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  1. #106
    Is it in you? hateraid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    Quote Originally Posted by FKAri
    I thought this whole going catabolic over night scare was put to rest a few years ago?
    Well like I've said, there's a market for everyone

  2. #107
    Is it in you? hateraid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShannonElements
    I actually don't like that flavor but I'm not big on peanut butter flavored stuff anyway. I dig the other ones though. You work for that company?
    Yes I do.

  3. #108
    Is it in you? hateraid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShannonElements
    You're not jizzing in it are you?
    Lol, only the peanut butter. You're safe

  4. #109
    Verticle? plowking's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    Quote Originally Posted by hateraid
    Well like I've said, there's a market for everyone
    I find this particularly funny after your response to my post.

  5. #110
    Is it in you? hateraid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    Quote Originally Posted by plowking
    I find this particularly funny after your response to my post.
    Glad to entertain you

  6. #111
    Verticle? plowking's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    Quote Originally Posted by hateraid
    Glad to entertain you
    I don't know why you're so upset. You clearly are pushing marketing hype in this thread. You know you are, yet you're calling me out, on what?

    And you literally just did it.

  7. #112
    Is it in you? hateraid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    Quote Originally Posted by plowking
    I don't know why you're so upset. You clearly are pushing marketing hype in this thread. You know you are, yet you're calling me out, on what?

    And you literally just did it.
    Upset at what? the fact that I'm just sharing my input and experience in the industry and you chose to insult me? What you interpret as marketing hype I'm just presenting manufacturing facts and then having the readers decide for themselves what they choose to believe.
    Regardless of anything I'm going to say you're going to skew it into something negative. Regardless of what I said about a market space for casein I bet you were trying to conjure up something in regards to my response to you, NO MATTER WHAT I SAY. Am I right? I am, aren't I?
    Quite frankly I'm done with this conversation and couldn't give a damn if this whole site doesn't support my product. You know what the reality is? While you're trying to convince people here that what I'm saying is shit, I'm getting paid great money to do the thing I love. Talk about supplements, help stores grow their businesses, and educate consumers. And to be honest, I'm quite good at it and in the 4 years I've worked with this company it's grown every year and only getting bigger. I get flown for free to work at bodybuilding venues like the O and the Arnolds, health shows, and supplement trade shows, hang and train with athletes and bodybuilders of all levels. I get free supplements anytime I want. And the kicker is, I get paid to do this and support my family. So whatever some internet gym jockey has to say about me has absolutely no bearing in my every day life. So really, I have no reason to be mad.
    What's funny is I've dedicated 20 years of my life to the pursuit of health and fitness. I've achieved every type of possible results. I've won transformation contests and was sponsored at one point. We are on the same side here, yet it seems to me this means more to you that you got to be right. All I've done is answer people's questions about supplements. I tell them how I feel and they can go and judge for themselves. I give them no obligation to buy and fully support if they want to try another brand. You however have taken the approach to say "I'm right, don't listen to this fraud." That appraoch discourages people than get them motivated.
    I've seen results come from every possible means and approaches. I know a guy with his pro card and won the overall in my state. The guy is all over every single BPI product like it's gospel. He refuses to eat any animal meat like fish, chicken or beef and swears by egg whites, pea protein, and hemp. Erin Stern who is one of our sponsored athletes get the majority of her protein not from protein powder or food, but from taking Dymatize BCAA's mixed with Liquid Aminos. I've personally travelled with her and am witness to this. And you know what? She's won multiple O's ALL NATURAL and has openly been drug tested. So if you chose to take casein before bed, take protein shakes, rely strictly on food....who are you and I to say what protein to take and how to take it? As long as people are achieving results that is fine with me and that has always been my intentions.
    So you know what? Have at 'er. This is the reason I have never participated in the Fitness thread. Too many close minded individuals. So good luck to ya brah. I wish you the best in your training and results.

  8. #113
    Verticle? plowking's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    I would never insult you for pursuing what you want to and I don't believe I did, in fact I respect it if anything. I simply said you have a bias standpoint in the matter IMO, and I don't think your presenting people with the whole truth.

    Cheap protein is far more cost effective in general than an expensive one regardless of what goes into it and what not.

    So if you chose to take casein before bed, take protein shakes, rely strictly on food....who are you and I to say what protein to take and how to take it? As long as people are achieving results that is fine with me and that has always been my intentions.
    This is exactly what I'm trying to get at, yet you say you are too, but it sure doesn't seem like it. My whole point in this thread is that most protein powders will give you similar results. Simply try and find one that is affordable for yourself and with a good ratio of protein to scoop size.

    ave at 'er. This is the reason I have never participated in the Fitness thread. Too many close minded individuals. So good luck to ya brah. I wish you the best in your training and results.
    I am far from close minded, and regularly take on fitness and nutrition advice from those who speak genuinely. If anything you should participate in the fitness thread, hardly anyone is completely dismissing of one another's ideas, and even posters that don't get along outside of it give each other credit, motivation and tips when needed.

  9. #114
    Da Mavs
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    30 g protein/scoop. low carbs and fat. creatine + whey.

  10. #115
    Is it in you? hateraid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    Quote Originally Posted by plowking
    I would never insult you for pursuing what you want to and I don't believe I did, in fact I respect it if anything. I simply said you have a bias standpoint in the matter IMO, and I don't think your presenting people with the whole truth.

    Cheap protein is far more cost effective in general than an expensive one regardless of what goes into it and what not.

    This is exactly what I'm trying to get at, yet you say you are too, but it sure doesn't seem like it. My whole point in this thread is that most protein powders will give you similar results. Simply try and find one that is affordable for yourself and with a good ratio of protein to scoop size.
    If anything what I'm guilty of is being brutally honest. Take a look at it from my perspective for a change. I have no problem with the statement going out and getting a cost effective protein. In fact when I worked at GNC I endorsed that idea. Look back at threads I've created and the common theme I've always said is protein is protein no matter where you get it. The issue that I had was saying cheap protein is the same as the more expensive proteins. That in fact is not true and I gave insider examples of why it isn't. From there on I'm getting called out for having an agenda. How is being honest having an agenda? I didn't say take Dymatize, even thought I'm very proud of my brand. i said cheaper versions of protein will add fillers and call it protein. But if your prerogative it to save money, then by all means, get cheaper protein.

    Put it this way
    If I said Jordan and Kobe are both great players there would be no problem.
    If I said Kobe and Jordan are very similar and one is just as sufficient as the other there would be a problem in that statement. That is were I am coming from and there is where the debate would start.

    I am far from close minded, and regularly take on fitness and nutrition advice from those who speak genuinely. If anything you should participate in the fitness thread, hardly anyone is completely dismissing of one another's ideas, and even posters that don't get along outside of it give each other credit, motivation and tips when needed.
    I've always been genuine. In fact before the fitness thread existed I've always been asked advice and been as courteous and helpful as possible. Ask most people in that thread. I pride myself on being a corteous and respectful poster all together. But as soon as I started working for Dymatize I've been treated as a shill. If you were so open minded why did you immediately jump down my throat about my protein comments? Because you have this preconceived notion that I work solely based on an advertising aspect. So no matter what I say you were going to dispute me regardless. That is why I avoided that thread. If I did have an agenda I would have hijacked that thread a long time ago. As for thinking the community in that thread is closed minded, plenty of those posters have PM'd me advice on certain supplements. I am not going to name them because I don't feel they are obligated to defend me. But I've been very discreet about it and have tried to be as open minded and extremely supportive and honest. If I was so agenda driven I would have taken their PM's and posted it in that thread just to flex my knowledge. I think they ask me because they don't feel comfortable discussing it in that thread, because I have skimmed through and never seen them post anything about that supplement. Maybe because they don't want the bro science criticism. Being excited about taking a supplement should never be frowned upon. And I have never endorsed relying on one to attain results.
    And if you are open minded as much as you say, you say get a cheaper protein because you'll get similar results, why do you discourage those who choose to want to buy a more expensive protein? That is not open minded.
    But again, I'm just going to continue answering private questions and avoid supplement discussions all together.
    Last edited by hateraid; 07-11-2014 at 12:45 AM.

  11. #116
    Fresh Kid Turned Rotten Lamar Doom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    this is a strange thread to have such a lengthy argument in

  12. #117
    Verticle? plowking's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    Quote Originally Posted by hateraid
    If anything what I'm guilty of is being brutally honest. Take a look at it from my perspective for a change. I have no problem with the statement going out and getting a cost effective protein. In fact when I worked at GNC I endorsed that idea. Look back at threads I've created and the common theme I've always said is protein is protein no matter where you get it. The issue that I had was saying cheap protein is the same as the more expensive proteins. That in fact is not true and I gave insider examples of why it isn't. From there on I'm getting called out for having an agenda. How is being honest having an agenda? I didn't say take Dymatize, even thought I'm very proud of my brand. i said cheaper versions of protein will add fillers and call it protein. But if your prerogative it to save money, then by all means, get cheaper protein.

    Put it this way
    If I said Jordan and Kobe are both great players there would be no problem.
    If I said Kobe and Jordan are very similar and one is just as sufficient as the other there would be a problem in that statement. That is were I am coming from and there is where the debate would start.

    I've always been genuine. In fact before the fitness thread existed I've always been asked advice and been as courteous and helpful as possible. Ask most people in that thread. I pride myself on being a corteous and respectful poster all together. But as soon as I started working for Dymatize I've been treated as a shill. If you were so open minded why did you immediately jump down my throat about my protein comments? Because you have this preconceived notion that I work solely based on an advertising aspect. So no matter what I say you were going to dispute me regardless. That is why I avoided that thread. If I did have an agenda I would have hijacked that thread a long time ago. As for thinking the community in that thread is closed minded, plenty of those posters have PM'd me advice on certain supplements. I am not going to name them because I don't feel they are obligated to defend me. But I've been very discreet about it and have tried to be as open minded and extremely supportive and honest. If I was so agenda driven I would have taken their PM's and posted it in that thread just to flex my knowledge. I think they ask me because they don't feel comfortable discussing it in that thread, because I have skimmed through and never seen them post anything about that supplement. Maybe because they don't want the bro science criticism. Being excited about taking a supplement should never be frowned upon. And I have never endorsed relying on one to attain results.
    And if you are open minded as much as you say, you say get a cheaper protein because you'll get similar results, why do you discourage those who choose to want to buy a more expensive protein? That is not open minded.
    But again, I'm just going to continue answering private questions and avoid supplement discussions all together.
    Like anything, more expensive does not mean better, and this is particularly true with protein powders especially. Even more so when you consider many of them are produced at the same place and just labelled differently after. All I was saying is, a lot of the more expensive brands aren't any better than the cheaper ones, and are just about the same thing when you get down to the fine details.

    You clearly know what you're talking about, but some of the comments in here struck me as clear bullshit and advertising. It's whatever, I'm over talking about it too.
    Last edited by plowking; 07-11-2014 at 01:24 AM.

  13. #118
    Is it in you? hateraid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    Quote Originally Posted by plowking
    Like anything, more expensive does not mean better, and this is particularly true with protein powders especially. Even more so when you consider many of them are produced at the same place and just labelled differently after. All I was saying is, a lot of the more expensive brands aren't any better than the cheaper ones, and are just about the same thing when you get down to the fine details.

    You clearly know what you're talking about, but some of the comments in here struck me as clear bullshit and advertising. It's whatever, I'm over talking about it too.
    This is exactly what I am trying to say. The fact is Dymatize IS one of those manufacturing companies that make products for other companies. Check the labels itself. a self manufactured company will say Manufactured BY. The ones made for other companies will say manufactured FOR on the label. That is why I know from personal experience why cheap protein is cheap and why pricier proteins are more expensive. I'm not saying it's the superior choice, I'm saying you will get what you pay for. For me personally my purchase driver is based primarily on taste. Like I keep saying you think that this information is taken as brutal honesty but it is taken as trying to hide something is completely confusing to me. I thought as a consumer I would like to know if something like glutamine peptides are added to skew protein profiles and that they are completely worthless yet they are added to the protein count as useful information. That this drives the costs down to make the cheaper proteins. That companies will by this from us at a dramatically cheap price and sell for a better margin. In fact isolates have the reputation of having the WORST margins. the better the quality, the worst the margin. As a business owner you WANT to promote cheaper protein because you make more MONEY. I guess I'm the naive one to think people would appreciate that info. Again, not promoting Dymatize, just stating the facts on why cheap protein is cheap.
    Last edited by hateraid; 07-11-2014 at 01:40 AM.

  14. #119
    Verticle? plowking's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    Quote Originally Posted by hateraid
    I thought as a consumer I would like to know if something like glutamine peptides are added to skew protein profiles and that they are completely worthless yet they are added to the protein count as useful information. That this drives the costs down to make the cheaper proteins. That companies will by this from us at a dramatically cheap price and sell for a better margin. In fact isolates have the reputation of having the WORST margins. the better the quality, the worst the margin. As a business owner you WANT to promote cheaper protein because you make more MONEY. I guess I'm the naive one to think people would appreciate that info. Again, not promoting Dymatize, just stating the facts on why cheap protein is cheap.
    You've said this several times throughout the thread, but in what way are peptides completely worthless? There have been numerous controlled tests that state otherwise, and they are in fact sold separately as well.
    Sure it has its side effects, but so do a lot of protein supplements.

  15. #120
    XXL Im Still Ballin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Protein Powder....which brand do you use?

    plow shuttin this one down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hateraid pfft more like buy my powder aid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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