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  1. #76
    A humble prophet Dresta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Angela Merkel, doing what Hitler and Wilhelm Couldn't

    Quote Originally Posted by JtotheIzzo
    I blah blah blah'd you because you came with the same opld biased talking points that got the UK into this mess in the first place, and YES it is a mess, one that they will try and weasel out of, despite your visions of Great Britannia somehow going it alone and making themselves better for it.

    Its a false bill of goods, being part of global treaties is the way forward, the UK has stepped into the past with the false belief that jobs will be there when the pollacks leave and everyone will be safe when the brown people are limited.

    It is horseshit. The jobs aren't coming back. the Indians (Nick Young's UK savior) came in bought up the steel industry and then closed it down.

    The UK SERIOUSLY lacks competititveness, being left adrift only further exasperates the situation.

    The larger force doesn't rule over them, it makes them stronger.

    Regarding the ignorant bigoted rubes, look at the vote and how it spread out, look at the campaign posters, even someone with Nick Young's knowledge could read between the lines.

    Here is a microcosm of what people were voting for:
    Oh, shut up: I saw that facebook group of photos weeks ago, and it is a bunch of hysterical rubbish; this binary world of "love" and "hate" is the epitomisation of childish thinking. Some people behave like assholes, and always have--I don't see you posting the collection of photos of people on twitter openly inciting the murder of Nigel Farage, though there were plenty of people doing so. All you are doing is giving disproportionate focus to a particular (and unrepresentative) agenda, and yes, using it to dismiss the very real concerns of over 17 million people. This couldn't be any more obviously self-serving: it provides the political establishment with the perfect excuse not shine a light on its many failures, and to instead blame the overwhelming rejection of them and their methods on irrational bigotry (how convenient!). As I said, this is an incredibly self-serving narrative (nice and ego-boosting), which is why you are perpetuating it.

    The UK lacks competitiveness because it has (and had before Brexit) a 6%+ current account deficit (a record in peacetime), absurdly inflated housing costs, a capital city no-one can afford to live in, and (until recently) a clearly overvalued currency. A fall in the pound helps UK competitiveness rather than hinders it. That the pound has fallen is only a reflection of the weakness of the UK economy, something that the devaluation of a currency provides a buffer for (it makes exports more competitive, and reduces the burden of the record high current account deficit that had nothing to do with Brexit). If Greece was not shackled by the single currency, it too could do this, as such a thing is desperately needed; oh, and I hear Italy has been doing well of late--more EU success!

    The UK was completely f*cked economically before it left the EU, and would have been even more f*cked if it had joined the euro--please explain more to me how the existent status quo has been a success, and why people shouldn't reject it (with some other argument than: "if you don't open up your country to plunder, sell off its assets to foreigners, put your capital city up for sale, allow overseas institutions to trample over your established legal and political institutions, you just don't fit in the modern world")?

    Please, that is utter tripe. UK was in for hard economic times before it left the EU, but economic matters have never been the predominant question when it comes to the European Union, even though it itself is an economic basket-case, suffering now from its own hubris and an irrational belief in itself and its own future, and the idiotic implementation of the single currency, an obviously failed political experiment, which only still survives because the political will behind it is so extreme, determined, and uncompromising. The whole thing will soon be in the dustbin of history along with the Soviet Union (funny how all the leftist fanatics have migrated from one utopian political project to the next so smoothly). And economists never really have had much of an understanding of the big picture: there is a reason that Paul Samuelson's Econ textbook said in its preface, all the way up to 1989, that the Soviet Union was proof that central planning worked. Sorry if I don't take the economic forecasts of his progeny and the academic establishment all that seriously; they have proven they don't have a clue, over and over and over again.

  2. #77
    A humble prophet Dresta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Angela Merkel, doing what Hitler and Wilhelm Couldn't

    Quote Originally Posted by JtotheIzzo
    I like this, a nice measured response, not a fool throwing out attacks and blatant ignorance like their view of the Commonwealth which they pulled from the deep recesses of their ass.

    Its like this. Not gonna win an argument with right wingers over the merits of Brexit, I get it, but people need to realize that it is a big problem.

    I have buyers in the UK and now that the pound has fallen they take an L (literally) every day, this is an issue. A ten percent drop in the pound on a five percent margin business is a killer.

    The jobs that Eastern Europeans do, ain't going back to the Brits, they will dry up, and all the small businesses that hired them, are going to take an L (literally).

    Immigration is a problem in Europe, they get a different class of migrant than North Americans do because North Americans get someone with a passport and the means to buy a plane ticket. Europe gets boat people.

    Closing the door is not the answer, being smart is, but also fearing the terrorist boogieman is a ploy to rile up the rubes (which is what they did and why I attacked the rubes, Mr Dresta).

    I don't truly think that Merkel opened the doors to scare off the Brits, but it is actually playing out very well for Germany as they traditionally took less migrants, and by staying in Europe, getting more control means they have a lot of states by the balls. They can craft favorable legislation going forward and really enhance their position (as Number 6 pointed out).

    Treaties are the way forward (hate it or love it), if you aren't in the TPP, NAFTA, ASEAN, EU etc. you are second tier. Sad, but this is the world we live in.

    Brexit was a clusterfakk.
    Yeah dude, Switzerland is so damn second-tier; i mean, it's only the most stable and successful economy in Europe right now .

  3. #78
    NBA All-star tomtucker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Angela Merkel, doing what Hitler and Wilhelm Couldn't

    How is Germany winning by taking low IQ leeches who breed like rats into their country ?

  4. #79
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    Default Re: Angela Merkel, doing what Hitler and Wilhelm Couldn't

    Quote Originally Posted by Dresta
    Yeah dude, Switzerland is so damn second-tier; i mean, it's only the most stable and successful economy in Europe right now .
    As I said before, I have never seen a man dig so many holes for themself and take so many Ls in their own thread. This thread needs to be put down out of pity, just like the EU.

  5. #80
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    Default Re: Angela Merkel, doing what Hitler and Wilhelm Couldn't

    Quote Originally Posted by Dresta
    Yeah dude, Switzerland is so damn second-tier; i mean, it's only the most stable and successful economy in Europe right now .
    where did I discuss Switzerland?

    it is probably the most elite country in Europe, but that is based on its neutrality. England cannot construct this situation.

    Switzerland has never sided on anything ever, it would kill their look the other way banking system, ie their strngth.

    Bad example, completely unique situation.

    The UK has taken a stance on every world issue, Switzerland never, they play both sides of the fence that is their edge. THe UK cannot do this.

    Dunksby has you pegged.

  6. #81
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    Default Re: Angela Merkel, doing what Hitler and Wilhelm Couldn't

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrazotile
    I understand what you mean about developed countries fighting directly over African resources if there are no real African governments or states to 'regulate' those resources. But if we refuse to let our own country fight over it, then let the Arabs and Russians and Chinese and Indians war with each other over Africa. That's their business. Billions and billions of our tax dollars were taken from our hands and sent to Africa to be spent on expensive pharmaceuticals for strangers on the other side of the planet who dont live the same kind of lives we do and have no relation to us. That's bullshit. And not only that, it's gonna result in planetary disaster. Theyre not first world countries with first world reproductive habits. They arent supposed to have all this advanced medical treatment. It legitimately ****s up the ecosystem.

    Enough with the global profiteering. We need to stop being suckered, being pressured into believing every venture that gains a penny for the average person and another billion for a few investors is worth agreeing to. Weve gotta be smarter consumers. We oughtta demand that there be a list of countries we do not do business of any kind with. And get citizens of other super powers to push for the same. We're just feeding a giant monster. We're nursing future competitors just because it's profitable to sell the milk to them now.

    If we're smart about how we use technology and how we manage populations, the world could have been a beautiful and amazing place in a few generations. Instead we're dumb, cowardly and selfish and it's gonna result in more strife, more extinction, and a LOT more poor Arabs and Africans showing up at our doorsteps.

    Gee. How terrific.
    Africa is a mess, but it will be the Chinese's mess now.

    The West has tacitly allowed the Chinese to lead investment in Africa because it simply doesn't pay.

    There will be backlash, there will be future Mugabes that will essentially steal the Chinese's hard work and development and hand it to the locals, like what happened in Zimbabwe.

    Is it fair? No but the natives claim land rights and courts agree. Africans need to go through this learning curve, but it is steep and messy.

    Right now the Chinese still play the small man and act oppresed when in reality they are number two country in the world. Africans will not accept the charade and default on whatever they owe the Chinese, and China will take a HUGE L in Africa.

    But acting like Western aid is some kind of altruism is also false, it is a band aid to stop a deeper problem in the future. The rich countries will end up bailing out the poor or they will deal with them spilling into their country when the weak nation breaks. See Europe today.

  7. #82
    Down with GLOBALISM poido123's Avatar
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    Default Re: Angela Merkel, doing what Hitler and Wilhelm Couldn't

    Quote Originally Posted by JtotheIzzo
    where did I discuss Switzerland?

    it is probably the most elite country in Europe, but that is based on its neutrality. England cannot construct this situation.

    Switzerland has never sided on anything ever, it would kill their look the other way banking system, ie their strngth.

    Bad example, completely unique situation.

    The UK has taken a stance on every world issue, Switzerland never, they play both sides of the fence that is their edge. THe UK cannot do this.

    Dunksby has you pegged.

    Switzerland also takes a tough stance on muslims. In fact, countries that do and will prosper. It's no secret.

    Dunksby is as much of an idiot as you.

  8. #83
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    Default Re: Angela Merkel, doing what Hitler and Wilhelm Couldn't

    Quote Originally Posted by poido123
    Switzerland also takes a tough stance on muslims. In fact, countries that do and will prosper. It's no secret.

    Dunksby is as much of an idiot as you.
    another right wing toughie right here, lil b*tch boy back at his high school who crossed the street when the older kids were walking his way.

    I think he leaks a little pee everytime someone quotes his posts.

    Thinks he can say shit on line about brown folk and it'll make him tough.

    USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, they seem to be OK with the immigration thing.

    Maybe I should go full Dresta here: "You think the US hasn't prospered!?!?!?!"

  9. #84
    Down with GLOBALISM poido123's Avatar
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    Default Re: Angela Merkel, doing what Hitler and Wilhelm Couldn't

    Quote Originally Posted by JtotheIzzo
    another right wing toughie right here, lil b*tch boy back at his high school who crossed the street when the older kids were walking his way.

    I think he leaks a little pee everytime someone quotes his posts.

    Thinks he can say shit on line about brown folk and it'll make him tough.

    USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, they seem to be OK with the immigration thing.

    Maybe I should go full Dresta here: "You think the US hasn't prospered!?!?!?!"

    what the hell are you talking about?

    right wing toughie? Leaks a little pee..Crossing a street...older kids walking my way??

    You on tilt bro.

  10. #85
    A humble prophet Dresta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Angela Merkel, doing what Hitler and Wilhelm Couldn't

    Quote Originally Posted by JtotheIzzo
    where did I discuss Switzerland?

    it is probably the most elite country in Europe, but that is based on its neutrality. England cannot construct this situation.

    Switzerland has never sided on anything ever, it would kill their look the other way banking system, ie their strngth.

    Bad example, completely unique situation.

    The UK has taken a stance on every world issue, Switzerland never, they play both sides of the fence that is their edge. THe UK cannot do this.

    Dunksby has you pegged.
    What "sides" are you talking about? Seriously, this post doesn't make any sense. What sides of what fence are the Swiss sitting on exactly?

    The UK is also in a completely unique situation: its form of government is not replicated in Europe (where PR and coalitions dominate, not adversarial politics), nor are its legal and political processes; moreover, the UK was in a unique historical situation after ww2, in that, unlike almost all of Europe, it had maintained its independence, and never suffered invasion and occupation (the trauma that led to the ECSC in the first place).

    Your arguing that Switzerland is unique and therefore that it ought to take a different path applies with equal force to the case of the UK; you are making my argument for me. Oh, and yeah, the UK is a much smaller power than it used to be, so i'd rather we not use our meagre resources to keep making war on people (and for supporting the expansion of EU power to the east), thanks; the sooner British politicians stop taking sweeping geopolitical stances, pretending to be Winston Churchill, and using RAF bombers for photo ops, the better. The country has more than enough internal problems not to be going around the world lecturing people like some kind of second-rate USA.

  11. #86
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    Default Re: Angela Merkel, doing what Hitler and Wilhelm Couldn't

    Quote Originally Posted by JtotheIzzo
    another right wing toughie right here, lil b*tch boy back at his high school who crossed the street when the older kids were walking his way.

    I think he leaks a little pee everytime someone quotes his posts.

    Thinks he can say shit on line about brown folk and it'll make him tough.

    USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, they seem to be OK with the immigration thing.

    Maybe I should go full Dresta here: "You think the US hasn't prospered!?!?!?!"
    Every time you say this it makes you sound more insecure, bro.

    Your obsession with racial segregation you've revealed on your comeback tour is also bizarre.

    Forreal, you're 40 years old dude, what are you doing with your life? You're embarrassing yourself and it's hard to watch.
    Last edited by Nick Young; 07-14-2016 at 12:30 PM.

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