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  1. #1
    Decent playground baller TimmyDuncan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Please help fellow nba fans

    I m from Paris and was supposed to come to orlando next week but I won t be able to come with the coronavirus

    I have 2 tickets for bulls magic that I paid 80 dollars on ticketmaster but when I want to sell them they ask a US visa card or fund. Any idea ?
    And i have 2 tickets fir disney world Magic Kingdom for the 10th of march that I can assign from the disney site but I don t know where to sell them (even for 150 dollars for both...)

    Spurs and magic have no hate :)

  2. #2
    Saw a basketball once
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Default Re: Please help fellow nba fans

    Hello, I am from the Czech Republic and I really like basketball. I have a question. We are a fan of orlando magic and penny hardaway. I have a collection of his full games and I'm still looking for new full games. I want to ask you for a match orlando vs boston 1997.11.02, I would really like this full game. I can't get her anywhere. Therefore, I ask you for this game, I do not have such options. I would like it, because I already have a very large collection of full games and I miss this one, so I turn to you with a request for this game. Thank you so much Jindr

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