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  1. #16
    pronouns - he/haw Nanners's Avatar
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    Default Re: Did the Chiefs waste their opportunity?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShawkFactory View Post

    Yea in that case I 100% agree. Although the way Allen has improved seemingly exponentially every year I am about to put him in that overall throwing category. Pretty much every throw he made last night was on the money. I don't think a lot of quarterbacks would go at Ramsey like that.

    Herbert is more mechanical in his movements and doesn't throw at weird angles or anything much but his ability to get the ball out so quickly and with so much power is an unbelievable weapon. Being an OC with a guy like that would be the best job in the world. You can do anything.

    I totally agree about Allen. If Mahomes has another "meh" year while Allen continues to prove that he is elite in virtually every measurable way, I would have no problem putting him in (or possibly above) the mahomes tier of passers. Ultimately both Allen and Mahomes (and Herbert for that matter) are still quite young and while I would currently say that Mahomes has the best arm of the 3 by a good margin, I certainly dont think its impossible for that title to be taken from him.

    You are spot on about Herbert btw. I am a U of Oregon alum so I am obligated to be a Herbert fan and I have been tremendously impressed by his strength, not just his ability to throw deep but also his ability to shed tackles or throw while being tackled... kinda reminds me of big ben or something (but Herbert is MUCH more likeable). I wish he was on the Seahawks.
    Last edited by Nanners; 09-09-2022 at 11:25 AM.

  2. #17
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    Default Re: Did the Chiefs waste their opportunity?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nanners View Post

    I totally agree about Allen. If Mahomes has another "meh" year while Allen continues to prove that he is elite in virtually every measurable way, I would have no problem putting him in (or possibly above) the mahomes tier of passers. Ultimately both Allen and Mahomes (and Herbert for that matter) are still quite young and while I would currently say that Mahomes has the best arm of the 3 by a good margin, I certainly dont think its impossible for that title to be taken from him.

    You are spot on about Herbert btw. I am a U of Oregon alum so I am obligated to be a Herbert fan and I have been tremendously impressed by his strength, not just his ability to throw deep but also his ability to shed tackles or throw while being tackled... kinda reminds me of big ben or something (but Herbert is MUCH more likeable). I wish he was on the Seahawks.
    With Hebert it’s not necessarily just his power size-wise like Big Ben though. He goes through progressions quickly, has a quick release, and then has the velocity to put the ball wherever whenever. We’re talk Mahomes and Allen but this dude could legit be the best quarterback in the league very soon. Depends on how he performs under pressure in big games which it TBD. But from what I’ve seen I don’t think they’ll be a problem there.

    As an aside: I want to go to a game in Eugene so badly. Wished it was a 1:1 with the Dawgs at both of our places.

  3. #18
    pronouns - he/haw Nanners's Avatar
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    Default Re: Did the Chiefs waste their opportunity?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShawkFactory View Post
    With Hebert it’s not necessarily just his power size-wise like Big Ben though. He goes through progressions quickly, has a quick release, and then has the velocity to put the ball wherever whenever. We’re talk Mahomes and Allen but this dude could legit be the best quarterback in the league very soon. Depends on how he performs under pressure in big games which it TBD. But from what I’ve seen I don’t think they’ll be a problem there.

    As an aside: I want to go to a game in Eugene so badly. Wished it was a 1:1 with the Dawgs at both of our places.
    I agree entirely about Herberts ability to progress through his targets, release the ball quickly, and put velocity on any ball... For the record I never said he was better or worse than Big Ben, I just said that his skillset "kinda reminds me of Big Ben or something".

    Anyway as a die hard seahawks fan, I probably hate big ben as much as anyone except browns fans (And while those browns fans were relentlessly destroyed year after year, they never had big ben steal a superbowl from them (like what happened with the Seahawks in 2005))

  4. #19
    ... on a leash ArbitraryWater's Avatar
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    Default Re: Did the Chiefs waste their opportunity?

    Fellas this did not age well.

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