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  1. #16
    2011 Doomsday Dallas's Avatar
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    Default Re: No thread yet on Beyonce's meltdown Lemonade video ?

    more publicity = more $

    drama sells.

    stop giving these attention whores your precious time.

    If you like their music... listen to it... but don't make their personal lives
    headline news on CNN.

    I hate celebrity gossip... The only celebrity gossip I can stomach is if
    it's somehow related to "conspiracy" topics... or 2pac.

    It's stuff like this that makes Justin Beiber a star in this country.
    Because their personal lives dominate the headlines. It's not
    even about their music anymore.

  2. #17
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    Default Re: No thread yet on Beyonce's meltdown Lemonade video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doomsday Dallas
    more publicity = more $

    drama sells.

    stop giving these attention whores your precious time.

    If you like their music... listen to it... but don't make their personal lives
    headline news on CNN.

    I hate celebrity gossip... The only celebrity gossip I can stomach is if
    it's somehow related to "conspiracy" topics... or 2pac.

    It's stuff like this that makes Justin Beiber a star in this country.
    Because their personal lives dominate the headlines. It's not
    even about their music anymore.
    Justin Bieber is a highly talented dude who allegedly can pick up several different instruments and play the shit out of all of them.

    It is cool to hate on him right now, because butthurts like you are jelly, but just remember that back in the day people used to dismiss the Beatles as nothing but teenybopper idols for hormonal girls.

    Does Bieber act like a dick in his personal life? Yes, but guess what, so did most of the coolest badass rock stars in the past. Everything that people clown on Bieber for today, Robert Plant used to do in the past-yet Robert Plant is considered a badass, and Bieber is considered a dick.

    It really all comes down to the fact that Bieber broke Wilt's record before the age of 20, bangs dimes every night all over the world, and people like you are jelly about it.

    I don't like Bieber's music but you can't say he isn't a good musician. The dude is a talented singer and multi-instrumentalist who I'm certain can play guitar better than anyone on ISH.

    "It's not about the music now"

    Guess what-the music industry was ALWAYS about the image more than it was the music, going all the way back to the 1950s. The Who, The Rolling Stones, the Sex Pistols, and yes The Beatles all had manufactured images created and marketed by record companies. The image is what sells the music. That's just how it is.

    "No musical talent doe"
    Last edited by Nick Young; 04-30-2016 at 05:48 PM.

  3. #18
    2011 Doomsday Dallas's Avatar
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    Default Re: No thread yet on Beyonce's meltdown Lemonade video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Young
    Justin Bieber is a highly talented dude who allegedly can pick up several different instruments and play the shit out of all of them.
    does that talent deserve $200,000,000?

    I'm not hating on him...

    to Bieber. He played the game well...

    That $200,000,000... most of it is earned through celebrity gossip.
    (If you can see the connection)

  4. #19
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    Default Re: No thread yet on Beyonce's meltdown Lemonade video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doomsday Dallas
    does that talent deserve $200,000,000?

    I'm not hating on him...

    to Bieber. He played the game well...

    That $200,000,000... most of it is earned through celebrity gossip.
    (If you can see the connection)
    I dunno if you remember but Bieber was one of the first big users of Twitter. He developed his fan base by posting videos of himself playing songs he wrote on youtube and tweeting where he was going every time he left the house, leading to hordes of fan girls following him around to starbucks. It all snowballed from there and Usher took him under his wing and decided to mentor him.

    This was well before twitter and youtube became what they are today.

    To Bieber's credit, he managed to hold on to the fame and change his image multiple times so far in order to stay relevant. Madonna and Bowie and the beatles did the same thing and were praised for it, so don't try to say that Biebs changing his image should be held against him.

    Whether any of us like to admit it or not, Biebs was innovative and ahead of his time in the way he marketed himself with social media, whether he realized what he was doing as a 14 year old or not.

    Also, at the end of the day, if his music was not enjoyable to listen to for his fans, he would not be as big as he is. He has help from producers and song writers, but from what I understand, Biebs has written his fair share of songs on his own. The songs he wrote that got him famous in the first place when he was posting youtube videos of himself as a teenager I'm pretty sure he wrote by himself, but I could be wrong.

    So Biebs isn't worth $200,000,000 purely due to his musical ability, as much as he is for his talent in finding and exploiting new marketing trends before anyone else did and his international mass appeal. Bieber was one of the first self-made youtube stars, he deserves credit for that too.

    Whether anyone likes it or not, Bieber is pretty much the Elvis/Michael Jackson of our generation. Dude achieved a lot before the age of 20, and he still hasn't reached his prime. I don't like his music but I can't hold anything against the dude himself of his hustle.

    He is an international mega star millionaire musician who is 22 years old and bangs dimes in every city he tours in. He leads a life that nearly every man on the planet wishes they had, which is the reason so many dudes are butthurt and jelly towards him, IMO.
    Last edited by Nick Young; 04-30-2016 at 05:45 PM.

  5. #20
    2011 Doomsday Dallas's Avatar
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    Default Re: No thread yet on Beyonce's meltdown Lemonade video ?

    The paparazzi is controlled to a certain extent.

    Who do you think is taking all those photos?

    I really don't mean to turn everything into a conspiracy...

    But do people understand that there are certain elements within
    the paparazzi that is controlled???

  6. #21
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    Default Re: No thread yet on Beyonce's meltdown Lemonade video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doomsday Dallas
    The paparazzi is controlled to a certain extent.

    Who do you think is taking all those photos?

    I really don't mean to turn everything into a conspiracy...

    But do people understand that there are certain elements within
    the paparazzi that are controlled???
    You have things backwards. The paparazzi aren't the reason Bieber got huge. He got massive on his own, which is what lead to paparazzi following him. The paparazzi help him maintain his level of fame, but they are not the causation of his fame and following.

    Biebs put himself in to this situation in the first place, so he deserves credit for it.

    You attribute way too much power to TMZ paparazzi and gossip magazines dude.

  7. #22
    2011 Doomsday Dallas's Avatar
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    Default Re: No thread yet on Beyonce's meltdown Lemonade video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Young
    You have things backwards. The paparazzi aren't the reason Bieber got huge. He got massive on his own, which is what lead to paparazzi following him. The paparazzi help him maintain his level of fame, but they are not the causation of his fame and following.

    Biebs put himself in to this situation in the first place, so he deserves credit for it.

    You attribute way too much power to TMZ paparazzi and gossip magazines dude.
    Actually, I don't think we've attributed enough power to the paparazzi.

    They are the one's controlling what you see everyday... So I'm sure
    there are thousands upon thousands of people within the paparazzi
    with a secret agenda...

    And at the same time... Bieber puts himself (or his handlers) into certain situations to create media buzz so he can gain more popularity. It works both ways.

  8. #23
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    Default Re: No thread yet on Beyonce's meltdown Lemonade video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doomsday Dallas
    Actually, I don't think we've attributed enough power to the paparazzi.

    They are the one's controlling what you see everyday... So I'm sure
    there are thousands upon thousands of people within the paparazzi
    with a secret agenda...

    And at the same time... Bieber puts himself (or his handlers) into certain situations to create media buzz so he can gain more popularity. It works both ways.
    You're dumb as phuck if you believe that. I grew up in LA and saw paparazzi combing the streets all the time. They're just random freelancer dudes and people working with tabloids. There is no conspiracy. They're just working class dudes doing a job to sell smut to the public.

    And it's not some conspiracy of people using smut to control the people. It is just human nature to love smut. We always have. Look at the art and stories the ancient Greeks and Romans like. Look at the ****ing bible. The most popular story in the history of humanity is full of incest and rape and smut.

    No conspiracies. The paparazzi don't control what goes in the magazine. If your conspiracy is true, it would be the EDITORS OF THE MAGAZINES who are in charge of controlling. The paparazzi don't need to know anything about the conspiracy and it would be retarded to let them in on it because they're all basically mercenaries loyal only to the highest bidder. Paparazzi just photograph everything and throw a wide net. If your retarded conspiracy is true, it's the editors and publishers who are to blame, and the paparazzi are merely innocent pawns who don't know they're being used.

    Use your phucking brain, bro

    You're a grown man, I shouldn't need to educate you this much.

  9. #24
    Down with GLOBALISM poido123's Avatar
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    Default Re: No thread yet on Beyonce's meltdown Lemonade video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Real Men Wear Green
    When men cheat it's not necessarily about finding a hotter woman or richer woman or whatever. A guy could find his main woman more attractive in every way. It's often just about feeling an attraction and either you don't think being faithful is important or you give in to a weakness. Most of us wouldn't think the nanny Schwarzenneger cheated with looks better than Maria Shriver.

    Thanks Dr. Phil

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