Quote Originally Posted by bladefd View Post
Let me respond on his behalf

-Our body organs took billions of years to organize in ways that are beneficial to us. The organs in our ancestor species were not always arranged the way they are today in modern species. God is perfect and designed us so why did it take him billions of years to get it the way it is? Did God make mistakes along the way?
-Gravity is why planets circulate around the sun in the way they do. During early days of our solar system, they were not orderly. There is some evidence that Venus or another planet collided with Earth, which sent particles into space and coalesced into the moon. Why would that be? Is that chaos? Did god mess up?
-Electrons are not organized in any orderly fashion as quantum physics has shown us. Electron is not exactly a particle but it's also a wave at the same time. There was a time when people thought electron went around the nucleus in some sort of order, but we have known for many decades it's not true. It's anything but orderly.
-Not understanding your question/point about genetic code.
-Life on Earth came billions of years after our sun/solar system formed so it wasn't like life formed alongside the planets or that life already existed. You are probably also asking why is our planet revolving exactly where it is from the sun, correct? Why is Venus too close to the sun? Why do all other stars have habitable zone, many planets in that zone and why don't they all have intelligent life? Do they have intelligent life? Why would god want all those planets in habitable zone but not allow life? Why would god even create those planets in their approximate habitable zone and no intelligent life? Another big question is can life exist on planets/moon outside of the habitable zone? It's very much possible some of our moons around other planets have life. It would overnight destroy your belief that life on Earth is special or that Earth was specially put here by God for humans.
-Not watching a 30min video

I don't want to speak for derka, but there does exist such a thing as laws of physics. Nature is essentially life on Earth conforming to physics, including gravity, wind, friction, etc. So then you will ask: "who created that order?" Why is it necessary for someone to create order? If everything must be created by someone then who created god? (I bet you will say god always existed, so why can't laws of physics have always existed?)

-He/she is irrelevant. It doesn't have to be a physical being. Nature is all life around you. Beginning of nature is beginning of cyanobacteria, oldest living things, to today and forward. If there is life on other planets (or moons), their beginning of nature would be very different than ours & life would probably be pretty alien to us, but I bet you it probably also went through evolution over time and conforms to the laws of physics we know of even if the gravitational strength, wind power, etc differs a bit on that planet (or moon).

Rest is you being judgmental as usual and deserves no response.
These things don't really dispute the concept of God. What you can dispute is the idea that God spoke to people. Also, he's muslim so he doesn't believe in the uniqueness of humans. Heck they already believe in a type of alien, jinn.