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  1. #16
    Banned Round Mound's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    Quote Originally Posted by AussieSteve
    Chuck was something else.

    Here are some numbers to illustrate this. Playoffs only. 3pt era only. Q = 100 games played.

    Top 5 offensive boards per game.
    1. Barkley
    2. Shaq
    3. Rodman
    4. Wallace
    5. Oakley

    Top 5 defensive boards per game.
    1. Barkley
    2. Garnett
    3. Duncan
    4. Malone
    5. Bird

    Top 5 total boards per game.
    1. Barkley - 12.9
    2. Shaq - 11.6
    3. Duncan - 11.4
    4. Hakeem - 11.2
    5. Wallace - 11.2

    ^^^ look at that gap between Barkley and the rest!

    Top 5 assists per game for bigs (C/PF)
    1. Draymond
    2. Barkley
    3. Horford
    4. Garnett
    5. Diaw

    Top 5 points per game for bigs (C/PF)
    1. Hakeem
    2. Dirk
    3. Malone
    4. Shaq
    5. Barkley

    Top 5 scoring efficiency (ts%) for 20+ ppg bigs (C/PF)
    1. Barkley
    2. Kareem
    3. Dirk
    3. Hakeem
    5. Shaq

    Based on playoff performance he is in the conversation for
    1. GOAT rebounder of 3pt era
    2. GOAT play making big of 3pt era
    3. GOAT scoring big of 3pt era

  2. #17
    NBA lottery pick bizil's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    If you're going to compare Zion to ANY legend from the past, it's going to be Chuck. Due to the fact he's in that 6'6 280 pound range, a freak athlete, and a marketable phenom, that's the apt comparison. Barkley coming out of Auburn was 270 pounds himself. Of course he eventually dropped some of that weight in the league. And ALL COMPARISONS aren't dead on comparisons. Or a MJ-Kobe type of comparison. It's more about finding the player MOST SIMILAR. And when it comes to legends, the Barkley comparison is the one to make.

    But upside wise at his size, I see him being a mix of Charles BUT could potentially have Anthony Mason type of defensive versatility. Being able to defend big swingmen to C's effectively. But able to get 25PPG-12RPG-4-5AST a night like Chuck would get. Not saying he will put that package together right away. BUT when u look at his physicial attributes, freak athletic ability, and motor, Barkley mixed with some Anthony Mason would be a SICK perennial All Star type of player!

    If Barkley was an elite and versatile defender like Mase was in that era, he could have POSSIBLY been the best player on the planet FLAT OUT! It would have been close between him and MJ at one point! Only difference is in today's game, u have the guys like AD and Giannis LONG TERM would combine all those elements BUT they are much taller than Zion at the PF spot. Or in Giannis' case PF-SF.
    Last edited by bizil; 10-09-2019 at 05:19 PM.

  3. #18
    NBA sixth man of the year DaHeezy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    Quote Originally Posted by bizil
    If you're going to compare Zion to ANY legend from the past, it's going to be Chuck. Due to the fact he's in that 6'6 280 pound range, a freak athlete, and a marketable phenom, that's the apt comparison. Barkley coming out of Auburn was 270 pounds himself. Of course he eventually dropped some of that weight in the league. And ALL COMPARISONS aren't dead on comparisons. Or a MJ-Kobe type of comparison. It's more about finding the player MOST SIMILAR. And when it comes to legends, the Barkley comparison is the one to make.

    But upside wise at his size, I see him being a mix of Charles BUT could potentially have Anthony Mason type of defensive versatility. Being able to defend big swingmen to C's effectively. But able to get 25PPG-12RPG-4-5AST a night like Chuck would get. Not saying he will put that package together right away. BUT when u look at his physicial attributes, freak athletic ability, and motor, Barkley mixed with some Anthony Mason would be a SICK perennial All Star type of player!

    If Barkley was an elite and versatile defender like Mase was in that era, he could have POSSIBLY been the best player on the planet FLAT OUT! It would have been close between him and MJ at one point! Only difference is in today's game, u have the guys like AD and Giannis LONG TERM would combine all those elements BUT they are much taller than Zion at the PF spot. Or in Giannis' case PF-SF.
    That was long winded to say something way off. Chuck has post moves for days which will never be emulated by Zion. In fact no modern day player even comes close to that skillset. And Zion is definitely not the closest.

    Zion is a downhill slasher with crazy athleticism. If anything he is more of a early Larry Johnson. Or Amar'e Stoudemire, or Shawn Kemp.

    I suspect this will hurt your ego. But like I said, you made such a long winded post I felt the need to correct you.

  4. #19
    NBA lottery pick bizil's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    Quote Originally Posted by DaHeezy
    That was long winded to say something way off. Chuck has post moves for days which will never be emulated by Zion. In fact no modern day player even comes close to that skillset. And Zion is definitely not the closest.

    Zion is a downhill slasher with crazy athleticism. If anything he is more of a early Larry Johnson. Or Amar'e Stoudemire, or Shawn Kemp.

    I suspect this will hurt your ego. But like I said, you made such a long winded post I felt the need to correct you.
    LMAO!!! Hoops forums don't hurt my ego. It's not THAT SERIOUS! The bigger issue is YOU ARE SLOW!!! And don't know how to comprehend shit! I said earlier in my post that all comparisons AREN'T dead on exact comparisons. Barkley at Auburn was in that 270-275 pound area. THAT right there eliminates guys like Larry Johnson, Amare, or Kemp. Those guys were NEVER that size. Barkley and Zion are TWO OF A KIND for PF's in that 6'5 to 6'6 area who carry that weight. YET are still freakish athletic at the same time! LJ was 25-30 pounds lighter in college in that Chuck and Zion were.

    So FOR THOSE REASONS, Zion compares more to Barkley than ANY OTHER legend! I see some LJ in his game somewhat. BUT LJ was NEVER quite the dominant overall force that Barkley was in the NBA. LJ was NEVER a top 5 player in the world. Hell was never a top 10 player in the league. So when it comes size, freak athletic ability, and potential upside, Barkley is the more apt comparison among the LEGENDARY PLAYERS!

    The subject is Zion the next Charles Barkley. So i responded to the subject of the thread. NEVER said it was an exact match to begin with SLOWPOKE! But among the legends, Barkley would be the closest comparison. Guys like Kemp and Amare are two TOTALLY different players than Zion. Freak athletic ability they have in common. But Barkley was a more COMPLETE PLAYER than those two. Zion SHOULD BE a more complete player than those two!

  5. #20
    NBA lottery pick bizil's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    Quote Originally Posted by AussieSteve
    Chuck was something else.

    Here are some numbers to illustrate this. Playoffs only. 3pt era only. Q = 100 games played.

    Top 5 offensive boards per game.
    1. Barkley
    2. Shaq
    3. Rodman
    4. Wallace
    5. Oakley

    Top 5 defensive boards per game.
    1. Barkley
    2. Garnett
    3. Duncan
    4. Malone
    5. Bird

    Top 5 total boards per game.
    1. Barkley - 12.9
    2. Shaq - 11.6
    3. Duncan - 11.4
    4. Hakeem - 11.2
    5. Wallace - 11.2

    ^^^ look at that gap between Barkley and the rest!

    Top 5 assists per game for bigs (C/PF)
    1. Draymond
    2. Barkley
    3. Horford
    4. Garnett
    5. Diaw

    Top 5 points per game for bigs (C/PF)
    1. Hakeem
    2. Dirk
    3. Malone
    4. Shaq
    5. Barkley

    Top 5 scoring efficiency (ts%) for 20+ ppg bigs (C/PF)
    1. Barkley
    2. Kareem
    3. Dirk
    3. Hakeem
    5. Shaq

    Based on playoff performance he is in the conversation for
    1. GOAT rebounder of 3pt era
    2. GOAT play making big of 3pt era
    3. GOAT scoring big of 3pt era

    To this day, no PF combined scoring-passing-rebounding like Barkley. Even better than guys like Webber, Duncan, KG, Malone, etc. If Giannis is considered a PF, he's in that group too. But even in the case of Giannis, Barkley had a more complete scoring skillset.

    So when people compare Zion to Barkley, that's not SAYING he will combine those elements just as good OR better than Chuck. Or he plays exactly like Barkley. BUT I still think Zion's size compares most favorably to young Chuck BEFORE Chuck lost some weight.

    And at Duke, he did shit that reminded me of a new age Barkley type of player. And ultimately, I think Zion has the goods to be a great scoring, passing, and rebounding PF as a 6'6 burly PF. WHILE exhibiting the freak athletic ability and handles that a SF would have. Those are elements from the Barkley blueprint!

  6. #21
    Jokic Stan
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    I'm telling you, Zion will be another Charles Barkley. Maybe not as good...or maybe just as good.

    The underrated aspect of Zion is how quick and high of a TWO-FOOTED leaper he is...which is a very important part of basketball athleticism. Charles has the same capabilities, but Zion is even more athletic.

  7. #22
    NBA Legend kuniva_dAMiGhTy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    He's a combo of all the guys mentioned here.

    Or most of them anyway.

    I see a lot of 80s Barkley in Zion. Full court terror who bulldozes to the cup. GREAT athlete. Aesthetic power dunker like Kemp too.

    Larry Johnson though? Not seeing it. I was never high on LJ's game so its probably bias.

  8. #23
    Seething... ClipperRevival's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    Zion is just a tier above Chuck as an athlete. Chuck was mostly a 1 foot leaper who needed a head of steam to get up. Zion is GOAT tier at both 1 or 2 feet. So he can go over the top of people off 2 feet or beat people to the basket with his speed via 1 feet.

    Many "experts" say this and it's true: There has never been a guy quite like him. Dude can jump off 2 feet and get his head at rim level (something only a few players could ever do) and do FT line dunks with ease off 1 feet. The other guy who was GOAT tier at both was MJ.

  9. #24
    Seething... ClipperRevival's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    I would say in terms of pure explosiveness of the floor, Zion resembles me of Kemp. People forget how EXPLOSIVE Kemp was. Dude was a freak. And Kemp was also explosive off both feet. He had the speed to run like a deer but also the deep knee bend to get in a crouch and go over the top of people near the basket.

  10. #25
    Banned 305Baller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    he got an ass like Barkley

  11. #26
    Yellow King scuzzy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    He'll be better than Barkley

    He's a generational talent similar to Lebron, you can compare him to the likes of past players but come mid career he'll have surpassed those comparisons and become his own genre to be compared to.

    There's simply nobody with handles, speed, size and hops we've ever seen in the NBA before. At least not anybody that can put the ball in the basket

  12. #27
    Seething... ClipperRevival's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    Check these clips out.

    First one is a FT line dunk.

    2nd, gets his head at rim level with EASE off 2 feet.

    These are the 2 greatest measures of pure athleticism. Jump and cover horizontal ground off 1 feet and explode off 2 feet and get your head at rim level. Next level athlete. We are lucky to watch this guy going forward.

  13. #28
    Seething... ClipperRevival's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    And this is where Zion even separates himself from Bron. Bron is primarily a 1 foot leaper, perhaps the GOAT at it but Zion is GOAT tier at both. Only MJ was GOAT tier at both.

  14. #29
    Yellow King scuzzy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    Quote Originally Posted by ClipperRevival
    And this is where Zion even separates himself from Bron. Bron is primarily a 1 foot leaper, perhaps the GOAT at it but Zion is GOAT tier at both. Only MJ was GOAT tier at both.
    Lebron and Zion's leaping ability separate themselves from Jordan at the weight of 70-100 pounds heavier

    Apples n Oranges

  15. #30
    Banned Round Mound's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zion is the next Charles Barkley

    You people are forgeting underrating young Barkley in terms of athleticism. Zion is more acrobatic in his dunks and a better leaper but Barkley was still one of the most athletic players ever.

    - Barkley was stronger.
    - Barkley at 6'4 and 5/8 ft could stand right under the rim and dunk off one leg at 285 lbs
    - Barkley would dunk while jumping off two legs under the rim most of his career. He actually had the strongest legs in the NBA prior to Shaq.
    - He could move at near to 300 lbs and touch the square of the backboard and dunk
    - Barkley had an outside shot all the way up to 18 ft in his peak and he was the most dangerous post player with McHale and Shaq in his era.
    - Barkley averaged 12.9 RPG in his play-off career
    - Barkley also had better vision for off post passes, around the back passes and had great hands too
    Last edited by Round Mound; 10-10-2019 at 01:56 AM.

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