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  1. #16
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bachelor Party advice?

    Would recommend New Orleans. Could rent a boat or something.

    I organized my brother's bachelor party in Miami but was unable to attend due to my transfer overseas.

    They had a fantastic time although finding a place was a bitch since it was at the same time as ultra fest.

  2. #17
    Nosetradamus rezznor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bachelor Party advice?

    yeah rethinking that, $1,000 was probably a conservative estimate. As far as covering the groom, yeah I figured we'd split his expenses during the trip (alcohol, girls/strippers, food etc), more wondering if we should be covering his flight/hotel as well.

    Those places that you went sound way over budget lol.
    [COLOR="Red"]those places might be a bit more expensive to get to, but once you are there it is super cheap to get VIP service. the biggest problem would be the time, you are gonna waste a day just to get to asia, almost as long to get to croatia. once you are there you might as well stay awhile. i spent three weeks for an asia bachelor party and had a blast. CR might be more practical for you, it's a much shorter flight.[/COLOR]

    As far as Mexico, I wonder if its a safe place to visit...
    [COLOR="Red"]mexico is not bad as long as you stay in the resort or touristy areas. i wouldn't venture off the reservation. it's probably your cheapest option.[/COLOR]

    and where would you suggest in CR? and why CR over say another spot in the carribean?

    [COLOR="Red"]CR is a popular spot for bachelor parties is b/c prostitution is legal. this also means that some of the hottest girls from all of latin america come to CR. the colombian girls there were so damn hot. also, drugs are pretty easy to come by and good quality. besides the vices, CR is a beautiful country with alot of emphasis on eco-tourism. there are alot of day time activities to do. i have stayed in both san jose (the capitol) and jaco (a beach town on the pacific side) while there we have gone white water rafting, atv riding up a mountain and then jumped off of waterfalls, deep sea fishing, and insanely high and fast zip lining, horseback riding, etc. there's also golfing and volcano tours there but i didn't go. next time i go back i will do more eco tours.

    you could also try puerto rico. most people speak english there and there's alot to do as well, but it won't be as easy to find vices as CR.

    imo vegas and miami are played out and montreal is overrated. i would rather try new experiences and visit new places. you are also gonna have to drop ALOT of dough to have the full experience there, especially when it's a large group of guys. you are gonna get taxed extra just to get into places b/c you won't have any women with you.

    haven't been yet, but i also heard belize and dominican republic are pretty fun so you can look into that. also, like hawker said NO isn't bad either. great food and cheap drinks, but probably won't be as fun as vegas or miami depending on what your tastes are.

    Thanks for the help!

  3. #18
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bachelor Party advice?

    Guaranteed memorable bachelor party:

    Requires: Decent amount of money for each attendee, Passport for each attendee

    Go to an international airport. Book a flight for the next flight to a country that does not border yours and that nobody in the party has been to before. Once you get there, get drunk (and do drugs if that is your thing) and try to party wherever you can. Best part will be the groom's reveal to his bride:
    Groom: "What you do for your bachelorette party?"
    Bride: "Oh, we went bar hopping for a bit and then ended up at Sally's where we ate a boob shaped cake and drank alcohol through straws shaped like penises. What about you?"
    Groom: "We flew to Bolivia and partied with on a boat at Lake Titicaca with some Incans."

  4. #19
    How I feel in ur head maybeshewill13's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bachelor Party advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Myth
    Guaranteed memorable bachelor party:

    Requires: Decent amount of money for each attendee, Passport for each attendee

    Go to an international airport. Book a flight for the next flight to a country that does not border yours and that nobody in the party has been to before. Once you get there, get drunk (and do drugs if that is your thing) and try to party wherever you can. Best part will be the groom's reveal to his bride:
    Groom: "What you do for your bachelorette party?"
    Bride: "Oh, we went bar hopping for a bit and then ended up at Sally's where we ate a boob shaped cake and drank alcohol through straws shaped like penises. What about you?"
    Groom: "We flew to Bolivia and partied with on a boat at Lake Titicaca with some Incans."
    I've been to Lake Titicaca and played soccer with some Bolivian's on an island. Stayed there the night. Cool experience

  5. #20
    NBA sixth man of the year Levity's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bachelor Party advice?

    this fall, the first guy out of my group of friends is getting married. and for his bachelor party, were going to havasu thursday morning(its a river in ca/az that fills up with bros and skeezys wearing pasties during long weekends) for a couple days, then heading to vegas saturday through monday. so essentially, he wants a 5 day bachelor party that falls on labor day weekend.

  6. #21
    Tell me what I Ced D-FENS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bachelor Party advice?

    I got messy in Cuba for mine. Cuba would not be the best country to get arrested in, that's for sure.

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