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  1. #1
    Free the banned users. stalkerforlife's Avatar
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    Default As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...

    Can I run with you?


    One of the last times I played street ball, I was one of maybe two white guys; I crossed dude and easily got into lane, dropped a perfect dime and dude missed easy layup, then a black dude yelled "WHY IS HE HANDLING THE ROCK?"

    I proceeded to hit like four straight threes, dropped the mic, and left.

    This racism starts on the lowest levels.

    So you can imagine how it gets the higher up you go.

    One time there was a HS team that showed up to the court with all black guys and they admittedly beat us fairly easily, but I told them and I swear on my life, "y'all may win this game, but I'm the best player on the court." They were so pissed.

    I don't even want to play with them anymore; I'm too old for the drama and racism.

  2. #2
    I go HAM TheCorporation's Avatar
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...

  3. #3
    Consensus, Cemented Vino24's Avatar
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...

    I got to disagree. You don't do anything OP. Look at your fat white pale body

  4. #4
    NBA sixth man of the year Levity's Avatar
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...

    pick up larping instead.

  5. #5
    Landslide honors LAmbruh's Avatar
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...

    Quote Originally Posted by Vino24
    I got to disagree. You don't do anything OP. Look at your fat white pale body

  6. #6
    Qing James Fan HoopologyPhD's Avatar
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...

    OP boldly stating the truth

  7. #7
    Free the banned users. stalkerforlife's Avatar
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...

    And another time I was playing two on two against blacks and they were up like 7-2 playing to 15.

    I said "alright, time to stop playing with these boys."

    The blacks lost their shit and we're saying "you ain't done shit all game! What the f uck you mean, stop playing with us?"

    I hit about 11 straight shots and we won.

    Everyone left but one black guy that was talking shit, but he got real quiet and wanted to get to know me.


  8. #8
    Embiid > Jokic SouBeachTalents's Avatar
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...

    Last edited by SouBeachTalents; 06-25-2019 at 02:59 PM.

  9. #9
    Free the banned users. stalkerforlife's Avatar
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...

    Quote Originally Posted by Vino24
    I got to disagree. You don't do anything OP. Look at your fat white pale body
    I haven't played in years, but I would beat everyone here.

    I'm extremely skilled.

    Could've played college ball at my peak.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...

    Minorities face racism in white dominated fields like movie industry and sports ownership

  11. #11
    Euros rule NBA, UMAD? Phoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...


  12. #12
    Good college starter paksat's Avatar
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...


    but yah, there's really nothing like a scary white boy that can hoop tho

    there was this 5'11 red head I grew up with, that guy was.. had nba written all over him

    he jumped OVER me one time and pinned the ball against the glass on a help defense

    pity the kid was super rich he just didn't give a fck, coach got mad at him one day at practice and he walked out and never touched a ball again

  13. #13
    Youngest MVP PeroAntic's Avatar
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...

    nice trolling op 4/10

  14. #14
    Gif-ted bigkingsfan's Avatar
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...

    Showing up in jeans and flip flops will do that.

  15. #15
    Bernie 2020 Bosnian Sajo's Avatar
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    Default Re: As a white American, I face racism while playing street ball...

    LA Fitness be lit over where I live, every night you can go and catch at least a 4v4. Everybody respects each other, play ball, and go home feeling satisfied we all got in some good cardio.

    It all starts with your attitude, gotta come in like a beam of sunshine and you'll never have any issues.

    Who would want to play with a smug, crater face pasty boy wearing flip flops "Can I run with yall?" Mfer, can you run in those??

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