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  1. #1
    NBA lottery pick Fresh Kid's Avatar
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    Default Top 10 video games of all time..


  2. #2
    Welcome to LA S. Nash! rhythmic 's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..

    The Last Of Us
    Uncharted 2
    Uncharted 3
    GTA: San Andreas
    Max Payne
    Super Mario Bros 3
    Mario Kart
    Red Dead Redemption
    Modern Warfare 2
    Goldeneye 007

    I don't think any of those games are replaceable to me, they are the games I spent the most time playing during my lifetime. The only game I could think of replacing is MW2, and it would be with a game like Halo: Combat Evolved, Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball, Half-Life 2, BioShock or Arkham City.

    Also, Jak & Daxter (Precursor Legacy), GTA III & Ocarina Of Time has to be mentioned.
    Last edited by rhythmic ; 08-01-2013 at 10:23 AM.

  3. #3
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..

    It is actually hard to come up with a list. The problem is 2 fold.

    1 It is hard to measure the future impact of current games - which makes older games seem more important.

    2 Games can improve through a series while only adding minor tweaks. Do you give the ranking to the first game that added most of the content and concepts or do you give to a later game the improved on the first?

    This is in a rough order from 1 to 10

    Super Mario Brothers 3
    Gran Turismo 2
    Half Life
    Battlefield 2
    Age of Empires 2
    Metal Gear Solid
    GTA: San Andreas
    Tony Hawk Pro Skater
    Mario Kart 64

    I have to admit the list is a little bit last century.

    Hon mentions would be Red Dead Redemption, Halo 3, Portal 2

  4. #4
    Made that high school varsity squad Hotbullets's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..

    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (best open world game to date, lots to do, great, compelling story, awesome setting, just a damn near perfect game, although it was kinda fugly, even back then.)

    Metal Gear Solid (although I kind of liked the fourth one the best, the first MGS takes the cake. Brilliant storyline, innovative gameplay, some of the most interesting characters ever and let's not forget the epic boss battles)

    Zelda: The Wind Waker (don't judge, this was my first Zelda game and I've been in love ever since. Honestly I enjoyed Twilight Princess a little more, but this one made me believe Nintendo is the best first party developer there is. Loved the cartoony graphics, loved the dungeons, especially the one in the Deku Tree, just a brilliant overall game. Psyched for the HD remake)

    Heavy Rain (although this game has loads of plotholes and flaws overall, I really liked the emphosis on emotion and storytelling. It's just something I've never seen before, can't wait for Beyond: Two Souls)

  5. #5
    Dont H8 the Laker H8er glidedrxlr22's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..

    My answer to this question would probably change on a week to week basis. For now quickly off the top of my head in no order:

    Metal Gear Solid
    Resident Evil 2
    Uncharted 2
    The Last of Us
    Skies of Arcadia
    Demon's Souls
    Witcher 2
    Killzone 2
    Final Fantasy VI - snes
    Mike Tyson's Punchout

  6. #6
    Good High School Starter eriX's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..


  7. #7
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..

    Quote Originally Posted by eriX

    Im sorry but anything after CoD4 is just garbage made to milk the market
    MW2 was fine. An incremental sequel to a winning formula I don't have a problem with. It was everything after MW2 that was recycled trash.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    It is actually hard to come up with a list. The problem is 2 fold.

    1 It is hard to measure the future impact of current games - which makes older games seem more important.

    2 Games can improve through a series while only adding minor tweaks. Do you give the ranking to the first game that added most of the content and concepts or do you give to a later game the improved on the first?

    This is in a rough order from 1 to 10

    Super Mario Brothers 3
    Gran Turismo 2
    Half Life
    Battlefield 2
    Age of Empires 2
    Metal Gear Solid
    GTA: San Andreas
    Tony Hawk Pro Skater
    Mario Kart 64

    I have to admit the list is a little bit last century.

    Hon mentions would be Red Dead Redemption, Halo 3, Portal 2
    I really like that list actually, though I never did get into Gran Turismo.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..

    I think my personal list would go something like this;

    Pokemon (not sure which one I would pick for this, as each sequel has made improvements over the previous game).
    Super Mario World
    San Andreas
    Chrono Trigger
    Super Metroid
    Ocarina of Time
    Diablo 2

    There are a ton of great games I've never played though. Final Fantasy specifically is a series I never really got into. There's probably a bunch I'm forgetting too.

  10. #10
    NBA Superstar Heavincent's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..

    1. The Last of Us
    2. Red Dead Redemption

    The rest in no particular order

    Gears of War 3
    Spyro 2
    Halo 3
    Crash Bandicoot
    Assassin's Creed 2
    Mass Effect
    NBA 2K11
    NBA Street Vol. 2

  11. #11
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..

    I'm probably just enough older for my list to look a little weird, although it's pretty much a mash up between Rhthmic's and Glide's lists.

    Zelda I - The game that changed everything for me as a kid. Prior to that games were a fun distraction. After that they were unread adventure books.

    Metroid - Sort of like Zelda in that it just kind of invented this mazy sort of gameplay that made exploration part of gaming. And a spacey sci fi setting, and a mind blowing ending.

    Resident Evil 1 - The tank play is archaic at this point, but this was the first thing that felt really 3D exploration to me, put in the horror genre that was spectacular at the time. And sort of is the precursor to the cinematic element that is so prevelant now, with the way the camera cut even from within a room, not just room to room. And just love the way the house opens up as you go.

    Resident Evil 2 - just a huge upgrade from 1 to 2 in terms of graphics. I didn't like the layout as much as the house. Felt more tree branchy to me, where you kind of just went forward, found a gate or a key, then went back the other way. But expanding on the story, and not just sort of starting a new adventure, but how it felt like a real movie sequel, was awesome.

    Resident Evil 4 - The reboot of the series. I didn't play it for a long time because I didn't like that it became another over the shoulder shooter, but after finally getting it, I was blown away.

    GTA Vice City - I've liked all the GTAs, but this one is by far my favorite. I know it's small compared to SA, and there's isn't as much sandboxyness, but to me it was the cheekiest of the satire we've seen from Rockstar. The notable actors playing the characters, the way the era could be lampooned in terms of clothes and music. That's why I like Vice City the best.

    Red Dead Redemption - The Western was a game genre that had been tried before, but I'm not sure anyone ever got anything so right. It's a perfect genre for an open world. All the little side add ons were great like the hunting and random missions and stranger missions, card games, bountys. Just everything. And they got the horse riding right, which was a huge element. Story is spectacular. Music is spot on. Great great game.

    Uncharted 2 - I still prefer 2 to 3. Don't underestimate the jaw dropping element of it at the time of it's release, the jump from 1, which was a spectacular game, to 2, was just absurd. Again, this blew the doors off the cinematic experience of playing a game. The pacing was perfect. The gunplay and cover system was clean. The animations just in regular play just made it feel unlike anything I'd played up to that point. 3 is great too, but it didn't have the wow factor 2 did for me at the time, where I felt like I had to tell my friends about it, which is weird seeing as I was in my 30s and most of them had kids.

    The Last of Us - This took the Uncharted cinematic layout, and just dropped an exquisite story on it, while changing the gameplay mechanism just enough, providing that survival feel of adrenaline and intensity, with the limited supplies and genuinely scary bad guys, to make it feel totally fresh. It's like a cross between Uncharted and Resident Evil, with the story being less hokey. How was I not gonna love it.

    Those are the nine that just immediately jump out at me. You'll notice ... I'm not an XBox guy, which I know cost me some stuff I probably would've loved, like Mass Effect perhaps. I'm not a FPS guy. I like exploration. I pretty much skipped the 16 bit generation, which isn't true. I went Genesis then PS, not Super Nintendo or N64, so I'm missing the continuation of the Zelda series, which I genuinely regret, and Metroid to a degree. But I will say I was in middle school at that point, starting to get boners, becoming increasingly physical and competitive, and getting into trouble, so I was probably out chasing girls, playing basketball or football, and / or experimenting with drugs and alcohol. So gaming probably was gonna get away from me some anyway through those years. I believe RE1 was late HS for me, which sort of got me back in some, and there's a lot of time in college to get back into it, even with all the trouble there is to get into. Then I came back to it as I got older. So I have my fantasy years as a kid, then come back later.

    There's a number of things that could take that tenth spot. San Andreas. A Madden. Mike Tyson's Punch Out was a seminal experience as a kid. I had way more fun playing Onimusha than it probably deserved. An Assassin's Creed, probably 3. I can't remember the name of my favorite old Genesis game, which was really violent, but that's possible. There was an old Super Nintendo College Basketball game that I loved, it was 3D with no crowd, but the camera always stayed behind the ball, which is something I wondered why didn't take off, instead going to the universal isometric angle. Either of the first two Dead Space's could make the cut. Or I could go way outside the box with something like Tetris on the car rides as a kid on my gameboy. Or walking along the boardwalk on our summer vacations at Hampton beach and bouncing from arcade to arcade and waiting in line to play Mortal Combat, or sneaking into the last arcade that had a hidden Dragon's Lair in the back we could take turns on. Or even go with something like PixelJunk's Shooter, which was the game that made me start actively looking into Indy DL games, which led to Limbo and Journey and The Walking Dead Episodes, all of which I could make a case for.

    I love video games. I'm just afraid they'll stop making them for people who like them how I like them someday. The games I like are expensive to produce, and have a limited audience because they don't exist for online shit talking. That'll be a sad day.
    Last edited by Thorpesaurous; 08-01-2013 at 12:52 PM.

  12. #12
    Good High School Starter eriX's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    MW2 was fine. An incremental sequel to a winning formula I don't have a problem with. It was everything after MW2 that was recycled trash.
    I dont know if you have played CoD2 or even COD4, but those 2 games defined CoD and the fps genre along with CS. Im talking strictly multiplayer, the design of the map, weapons and pace were what made these two games the top competitive fps along with CS. Not to mention modding capabilities in terms of competitive modes, theres a reason no pros has moved on to any COD series after 4.

  13. #13
    Hi, how are you? Lebowsky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..

    My own personal 10 in no order:

    -Baldur's Gate
    -Ultima VII & VIII
    -Half Life
    -Warcraft II
    -Age of Empires
    -Civilization II
    -Then last of US
    -GTA San Andreas

    Honorable mentions: Diablo I, Hidden & Dangerous, Commandos, Day of the Tentacle, Alone in the Dark, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Okami and so many more...
    Last edited by Lebowsky; 08-01-2013 at 03:07 PM.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..

    My personal top 10. This is just my preference, not what I think were the most influential games or anything:

    1. Planescape: Torment
    - This is my absolute favourite. I go back to this game every couple years. In the 20+ years that I've been a gamer, I've never experience a story and writing in a game as good as this.

    Half Life 2
    Civilization series (any of Civ 2, 4 or 5 can be in this spot)
    Red Dead Redemption
    Bioshock Infinite
    No Ones Lives Forever 2
    Baldur's Gate 2
    Fallout 2
    Super Mario World

    The next few would be: Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, System Shock 2, Batman Arkham City, Freespace 2, Final Fantasy 6, Mass Effect 2

  15. #15
    Hold the door nightprowler10's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 video games of all time..

    Quote Originally Posted by Thorpesaurous
    I love video games. I'm just afraid they'll stop making them for people who like them how I like them someday. The games I like are expensive to produce, and have a limited audience because they don't exist for online shit talking. That'll be a sad day.
    The success The Last of Us has seen recently should allay that fear somewhat.

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