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  1. #31
    Your King OhNoTimNoSho's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dat global warming! (It's cold as shiit)

    You guys do understand that the reason its so cold is because the ice caps are melting and its causing the atmosphere to circulate unusually. Right?

  2. #32
    A humble prophet Dresta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dat global warming! (It's cold as shiit)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bush4Ever
    Generally speaking, liberals flock to climate change topics because it is an area that gives them a sense of moral superiority and self-satisfaction, even though they are very unlikely to change their personal behaviors in light of climate change (even if it is true in the magnitudes they say).

    This need is due to their many psychological problems and neckbeards.
    Like just about every 'liberal' position, right down to annexing a label for themselves that's actual meaning was close to the opposite of the things they stand for. 'liberal' and 'progressive' - the terms sound kind of cool and trendy, don't they? (at least they do to many)

    Liberal vs Conservative has simply become a false dichotomy that preserves the status quo, by getting masses of morons on both sides to grant their unswerving devotion to partisan politics where each side proclaims the other stupid, while voting for their favoured party and not realising either way is gonna bring more of the same, and forgoing them the need to actually think critically about anything - their preset collection of beliefs are ready and waiting for them. It is little more than a form of theology, and rather pathetic.

    'Politics under democracy consists almost wholly of the discovery, chase and scotching of bugaboos. The statesman becomes, in the last analysis, a mere witch-hunter, a glorified smeller and snooper, eternally chanting "Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum!" It has been so in the United States since the earliest days. The whole history of the country has been a history of melodramatic pursuits of horrendous monsters, most of them imaginary: the red-coats, the Hessians, the monocrats, again the red-coats, the Bank, the Catholics, Simon Legree, the Slave Power, Jeff Davis, Mormonism, Wall Street, the rum demon, John Bull, the hell hounds of plutocracy, the trusts, General Weyler, Pancho Villa, German spies, hyphenates, the Kaiser, Bolshevism. The list might be lengthened indefinitely; a complete chronicle of the Republic could be written in terms of it, and without omitting a single important episode...'

    (that was written in the 1920s btw; things really haven't changed very much, have they? we could even add some new things to that list)

  3. #33
    Local High School Star Bush4Ever's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dat global warming! (It's cold as shiit)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dresta
    Wait, why the Marx avatar?

  4. #34
    NBA Legend
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    Default Re: Dat global warming! (It's cold as shiit)

    Quote Originally Posted by OhNoTimNoSho
    You guys do understand that the reason its so cold is because the ice caps are melting and its causing the atmosphere to circulate unusually. Right?

    It's immaterial to the thread.

    This thread is about the liberal backlash against the term "global warming" NOW that it doesn't suit their agenda. This thread is a reminder that they were the ones to coin the term in the first place. Now they're complaining about it.

    That's called hypocrisy.

  5. #35
    A humble prophet Dresta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dat global warming! (It's cold as shiit)

    [QUOTE]The fact is that liberty, in any true sense, is a concept that lies quite beyond the reach of the inferior man

  6. #36
    A humble prophet Dresta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dat global warming! (It's cold as shiit)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bush4Ever
    Wait, why the Marx avatar?
    Why not? Marx was a very impressive philosopher and historian, he was just a sucky economist. Plus, he's got a reppin beard.

  7. #37
    Local High School Star Bush4Ever's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dat global warming! (It's cold as shiit)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dresta
    Why not? Marx was a very impressive philosopher and historian, he was just a sucky economist. Plus, he's got a reppin beard.
    Nothing really. I just find that probably 99 percent of people on the internet who rock out to Marx have read none, or very little of his work.

  8. #38
    A humble prophet Dresta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dat global warming! (It's cold as shiit)

    Read his the 18th brumaire of louis bonaparte - it's a masterpiece.

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