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  1. #136
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    Jun 2006


    haha, i just realized who FabCasablancas is. He's a poster from named 41ForMVP. He was just a Dirk groupie.

    He made a thread about how Dirk is a norse god and how he kind of looks like Dirk and we found it and put it on and pretty much retired him. It was the longest clowning in message board history. I think it went nonstop for 4 weeks.

    Guys a dumbass and a racist, ignore him.

    do you still have that thread, would be great to retire him from ISH

  2. #137
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    Tmacs.. you aren't fooling anyone.. we know these are all your aliases..

    How stupid do you think people are.. Remember when you told me you live in your moms basement typing on 3 different computers!

    And TMOGE said he is some movie producer.. and Kblaze makes player mix vids.. just made a Dirk mix vid.. and then quotes TMOGE agreeing with his absurd posts...

    You make it too obvious TMOGE..

    And then Kblaze continues on with this same ridiculous complaint of "Dirk groupies".. which is completely stupid becaus eit is an oxymoron.. if there was suchg a thing as aDirk groupie he wouldn't be the most underrated player in NBA history.. he wouldn't have Mav fans embarrased to even say he might be the best player in the league.. why should they be mor eembarrased than Wade fans saying Wade is the best player in the league.

    No one is obsessed with "Dirk groupisiism" as you TMOGE.
    Last edited by FabCasablancas; 10-31-2006 at 01:40 AM.

  3. #138
    NBA Superstar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FabCasablancas
    Tmacs.. you aren't fooling anyone.. we know these are all your aliases..

    How stupid do you think people are.. Remember when you told me you live in your moms basement typing on 3 different computers!

    And TMOGE said he is some movie producer.. and Kblaze makes player mix vids.. just made a Dirk mix vid.. and then quotes TMOGE agreeing with his absurd posts...

    You make it too obvious TMOGE..
    TMOGE = KBlaze?

  4. #139
    Local High School Star JSub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FabCasablancas
    Tmacs.. you aren't fooling anyone.. we know these are all your aliases..

    How stupid do you think people are.. Remember when you told me you live in your moms basement typing on 3 different computers!

    And TMOGE said he is some movie producer.. and Kblaze makes player mix vids.. just made a Dirk mix vid.. and then quotes TMOGE agreeing with his absurd posts...

    You make it too obvious TMOGE..
    What? TMOGE = Kblaze? BRILLIANT

  5. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by JtotheIzzo
    TMOGE = KBlaze?
    haha fab thinks TMOGE = me, lakerdyansty, kblaze, bradmiller52, etc...

  6. #141
    NBA Superstar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hotsizzle
    haha fab thinks TMOGE = me, lakerdyansty, kblaze, bradmiller52, etc...

  7. #142
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    That's Tmacs shtick.. post using so many aliases that people think it's impossible he is posting using so many aliases.. that's his whole game. All it takes is someone with no life.. TMOGE is just the one qualified for that challenge..

    Now he will come on with all his other aliases and say "Kblaze is TMOGE? hahahahaha That's impossibel! How could he do that?"
    Last edited by FabCasablancas; 10-31-2006 at 01:46 AM.

  8. #143
    Titles are overrated Kblaze8855's Avatar
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    I love me some me.


    Is this guy serious? Tmac made 25 thousand posts on the old ezboard as an alias? If theres an alias hes mine. I was around before he was.

    If im everyone who ever said Dirk isnt the best player in the NBA. Im several hundred people at once. Perhaps I argue with myself for hours on end for the last 5 seasons chiming in...on my other agree with one of me...and disagree with the other. All for the purpose of making some dirk fan seem disrespected by more than just me. And I only started back in the 01/02 season to build the credibility needed to make claims that im also someone else look absurd.

    Seems I think ahead. Way way ahead. I may well be 60-70% of ISH.

  9. #144
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    Is this guy serious? Tmac made 25 thousand posts on the old ezboard as an alias? If theres an alias hes mine. I was around before he was.

    You said it.. So yKblaze is the original and TMOGE is the trash talker.. the enforcer poster.. to do dirty work..a nd defeat "Dirk groupies"

    Pretty ironic you 2 have the same retarded goal in life.. to stoop "Dirk groupies".. which makes zero sense in the fisrt place.. considering Dirk is one of the least hyped players in the league.. how do you explain that little coincidence? And youa re both Cuban groupies.. coincidentally..

    If im everyone who ever said Dirk isnt the best player in the NBA.

    Maybe youa re? You tell us..

    Im several hundred people at once. Perhaps I argue with myself for hours on end for the last 5 seasons chiming in...on my other agree with one of me...and disagree with the other.

    Youa re jsut stupid enough to do somehting like that.. your stupidity isn't an alibi..

    All for the purpose of making some dirk fan seem disrespected by more than just me. And I only started back in the 01/02 season to build the credibility needed to make claims that im also someone else look absurd.

    Seems I think ahead. Way way ahead. I may well be 60-70% of ISH.

    So Tmacs is your enforcer.. let's be honest here.. no one could be as dumb as TMOGE.,. it's obviously an act. And extreme side of your personality.

    TMac.. you told me you live in your moms basement typing on 3 computers constantly.. you admitted it to me.. so we know any three people(at least)on ISH are you.. and they alternate constantly i am sure. The way you can tell it's Tmac is because he always has other people arguing defending him.. more than even he defends himself. Just like right now..

  10. #145
    Good college starter LakersDynasty's Avatar
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  11. #146
    I am obsessed with demonizing Kobe
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sneakerpro
    I'm a Mavs fan and Dwyane was probably my favorite player that didn't play for the Mavericks until this crap but being honest if I didn't like the Mavs I would think it was funny.

    I mean the Mavericks did disrespect dude during the Finals, hell I remember Josh Howard flat out saying he can't shoot during an interview. I also remember Darryl Armstrong saying he fakes his injuries(which I think he does). I mean if someone said this stuff about you you would be pissed too.
    Finally, a rational Mavs fan (unlike tmoge and joewait). What Wade said wasn't even that can anyone figure the tone of voice through text?

    It could of been just a friendly joke.

    And, too many Kobe groupies hating on Wade because Kobe will retire with less Finals MVPs than Chauncey Billups.

  12. #147
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    wade is already complaining about being utterly fatigued because of the world championships. does he have enough gas to repeat his playoff magic? and are teams still stupid enough to not use zone on him?

    find out in the next episode of NBA basketball.

  13. #148
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    It isn't wade though, the problem is that teams are already zonging to cover Shaq, then they have to deal with Wade. It's the same with shaq and any decent guard.

  14. #149
    Good High School Starter lakers-city's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joewait
    he barely guarded dirk 1 on 1 and was in constant foul trouble. To say haslem shut dirk down is to say tayshaun prince shut kobe down.
    prince DID shut kobe down, in an hummiliating manner no less, thanks for proving our point.

  15. #150
    Good High School Starter lakers-city's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FabCasablancas

    Why am I an idiot? Who has EVER said Dirk is the best player in the league? for people to say Dirk is the 5th best player in the league he has to be the actual best player in the league. That's how it works. If Dirk was actually the 5th best playe rin the league people would say he isn't in the top ten. Dirm is ALWAYS going to be underrated. That's just the way it is. You look at Dikr's stats over the past few years and NO has been as good as him as long as him. That's a fact. he has been the true MVP the past few seasons.. yet he's only the 5th or 6th best player? If Dirk was black there would be no debate.

    wrong on all acounts.

    1. dirk wasnt MVP in 2005, shaq was.
    2. dirk wasnt mvp in 2006, either kobe or lebron were.
    3. dirk isnt the best in the league, kobe, lebron, wade are better than him.

    Quote Originally Posted by FabCasablancas
    Dummy? So you are saying guys liek Kobe, Wade and Lebron get somekind of pass because they are short? Because Dikr is 7 feet that's an unfair advantage? This is basketball nimrod.. yeah he's suppsoed to rebound.. because he's 7 feet! That's lie saying Shaq's post dominance doesn't count because he's 7 feet and 4 hundred pounds.. it's BECAUSE Dirk is 7 feet that he is better than these guys! I sware to god.. people are so assbackwards.

    .this is where the ish hits the fen., a fracking power forward is SUPOSED to rebound better than a freakin shooting guard, are you really that stupid ? the same can be said about why wade, lebron and kobe average more assists than dirk, because they handle the ball more, 1+1=2.

    Quote Originally Posted by FabCasablancas
    BS.. this is where the race comes in.. you just assume this because of Dirk's race. NONE of these guys plays D. Kobe doesn't even cross half court half the time.. yet he is said to be one of the best defenders in the league. Someone at 82 watched Kobe play D for a game.. and documented it.. he was atrocious. And it's like that all the time. LeBron and Wade are probably even worse.
    dirk's race has nothing to do with his bs defense, bird was white and acknowledge as a good team defender, dirk cant defend for sheit and thats a fact, kobe has been all defensive 1st team 4 times already.

    Quote Originally Posted by FabCasablancas
    Pat Riley signed Walker.. so did Don Nelson.. we would probably still have Walker if we didn't have Dirk.. the Heat don't have another PF so Walker fits right in. When Wlake ris on he is a big game player. He helped them win that championshiop. There is no doubt.
    he still isnt better than howard or terry.

    Quote Originally Posted by FabCasablancas
    That's why Terry went 2 of 11 from 3 point range while Dirk had 2 Heat defenders glued to his butt. Your stats are a joke..
    the so called " best in the league" should score easily against 2 defenders, jordan did it, olajuwon did it, shaq did it.

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