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  1. #1
    Seething... ClipperRevival's Avatar
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    Default Message to the young ballers.

    If you truly love the game, don't wait until you are too old to work on your game. I'm 39 now and have been playing the game on a regular basis since I was 15, or 1991. But I didn't truly work on my game until I was about 30. There is a difference between playing pick up games and working on your game, by yourself, to get better. All I know is if I could do it over again, I would've worked on my game at 15 instead of waiting until I was 30.

    The bottom line is that you are only young once. You have your natural athleticism, reflexes and stamina up until a certain age before it goes downhill. If you truly love the game and want to be as good as you can be, don't do what I did and wait until it's too late to work on your game.

    For some, just playing pick up games is fine. It's fun, great exercise and you just play. But if you are like me and have a true love for this game and don't want to ask, "what if", when you get my age, put in the work now and see how far you can go. Yes, bball is a game of natural talent but it's also a game of skill. The more you work on your game, the better you get. See how good you can be while you are still young.

    P.S. I would still ball most of you youngsters up right now. Lol.

  2. #2
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    I am 11 years younger than you. I am only active in playing basketball during the month of February to May. But Hopefully we are going to have a basketball league in the month of December.

  3. #3
    Serious playground baller
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    I'm in the same boat. I didn't play organized basketball when I was younger but started getting into basketball when I was 30. I started coaching and learned ways to get better and started getting more skilled. My body doesn't work as well as it used to but it seems like lack of experience still kind of gets me in some situation. I can get by guys but don't always know what to do when I get there lol

  4. #4
    Seething... ClipperRevival's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Quote Originally Posted by 01amberfirewv
    I'm in the same boat. I didn't play organized basketball when I was younger but started getting into basketball when I was 30. I started coaching and learned ways to get better and started getting more skilled. My body doesn't work as well as it used to but it seems like lack of experience still kind of gets me in some situation. I can get by guys but don't always know what to do when I get there lol
    I actually played high school ball and was pretty good despite not seriously dedicating myself, mostly due to my athleticism. Being a shade under 5'8", I was very quick and could blow by guys and keep guys in front of me on D. But what i would give to have the athleticism, reflexes and stamina of my youth to combine with my current skill level. I would be ripping it up against most people. It's much harder when you are playing against guys who are much younger, faster and have better stamina. So you need to out think and out skill these guys to impact the game. It works most of the time but when you play a guy who is taller and more athletic AND can play the game, that's when I feel my age.

  5. #5
    Seething... ClipperRevival's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lebron23
    I am 11 years younger than you. I am only active in playing basketball during the month of February to May. But Hopefully we are going to have a basketball league in the month of December.
    So you go months without playing the game? I couldn't do that. If I don't play for a few days straight, I start getting that itch. The game is a huge part of my life. If you took away the game from me, I would be hurting a lot. I'll play this game as long as I am physically capable of playing.

  6. #6
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Quote Originally Posted by ClipperRevival
    So you go months without playing the game? I couldn't do that. If I don't play for a few days straight, I start getting that itch. The game is a huge part of my life. If you took away the game from me, I would be hurting a lot. I'll play this game as long as I am physically capable of playing.
    I play twice or thrice a month during the off season. I just play basketball every night when we have a basketball tournaments, and work much harder.

    We are planning to join 3 basketball tournaments this Coming March to May.

  7. #7
    #Trump4Treason nathanjizzle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    basketball is a waste of time to be honest. 1-2 times a week for excersize is good, but if your practicing hours a day or every other day then you are just wasting time.

  8. #8
    Serious playground baller
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Quote Originally Posted by nathanjizzle
    basketball is a waste of time to be honest. 1-2 times a week for excersize is good, but if your practicing hours a day or every other day then you are just wasting time.

    How is it a waste if its something you enjoy doing. People spend hours in front of the walking, lifting weights or other forms of exercise. Shooting basketball can be therapeutic. How much time do you spend on your phone, watching TV, playing video games or even worse drinking or using other drugs?

  9. #9
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    I put some ankle weights in both of my legs. Just run around the court for more than 30 minutes. Just need to improve my stamina. Today I am going to practice shooting from three's, and attacking the basket. Midrange game is still solid.

  10. #10
    NBA Legend Bandito's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lebron23
    I put some ankle weights in both of my legs. Just run around the court for more than 30 minutes. Just need to improve my stamina. Today I am going to practice shooting from three's, and attacking the basket. Midrange game is still solid.
    Thats no way to improve your stamina. Best way is to run for 20 to 30 minutes without stopping or doing calisthenics.

  11. #11
    Seething... ClipperRevival's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandito
    Thats no way to improve your stamina. Best way is to run for 20 to 30 minutes without stopping or doing calisthenics.
    Yeah, running is naturally good for stamina. I don't think 20 minutes is enough though unless if you are running fast, like 7 minutes a mile. I usually run about 5 miles in about 42-45 minutes.

  12. #12
    NBA Legend Bandito's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Quote Originally Posted by ClipperRevival
    Yeah, running is naturally good for stamina. I don't think 20 minutes is enough though unless if you are running fast, like 7 minutes a mile. I usually run about 5 miles in about 42-45 minutes.
    I agree with you. I can run a mile in 7 min so that is why maybe thats enough for me

  13. #13
    3/8 is real Straight_Ballin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Also listen to your body. Don't do what I do and NOT listen to it. At 30, I was playing at my local rec 5 times a week. I would be there everyday from 5-9. Sometimes I would even go on sat or Sunday mornings when no one was there and just listen to music while shooting 300+ shots. My routine in the evenings was running 3 miles on the treadmill (everyday), and then playing ball until the place closed. Well after about 6 months of this, I started feeling soreness in my feet. The pain would last until the next day, around 1-2pm, and then it would be gone. I'd play again the next day. Rinse and repeat. This went on for months. Here I was thinking that I my ligaments were sore in my feet, and that it was like a sore muscle, just getting stronger.


    I developed plantar fasciitis, and a very bad case due to a strength imbalance between my calves and feet. There was so much scar tissue buildup that I had to use electronic shock therapy. It took 2 years to be able to play again, and months of physically therapy.

    It's very hard to keep an individual that was playing 4-5 days a week and running 15 miles a week on top of that out of the game. This shit had me sidelined, and it will sideline your ass too if you aren't careful.

    There are things that you can do to strengthen your feet, like picking up marbles with your toes and dropping them in jars and squeezing your toes in. Research this shit and do it. Do not neglect this routine. If the bottoms of your feet are hurting, stop playing ASAP and get them checked out.

  14. #14
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Practiced my jump shooting and 3 points shooting during the weekends.

  15. #15
    3/8 is real Straight_Ballin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Quote Originally Posted by ClipperRevival
    Yeah, running is naturally good for stamina. I don't think 20 minutes is enough though unless if you are running fast, like 7 minutes a mile. I usually run about 5 miles in about 42-45 minutes.
    Runners high and 2nd wind is no joke. Capitalize on a 2nd wind after 4 games in the same night and you can do some serious damage to the opposition.

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