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  1. #1
    Local High School Star alexthegod's Avatar
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    Default Which Laker free agents will be back?

    This is just my own personal opinion, please let me know yours gang!

    KCP- 40/60. He played his butt off during the playoffs, brought great energy and just enough 3 point shooting. The question now is how other teams around the league view him. If he anybody views him more than a role player, he will get a lucritive multiyear deal elsewhere. The Lakers wont break the bank to keep him.

    Rondo-50/50. It all depends on Rondo. Does he want to chase a big contract or run it back on a short term deal? Playoff Rondo earned himself a nice little payday if he wants it, but that payday won't be with the Lakers

    Howard 20/80. Like Rondo it's on Howard. He also likely has earned himself a nice pay raise with another team. The Lakers will only offer him so much. At the end of the day I think Howard takes the payday somewhere else.

    Morris 55/45. Morris is that prefect role player, a 3 Pt shooting big that is solid on D. He gave up his entire years salary to escape Detroit and chase a ring. With his mission accomplished he chases money. BUT he might find it a tough market and might be back with the Lakers on a cheaper one year deal to try his luck again at seasons end.

    McGee (player option). 90/10 He's staying put whether you like it or not. His market is not worth 4 mil, so he takes his 4 mil option.

    Bradley (player option). 75/25 Since he opted out of the playoffs, its unlikely Bradley will exceed his 5 mil option on the open market, he too takes the player option.

    Dudley. 75/25. A veteran locker room guy who will only see the floor a handful of games. IF the Lakers decide they can burn a roster spot on such a player he'll be back at min salary

    JR Smith 5/95. Cant see him being on an NBA roster let alone the Lakers.

    Waiters 5/95. There is a reason why he was unemployed before the bubble.

    Let me know your thoughts gang!

  2. #2
    NBA lottery pick
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    I think out of the bunch that Howard, Rondo, and Bradley are the most important. I think part of it is who the Lakers intend to go after once free agency opens. They don't have a lot of money to work with. They really need that 3rd person behind Lebron and AD. I could see Kuzma getting traded as he's the one guy that seems to generate at least a little interest. If they were to do something crazy like a CP3 trade then they would have to sign and trade a few of those guys to match salaries I would assume. I don't know if Dwight earned himself a huge pay raise. He's almost just a vets minimum type of guy at this point. Lots of teams would like to have him but it's the price point that will hold them back. The cap is going to be less and people aren't going to spend that on a back up center (or potential starting one).

  3. #3
    Local High School Star alexthegod's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    All good points DD24 and hello by the way LOL.

    Agreed its going to be interesting to see who they go after in free agency. That can definitely affect how they handle their own free agents.

  4. #4
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    With Schroeder's trade, we should keep Dwight, Bradley and KCP. All 3 play solid defense and complement Schroeder well (and Caruso).

    Imagine a clutch time lineup of AD-LeBron-kcp-Schroeder-Bradley. Good scoring lineup. Caruso is also there if we need defense then you switch out Schroeder for Caruso. If you want balance then you go AD-LeBron-Caruso-Schroeder-KCP/Bradley (depends on who is playing better that night)

    I'm guessing this means Rondo will be gone. I would try to trade Kuzma + McGee + Tucker + future 1st for another good backup shooter like J.J Redick if he is on the market.
    Last edited by bladefd; 11-16-2020 at 12:40 AM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    I have to wonder if they are going to try to sign Cousins again as well. Seems like that would be a good fit.

  6. #6
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    Quote Originally Posted by dd24 View Post
    I have to wonder if they are going to try to sign Cousins again as well. Seems like that would be a good fit.
    I would do it only if we can move McGee.. I would like to see Kuzma/McGee/next year's 2nd rounder traded for someone like JJ Redick. Then I would be good with adding Cousins.

    I don't think Dwight is coming back. Someone is going to overpay him so I would replace him with Aron Baynes (I prefer Ibaka but I don't expect him to leave the Raptors but I would still offer him full MLE).

    A center rotation of Cousins/Baynes or Ibaka/AD would be nice. All 3 can hit 3s and the latter 2 play solid defense.

  7. #7
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    I have been hearing rumors about Wesley Matthews, but tbh I would rather keep kcp or even go trade for JJ Redick than sign Matthews.

    I don't think Matthews is a very good 3pt shooter, which is what we need off our bench. He is sometimes good but very streaky. I don't think he is someone I like starting at the 2 either alongside Schroeder at the 1. Schroeder can play either guard positions, but I want someone starting with him who plays good defense & can hit 3s. Bradley would be perfect for that, but I am unsure if he will be playing this season..

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    Yeah, I've seen the Matthews rumors too. With Green gone they want him to fill that role. I think they can make a run at Ibaka. It would be a good fit.

  9. #9
    Local High School Star alexthegod's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    Quote Originally Posted by dd24 View Post
    I have to wonder if they are going to try to sign Cousins again as well. Seems like that would be a good fit.
    agreed, I think they will look at him again as they will most likely loose one or both of Dwight and Mcgee. I am thinking Dwight is as good as gone, he wants to get paid.

  10. #10
    Local High School Star alexthegod's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    I forgot about Ibaka. If he comes at the right price he would be a great replacement for Dwight!

  11. #11
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    Well, we got Wesley Matthews.

    Still have MLE for 1 more player to finish our roster. I hope it's Dwight or Ibaka. I prefer Ibaka because of his 3pt shooting.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    I feel like both of those guys are hoping for more than that. I wonder if they're looking at Cousins.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    Well, Dwight is a 76er now. Which I find odd because it was the minimum at 2.6 million. Seems like LA would have offered that and he would have rather stayed here.

  14. #14
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    Quote Originally Posted by dd24 View Post
    I feel like both of those guys are hoping for more than that. I wonder if they're looking at Cousins.
    Cousins I would sign for veteran's minimum tbh. He hasn't proved he can stay healthy unfortunately

  15. #15
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which Laker free agents will be back?

    Quote Originally Posted by dd24 View Post
    Well, Dwight is a 76er now. Which I find odd because it was the minimum at 2.6 million. Seems like LA would have offered that and he would have rather stayed here.
    Yeah, that's odd. LA would have offered 4-5mill because we have his Bird rights. I have no idea what happened

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