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  1. #46
    Great college starter
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by millwad
    Just like Wilt had eyewitnesses of how he could grab a coin and change it a la top of the backboard... We've heard about these eyewitnesses before and we've heard the most silly things ever a la Wilt's volleyball skills, a la Wilt's shooting skills, a la Wilt crushing toes skills, a la Wilt's 50 inch vertical...

    If you would just ignore the tall tales would see that Wilt was just a tremendous athlete, and would most definately be a force in today's NBA.

  2. #47
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by millwad
    No, not possible.
    Many players with much greater leaping ability and much better verts couldn't do it. Wilt's physic is crazy overrrated, so is his goofy looking skillset.

    His "goofy looking skillset" allowed him to average over 41 points a game on 48%FG vs Bill Russell and the Celtics defense in 12 games in 1962....

  3. #48
    How does my Dirk taste creepingdeath's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by brain drain
    If Wilt lived today, there's no doubt that he'd be able to outrun Usain Bolt.

    There's also no doubt that he would've dominated Lance Armstrong on a bike.

    Here's my proof:

    Phil Jackson once visited France during the offseason, and when he rode his Harley up the mountain to L'Alpe d'Huez, he was overtaken by Wilt who was riding uphill backwards on a broken unicycle while simultaneously shagging several women. And Wilt was already 57 when that happened.

    Since that day, there's no doubt in Phil's mind that Wilt easily would've dominated Lance Armstrong had he put his mind to it.

  4. #49
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kblaze8855
    And Wilts Ft issue wasnt skill based. By most reports he shot them fine in practice. Just like Shaq. We have all see Shaq wet FTs over and over working out. His issue like Wilt...was mental. They had Wilt seeing psychiatrists and shit.

    Kblaze, I really respect your opinion but that is not true.
    Both Wilt and Shaq had terrible form and sure, ALOT of players in league history shot it odd and with unorthodox form a la Jamal Wilkes but they made them.

    Both Wilt and Shaq had bad form and they always missed them, they were never even average..

  5. #50
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Wilt was not only 7-1 (actually probably 7-2) with a measured 7-8 wingspan, but he was also a CHAMPION HIGH JUMPER (doing so PART-TIME, and with poor technique) as well as a competitive LONG JUMPER, TRIPLE JUMPER, and SPRINTER at KU.

    We also have this footage...

    Now, Dickwad USED to demand VIDEO footage (even though there was very little of ANY footage back then), and now we have EXACTLY that. A VIDEO, in which a Wilt has little time to react, and has to go straight-up (no running start), and his fingertips are clearly near the top of the backboard.

    We also have the highly respected Philly sports icon, Sonny Hill, who witnessed Chamberlain touching the top of the backboard, as well as longtime Sixer trainer Al Domenico also making that claim.

    THEN, we have the VIDEO conversation in which TEX WINTER claims that Wilt was dunking his FT's, AND, multiple NEWSPAPER accounts, AT THE TIME, which verified it.

    Just what in the hell more does Dickwad need???

    He also laughed at my assertion that Wilt had a good outside shot (using a FT attempt by a Wilt, late in his career, as some kind of "evidence".) And yet, we not only a HOF coach claiming that Wilt did INDEED have a good outsdie shot, we are now getting more-and-more in game footage in which Wilt is CLEARLY hitting a variety of shots from 15+ feet, including JUMP SHOTS.

    Still, Dickwad doesn't believe (well, he doesn't WANT to believe it.)

  6. #51
    Great college starter
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by millwad
    Kblaze, I really respect your opinion but that is not true.
    Both Wilt and Shaq had terrible form and sure, ALOT of players in league history shot it odd and with unorthodox form a la Jamal Wilkes but they made them.

    Both Wilt and Shaq had bad form and they always missed them, they were never even average..

    Actually, what he said WAS true....there have been several discussions about Shaq making his FT's in practice. He was a very good FT practice shooter. You probably wouldn't know that unless you were old enough to remember the interviews with people who have worked with him on his FT shooting.

  7. #52
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by millwad
    Kblaze, I really respect your opinion but that is not true.
    Both Wilt and Shaq had terrible form and sure, ALOT of players in league history shot it odd and with unorthodox form a la Jamal Wilkes but they made them.

    Both Wilt and Shaq had bad form and they always missed them, they were never even average..
    Completely false.

    In Wilt's historic 61-62 season, he not only a decent .613 from the line, he MADE 835 FTs, which is the SECOND greatest season in NBA HISTORY, and only five less than Jerry West's 840 in '65. Oh, and BTW, how about Wilt in his 100 point game... 28-32 from the line.

    And, as we KNOW, Chamberlain is WAY AHEAD of BOTH Hakeem in FTs MADE, even though Hakeem played four more seasons. And, how about this...Wilt MADE 2000 more FTs in his career, than Larry Bird!

    Chamberlain was a poor FT shooter to be sure, but even Bruce Bowen won a 3pt title one season, while shooting .404 from the FT line.

    In any case, Wilt's IMPACT at the LINE was HUGE. His team's either led the league, or were close, every season he played. His '67 76ers were MILES away from the next team.

    And how about this interesting FACT? Wilt's 68-69 Lakers LED the league in FTAs (and easily LED in the post-season.) Then, Wilt was injured in game nine of the nery next season, and he was out for 70 games. LA finished 12th, in a 14 team league, in FTAs. BUT, it gets even more interesting. Wilt returned for the playoffs, and guess what, his Lakers shot over 200 more FTAs that the next best team, AND, in the Finals, they shot 96 more than the Knicks.

    Chamberlain and Shaq probably (99.9%) shot FAR more "and-one's" than any other players in NBA history. These were BONUS shots. They also not only got their opposing centers in foul trouble, they got opposing TEAMS in foul trouble. The benefit to that was that those players were either playing looser defense, or were on the bench. And because of their ability to draw fouls, their TEAMMATES benefitted with more more bonus opportunities, as well.

  8. #53
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber

    We also have this footage...

    Now, Dickwad USED to demand VIDEO footage (even though there was very little of ANY footage back then), and now we have EXACTLY that. A VIDEO, in which a Wilt has little time to react, and has to go straight-up (no running start), and his fingertips are clearly near the top of the backboard
    Misleading angle, and haha, if we are supposed to believe the colouring in that video then Wilt's arm is almost as long as him from top to toe... It's not a legit angle, moron.

    Just look at his arm when the creator coloured it, how the hell can his arm be almost as long as himself..

    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber

    We also have the highly respected Philly sports icon, Sonny Hill, who witnessed Chamberlain touching the top of the backboard, as well as longtime Sixer trainer Al Domenico also making that claim.
    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber

    THEN, we have the VIDEO conversation in which TEX WINTER claims that Wilt was dunking his FT's, AND, multiple NEWSPAPER accounts, AT THE TIME, which verified it.
    "Witnessed".. WOW!
    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber

    He also laughed at my assertion that Wilt had a good outside shot (using a FT attempt by a Wilt, late in his career, as some kind of "evidence".) And yet, we not only a HOF coach claiming that Wilt did INDEED have a good outsdie shot, we are now getting more-and-more in game footage in which Wilt is CLEARLY hitting a variety of shots from 15+ feet, including JUMP SHOTS.
    Haha, what idiot judges a player's shooting skills by a highlight video? Even Chris Mihm looks like an amazing shooter in his highlights..

    Wilt is the worst FT-SHOOOOOOOTER of all-time...

    Still, Dickwad doesn't believe (well, he doesn't WANT to believe it.)[/QUOTE]

    "Dickwad", you are so silly, am I supposed to feel hurt over the fact that an old fart calls me Dickwad?

    You really have no life, I feel bad for your wife and kids who have to live with you. You're so obsessed, I can imagine how much you've spammed about Wilt to your poor wife..

    So lame that an old fart sits on online day in and out and ******s a basketball player..

  9. #54
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber

    We also have this footage...

    Now, Dickwad USED to demand VIDEO footage (even though there was very little of ANY footage back then), and now we have EXACTLY that. A VIDEO, in which a Wilt has little time to react, and has to go straight-up (no running start), and his fingertips are clearly near the top of the backboard
    Misleading angle, and haha, if we are supposed to believe the colouring in that video then Wilt's arm is almost as long as him from top to toe... It's not a legit angle, moron.

    Just look at his arm when the creator coloured it, how the hell can his arm be almost as long as himself..

    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber

    We also have the highly respected Philly sports icon, Sonny Hill, who witnessed Chamberlain touching the top of the backboard, as well as longtime Sixer trainer Al Domenico also making that claim.
    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber

    THEN, we have the VIDEO conversation in which TEX WINTER claims that Wilt was dunking his FT's, AND, multiple NEWSPAPER accounts, AT THE TIME, which verified it.
    "Witnessed".. WOW!
    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber

    He also laughed at my assertion that Wilt had a good outside shot (using a FT attempt by a Wilt, late in his career, as some kind of "evidence".) And yet, we not only a HOF coach claiming that Wilt did INDEED have a good outsdie shot, we are now getting more-and-more in game footage in which Wilt is CLEARLY hitting a variety of shots from 15+ feet, including JUMP SHOTS.
    Haha, what idiot judges a player's shooting skills by a highlight video? Even Chris Mihm looks like an amazing shooter in his highlights..

    Wilt is the worst FT-SHOOOOOOOTER of all-time...

    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber
    Still, Dickwad doesn't believe (well, he doesn't WANT to believe it.)
    "Dickwad", you are so silly, am I supposed to feel hurt over the fact that an old fart calls me Dickwad?

    You really have no life, I feel bad for your wife and kids who have to live with you. You're so obsessed, I can imagine how much you've spammed about Wilt to your poor wife..

    So lame that an old fart sits on online day in and out and ******s a basketball player..

  10. #55
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by bwink23
    Actually, what he said WAS true....there have been several discussions about Shaq making his FT's in practice. He was a very good FT practice shooter. You probably wouldn't know that unless you were old enough to remember the interviews with people who have worked with him on his FT shooting.
    In Charlie Rosen's book on the 71-72 Lakers, he mentions that Wilt was among the most accurate long range shooters on the Laker team in their practices, and that he routinely won their games of "horse." This, on a team with Goodrich, West, and their best shooter, Flynn Robinson.

  11. #56
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    "Dickwad", you are so silly, am I supposed to feel hurt over the fact that an old fart calls me Dickwad?

    You really have no life, I feel bad for your wife and kids who have to live with you. You're so obsessed, I can imagine how much you've spammed about Wilt to your poor wife..

    So lame that an old fart sits on online day in and out and ******s a basketball player..
    Give it up Dickwad...

    You have been shredded here. And you NEVER provide ANY evidence to the contrary in ANY of these discussions.

    We have VIDEO footage, respected first hand accounts, newpaper articles which confirm them...and all you provide is that you don't believe it.

  12. #57
    NBA Legend CavaliersFTW's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by Asukal
    It's not hating on Wilt, most fans here consider him at least top 5 all time with some who puts him in the GOAT status. Me personally I dislike how his stans would believe everything they read or hear about him and preach it as gospel.

    Also regarding Tex Winter's interview, he said Wilt wasn't on top of the circle but was 3 steps behind it. So at minimum, if Wilt could dunk his free throw he would need at least 4-5 steps to get to the line since he was 3 steps behind the circle. It might be possible but highly unlikely.

    Also in that Wilt statement, he said he was inside the circle in dunking his free throw. Being inside the circle and taking 3 small steps to dunk the free throw is entirely different from being 3 steps behind the circle as Tex described. So which is which? :confusedshrug:

    No you stupid F_ck

    He says 3 steps in both interviews and says - and I quote:

    "He wasn't at the top of the circle but was about 3 steps behind it"

    And In neither does he describe the steps as "small"

    stop making shit up.

  13. #58
    Great college starter Asukal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by CavaliersFTW
    February 12, 1989[/I]
    [I]"When I was a freshman, I fooled around with shooting free throws this way: For some reason, I thought you had to stay within the top half of that free-throw circle, so I would step back to just inside the top of the circle, take off from behind the line and dunk. They outlawed that, but I wouldn't have done it in a game, anyway. I was a good free throw shooter in college."

    Fifty-Five Years Later Tex Winter Recalls His Eyewitness Account In Detail In An Interview About Coaching Against Wilt Chamberlain
    Mind telling me why Wilt claimed he dunks from inside the circle while in the Tex Winter interview he said Wilt was not on top of the circle but 3 steps behind?

  14. #59
    Great college starter Asukal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by CavaliersFTW
    No you stupid F_ck

    He says 3 steps in both interviews and says - and I quote:

    "He wasn't at the top of the circle but was about 3 steps behind it"

    And In neither does he describe the steps as "small"

    stop making shit up.
    Making stuff up? Wilt said he dunked from inside the circle. How can he take giant steps if he is inside?

  15. #60
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: Wilt Chamberlain free throw dunks:

    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber
    Completely false.

    In Wilt's historic 61-62 season, he not only a decent .613 from the line, he MADE 835 FTs, which is the SECOND greatest season in NBA HISTORY, and only five less than Jerry West's 840 in '65. Oh, and BTW, how about Wilt in his 100 point game... 28-32 from the line.

    61% from the FT-line is still crap...
    And yeah, great, now you're mentioning ONE game as a proof, what about his 1-11 FT performance in the NBA FINALS.. HAHA..

    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber
    And, as we KNOW, Chamberlain is WAY AHEAD of BOTH Hakeem in FTs MADE, even though Hakeem played four more seasons. And, how about this...Wilt MADE 2000 more FTs in his career, than Larry Bird!

    Please, can't you mention that Wilt made more FT's then Bird a little more often? Haha, what's the point of fouling an 88% FT-shooter you idiot.. And Hakeem was MUCH better from the line compared to the sucker Wilt.

    ANd now when we're at it, you spam about how Wilt made more FT's then Bird. Lets look at it like this instead, Bird missed 511 FT's during his whole freaking career, Wilt only in his '62 season missed 528 FT's. So Wilt missed more FT's in one season then what Bird did during his whole career. Eat a dick, Jlauber..

    Quote Originally Posted by jlauber
    In any case, Wilt's IMPACT at the LINE was HUGE. His team's either led the league, or were close, every season he played. His '67 76ers were MILES away from the next team.

    Especially in the finals a la 1-11 shooting from the line..

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