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  1. #31
    The Mind Fvcker egokiller's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    Quote Originally Posted by Shogon
    As for the guy saying that video games have never been better, that's also bullshit. It's the exact same thing going on in Hollywood. Yes, the GRAPHICS themselves have never been better. That's undeniable. But the game play itself is complete and utter dog shit today. Each game gets dumbed down further and further for the masses. Look at Fortnite... arguably the most popular online video game ever, and it's complete and utter trash made for completely naive children that have no idea what skill based games look like and no understanding that the outcomes they're being fed from one match to the next are damn near lottery based, lol. Such is the outcome with all battle royales.

    Video games peaked in the 90s/early 2000s. Every thing since then has basically just been rehashed bullshit with massively inferior game play and way better graphics.
    Would you say that this is largely due to the fact that these developers know that they can patch games after their release date or the fact that a majority of the competition you play against is such shit coddled snowflakes or both? Back in the day, what was released was the final product. It had to be correct. You couldn't just patch that shit after the fact. Back then if you didn't practice a game for hours on end, you got your fvcking ass kicked at it. Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, killer instinct you show up to an arcade and put your quarter up you better know some shit or you'll get laughed right the fvck out of the place. Show up to a game of TMNT arcade with 4 player co op arcade and drag your squad down, be ready to get your ass kicked. That's when gaming actually mattered, not this watered down shit.

    These days the games are created so that you don't have to put in as much time and a majority can still do well. The skill curves are shit. Complete pussification.

    FPS games now are a joke with no skill. You've got white collar workers that were born in 85 or before dominating their jobs during the day, coming home to play for an hour, and shitting on everyone and everything. Boring. They turn the shit off, yawn, and shake their head. Dominating at life making bank hoping that maybe a youngin with more time on their hands can get the better of them so that they can at least finish off the day feeling a little humbled. Unfortunately that feeling of humility never comes. Why? Because 75% the people these days are rage quitting out of games and are living in their moms basement working part time or not working. How the fvck do people get their shit pushed in when they have more time to play and have 10x the playtime as you do? It's because they have no concept of skill. Soft. Charmin. Games aren't enjoyable because the competition sucks. You shouldn't have to seek out good players, they should be rampant like they were back in the day. Shit who am I kidding, forget video games....I can't even find decent competition at real bball unless I go to a college and try to play with the intramural players there. Look outside and no one's playing outdoor ball in the summer. Why should they when they live vicariously playing NBA 2k or live?

    Sucks that what once was a good hobby is now shit because of all the soft snowflakes that play for instant gratification and quit the moment they are losing. You pull off 4 kills using a sniper rifle that only has 4 bullets and you get messages saying you are hacking or a try hard. Bitch, I just got the game! How is going 30+ kills and less than 5 deaths when you fire up a game for the first time and don't even know the maps fun? You've already broken the skill curve and you haven't even played more than a single game because the gamers of today are just that..... fvcking....... bad.

    This is your gaming generation of today:

  2. #32
    Landslide honors LAmbruh's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    Quote Originally Posted by Shogon
    You’re conflating graphics/amount of content with fun gameplay. They’re not the same thing. Not to me. Maybe to your prototypical user I guess, I don’t know.

    Again... back to shooters... where are the first person shooters that offer better single player experience than Duke Nukem 3D and HalfLife 1 and 2? They don’t exist.

    That's the thing, first person shooters are also a thing of the past

    Over the shoulder 3rd person gameplay dominates now

    That said, 2016 Doom also >>> 1994 Doom

  3. #33
    NBA rookie of the year Shogon's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    EK I think you

  4. #34
    Yellow King scuzzy's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    what's crazy about Video games is despite the 30 year inflation, they have all typically stayed the same price throughout

    consoles are about $50-$100 more, but games are still $50-$60 like they were in the 90's

    controllers about $20 more, but far more sensor advanced

    thank god Apple never got it's claws in the video game monarchy

  5. #35
    NBA rookie of the year Shogon's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    Quote Originally Posted by LAmbruh
    That's the thing, first person shooters are also a thing of the past

    Over the shoulder 3rd person gameplay dominates now

    That said, 2016 Doom also >>> 1994 Doom
    Over the shoulder shooters are absolute dog shit. It

  6. #36
    wet brain highwhey's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??


  7. #37
    The Mind Fvcker egokiller's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    Quote Originally Posted by LAmbruh
    still on this Quake shtick?

    (and I loved Quake Arena)

    as someone who grew up on NES/SNES:

    loved Ken Griffey BBAll but it's not better than The Show

    loved Super Tecmo Bowl but it's not better than modern Maddens

    loved Punch Out but it's not better than Fight Night

    loved Mario/Donkey Kong but it's not better than The Witcher 3/God of War/Uncharted 4/Bloodbourne

    You can BREEEEEEZE through 90's games in under a couple hours, nowadays you'll be lucky to get past the tutorial and cutscenes in that timeframe.

    It's not even close
    Now you can because you've got online to help you through any part of the game that is hard. There wasn't a single kid in the late 80s or early 90's beating Ninja Gaiden, Ghost n Goblins, Battletoads, or any other game of similar difficulty in a couple of hours. Kids played that shit for MONTHS some even YEARS before they beat those games. But at least they stuck with them and didn't quit like those of today who quit the "moment their not having fun"

    How many people even have the platinum trophy for Bloodborne? 95% of the people that played that shit couldn't even get past the first level without running to youtube. Amazing game once you get into it much like the GOW and witcher 3 (go collect all them gwent cards baby boi), but a metroid for NES or Ninja Gaiden for NES they will never be. I've played all that shit. I compare games to the feeling I had when I played them to the feeling I had now. Maybe my viewpoint is skewed because I know wtf it's like to wait in line to play fvcking Q-Bert at the arcade, but all this demon souls/dark souls shit is also a cake walk. A guy even beat it using a rock band guitar. Come on now.

  8. #38
    The Mind Fvcker egokiller's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    [QUOTE=Shogon]EK I think you

  9. #39
    The Mind Fvcker egokiller's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    Quote Originally Posted by highwhey
    as someone who's played CS 1.6 and Half Life 2, I can say you're talking out of your ass.
    CS 1.6 is amazing. Watch a kid try to fire that shit up and get his ass handed to him. So used to playing shit games of today with instant gratification that he won't know wtf hit him.

    "No fair, these guys been playing since 2003... it will take me years playing non stop to be as good! These guys are TRY HARDS!"

  10. #40
    Landslide honors LAmbruh's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    Quote Originally Posted by egokiller
    Now you can because you've got online to help you through any part of the game that is hard. There wasn't a single kid in the late 80s or early 90's beating Ninja Gaiden, Ghost n Goblins, Battletoads, or any other game of similar difficulty in a couple of hours. Kids played that shit for MONTHS some even YEARS before they beat those games. But at least they stuck with them and didn't quit like those of today who quit the "moment their not having fun"

    How many people even have the platinum trophy for Bloodborne? 95% of the people that played that shit couldn't even get past the first level without running to youtube. Amazing game once you get into it much like the GOW and witcher 3 (go collect all them gwent cards baby boi), but a metroid for NES or Ninja Gaiden for NES they will never be. I've played all that shit. I compare games to the feeling I had when I played them to the feeling I had now. Maybe my viewpoint is skewed because I know wtf it's like to wait in line to play fvcking Q-Bert at the arcade, but all this demon souls/dark souls shit is also a cake walk. A guy even beat it using a rock band guitar. Come on now.
    The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was hard too

    But it wasn't hard exciting because of the challenge, it was difficult because the mechanics and obstacles were trash

  11. #41
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Smoke117's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    Quote Originally Posted by hold this L
    I think there are less top tier movies being made in Hollywood though, but I agree it's not like they don't exist anymore either. The influx of comic book heroes, aka basic b*tch action movies have made it harder for movie studios to invest as much on the kind of movies Nolan, Tarantino, etc make compared to say 10-15 years ago.

    Also, everybody needs to watch Parasite. That movie is ****ing money. Quick before it goes away from theaters. Will be watching the Lighthouse which I heard is really good, starring our new Bruce Wayne.
    The Lighthouse is great. Saw it back on Halloween.

  12. #42
    Landslide honors LAmbruh's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    [QUOTE=Shogon]Over the shoulder shooters are absolute dog shit. It

  13. #43
    The Mind Fvcker egokiller's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    [QUOTE=Shogon]Over the shoulder shooters are absolute dog shit. It

  14. #44
    Landslide honors LAmbruh's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    Quote Originally Posted by egokiller
    There hasn't been a single FPS on console that has a decent skill curve since Halo CE. Fortnite, Apex legends, COD, Halo 5, PubG, Destiny, Gears... it's all easy instant gratification shit with no skill. Boring as shit with no desire to get better since you're literally firing this shit up on your first or 2nd play through and coming in 1st or 2nd those games.

    When I played golden eye for the first time, I got my ass handed to me for weeks by those that had played the game for awhile. Same thing with halo CE. Haven't experienced that since. It's a complete joke.
    "back when I was a kid it seemed tough"

    "now that i'm an adult it seems easier"

  15. #45
    The Mind Fvcker egokiller's Avatar
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    Default Re: is this the worst generation in cinema history??

    Quote Originally Posted by LAmbruh
    The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was hard too

    But it wasn't hard exciting because of the challenge, it was difficult because the mechanics and obstacles were trash

    It was exciting because you learned how to get through that water level while still having 2 of the turtles with full health. The swimming was finicky, which made mastering it all that more gratifying. The very next stage has a full pizza so you just would grab it, then leave, switch to a different turtle, and grab it again.

    Now that final level.... that was a royal PITA. By the time you got to Shredder you didn't have any life left. Damn that game brings back some memories.

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