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  1. #16
    ErhnamDjinn's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    lmao i like girls with a little bit of meat on them, but 200lbs dafuq hahaha, i would suggest taking jogs or hikes together. damn 200lbs

  2. #17
    NBA Legend DeuceWallaces's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    Dude, 140 is still pretty damn big girl unless she's 5'10+

  3. #18
    The Magical T-Mac HardwoodLegend's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    Do you think of Winter Pierzina in your head when boning her?

    Anyway, I think this thread is bogus. You found out she's 200 lbs. through a "bit of digging"? That's not something you need to dig around to find out. 140 lbs to 200 lbs should be plain as day from a visual standpoint.

    Or is love really that blind?

  4. #19
    Decent college freshman Duderonomy's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    My friend had a girl like that was thick but still attractive than gained 50-70 pounds over 2 years time. He married her anyway. Not sure if I'm happy for him he's not superfiscial, But damn she ballooned.

  5. #20
    Made that high school varsity squad DwadeOverLebron's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    I started a thread with a similar issue except.. I dunno what happened to the thread, i put it up in the fall..

    Anyways to make a long story short, I started dating this girl and she weighed approx. 165 @ 5'5.. when we first started dating.. she was one of those girls that was really self conscience about her weight but hid it very well, but when I got to know her better I could tell she wanted to lose weight really bad. One thing she had going for her was that she was very smart (med school) and she had determination and strong will. She took criticism very well so I was very blunt with her. I saw the way she lived and I told her I would help her lose weight cuz she has diabetes history in her family and i used that to help me mask the real reason she needed to lose weight in order for me to pull my pants down and give it to her. I turned her world upside down. From everything to upping her temp of her place to 75 degrees (she had it at 68 and had a ceiling fan on 24/7) I went through her fridge and threw away everything fat, carby, and bad. I played tennis with her 4-6 hours per day 2-3 times a week and also went to the gym with her. She was really into cross fit (it seems to be the trend right now) but I told her cross fit is only good when it's used in small intervals to shock her body in between long cardio work outs. She really really needed cardio which she hated to do...

    Now 7 months later she's at 132 now and she's aiming to reach 125. I told her if she hits 125 I would make her my official gf and she agreed and uses that as her motivation. She's also very young 22, I'm 32, but her confidence level has shot through the roof. She now admits she was fat, when in the beginning I used to see her eyes tear up if someone hinted that she was over weight. She also changed her major to pharmacy from MD, and I totally called her out saying that since she lost her weight she doesn't feel the need to justify being fat and become a doctor (I was kidding of course) but she looked at me and smiled and goes.. yeah maybe your right. Only problem she had was that she lost so much weight drastically so fast she had a hormonal imbalance which we had to taper off dieting till they got back to normal.

    All in all, I am so proud of her and she is just glowing in confidence and self esteem. I also got a future gf that treats me great and looks good, which btw she is head over heels about me since day one but even much more so today cuz we went through a lot during this process. A skinny girls bod but a fat girls personality.. isn't that every mans dream? She can also cook up a storm which is a huge plus for me and she's into healthy cooking now, it's funny cuz I've gained weight myself since being with her and she tells me that I have to start working out.

    Wow I've written a novel.. But to help you out bro.. just be dead honest and put the weight towards (no pun intended) it being a future health issue/hazard. Also make her feel that she's not doing it alone and you got to support her as much as you can. There have been times where I would be starving (she lived right behind a popeyes chicken mind you) but it would be too late for her to eat so I starved with her together. You have to make sacrifices with her.. hope this helps out.

  6. #21
    Palm Trees & Gangsters G-Funk's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    Op is a tank driver!

  7. #22
    NBA lottery pick IamRAMBO24's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaspah
    Man. You fcked up.

    As the man you set the tone in the relationship.

    I remind my girl probably once a week to stay fit. I don't let her eat junk food, and if we're out to eat she can have good food obviously, but I won't let her order soup, an appetizer, entree and dessert. I tell her how I don't tolerate that and won't have a fat girlfriend. It's in her head now.

    i refuse to be one of those dudes in public with his girl, and she eats more than me, or just course after course of already super fat restaurant food. Females are tiny dude, all they need is a salad with some chicken in there. Anything else is over eating.

    Girls want to look good for their men but if you ain't laying the law down or making her feel sexy, this is what happens.
    Yea you are right, I slipped a bit. When you are in a relationship with someone for a long time, they are just like a blank slate to you. You don't really look at them; they are just like an object that you put your ***** in. I don't mean to sound like a douche about it, but I guess that's just my way of accepting her for who she is.

    There were hints I should of picked up early on: she was very sensitive when she was gaining weight; she would cry and always ask me if I thought she was pretty and all this stuff and I would usually just shrug my shoulder without ever really looking at her. I know I should of noticed how much she was eating, but it never really crossed my mind HOW MUCH weight she was gaining. If we go to Jack in the Box, I would usually order a Jumbo Jack with 2 tacos and she would get an ultimate bacon cheeseburger combo (over 2,000 calories) and she would finish it faster than me and ask for one of my taco.

    As a good man, I like to see my GF happy, and when she's eating she seems very happy.

  8. #23
    NBA lottery pick IamRAMBO24's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    Quote Originally Posted by nathanjizzle
    if you dont already have a gym membership, get 2 of them. tell her she needs to work out.
    This morning we went for a walk; I asked her if she wanted to walk the dogs, which we don't usually do because they get their exercise in the yard. About 15 minutes into the walk, she was already complaining about the weather and wanted to go home because "we haven't ate breakfast yet." I got mad and told her we were already out at the park and we should stay a bit longer, and then she got mad at me and said I should just walk the dog myself and then went to the swings and sat down, so I said f*ck it, let's go home and eat some breakfast.

    When we got home, I wanted to cook something light and simple, so I suggested only eggs (no yolk) with toast and a bowl of cereal with berries. 2 hours after breakfast, she said she was hungry and wanted lunch.

    Man this is going to be an uphill battle.

  9. #24
    NBA Legend dunksby's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    It's a conspiracy man I tell ya, 70% of the Americans are overweight (36% obese such as your own gf), how the hell can you do that to people? I dunno man...

  10. #25
    NBA lottery pick IamRAMBO24's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    Quote Originally Posted by dunksby
    Personally, I fail to see this as an insult; if it's anything, I consider people who don't believe in life on other planets as dense and stupid. If you know anything about the galaxy, you would know there are literally billions of stars and within those stars solar system, there are planets similar to ours, so we are talking about billions upon billions upon billions of possibilities out there.

  11. #26
    NBA Legend RoseCity07's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    I've learned a lot in this thread. There are a lot of insecure men masking it under the guise of "I'm the man and I put my foot down". What a bunch of bullshit. You're the biggest p*ussy of all if you have to put a weight restriction on someone you supposedly love.

  12. #27
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    Quote Originally Posted by BRabbiT

    talk to her about it. tell her it's on your mind. plant that seed.

    i was in a similar situation in my last relationship.

    i ended up hurting her feelings. we broke up soon afterward.

    but i had to say something. i started to resent her. i'd cringe every time she overate.
    Didn't you break it off with a fat roommate a few days ago. Something you want to tell us?

  13. #28
    Moderator All Net's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    Quote Originally Posted by DeuceWallaces
    Dude, 140 is still pretty damn big girl unless she's 5'10+
    huh? 140 is not big at all...hell my friend she is 168 and she is pretty damn skinny.

  14. #29
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    Date a foreign chick.

  15. #30
    True Point Guard Jyap9675's Avatar
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    Default Re: My GF is getting too fat

    Quote Originally Posted by IamRAMBO24
    This morning we went for a walk; I asked her if she wanted to walk the dogs, which we don't usually do because they get their exercise in the yard. About 15 minutes into the walk, she was already complaining about the weather and wanted to go home because "we haven't ate breakfast yet." I got mad and told her we were already out at the park and we should stay a bit longer, and then she got mad at me and said I should just walk the dog myself and then went to the swings and sat down, so I said f*ck it, let's go home and eat some breakfast.

    When we got home, I wanted to cook something light and simple, so I suggested only eggs (no yolk) with toast and a bowl of cereal with berries. 2 hours after breakfast, she said she was hungry and wanted lunch.

    Man this is going to be an uphill battle.
    Damn, you sound like a nice guy. What's your motivation for her losing weight? Do you still find her attractive?

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