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  1. #16
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Quote Originally Posted by ArbitraryWater View Post
    thats a ludicrous claim that they dont care to fact check.

    they dont fact check someone saying the sky is green.

    they only fact check debatable things where they decide what the narrative is.
    You missed my point. ONLY posts/tweets that got lots of attention were fact-checked. That is the same situation with Community Notes.

    Nobodies with only 100 followers could still reply with whatever claims and not get checked. And if someone noteworthy posted or tweeted "the vaccine is safe" there were always a thousand replies saying "no it isn't".

  2. #17
    I get superstar calls j3lademaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Meta up 183%. Their engineers bout to make 7 figs this year.

  3. #18
    Whap'em ZenMaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Gates View Post
    You missed my point. ONLY posts/tweets that got lots of attention were fact-checked. That is the same situation with Community Notes.

    Nobodies with only 100 followers could still reply with whatever claims and not get checked. And if someone noteworthy posted or tweeted "the vaccine is safe" there were always a thousand replies saying "no it isn't".
    I wonder if you're being disingenuous or you just don't know any better.
    Groups for people with vaccine injury were deleted, doctors who argued for ivermectin had their accounts deleted, and you couldn't share links to certain sites in your posts or through messenger.

  4. #19
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster View Post
    I wonder if you're being disingenuous or you just don't know any better.
    Groups for people with vaccine injury were deleted, doctors who argued for ivermectin had their accounts deleted, and you couldn't share links to certain sites in your posts or through messenger.
    and for good cause, that was all blatantly bad information. where are all the vaccine deaths? and ivermectin did not cure covid.

  5. #20
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster View Post
    I wonder if you're being disingenuous or you just don't know any better.
    Groups for people with vaccine injury were deleted, doctors who argued for ivermectin had their accounts deleted, and you couldn't share links to certain sites in your posts or through messenger.
    You're the one being disingenuous, "Ivermectin" was probably trending on Twitter 100 different times during covid. It was HIGHLY debated all over, by millions of users. But here you are pretending like it was some secret cure that you couldn't find on social media. Give me a break.

  6. #21
    Whap'em ZenMaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Gates View Post
    You're the one being disingenuous, "Ivermectin" was probably trending on Twitter 100 different times during covid. It was HIGHLY debated all over, by millions of users. But here you are pretending like it was some secret cure that you couldn't find on social media. Give me a break.
    i didn't say it was some secret cure that wasn't discussed, I said that doctors were censored, same as with the US President who was banned from both platforms in 2021, that groups with people discussing vaccine injury experiences were deleted, and that you couldn't link to certain sites in posts and messages.

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster View Post
    i didn't say it was some secret cure that wasn't discussed, I said that doctors were censored, same as with the US President who was banned from both platforms in 2021, that groups with people discussing vaccine injury experiences were deleted, and that you couldn't link to certain sites in posts and messages.
    You're just repeating my point then. Tweets and posts that got lots of attention were either fact checked or deleted, BUT overall it did nothing because there was tons of attention to the subject by millions. The whole world knows what Ivermectin is and it was all over social media.

    Also this:

    Streisand effect started to become understood and I'm sure Zuck is aware of it. Every time something was banned, all it did was put it under a microscope. It often had the opposite effect of what they wanted.

    Overall Zuck is just making a business move, which is why all this stuff is being announced by him AFTER the election. Had Kamala won, he would not being doing this. He is bowing down to Trump and Elon, and honestly a conspiracy guy like yourself should be concerned.

  8. #23
    Whap'em ZenMaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Gates View Post
    You're just repeating my point then. Tweets and posts that got lots of attention were either fact checked or deleted, BUT overall it did nothing because there was tons of attention to the subject by millions. The whole world knows what Ivermectin is and it was all over social media.

    Also this:

    Streisand effect started to become understood and I'm sure Zuck is aware of it. Every time something was banned, all it did was put it under a microscope. It often had the opposite effect of what they wanted.

    Overall Zuck is just making a business move, which is why all this stuff is being announced by him AFTER the election. Had Kamala won, he would not being doing this. He is bowing down to Trump and Elon, and honestly a conspiracy guy like yourself should be concerned.
    That's funny because I remember you donkeys at the time pointing out over and over how "all the experts say", which is a talking point made possible based on other experts being censored.
    Now you're sitting here trying to change the definition of censorship, but your logic only works when
    Last edited by ZenMaster; 01-12-2025 at 03:31 PM.

  9. #24
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Huh? I'm not arguing the definition of anything, and this is supposed to be about "FACT CHECKING" anyway, not censorship. What you are doing is called a strawman.

  10. #25
    Whap'em ZenMaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Gates View Post
    Huh? I'm not arguing the definition of anything, and this is supposed to be about "FACT CHECKING" anyway, not censorship. What you are doing is called a strawman.
    Literally from the very first response in the thread by you, talking about censorship:

    I will say that I do not think censorship has ever been as noteworthy for Zuck as it is for Twitter. Because FB is more or less just families sharing baby pics with each other, and Insta is sharing photos and imagery. Whereas Twitter is sharing ideas/info and making statements which is much more prone to censorship issues. Twitter is so much more political by nature than FB or Insta.

  11. #26
    Life goes on. ILLsmak's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    It's all hype anyway. It's like the NBA getting caught with refs. They are like oh we will make sure this doesn't happen again! haha. But it's better than them acting like it wasn't happening at all. They still are aiming for WORLD DOMINATION.


  12. #27
    The Truth Is Out There Media Moderator's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Professional disaster chasers Harry and Meghan want us to know they are not ok with these changes

    “It doesn’t matter whether your views are left, right or somewhere in between—the latest news from Meta about changes to their policies directly undermines free speech,” it read. “Contrary to the company’s talking points, allowing more abuse and normalizing hate speech serves to silence speech and expression, not foster it.”

  13. #28
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Quote Originally Posted by Media Moderator View Post
    Professional disaster chasers Harry and Meghan want us to know they are not ok with these changes

    “It doesn’t matter whether your views are left, right or somewhere in between—the latest news from Meta about changes to their policies directly undermines free speech,” it read. “Contrary to the company’s talking points, allowing more abuse and normalizing hate speech serves to silence speech and expression, not foster it.”
    Regardless of what Harry and Meghan are saying here, it is pretty much proven that when forums or online communities of any kind are left un-moderated it kills real debate and leads to exodus of those not interested in trolling or back and forth insults.

    The reality is that trolls and people who are just there to be toxic or disrespectful harms real debate. And the environment is better off without those people so that the ones who are actually interested in the topic can move forward.

    That opinion should be viewed as unbiased, lefties can call righties stupid rednecks and all that does is cause the conservatives to lash back and hate. And then at that point the real issue is left in the rear view while the two sides are just trying to prove that the other is low-IQ.

  14. #29
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Zuck didn't even say he was going to allow "hate speech" either.

    He basically just said he is going to replace fact checkers with community notes, which is still fact checking.

    It's really not that much of change TBH.

  15. #30
    ... on a leash ArbitraryWater's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zuckerberg announces changes to Meta, no more Censorship, no more fact checkers

    Quote Originally Posted by ILLsmak View Post
    It's all hype anyway. It's like the NBA getting caught with refs. They are like oh we will make sure this doesn't happen again! haha. But it's better than them acting like it wasn't happening at all. They still are aiming for WORLD DOMINATION.


    I thought this, but at least theyre being somewhat specific:

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