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  1. #31
    Next Great White Hope QuebecBaller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    $5M/year would have been a fair amount... not 16

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    Quote Originally Posted by ReturnofJPR
    That was pre-9/11, pre-Housing market crash, that would be like $10-12 mil easy in today's money. Slowly but surely the players are getting more of the owners share that they deserve.0

    What does 9/11 and the Market Crash have to do about an NBA salary? The only time the cap changes is when there's a complication with salaries between players and owners, mainly do to a large income coming into the league be it a TV Deal or whatever.

  3. #33
    Operat.Northwoods=9/11 Horde of Temujin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    Quote Originally Posted by FireMcFailPlease
    let this sink in.

    Reggie Jackson is making $16,000,000 a year.

    WTF !!!!

    Barry f'kn Sanders never even made that much.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Fallen Angel
    Westbrook will be making upwards of $30M per year when the cap hits $100M because he's been in the league between 7-9 and players in that circle can get max contracts up to 30% of the league salary cap.
    Let me just bump this for the retards that don't get the new cap.

  5. #35
    Next Great White Hope QuebecBaller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    It should've been eighteen, eighty

  6. #36
    Operat.Northwoods=9/11 Horde of Temujin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    This isn"t a baseball forum right?
    And Mr. October wasn't time travelled to the present time, right?

  7. #37
    ISH og ReturnofJPR's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Fallen Angel

    What does 9/11 and the Market Crash have to do about an NBA salary? The only time the cap changes is when there's a complication with salaries between players and owners, mainly do to a large income coming into the league be it a TV Deal or whatever.


  8. #38
    NBA Legend Hey Yo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Fallen Angel
    Westbrook will be making upwards of $30M per year when the cap hits $100M because he's been in the league between 7-9 and players in that circle can get max contracts up to 30% of the league salary cap.
    but until then......who would you rather have the next 2yrs at nearly the same $$$$?

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Hey Yo
    but until then......who would you rather have the next 2yrs at nearly the same $$$$?
    The MVP Candidate.

    Do you not understand that the Pistons are making this move in light of the new CBA?

    Grasp this.

    This is what was negotiated in the most recent CBA lockout in 2011. So barring another lockout and a change to occur in this graph, then a guy like Reggie Jackson in two years (when the salary cap jumps to $100M) could earn up to $20M from another team from a max contract, but because Detroit has his Bird Rights he would earn 7.5% more than that. So that's $21.5M Reggie Jackson could have had in the new CBA.

    So if you're squeamish about his contract right now, then I couldn't imagine how you'd feel if you saw what he could have earned.

    $21.5M vs. $16M

    I'd take giving Reggie Jackson the $80M over 5 years now than giving him $107.5M over five years when the cap increases.

  10. #40
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    Quick someone tell OKC fans they just traded away another allstar

  11. #41
    NBA Legend Hey Yo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Fallen Angel
    The MVP Candidate.

    Do you not understand that the Pistons are making this move in light of the new CBA?

    Grasp this.

    This is what was negotiated in the most recent CBA lockout in 2011. So barring another lockout and a change to occur in this graph, then a guy like Reggie Jackson in two years (when the salary cap jumps to $100M) could earn up to $20M from another team from a max contract, but because Detroit has his Bird Rights he would earn 7.5% more than that. So that's $21.5M Reggie Jackson could have had in the new CBA.

    So if you're squeamish about his contract right now, then I couldn't imagine how you'd feel if you saw what he could have earned.

    $21.5M vs. $16M

    I'd take giving Reggie Jackson the $80M over 5 years now than giving him $107.5M over five years when the cap increases.
    Not sqeamish at all, brah. If you think Reggie will live up to 16mil, more power to ya.

    Still haven't answered my question though.....

  12. #42
    NBA Legend DeuceWallaces's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    Not entirely pleased, but not entirely surprised either. As someone pointed out, Knight, Dragic, Carroll; just what you got to come up with the keep someone around.

    Plus, I don't think they wanted any 1 year tender drama after Monroe.

  13. #43
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Hey Yo
    Not sqeamish at all, brah. If you think Reggie will live up to 16mil, more power to ya.

    Still haven't answered my question though.....
    1. If you don't understand anything about the NBA salary cap then just say it. New basketball fans tend to freakout about big contracts just because of the dollar amount, but don't understand that they are all getting paid a percentage of the salary cap a team has. Welcome to the NBA, where two decades ago Michael Jordan made $3M in a year, where one decade ago Shaquille O'Neal made $20M in a year, and where in two years Lebron James could make $35M in a year.

    2. I did.

  14. #44
    I usually hit open layups
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyMcAdocious
    Well Knight got 5 for 70, so...

    Knight is better

  15. #45
    RIP Dunk Contest alanLA92's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reggie Jackson agrees to an extension with the Detriot Pistons; $80M/5 years

    Pistons screwing up again, not surprised but damn they have the leveage and just gave him the money without much conflict.

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