? But here, you wont see the difference between a Christian or Muslim woman/man here in any way... unless that Muslim is from Saudi Arabia and that Christian is from Mexico or Africa or something....

    while the other part has a bunch of -ovic sounding dudes who like to camp by the baseline and shoot threes and smoke all day and eat cevapi.
    Because that is life here! We are born with a sports ball in one hand and Cevapi or Pita or Cufte or Burek on the other! Those calories need to be burned somehow, but we dont like to overwork, shooting threes is as far is it goes and thats why we are good at it, lol

    Furthermore, do all of you collectively hate the Serbs? I know the Kosovo/Bos/Albo Muslims and the Christian Croatins aren't the bset of friend, but they seem to be a-okay.
    Nah, generally all (including Slovenians, Croats, especially Croats) hate/hated Serbs more than anybody else, mostly due to their politics and support for what happened in the 90s for example... has nothing to do with religion, trust me, how else would you explain Serbs genocide, war on Croats???? Croats hate Serbs probably more than anybody.... Its not Serbian peoples fault entirely, its their dictators fault Milosevic.... dude was crazy, tried to overtake all Yugoslavian states so it should be called Serbia, he literally was the reason to everything that happened to Yugoslavia...

    The hate is generally over right now, its all love and peace, i have friends of all corners, we never mention politics, we try to move on, not forget, but just move on.... the only conflict that still exists and will probably never vanish completely is between Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo........

    PS: Albanians (Sqiptars) migrated to Yugoslavia, they are not Slavs like everybody else and dont speak our language and most of them cant speak our language to this day which is Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian, Montegrin, all the same really, just dialects... with that last part being said you can now maybe imagine how stupid this war was, its like if California battles Arizona, Texas or something causing all those states to split from "USA" and now are their own nations/countries... :

    PS #2: What a god damn shame Yugoslavia split up, we dominated basketball and would dominate basketball still to this day in Europe... and even given USA the best fight they ever had in the Olympics and maybe even win due to the teamwork, effort & will... :)
    Last edited by pauk; 01-04-2013 at 12:51 AM.

  13. #28
    Buckle up Bucket_Nakedz's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    1) what are your roots?
    samoan wif a hint of francois

    my great great grandfather was french on my mothers side. its prolly the reason why my mom is so fair.

    2) if you could have any particular extra roots in a culture / ethnicity of your choice, what would it be?

    prolly mormon. dat polygamy

    3) any particular comments about being the species that you are? like, positive or negative?

    negative. why aren't we in outer space already?

  14. #29
    NBA sixth man of the year knickballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Question brotha pauk?

    Why the f*ck are Montenegron guys so fukking tall and Albos so fukkin short?
    Also why are Romanian/Bulgo/Albo girls so fukking gorgeous and feminine and Greek/Macedonian women so goddamn fat and hairy and manly looking? (No offense)

    Furthermore, why does one part of SE europe have a bunch of stocky bearded Muslim looking guys who are strong as fukk and participate in organ human traffiking while the other part has a bunch of -ovic sounding dudes who like to camp by the baseline and shoot threes and smoke all day and eat cevapi.

    Furthermore, do all of you collectively hate the Serbs? I know the Kosovo/Bos/Albo Muslims and the Christian Croatins aren't the bset of friend, but they seem to be a-okay.
    Albo's really aren't that short, it all depends where they are from. The Kosovar Albanians and the Albanians from Northern Albania are tall people(over 6 feet average) but the other ones are pretty short.

    In general Balkan people are reported to be the tallest in the world and I think it has to do with the mountains. Montenegrin are giants lol

    And Albanians aren't muslim. Majority of them are atheistic/agnostic

  15. #30
    Sugar. Give me. Sugar. QUIZZLE's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is your ethnicity? (and two bonus questions)


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