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  1. #61
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Vragrant
    Those who engage in meditation will find this useful as well. It does contribute to neuroplasticity in regions of the brain involved in executive functioning (higher order thinking) .

    Dan Hurley writes on the Discover website:
    “A new study, published online on June 11 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows that a form of mindfulness meditation increases both the density of axons connecting neurons, and the myelin sheaths around those axons, within the anterior cingulate, an area of the brain important for attention and self regulation.

    The findings are the latest from a continuing collaboration between Michael Posner, professor emeritus at the University of Oregon’s department of psychology, and Yi-Yuan Tang, director of Texas Tech University’s Neuroimaging Institute and chair of neuroscience in its psychology department . . . They found an increase in the density of axons, the connecting fibers that extend from one neuron to another, in the anterior cingulate of participants trained in meditation for two weeks. After four weeks, the researchers also detected an increase in myelin, the protective cover that surrounds axons and permits them to function normally.

    Not in this study but I have read other studies were it shows that it does have an impact on the amygdala, an area of the brain which regulates fear.
    oops, is this considered a late reply?

    thanks for that... i had read something similar around the same time maybe... the idea that long-term meditation strengthens 'order' in the brain.

    also, the finding that young kids taught to play musical instruments develop higher brain function across a spectrum of areas, later in life.

    so put 'em together, and... bam! my meditation has never been better, although to an outside listener i'm just some freak listening to the same godamn song over and over again.

  2. #62
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by BallsOut
    I was kind of hoping not to have to do any research.

    Where's J $ spitting that insightful knowledge when ya need em. All I wanna do is sit here and pick your brain.
    Hey BO.

    Apologies for not being of assistance earlier.

    Alright, I can't really help you cuz my short term memory is abysmal. And to think my college major is fukking neurobiology

    But I'm embarking on a side mission to develop a "perfect memory" so to speak lol. So here's a few tips.

    There's a method known as the "Dominic Method" and a "Pao Method" I just finished reading about. Here's how it goes.

    Okay, pretend that the synapses on your web are like the webs of a spider. And pretend your conscious mind was that spider eagerly retrieving the necessary prey to answer the question... What would be the quickest way
    for you to recall said info?

    A) INcrease strength of stimulus
    B) Increase the amount of strings that lead to that web.


    To achieve this. You must use SENSORY DETAIL and ASSOCIATION to maximum point.

    We'll touch base on numbers first.

    Say you had to remember the date... June 6, 1944 for whatever reason. That's 6/6/1944. 661944. It's a cluster of numbers that are easily forgettable..but what you do is you GROUP them into duos and you attribute a letter to each number.

    The system goes like this:
    0 O
    1 A
    2 B
    3 C
    4 D
    5 E
    6 S
    7 G
    8 H
    9 N

    So we would group 66. 19. and 44. And use them in the PERSON ACTION OBJECT orientation.

    S S
    (Stromile Swift))

    A N
    (Anna Nicole)

    D D
    (Daniel Day Lewis)

    The table would look like this.
    Stromile Swift ---- Posterizing someone ---- Headband
    Anna Nicole ----- Losing weight/boffing Hef ---- Her T!tties
    Daniel Day Lewis ---- Butchering something in Gangs of NY ---- A milkshake with a big oilfield in the back

    What you would do is IMMEDIATELY CONDITION your mind to CREATE A VIVID PICTURE of Stromile Swift losing weight/sucking Hef's c0ck (heh dirty homo mind sorry) while "ironically" sipping a milkshake in the background with a big oilfield.... in relation to D-DAY.
    Once this picture is detailed and colored in, it stays in your mind. Permanently.
    Then you backwards engineer it to extract the numbers...

    This seems liek too much work, but THINK man the REPERCUSSIONS are endless.. we're talking perfect birthday recalls, accelerated learning, nba stats out yo azz ez peezy lemon squezy, mastered skills, faster languages.. the whole shebang.

    You said you forget things on a daily basis? Hmmmm. Well Captian Obvious says checklists are the way to go (Get Wunderlist on your smart phone.. jot sh!t down the night before whether its objects to bring or tasks to be done), but while getting your keys you can just stare at it and blink about 15 or so times and tell yourself.

    You can also switch up your diet.. Up the MCT Oil consumption, veggie intake, and fish servings.

    Glad to hear you code man. Awesome stuff.

  3. #63
    NBA sixth man of the year knickballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    So you're asserting info to a picture for the most part?

    But that just sounds way too time consuming for the most part. But I guess if your studying for a test it can be very useful.

    How would you do that with a language? Would you connect action with LeBron James---Dunking?

    I think our brain has limited capacity so it's probably not beneficial to try to store in as much info as possible. Stupid info like NBA stats might take up the space for more efficient material??

  4. #64
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by BallsOut
    I was kind of hoping not to have to do any research.

    Where's J $ spitting that insightful knowledge when ya need em. All I wanna do is sit here and pick your brain.

  5. #65
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by knickballer
    ...I think our brain has limited capacity so it's probably not beneficial to try to store in as much info as possible. Stupid info like NBA stats might take up the space for more efficient material??
    exactly... that's what i worry about with these associative-memory systems.

    i still remember a couple nonsense memory scenerios from middle school that helped me remember details on oman for world history class. middle school was a long time ago for me and i don't need the details of oman anymore.

  6. #66
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Hey BO.

    Apologies for not being of assistance earlier.

    Alright, I can't really help you cuz my short term memory is abysmal. And to think my college major is fukking neurobiology

    But I'm embarking on a side mission to develop a "perfect memory" so to speak lol. So here's a few tips.

    There's a method known as the "Dominic Method" and a "Pao Method" I just finished reading about. Here's how it goes.

    Okay, pretend that the synapses on your web are like the webs of a spider. And pretend your conscious mind was that spider eagerly retrieving the necessary prey to answer the question... What would be the quickest way
    for you to recall said info?

    A) INcrease strength of stimulus
    B) Increase the amount of strings that lead to that web.


    To achieve this. You must use SENSORY DETAIL and ASSOCIATION to maximum point.

    We'll touch base on numbers first.

    Say you had to remember the date... June 6, 1944 for whatever reason. That's 6/6/1944. 661944. It's a cluster of numbers that are easily forgettable..but what you do is you GROUP them into duos and you attribute a letter to each number.

    The system goes like this:
    0 O
    1 A
    2 B
    3 C
    4 D
    5 E
    6 S
    7 G
    8 H
    9 N

    So we would group 66. 19. and 44. And use them in the PERSON ACTION OBJECT orientation.

    S S
    (Stromile Swift))

    A N
    (Anna Nicole)

    D D
    (Daniel Day Lewis)

    The table would look like this.
    Stromile Swift ---- Posterizing someone ---- Headband
    Anna Nicole ----- Losing weight/boffing Hef ---- Her T!tties
    Daniel Day Lewis ---- Butchering something in Gangs of NY ---- A milkshake with a big oilfield in the back

    What you would do is IMMEDIATELY CONDITION your mind to CREATE A VIVID PICTURE of Stromile Swift losing weight/sucking Hef's c0ck (heh dirty homo mind sorry) while "ironically" sipping a milkshake in the background with a big oilfield.... in relation to D-DAY.
    Once this picture is detailed and colored in, it stays in your mind. Permanently.
    Then you backwards engineer it to extract the numbers...

    This seems liek too much work, but THINK man the REPERCUSSIONS are endless.. we're talking perfect birthday recalls, accelerated learning, nba stats out yo azz ez peezy lemon squezy, mastered skills, faster languages.. the whole shebang.

    You said you forget things on a daily basis? Hmmmm. Well Captian Obvious says checklists are the way to go (Get Wunderlist on your smart phone.. jot sh!t down the night before whether its objects to bring or tasks to be done), but while getting your keys you can just stare at it and blink about 15 or so times and tell yourself.

    You can also switch up your diet.. Up the MCT Oil consumption, veggie intake, and fish servings.

    Glad to hear you code man. Awesome stuff.
    I get the increasing spider webz part. Stronger webz means easier to navigate. You could also use the branches on a tree in a forest analogy. Stronger branches easier for chimps to partake to and fro.

    The cellular is already recording notes to myself whenever I want to remember something. That seems to be working fine, but I feel the reliance on this mechanism is making the brain work less in memorizing things and therefore reducing the strength of those spider webz you mention.

    The method of decryption you describe sounds Russel Crowesh in a beautiful mind, but time consuming and robotic. I fear the unsmoothness of this approach in front of the opposite genderz which could lead to awkward moments of silence while I fumble into the realms of my perception struggling to climb through those webz or even worst getting stuck in an endless web of hope for discovery.

    I wonder if those "strings" or spider webz have anything to do with the amount of semen a man has. Perhaps my memory will get better if I fap less often, meh perhaps just wishful thinking
    Last edited by BallsOut; 05-22-2013 at 02:10 AM.

  7. #67
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Alright for anybody who wants to process information quicker and expand their creativity try this for starters.

    1) 15 sessions of Dual N Back (download brain workshop for free)
    2) Mindmap construction with whatever subject you are interested in using Freemindsoftware, feel free to post them up

  8. #68
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Creative Process. As a science major, I have never been able to do this :sadface: BUT IT IS NEVER TOO LATE.

    1) Collection of all specific details of an idea

    2) Jotting it down and pasting it together

    3) Digestion. (Trying to fit each fact with another fact)

    4) Incubation. (Doing something completely differently)

    5) Molding/shaping.

    6) Practical Application

    Quick, someone put forth a task to complete that'll aid you in your life. Let's break down the thought process and arrive at a solution with a fresh idea.

  9. #69
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Commence Silva Method.

    - Counsel
    - Laboratory
    - Reframe Beliefs

  10. #70
    Teen heartthrob BlazerRed's Avatar
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Da **** is this shit?!

  11. #71
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Commence Silva Method.

    - Counsel
    - Laboratory
    - Reframe Beliefs

    1) Counsel.

    There is a special trick that many successful people have used to try to govern their decision making. You know the old addendum.. you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most?

    Well, what if you don't like those 5 people? What if they are only holding you back?

    There is a solution.


    You create an elaborate vision of them huddled around a table and imagine what they would advise you to do and hear their voice.

    Then you return back to a normal state, and decide from there.

    credit - Jose Silva

    2) Laboratory.

    Look up "Andy Pero." That is All. Unbeliavable? Sure. But there's a lesson in his story.

    Gigantes, I know you are suffering from health ailments.

    This is only one piece of the puzzle but a formidable piece (IMO)

    Get into a hypnotic state.

    And picture yourself constructing a laboratory.

    Enter a laboratory.

    Picture yourself in a whitelabcoat.

    And with that white lab coat I want you to imagine that's you from 5 years into the future; a healthy, vibrant version of you.

    Then I want you to picture a pool. A therapeutic pool. And I want you to imagine that this pool is full of healing properties. It's no Ganges River, it's 10000X better; it's a fukking rejuvenation chamber. And while in a trance I want you to enter that pool and feal your leukocyte count increasing and destroying any invading bacteria, I want you to awaken a fiery spirit inside your body as it repairs and rebuilds itself at a faster rate, I want you to believe with every fiber of your being that every organ within your body is getting better and better and better and more functional. Believe this with every sinew and synapse within you. Hang in the pool for 10 minutes in the meditative-hypnotic state.

    Once you come out imagine your Dr. Gigantes saying congrats bro you gonna get better.

    Then take 3 practical steps (either upping your veg/vit D intake and exercising, or doing Alex Lloyd's healing codes, or keeping your spirits high by living life Tim McGraw style)

    Slowly but surely. brick by brick brother you'll make it.

    Your subconscious must be aligned with your conscious. And I know as someone who is less prone to believing and more of a healthy skeptic it'll be hard but beliefs are incredibly powerful.

    Beliefs brought a failed freshmen highschool basketball star into the G.O.A.T.
    Beliefs brought a relatively dumb person (P Diddy) into the thrones of Entrepreneurship and itno becoming a Music Mogul
    Beliefs give terrorists the courage to die before hitting 3 decades unhesitatingly.
    Beliefs brought Edison/Einstein/Franklin into intellectually contributing to mankind despite their entire environment doubting them.
    Last edited by JEFFERSON MONEY; 02-09-2014 at 02:21 PM.

  12. #72
    Success PullupJay's Avatar
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Cool thread.

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