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  1. #76
    3-time NBA All-Star jstern's Avatar
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    Default Re: Another Illegal Alien kills a U.S. citizen

    Quote Originally Posted by Baller234 View Post
    Yea, I get it. I just think it's weird you chose to initially call out white suburbanites. You could have just as easily said "americans won't work these jobs"... yet you singled out white people.

    In other words, the reason we need illegal immigration is because lazy and spoiled white people think they're above certain jobs. As always, you liberals make everything about white people.

    Maybe that's why you guys are so indifferent to Laken Riley's murder. After all she was just a white suburbanite. She brought it on herself really. She should have worked on the construction site instead of going to college in Georgia, then maybe we wouldn't have had to let in her murderer.
    Having been here for many years, that's literal Off the Court logic. " If she decided to get a construction job instead of going to college like a spoiled white girl, then she would still be alive."

  2. #77
    NBA lottery pick Long Duck Dong's Avatar
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    Default Re: Another Illegal Alien kills a U.S. citizen

    Police in Georgia(unclear which agency) started going around and arresting the killer's family members, who were here illegally, for using a false identity to obtain work. Uhmm yeah.. why don't they start doing that on a regular basis for all non farm jobs. Why does someone have to die before law enforcement gets off their ass and do something. Pretty much every illegal is guilty of identity theft here in the US

  3. #78
    NBA Superstar SATAN's Avatar
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    Default Re: Another Illegal Alien kills a U.S. citizen

    Quote Originally Posted by Long Duck Dong View Post
    why don't they start doing that on a regular basis for all non farm jobs.
    Why exclude farm jobs?

  4. #79
    NBA lottery pick Long Duck Dong's Avatar
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    Default Re: Another Illegal Alien kills a U.S. citizen

    Quote Originally Posted by SATAN View Post
    Why exclude farm jobs?
    Well obviously few of us Americans want to do that. Myself NOT included. Technology and AI is evolving rapidly, plus more and more of our green vegetable crops are grown in Mexico though, we will need just a small fraction of the farm workers we have now in 20 years.

  5. #80
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Another Illegal Alien kills a U.S. citizen

    Quote Originally Posted by paksat View Post
    my business employs a ton of latinos, 90% are worthless
    I highly doubt you have a business. If you did, you would have fired them if they were worthless and replaced them all. Or you are a horrendous, incompetent, and unintelligent businessman.

    Stick to complaining about egg prices and how Biden has destroyed your life.

  6. #81
    NBA Superstar SATAN's Avatar
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    Default Re: Another Illegal Alien kills a U.S. citizen

    Quote Originally Posted by Long Duck Dong View Post
    Well obviously few of us Americans want to do that. Myself NOT included. Technology and AI is evolving rapidly, plus more and more of our green vegetable crops are grown in Mexico though, we will need just a small fraction of the farm workers we have now in 20 years.
    So that justifies letting illegal immigrants in?

  7. #82
    NBA Superstar SATAN's Avatar
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    Default Re: Another Illegal Alien kills a U.S. citizen

    Quote Originally Posted by bladefd View Post

    Stick to complaining about egg prices and how Biden has destroyed your life.

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