well endowed member
bill gates & nbc is gaslighting us over the cost of TG dinner
bill gates/off the court has been flaunting this nbc article as of late with the intent of convincing all of us that bidenomics has this country on a roll. telling us how a ten person thanksgiving dinner can cost us as low as $58.
say what??? something ain't right.
personally, it was only three of us at our house this year and the total cost of everything not including wine and dessert was just over $150. the turkey alone costed $80. it was a precooked whole foods take-home package. how much did you all pay to feed your family this year? did you get by okay with that $58?
anyway, on to the article. first of all, they kick off the article with this sexy graphic:

that sure as hell ain't no $58 dinner. try $200+.
then, they offer us up this graphic detailing the cost of each item:

it's so great that this family is splitting one can of green peas, cranberries and one box of processed stuffing between ten people. most starved family ever. and how is that even a halfway acceptable holiday dinner for even the poorest of folk? no mashed potatoes? no butter i guess because no one can afford it anymore. drinks? appetizers? couldn't even afford a supermarket-baked pumpkin pie - gotta settle for the mix.
then they have the audacity to gaslight you with:
“If your dollar had the same overall purchasing power as a consumer in 1984 … this would be the least expensive Thanksgiving meal in the 39-year history of the AFBF Thanksgiving survey"
...while we're struggling with the cost of living and the associated sub costs of housing, utilities, health care, child care, transportation and not to mention paying $7 for butter, eggs are damn near a luxury now and a mcdonald's meal for four comes out to $58. 
then nbc adds:
“the average American also has to work fewer hours to buy the same meal than in previous years,”
right. tell that to the blue collar workers of this country working 40+ hours a week and still not making ends meet.
bottom line - the msm and it's cronies like bill gates are gaslighting you into thinking life is good. or at least getting better - that the biden administration has done it's part to alleviating the burden on struggling americans. do you feel it? again, how much did you pay for TG dinner? what did that $58 get you?
... and what's this, "we lost to trump again???"
Last edited by diamenz; 12-07-2024 at 12:14 PM.
Re: bill gates & nbc is gaslighting us over the cost of TG dinner
he also said this recently....
 Originally Posted by Bill Gates
You're just talking about inflation that was caused mostly by Trump adding to the money supply. You didn't notice because you were reading right wing jargon.
The US has seen bouts of inflation much worse than this, and the middle class got wealthier anyway. Because wealth is much more than your work salary. People own things (that inflated in value) Cars, houses, jewelry, stocks, bonds, BTC, etc
Wages are outpacing inflation now anyway.
Every business in the country is doing amazing and hiring out the ass because they are selling out the ass.
NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
Re: bill gates & nbc is gaslighting us over the cost of TG dinner
Poster Bill Gaytes is super low iq and takes it up the ass, big time.
No one believes anything that he says. Including himself.
The breakdown is still appreciated though.
Re: bill gates & nbc is gaslighting us over the cost of TG dinner
Thank you for this thread. It gives me the opportunity it expand on the lie that we are all struggling.
Here's a stat for you:

That isn't the top 10%. That is the bottom 50%. Who's wealth has about 20x since the 2010 when they were actually struggling.
But enough of stats right? Because ALL the stats are lies right? The Biden admin controls every stat source, and wants you to think things are going well even though they already lost the election.
Let's talk about what we see in real life. Well my own personal net worth has more than doubled, I have a head position and make well over 6-figs, but who's going to believe me? Not you. So what I see outside? Every other car is a Benz or BMW. Do you remember when owning one actually meant something? I sure do. Now it's nothing. And I've quickly gotten to the point where the novelty of the Cyber Truck has worn off, see them everywhere and they are around $100k to obtain. The only autos that are actual head turners now are Lambos or Ferraris. Majority of my friends and family are doing well, everyone is working. Even the ones who are near the bottom have the latest gadgets though. Apple watches, PS5s, etc.
Even all of the right leaning posters in here constantly brag about how well they are doing, and you know what? I bet they are doing better than normal. They are just mad that bread costs 80 cents more now.
And how long will you be able to keep this lie up now that Trump is 2 months from taking office? Will everyone still be struggling then? Or is that when you magically take the same stance as me?
We are a SPOILED country. To the core. One of the only countries where the poor people are fat and the rich people are skinny. In countries with real issues it's the opposite.
Data Pagan
Re: bill gates & nbc is gaslighting us over the cost of TG dinner
Kill Bill EXPOSING the inflation propaganda
I get superstar calls
Re: bill gates & nbc is gaslighting us over the cost of TG dinner
1) Both are correct. Groceries have gone up significantly more than inflation has, and other goods have stayed the same, meaning they've become cheaper in the midst of it all; so if my basket of goods(CPI) includes a turkey, a vacuum, and a tv; the vacuum and tv will probably offset the rise in the price of the turkey enough so to put it in line with inflation. CPI and average salary has both gone up ~60% since the early 2k's. However, this concept is very misleading because the average family buys a vacuum and a tv... what... every 5-10 years? Whereas you have to get groceries every week, so obviously you'll feel the rise in prices there a lot more because it affects a higher % of your expenditure. It'd be a lot more accurate if we introduce an adjusted cpi
ex. Let's say the average family spends 50% of their income on groceries and rent and the other 50% on misc. The misc part hasn't changed but rent and groceries have gone up 50%, you will have seen an increase of 25% in overall prices which affect your spending power, while your wage probably went up 5-10%.
2) Wages are NOT outpacing inflation. When I started at my position in 2010 I was making 55k and now they're paying like 58k. This is only cash wages of course, I'm paid in mostly equity now so as long as the market remains bull I will see the highest rise in income. I'm guessing most of Bill Gate's income is in RSU's? So you aren't feeling the inflation in the same way someone who just makes cash does. Strong market does not necessarily mean strong average living.
3) Of course I'm in a better position than I was 4 years ago, why do you keep asking that question? Between ages 30-50 is when most people see the fastest progression in their careers, so doing better in 4 years is natural progression in life and career. Hopefully I'll be doing even better in another 4 years and it probably won't because of Trump or whoever(fingers crossed some AI doesn't steal my job by then).
Re: bill gates & nbc is gaslighting us over the cost of TG dinner
Wage growth has been higher than inflation for months now. Go look into it.
Re: bill gates & nbc is gaslighting us over the cost of TG dinner
 Originally Posted by j3lademaster
1) Both are correct. Groceries have gone up significantly more than inflation has, and other goods have stayed the same, meaning they've become cheaper in the midst of it all; so if my basket of goods(CPI) includes a turkey, a vacuum, and a tv; the vacuum and tv will probably offset the rise in the price of the turkey enough so to put it in line with inflation. CPI and average salary has both gone up ~60% since the early 2k's. However, this concept is very misleading because the average family buys a vacuum and a tv... what... every 5-10 years? Whereas you have to get groceries every week, so obviously you'll feel the rise in prices there a lot more because it affects a higher % of your expenditure. It'd be a lot more accurate if we introduce an adjusted cpi
ex. Let's say the average family spends 50% of their income on groceries and rent and the other 50% on misc. The misc part hasn't changed but rent and groceries have gone up 50%, you will have seen an increase of 25% in overall prices which affect your spending power, while your wage probably went up 5-10%.
2) Wages are NOT outpacing inflation. When I started at my position in 2010 I was making 55k and now they're paying like 58k. This is only cash wages of course, I'm paid in mostly equity now so as long as the market remains bull I will see the highest rise in income. I'm guessing most of Bill Gate's income is in RSU's? So you aren't feeling the inflation in the same way someone who just makes cash does. Strong market does not necessarily mean strong average living.
3) Of course I'm in a better position than I was 4 years ago, why do you keep asking that question? Between ages 30-50 is when most people see the fastest progression in their careers, so doing better in 4 years is natural progression in life and career. Hopefully I'll be doing even better in another 4 years and it probably won't because of Trump or whoever(fingers crossed some AI doesn't steal my job by then).
this is a well put explanation, thank you. i was genuinely curious as to why the stats kept reflecting something other than what is actually occuring.
Re: bill gates & nbc is gaslighting us over the cost of TG dinner
 Originally Posted by Bill Gates
Here's a stat for you:
That isn't the top 10%. That is the bottom 50%. Who's wealth has about 20x since the 2010 when they were actually struggling.
Okay... homeowners got rewarded... anyone who was not fortunate enough to own a home lost.
But... all those home owners are now paying twice as much in taxes, and anyone who does not own a home currently cant afford one.
secondly... you just don't remember what a thriving middle class looks like...
if you go to the median averages of Today vs 2000
Avg Income:
Today: $39,855
2000: $32,133
Avg Home Price:
2000: $168,521
Avg Car Price:
Today: $49,242
2000: $22,603
To me it looks like the average person would rather be living in the year 2000 based on those numbers.
And in the year 2050... It's a guarantee that we'd all much rather be living in 2025.
Last edited by Doomsday Dallas; 12-08-2024 at 04:16 AM.
Re: bill gates & nbc is gaslighting us over the cost of TG dinner
 Originally Posted by Bill Gates
Let's talk about what we see in real life. Well my own personal net worth has more than doubled, I have a head position and make well over 6-figs, but who's going to believe me? Not you. So what I see outside? Every other car is a Benz or BMW. Do you remember when owning one actually meant something? I sure do. Now it's nothing. And I've quickly gotten to the point where the novelty of the Cyber Truck has worn off, see them everywhere and they are around $100k to obtain. The only autos that are actual head turners now are Lambos or Ferraris. Majority of my friends and family are doing well, everyone is working. Even the ones who are near the bottom have the latest gadgets though. Apple watches, PS5s, etc.
Are you talking about what you see or what we all see?
Cause I see plenty of people making $60-$75k a year that aren't living very comfortably... especially single parents.
This post just goes to show that you're living in a bubble, and again, completely oblivious to world around you outside your little area and circle of friends.
In the year 2000, the average teenager could get a car and move out of their parents house no problem... you think it's just as easy for kids to do that today?
Hell, most kids got kicked out of the house at age 18 because it was easier back then to fly away from the nest.... that $hit ain't happening today like it use to.
It works both ways... while there are many that have graduated from middle class to upper-middle-class... many folks that were originally middle class have now become lower-middle-class.
So it's really just the middle class is shrinking.
Also you're not taking into consideration how much debt people have piled up, how little savings people are accumulating compared to folks in the past, or how much people are dipping into their savings to make ends meet.
Trump won for two reasons:
nobody can afford $hit like they use to... and to end the woke agenda.
Get over yourself already... not everyone is living the Bill Gates lifestyle where the rich are getting richer... and because of that, The People elected Trump.
Great college starter
Re: bill gates & nbc is gaslighting us over the cost of TG dinner
the tg essentials probably are the cheapest they have ever been because grocers needed to discount those items even more this year.
Re: bill gates & nbc is gaslighting us over the cost of TG dinner
 Originally Posted by Doomsday Dallas
Are you talking about what you see or what we all see?
Cause I see plenty of people making $60-$75k a year that aren't living very comfortably... especially single parents.
This post just goes to show that you're living in a bubble, and again, completely oblivious to world around you outside your little area and circle of friends.
In the year 2000, the average teenager could get a car and move out of their parents house no problem... you think it's just as easy for kids to do that today?
Hell, most kids got kicked out of the house at age 18 because it was easier back then to fly away from the nest.... that $hit ain't happening today like it use to.
It works both ways... while there are many that have graduated from middle class to upper-middle-class... many folks that were originally middle class have now become lower-middle-class.
So it's really just the middle class is shrinking.
Also you're not taking into consideration how much debt people have piled up, how little savings people are accumulating compared to folks in the past, or how much people are dipping into their savings to make ends meet.
Trump won for two reasons:
nobody can afford $hit like they use to... and to end the woke agenda.
Get over yourself already... not everyone is living the Bill Gates lifestyle where the rich are getting richer... and because of that, The People elected Trump.
a few things:
1. There really has never been a time where the average single parent who works, wasn't struggling hard. That is a hard situation even if you make great money. I have 3 kids and I'd be a mess if it was just me.
2. Household debt vs income:

Overall? Trending downward. People have way less debt than they did during the housing bubble collapse. In relation to how much they make.
In fact, one of the only positives of inflation is that the value of your debt goes down. You had $5000 in debt in 2000, that same $5000 in debt in 2025 is actually less debt.
3. "Only the rich get richer" I guess things are amazing then if you're a fan of trickle-down like Republicans are. Now that the rich are richer than ever, shouldn't they be creating wealth for the rest of us? Isn't that how it works?
4. If you think things are really bad now? This Presidency is going to be a disaster for you. Because the stock market is already over-valued and needs a correction, Housing market too. We are already maxed out. And you are under the impression that Trump can take all this to another level? Impossible. Things can continue going up for another year maybe, that's about it. After that this thing is going to pop, and you know who is going to spend 4 years repairing it? A Democrat.
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