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  1. #16
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: Michael Jordan never won a playoffs series without Scottie Pippen

    05' HUGHES.................. 21.6 PER... 0.157 WS/48... 3.7 VORP... 4.3 BPM... 22/6/5.... 1st Team All-D
    90' PIPPEN.................... 16.3 PER... 0.087 WS/48... 3.0 VORP... 1.8 BPM... 16/6/5.... No All-D

    Quote Originally Posted by Axe View Post
    Remember, no playoff series won w/o tree trunk pippen.

    Remember, no playoffs without someone better than 1990 Pippen, or the East all-star center

  2. #17
    aUtIsM sPeAkSŪ️ Axe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Michael Jordan never won a playoffs series without Scottie Pippen

    Larry bird swept him in the playoffs as well.

  3. #18
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    Default Re: Michael Jordan never won a playoffs series without Scottie Pippen

    Quote Originally Posted by Axe View Post
    Larry bird swept him in the playoffs as well.

    Jordan's lottery cast played the 86' Celtics closer than the champion super-team played the 14' Spurs.

    So Jordan led a lottery cast to superior performance than Lebron had with Wade/Bosh/Allen

  4. #19
    aUtIsM sPeAkSŪ️ Axe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Michael Jordan never won a playoffs series without Scottie Pippen

    He went 1-3 against the bad boy pistons too.

  5. #20
    Euros rule NBA, UMAD? Phoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Michael Jordan never won a playoffs series without Scottie Pippen

    Lol. The perfect topic to have 3ball frothing at the mouth all evening over.

  6. #21
    ... iamgine's Avatar
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    Default Re: Michael Jordan never won a playoffs series without Scottie Pippen

    But have Lebron ever won a playoff series with Scottie Pippen?

  7. #22
    Embiid > Jokic SouBeachTalents's Avatar
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    Default Re: Michael Jordan never won a playoffs series without Scottie Pippen

    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post
    Lol. The perfect topic to have 3ball frothing at the mouth all evening over.
    He is literally incapable of not responding, whatever condition he has, he had to answer every single one of Axe's clear bait posts

  8. #23
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: Michael Jordan never won a playoffs series without Scottie Pippen

    Thread Cliffs

    Jordan's first playoff teams were 1st year low seeds with zero development... Otoh, Lebron got 3 seasons to make the playoffs, so his first playoff teams were veteran high seeds that included the East all-star center and an acquisition that was better than 1990 Pippen on both sides of the ball - they also had higher-ranked defenses than the 1st three-peat Bulls... MJ would 3-peat quite easily with all that help, so Lebron's 1 Finals appearance is hardly "floor-raising" by comparison.

    Furthermore, the 07' Spurs showed that the East was so weak that a 22 on 35% player won it (and 6 TO's).. The conference was so weak that Lebron, Iverson, Kidd and Dwight won it with 1-star teams despite averaging 25 ppg or less for the Eastern Playoffs - MJ never averaged less than 27 in any series.. By Lebron's 5th season, he had "floor-raised" the Cavs to 45 wins, but then he received another all-star spacer to open up things for his stiff arm in 2009... By 2010, Lebron had a 7th-year organic juggernaut and league favorite that included better defensive rankings than the 1st three-peat Bulls and more scoring options.. It's pretty nice to have a 20k scorer at 3rd option (Jamison) that was a better scorer than Pippen and outplayed Lebron heads-up in the 07' 1st Round.

    Unfortunately for Lebron, his skillset of high-scoring, point guard-style play, aka "ball-domination" entails a bunch of unassisted buckets that reduces teammates' assists while increasing their assisted rate or spot up role... By turning everyone into spot-up shooter, elite roster construction is impossible for high-scoring ball-dominators, so they cannot be 1st option for the best basketball (dynasties and dominant champions).

    Since ball-dominators cannot produce the best basketball, they're inferior to the best of other skillsets that can (bigs & jumpshooters), which puts Lebron and all ball-dominators outside of the top 10 all-time.. Specifically, anyone can select who they feel are the best jumpshooters and bigs in history and put them above all ball-dominators like Lebron.. So a hypothetical top 10 could be: MJ, Russell, Wilt, Kareem, Bird, Kobe, Duncan, Shaq, Curry, Jokic, Magic, Lebron, Oscar - that's a top 13 with ball-dominators bringing up the rear.

    In addition to their inability to be 1st option for the best basketball (dynasties or dominant champions), high-scoring ball-dominators make it harder to win titles in general by virtue of the aforementioned lowering of teammate assists and having low assist teams, versus the high-assist teams and ball movement associated with the average title team.. Ultimately, the suboptimal style of ball-dominators underachieves rosters the most, such as Lebron going 3-4 with preseason favorites, 4-7 with all-star teammates, 4-6 with Finals teams, 4-5 with 1 or 2 seeds, and 3 losses with homecourt, while the GOAT standard is to never lose in any of these scenarios.

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