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  1. #151
    4/27/91-7/23/09 phoenix18's Avatar
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    Quote Originally Posted by grizzy724
    yeah. same here. Happens to me all the time. Playing ball at the park, Mom calls me to come home, everybody is like lets finish the game, and ounce the game finishes they be begging for a rematch

    come home after dark, as soon as i open the door my mom starts throwing punches at me. She just dosen't understand my love for the game
    Why is it always like that? When you need to go, the game gets so interesting and people start asking to run that back. I learned my lesson, gotta bob and weave next time. I am going to use the Philly shell as well.

  2. #152
    Decent playground baller
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    You guys not scared that some ass houle government deeck head is reading this

  3. #153
    4/27/91-7/23/09 phoenix18's Avatar
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    Quote Originally Posted by kingmob
    You guys not scared that some ass houle government deeck head is reading this
    I think more people need to kick their kids ass. I advocate a good whoppin.

  4. #154
    Are You Lucky, Punk? Suprageex's Avatar
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    Well, one time I was reading a book while waiting for my mother to cook lunch, and she just started freaking out. She slapped me, kicked me, and all the nasty stuff... At this age, I can understand her, she must've had it really hard (she's a single parent, and my dad just died when this happened...)

  5. #155
    iWANNAgoHIGHER. emsteez forreal's Avatar
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    being half-white, i never really got beat, so the times either of my parents have hit me i remember. the worst one was one time when i was talking to my friend (who was currently living with me at the time), and my dad was standing behind him. i was talking to my friend, then my dad responded, and i said, "i wasn't talking to you." i didn't even say it in a disrespectful way either, that's just one of those things that you say that sounds disrespectful regardless of the tone it's spoken in. so my dad tells my friend to leave the room, closes the doors, comes up and slaps me SUPER-HARD, and is all like "DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" i've always had a high pain tolerance, so i was just like, "umm.. okay." lol, it was such a weird situation because my parents hardly ever get mad, much less hit me.

  6. #156
    NBA Legend RoseCity07's Avatar
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    lol mom never hit me, my dad whooped me and my brothers ass with the belt. Not bare, but still hurt. We blocked with our hands, sometimes it didn't hurt and we'd pretend it did.

    lol, we make fun of each other now. Like tell each other we were laughing when the other one was getting beat.

  7. #157
    NBA lottery pick BlazersDozen's Avatar
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    Hmm...lot of stories pertaining to this subject.

    1) Me and my sister were standing on a deck in the morning. My sister was screaming and my mom walked up to us, grabbed ME and punched me in the mouth and told me to, "Shut the **** up and go to my room."

    2) For years my mom would say, "If you don't stop pinching me, I'm going to throw you across the room." So being a dumb kid I'd do it all the time until one day she finally had enough and threw me across the apartment and I ended up flying underneath our dining table and taking out two chairs.

    3) I was playing with my hot wheels with my neighbor outside one summer day and my mom wanted me to come inside for the night and I threw a fit about it and she said, "FINE...STAY OUTSIDE ALL ****ING NIGHT THEN!" And that's what happened. She locked me out and forced me to sleep outside all night when I was ****ing 7 years old.

    People need to hit their kids. I just moved out of my buddies house and they don't hit their kids, and their kids have absolutely no respect for their elders, for their parents, for rules and basically run the house.

  8. #158
    Dunking on everybody in the park Darkess's Avatar
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    Research has shown very negative effects of spanking/beating children. It really doesn't matter how many of each a child receives either. 5 or 500 spankings in a lifetime, they have an effect on people.

    If spanked, children are very likely to have aggressive first thoughts.

    What this means:
    Especially when younger and less able to control emotions, children will react towards actions and even mere verbal attacks with thoughts of physical action against the perpetrator. In other words, the confrontation is instantly escalated for no reason and the child is far more likely to be in fights.

    If beaten, children are far more likely to exhibit bullying over others.

    What this means:
    Fairly straight-forward, but many people don't realize what effects bullies have on others. It can ruin people's lives and usually isn't even physical. The approach of taking others down to build yourself up is the most common form of bullying.

    Physical harm towards children is ineffective in general

    What this means:
    Children often notice these events more, but only slightly. But what far outweighs the positive effects (not doing the dumb stuff they were doing) is children have a lower opinion of their guardian's parental ability - meaning less respect for their advice or demands in other areas.

    Don't hit your kids. Research says it's ineffective. It also says if you were hit you're far more likely to do it to your own kids unless you wisen up to the truth.

    Don't believe me? Look it up yourself. Your kids will be better off for it.

    Stop the cycle.

  9. #159
    NBA lottery pick BlazersDozen's Avatar
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkess
    Research has shown very negative effects of spanking/beating children. It really doesn't matter how many of each a child receives either. 5 or 500 spankings in a lifetime, they have an effect on people.

    If spanked, children are very likely to have aggressive first thoughts.

    What this means:
    Especially when younger and less able to control emotions, children will react towards actions and even mere verbal attacks with thoughts of physical action against the perpetrator. In other words, the confrontation is instantly escalated for no reason and the child is far more likely to be in fights.

    If beaten, children are far more likely to exhibit bullying over others.

    What this means:
    Fairly straight-forward, but many people don't realize what effects bullies have on others. It can ruin people's lives and usually isn't even physical. The approach of taking others down to build yourself up is the most common form of bullying.

    Physical harm towards children is ineffective in general

    What this means:
    Children often notice these events more, but only slightly. But what far outweighs the positive effects (not doing the dumb stuff they were doing) is children have a lower opinion of their guardian's parental ability - meaning less respect for their advice or demands in other areas.

    Don't hit your kids. Research says it's ineffective. It also says if you were hit you're far more likely to do it to your own kids unless you wisen up to the truth.

    Don't believe me? Look it up yourself. Your kids will be better off for it.

    Stop the cycle.
    And I show none of these traits why?

  10. #160
    Biyombo Smash!! Quizno's Avatar
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    i never really got hit, just whippings from a belt. the one that really pissed me off though was when i was in an argument with my mom when i was like 5 or so, i don't remember what it was about. anyway she slapped me and i was like "why did you hit me?! you wouldn't like it if i slapped you!" and she said something like "go ahead, slap me." and i kept saying no i'm not gonna slap you but she kept telling me to do it, so eventually i slapped her really softly on her cheek and when i did she slapped the living **** out of me

    i was so pissed. that was just unfair.

  11. #161
    NBA lottery pick BlazersDozen's Avatar
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    Quote Originally Posted by Quizno
    i never really got hit, just whippings from a belt. the one that really pissed me off though was when i was in an argument with my mom when i was like 5 or so, i don't remember what it was about. anyway she slapped me and i was like "why did you hit me?! you wouldn't like it if i slapped you!" and she said something like "go ahead, slap me." and i kept saying no i'm not gonna slap you but she kept telling me to do it, so eventually i slapped her really softly on her cheek and when i did she slapped the living **** out of me

    i was so pissed. that was just unfair.

    Sounds like me and my ex.

    "If you hit me again, I'm gonna punch you as hard as I can"

    "Do it then. Hit a girl"

    *She hits me*

    *I hit her softly*

    *She hides her face*

    "I can't believe you just hit me!"

    *I cuddle with her and say sorry*

    *She turns and punches me as hard as she can in the neck or some *****

  12. #162
    4/27/91-7/23/09 phoenix18's Avatar
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    Quote Originally Posted by BlazersDozen

    Sounds like me and my ex.

    "If you hit me again, I'm gonna punch you as hard as I can"

    "Do it then. Hit a girl"

    *She hits me*

    *I hit her softly*

    *She hides her face*

    "I can't believe you just hit me!"

    *I cuddle with her and say sorry*

    *She turns and punches me as hard as she can in the neck or some *****
    I have been hit by so many girls. I have been hit with a cup cake tray, shoes, punched, kicked, etc. One time, I was at a party talking to this chic named melanie, we go outside for privacy and she starts playing around and hits me.
    I say" You hit like a girl, I thought you were stronger than that"
    She walks off, so I sit down and wonder what did I say. She comes back, says its okay, smiles, helps me off the step, and knocks the sh*t out of me.

    Another story I have is classic. My friend was playing around with his gf Jessica, and says a joke, she gets mad. He didnt know she was mad, and just playing around, pushes her. She says" Oj is calling you from the stands, so he looks up and she hits him with an uppercut to the balls. Clean shot.He didnt say anything but his face turned deep red.

  13. #163
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    My dad sucker punched me and broke my nose.

  14. #164
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    I never got my ass whipped by my parents. Child abuse is sloppy, lazy-ass, $hitty-ass, parenting.
    Last edited by BankShot; 07-21-2009 at 09:39 PM.

  15. #165
    Good college starter Agent_Zero's Avatar
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    Default Re: The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

    got my ass whooped cause i got caught sneaking out one time of my friends house with him...we were gonna go try and meet up with these girls and we had some weed with us too but then my friend ****in trips and hits his head and yells and im just like oh **** and i run but his parents come running to the basement and his dad picks my friend up and just shakes him back and forth and slaps him once and like drags me back into the house...flushes the gram of weed i had into the ****ing toilet...and calls my dad. dad picks me up, doesnt say a word in the car as soon as we get in the house takes me to tbe bathroom and takes his belt and starts whippin the **** out of me...that night was so ****ed up but i guess every kid needs something like that me and my bud still laugh about it.

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