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  1. #16
    Bucks fan
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    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Quote Originally Posted by MFFL
    But the Museum of Art is open till Midnight
    That's simply not true. I went there, and it was closed. Wish I would have known about the science museum... not exactly my thing, but it would have been something to do.
    Dallas Symphony shows start at 8
    I was there last Tuesday and Wednesday - there was nothing going on at the symphony. I called and checked.
    Try researching for stuff to do in an unfamiliar city before coming.
    Yeah, if I would have done a little research in advance, I would have known to bring my xbox.

  2. #17
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    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Quote Originally Posted by KINGofTHEcourt
    You've obviously never been to Chicago on a weekend.
    I grew up a couple hours away from Chicago, and went there at least a few times on the weekend. They've got all the professional sports, one of america's best orchestras, and a world-class art museum. I've always thought it was a cool city. Wrigley field is one of the more interesting ballparks I've been to, right in the middle of the city.

  3. #18
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Quote Originally Posted by adamcz
    I grew up a couple hours away from Chicago, and went there at least a few times on the weekend. They've got all the professional sports, one of america's best orchestras, and a world-class art museum. I've always thought it was a cool city. Wrigley field is one of the more interesting ballparks I've been to, right in the middle of the city.
    wow! lucky you. you grew up near chicago and from boston and NY. Sorry dallas doesn't compare to those two as far as downtown goes. I've been to both.....and as far as downtown areas go, no other cities in america can compare to NY and chicago IMO. Downtown dallas seems very corporate as you have to go to deep ellum.....which lies just east of the farther downtown freeway. If you are into the hotel/traditional restaurant environment....downtown has some nice restaurants. I miss the big D.

  4. #19
    Fan in the Stands (unregistered)

    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Quote Originally Posted by adamcz
    I'm putting the over/under on your age at 16.
    Never been to the boring cities you listed, but I bet some of them have restaurants open past 5pm.
    you have never been to any of those cities but you are calling Dallas the most boring city in the US????

    I'm putting the over/under on your age at "gay"

    now go watch a symphony with your boyfriend and leave our city the fu-ck alone.....ok?

  5. #20
    Bucks fan
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    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Primtime, keeping alive the negative stereotypes about Texans one post at a time.

  6. #21
    Local High School Star Silent Mav's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Adam, whereas I agree that the museum and symphony situation here do not compare to the other cities mentioned. Coming in and calling Dallas the most boring city in the US keeps alive the negative stereotype of Yankees bashing the south and how wonderful the north is.

  7. #22
    Dunking on everybody in the park
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    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Quote Originally Posted by adamcz
    I'm from Boston and NY.

    Are the museums meant just for people who don't have jobs? I don't understand how a museum can shut down at the same time everyone gets off of work. The museums in Boston and NY are intended for everyone; even people who have jobs.
    Moma in New York closes at 5:30 every day (except Friday-8pm) and is completely closed on Tuesdays?

  8. #23
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    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Quote Originally Posted by Silent Mav
    Coming in and calling Dallas the most boring city in the US keeps alive the negative stereotype of Yankees bashing the south and how wonderful the north is.
    How is that negative? Northern cities have more things to do because they have a more educated population. You don't need to get mad about it; you can just move to a city that embraces culture and stays alive after dark.

    And next time I come to Texas, I won't whine about it. I'll just know to bring my xbox with.

  9. #24
    Local High School Star Silent Mav's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Excuse me if I think the level of education and culture down here is fine. And this city has more than enough after dark activities. It can't be that bad with the number of northerners that move down here. I'm sorry that it wasn't easy for you to find with minimal effort. Which is what you seem to have put out. Why don't you ask for some help or do some research next time. You'll find this city has much to offer. It will never be a New York but then how many cities are? Or you can just bring your X-box and whine. Or if you are feeling generous you can enlighten the masses with your culture.

  10. #25
    The Only Way
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    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Man, I want to go into Dallas numerous times this summer since its my last before college and I havent been down there that often but adamcz there are a lot of places that are cool to go to.

    Especially around the West End market. There is the spaghetti warehouse, TGI Friday's, and lots of other cool places. Like I said, you shouldve checked out the square outside of American Airlines. That place is tight.

    Think about checking out the galleria? That place is damn near awesome. The science museum is awesome and I can understand if thats not your thing and doesnt really support your "northerners are more educated" argument.

    And yes you are right, Texas does suck at education. Blame the ****ty Texas Government but Austin is one of the most intelligent cities in the nation.

    Dont come in here trashing Dallas if you dont do any research to begin with.

    Poor planning=poor time. Blame yourself not Dallas.

    I guess the stereotypes of northerners are true. Stuck-up people who think they are better than everyone else.

    If you were intelligent, you wouldve known JFK got shot in Dallas and there is a museum for that as well. It's called the sixth floor museum.

    I am pretty sure Dallas has a conspircay museum about JFK as well. That would be hella interesting.
    Last edited by The_Masterplan; 04-16-2007 at 11:53 AM.

  11. #26
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    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Masterplan
    There is the TGI Friday's, and lots of other cool places.

  12. #27
    Local High School Star Silent Mav's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Quote Originally Posted by adamcz
    Even I can only laugh at that. Not helping my case that we have culture down here!

  13. #28
    NBA Legend kentatm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Masterplan, where are you from in Texas?

  14. #29
    Fan in the Stands (unregistered)

    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    since when did Texas have poor education?

    Rice is almost considered ivey league...
    ever heard of SMU????
    Texas Tech...
    North Texas

    and here is a link that ranks every state in the US

    Texas falls at #25...right in the middle, but that includes grammar through high schools...

    I am sure as far as college goes Texas would rank in the top 10

  15. #30
    Fan in the Stands (unregistered)

    Default Re: Dallas = Most boring city in US

    Quote Originally Posted by adamcz
    Primtime, keeping alive the negative stereotypes about Texans one post at a time.
    and you coming in here and telling us our city is the most boring in the US because of its lack of a decent symophony doesn't stereotype you as a snooty little New York prick?

    why did you bother starting this thread?...did you really have the need to make yourself feel that much better by telling us our city is boring?...what was it really?

    I know something that Dallas has that New York doesn't.....women that don't look like they just crawled out of a gutter and sound like they just smoked a carton of cigarettes...

    but then again...women are probably something that doesn't interest you

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