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  1. #1
    pronouns - he/haw Nanners's Avatar
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    Default The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    If you are sick, you can't leave your home... other than going to the grocery store, pharmacy, or any of the other "essential" businesses. Same rules if you are healthy.

    You can only buy "essential" items - like alcohol, cigarettes, and lottery tickets.

    This virus is only deadly to a small number of immune compromised and elderly... but will be a global disaster unchecked

    Gloves and masks dont help, but wear them anyway.

    Animals are not affected, except tigers... also this originated from a chinaman eating a bat, and it probably infects dogs and housecats

    Everyone will be infected and experience mild symptoms (which feel like death)... but the majority of people will get sick without symptoms, while others will have symptoms without being sick or be contagious without having symptoms.

    Its necessary to get some fresh air, but you cant go to parks or other public spaces, and you should stay off the street.

    You can get restaurant food delivered to your house, which may have been prepared/transported by sick people... but you cant cook food and then deliver it to a friend or family member.

    You can't go visit your elderly friends/relatives, but you can take a taxi driven by an old person or interact with an old cashier at a grocery store.

    You are safe if you maintain the appropriate social distance, but you can’t hang out with friends at the safe social distance.

    The latest research "suggests" that the virus remains active on surfaces for two hours, no, four, no, six, no, did we say hours? maybe days? Also, the virus can only survive in a damp environment, but it also survives in a dry environment.

    The latest research "suggests" the virus only transmits t on infected surfaces, except it can also be aerosolized. In one hour a sick person can infect ten, unless you stay at 6ft social distance... also the latest research "suggests" the virus can travel much farther than the social distancing range...maybe.

    We calculate the death rate using the number of confirmed positive tests divided by the number of deaths confirmed and/or suspected to be corona related. We have no idea how many people are currently infected or have been infected in the past.

    There is no treatment, except one that is cheap and widely available... but its dangerous, except its not dangerous in foreign countries, but its dangerous in the USA (Orange man bad).

    We should stay locked up to SAVE LIVES until the virus disappears, but it will only disappear when we have a vaccine, and there is no guarantee that a vaccine can be developed. Also, the human immune system has successfully protected humanity from corona strains for at least 10,000 years (probably far longer), but this strain is different than the ~30 known strains of corona... also, this strain also has the same symptoms as all known corona strains (and would have the same death rate too if we werent cooking the books).

    Anyway, while we are all cowering-in-place to protect the ~60k old/sick people currently projected to die from this particular strain of the common cold, lets continue to do absolutely nothing to address preventable deaths like the ~400k americans killed by cigarettes every year, the ~100k americans who die from obesity related issues, the 85k who die due to alcohol, 70k americans who die because they could not afford healthcare, the ~55k americans who commit suicide, the ~65k americans who die from opiate overdoses... etc

  2. #2
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    thanks genius. now i can sleep safe

  3. #3
    pronouns - he/haw Nanners's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorP View Post

    thanks genius. now i can sleep safe
    but you are already asleep

  4. #4
    2020 Insidehoops MVP Stanley Kobrick's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    you are so woke

  5. #5
    pronouns - he/haw Nanners's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by Stanley Kobrick View Post
    you are so woke
    thanks, that means a lot coming from a chinese/russian propagandist like you

  6. #6
    2020 Insidehoops MVP Stanley Kobrick's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    michael jackson is an alienz

  7. #7
    pronouns - he/haw Nanners's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    22m people filed for unemployment in the past month... which means 710 people newly unemployed for each supposed corona death

  8. #8
    ~the original p.tiddy~ ~primetime~'s Avatar
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    Default Re: The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by Nanners View Post
    22m people filed for unemployment in the past month... which means 710 people newly unemployed for each supposed corona death
    1. We don't know how many deaths are being exchanged for unemployed. Maybe the shut down has saved 1,000,000 lives...maybe the shutdown has saved 1,000 lives...we don't know

    2. unemployment would STILL be high without the shutdown...people are staying inside on their think the economy would be booming right now without a shutdown?

  9. #9
    pronouns - he/haw Nanners's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by ~primetime~ View Post
    1. We don't know how many deaths are being exchanged for unemployed. Maybe the shut down has saved 1,000,000 lives...maybe the shutdown has saved 1,000 lives...we don't know

    2. unemployment would STILL be high without the shutdown...people are staying inside on their think the economy would be booming right now without a shutdown?
    1. Heres what we do know - There have been ~30k deaths that have been blamed on covid (the real number is probably far lower), and 22m americans have filed for unemployment (the actual number of unemployed is probably far higher if you include jobs like independent contractors). Taking a conservative estimation using the number of unemployment filings divided by the official (and laughably inflated) number of deaths, it comes out to a little over 700 jobs per death... in reality its probably closer to 1000 or 2000 jobs lost per death.

    2. No shit the economy was not going to be booming right now, unemployment def would have risen without the shutdown... but it obviously would not have risen anywhere remotely close to the amount we have seen it go up with the government forcibly shutting down entire industries nationwide.

  10. #10
    ~the original p.tiddy~ ~primetime~'s Avatar
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    700 jobs per current death? is the point of that ratio?...if there aren't many deaths right now then that leans toward the unemployment being worth it!

    we need to know how many lives are being SAVED for jobs lost...that's all that matters here...and that number is impossible to obtain

  11. #11
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer tpols's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    Look what theyre trying to do in NJ... this is after things open back up.

    “A normal gathering in the foreseeable future, I just don’t see it," he added.

    Murphy provided a glimpse Wednesday into what some examples of re-opened businesses would look like, including restaurants that could start offering dine-in options again with temperature checks or rapid coronavirus saliva tests at the door.

    “I could see the restaurant protocol,” the governor said, while offering no timeline. “You go inside, the servers are masked and gloved. You’re at 50% capacity.”

    Murphy also said some traditional greetings may be avoided for some time.

    “I don’t know that any time soon we’re going to go back into the — what I love, by the way — big handshake, kiss on the cheek, hug, high fives,” he said.
    Absolute insanity. Cant even handshake or hug after we re-open. what are they going to do, have police arrest people for having slight physical contact?

    segmenting populations with "tests" everywhere. Mfers are nuts.

    People arent going to stand for this bullshit much longer. This has become a political power grab and they love it.

  12. #12
    Whap'em ZenMaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by ~primetime~ View Post
    700 jobs per current death? is the point of that ratio?...if there aren't many deaths right now then that leans toward the unemployment being worth it!

    we need to know how many lives are being SAVED for jobs lost...that's all that matters here...and that number is impossible to obtain
    There has to be a balance in between the two and you have to try and estimate a number, because unemployment leads to deaths long term by cutting years off peoples lives. Stress leads to disease.

  13. #13
    ~the original p.tiddy~ ~primetime~'s Avatar
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    Default Re: The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster View Post
    There has to be a balance in between the two and you have to try and estimate a number, because unemployment leads to deaths long term by cutting years off peoples lives. Stress leads to disease.
    yes but currently we are seeing a huge decrease in heart attacks...and overall deaths outside of covid

    in fact I feel like that is one of the biggest take aways from this is showing us how stressful the regular hustle of everyday working life is. Wake up to an alarm clock, rush getting ready just to jump into stressful rush hour traffic, and then bust your ass to please your boss. Rinse and repeat.

    now if this lasted another 6 months would we still see stress free living? probably not...but we aren't there yet

  14. #14
    Whap'em ZenMaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by ~primetime~ View Post
    yes but currently we are seeing a huge decrease in heart attacks...and overall deaths outside of covid

    in fact I feel like that is one of the biggest take aways from this is showing us how stressful the regular hustle of everyday working life is. Wake up to an alarm clock, rush getting ready just to jump into stressful rush hour traffic, and then bust your ass to please your boss. Rinse and repeat.

    now if this lasted another 6 months would we still see stress free living? probably not...but we aren't there yet
    Not being able to pay bills.

    Having to rely on the government to provide for one financially.

    Saving money by not getting certain health things checked out, e.g going to the dentist.

    Marital issues because of lack of money.

    Worrying about where you are going to live.

    Are just some of the things there is nothing stress free about, not today or 6 months from now. All these things, and many more, will cause a lot of people to have years shaved off their life in the end. There's also consequences towards how the kids of all the people affected by this grow up.

    It's a great time though to bring jobs back within national borders.
    Last edited by ZenMaster; 04-16-2020 at 12:03 PM.

  15. #15
    pronouns - he/haw Nanners's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Logic of Quarantine Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by ~primetime~ View Post
    yes but currently we are seeing a huge decrease in heart attacks...and overall deaths outside of covid

    in fact I feel like that is one of the biggest take aways from this is showing us how stressful the regular hustle of everyday working life is. Wake up to an alarm clock, rush getting ready just to jump into stressful rush hour traffic, and then bust your ass to please your boss. Rinse and repeat.
    The idea that heart attacks are down because of "stress" makes no sense whatsoever, considering "stress" is undoubtedly way up with - a biblical economic recession currently kicking off, 22m americans going on unemployment in the past month, children staying home all day rather than going to school, and huge levels of uncertainty about the economic future while society as we know it is collapsing.

    IMO its far more likely that the number of heart attacks is going down for some other reason such as - people avoiding hospitals unless absolutely necessary, or heart attack deaths being re-classified as covid (heart disease and respiratory infections are highly correlated).

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