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  1. #61
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kblaze8855
    Yes i am quite safe in my bubble and so are you. And if somehow we aren't there is nothing to be done about it now. Global warming is a first world concern and 95% of us don't care either. Some guy in Cambodia working for 70 bucks a week doesn't give a **** what you think about the environment in 160 years and what someone in Italy can do about it.

    Its such a bullshit movement. Its .02 percent of the world talking shit on the internet. You aren't going to do a thing because deep down you know you don't matter and would be wasting your life.

    You can help save lives in tangible ways today. I try. Idonate to a place called nothing but net which pays for malaria nets for poor people. Not much but i bet its gonna help more than some internet fear mongering by people trying to sound smart pointing out shit I've been told for 20 years.

    Talking about ****ing polar bears....

    I hate elitists. There are people like DeucesWallace out there making a career out of fearmongering.

  2. #62
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kblaze8855
    Yes i am quite safe in my bubble and so are you. And if somehow we aren't there is nothing to be done about it now. Global warming is a first world concern and 95% of us don't care either. Some guy in Cambodia working for 70 bucks a week doesn't give a **** what you think about the environment in 160 years and what someone in Italy can do about it.

    Its such a bullshit movement. Its .02 percent of the world talking shit on the internet. You aren't going to do a thing because deep down you know you don't matter and would be wasting your life.
    you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

    Guy in Cambodia doesn't care? If so, it's because he doesn't have the proper education to get to that knowledge (which is a whole other problem).
    Climate Change absolutely is NOT a first world concern. Poor developing countries will face adverse effects more than the "first world". Which is why the group of those countries in the UN (the LDC, least developed countries, and the AOSIS, association of small island states) are pushing for a 1.5

  3. #63
    NBA sixth man of the year
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    Quote Originally Posted by kNicKz
    I was hit by Hurricane Sandy. Hurricanes were happening before my bloodline, and will continue to happen.
    Anytime a hurricane strikes the US now at least some will say Global Warming is the cause. It doesn't matter how weak it might be. Remember the whole "melting streetlights" stuff that got some people excited (or scared) this past summer?

  4. #64
    NBA sixth man of the year
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kblaze8855
    Yes i am quite safe in my bubble and so are you. And if somehow we aren't there is nothing to be done about it now. Global warming is a first world concern and 95% of us don't care either. Some guy in Cambodia working for 70 bucks a week doesn't give a **** what you think about the environment in 160 years and what someone in Italy can do about it.

    Its such a bullshit movement. Its .02 percent of the world talking shit on the internet. You aren't going to do a thing because deep down you know you don't matter and would be wasting your life.

    You can help save lives in tangible ways today. I try. Idonate to a place called nothing but net which pays for malaria nets for poor people. Not much but i bet its gonna help more than some internet fear mongering by people trying to sound smart pointing out shit I've been told for 20 years.

    Talking about ****ing polar bears....

    I'm all for polar bears but on a grand I don't see to many woolly rhinos. Many animals designed to flourish during an ice age die when its gone. Part of it may be us. much of it isn't. Either way...give it time shit will be drastically different.

    We may make it take less time....but it won't be stopped by us. And most of the world has too many real problems to care what we think about their carbon footprint. And i don't blame them.
    There ain't shit we can do about it anyway... Besides adapt to the best of our abilities.

  5. #65
    Titles are overrated Kblaze8855's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    It should be clear what i meant. This is an issue largely discussed by the top one percent of the world and most won't do anything and those who do won't have an impact.

    Its not really am issue of education either. you aren't the only one with google and al gore charts. You aren't especially informed. you just choose to make a big deal of it on the internet. What are you really doing? Serious question? What? If its anything less than you could.....who are you to lecture me?

    If its such a major deal....go devote your life to it. No? Rather google it and tell me shit i already know and don't care about? If so....the difference in my caring and yours is what?

    I'm realistic about what can be done. You must be to or I'm sure you could find more to do. You just want to preach then use the money that could help on your cable bill.

    I skip right to the not doing anything. You stop to preach. We end up the same place only I've not given any reason to believe i cared to begin with

  6. #66
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kblaze8855
    It should be clear what i meant. This is an issue largely discussed by the top one percent of the world and most won't do anything and those who do won't have an impact.

    Its not really am issue of education either. you aren't the only one with google and al gore charts. You aren't especially informed. you just choose to make a big deal of it on the internet. What are you really doing? Serious question? What? If its anything less than you could.....who are you to lecture me?
    I have a degree in geography (B.Sc.) as well as Political Science and Sociology (B.A.). Research focus is development research and international relations/ European politics. I don't use google, and have never read an Al Gore book nor seen a film.

    I'm not lecturing you, I'm giving you sources of information which you probably are too lazy to look for yourself as complacent as you are in your bubble.

    The rest of your post is not worth responding too, as it's just full of wrong assumptions.
    Maybe rething your point that it's not worth doing anything about climate change, whether it's man-made or not. People are facing adverse effects as of right now. It's morally AND economically the right thing to go and try doing something about it.
    It's parts of the constituency like you that prevent decision-makers from taking action.

  7. #67
    Titles are overrated Kblaze8855's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    I ask again what are you doing about it? I always get a laugh when someone acts like a social issue is the beginning of the end times and then I find out they donate 30 dollars a year to some charity that's spends 60 percent of that on advertising.

    if you are taking action please let me know. but if you .....someone who claims to care arent doing all that you can how can you expect people who don't give a damn?

    the reason this is a first world issue is because the extreme vast majority of the world cant afford to give time and attention to such a trivial issue. and compared to the day to day struggle of the average man it is exactly that.

  8. #68
    Titles are overrated Kblaze8855's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    Oh and as far as why those in power arent doing anything....

    Im quite sure its because they have real issues to take care of. day issues. Not even "This might have made the present a little worse" issues. Im led maniacs slowly working out ways to get their hands on a nuke. Im talking millions out of work and billions in poverty.

    I hope they arent stopping working on todays tangible issues to look into shooting bottle rockets at the asteriod that is the global climate change. We are on a world where Greenland has been a rainforest and Death Valley was under water. We arent talking about anything shocking happening compared to world history. We are talking about the timetable of inevitable massive change.

    And the bad thing is....most telling the world to shoot the bottle rockets arent even shooting them themselves. They are just suggesting others do it....or worse...trying to spread asteriod awareness in their down time.

    I want our leaders to fight wars that can be won. The way the world is have a better chance of ending global hunger than slowing the human nature killing machine.

    And hunger wont be stopped either. Not as the world is or will be any time soon.

    At some point you have to fight the battles that can be won. We can prevent a terrorist from blowing up Toronto. We cant turn around climate change. Perhaps slow it down? If the world fired all its bottle rockets at once...maybe.

    But we are too busy firing them at eachother. I was given this world...I didnt make it. I do what I can for those I love and people I can help. The world is gonna do what its gonna do.

  9. #69
    NBA Legend DeuceWallaces's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kblaze8855
    Oh and as far as why those in power arent doing anything....

    Im quite sure its because they have real issues to take care of. day issues. Not even "This might have made the present a little worse" issues. Im led maniacs slowly working out ways to get their hands on a nuke. Im talking millions out of work and billions in poverty.

    I hope they arent stopping working on todays tangible issues to look into shooting bottle rockets at the asteriod that is the global climate change. We are on a world where Greenland has been a rainforest and Death Valley was under water. We arent talking about anything shocking happening compared to world history. We are talking about the timetable of inevitable massive change.

    And the bad thing is....most telling the world to shoot the bottle rockets arent even shooting them themselves. They are just suggesting others do it....or worse...trying to spread asteriod awareness in their down time.

    I want our leaders to fight wars that can be won. The way the world is have a better chance of ending global hunger than slowing the human nature killing machine.

    And hunger wont be stopped either. Not as the world is or will be any time soon.

    At some point you have to fight the battles that can be won. We can prevent a terrorist from blowing up Toronto. We cant turn around climate change. Perhaps slow it down? If the world fired all its bottle rockets at once...maybe.

    But we are too busy firing them at eachother. I was given this world...I didnt make it. I do what I can for those I love and people I can help. The world is gonna do what its gonna do.
    This is today's issue. It's causing all sorts of problems for people all around the world; some of which are very serious. You have no idea what the **** you're talking about. Get out of this thread and go make a youtube mix or some other stupid shit.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    Are you completely oblivious to the fact that climate change is already adversely affecting a large portion of the world? What are you even brabbling about? That climate change is not a serious challenge?
    You're completely off on whether we can do something about it. And even if there's only a chance we might be successful, we have the responsibility to try.

    You're so ignorant that you don't even get that the fight against climate change IS a fight against hunger in poverty. Had you taken a look at the World Bank paper I linked too you'd know that. Leaders in developing countries know that, scientists know it, people engaged in development politics know it, which is why they are pushing for more committment against climate change.

    ignoring the climate change problem basically annihilates every chance at ending the hunger problem.

    I ask again what are you doing about it? I always get a laugh when someone acts like a social issue is the beginning of the end times and then I find out they donate 30 dollars a year to some charity that's spends 60 percent of that on advertising.

    if you are taking action please let me know. but if you .....someone who claims to care arent doing all that you can how can you expect people who don't give a damn?
    I spend money on my education in this field, hope to work in that area in the near future and contribute to worthy causes with my skills and knowledge. That's the most I can do. That and accepting the challenges at hand and leaving my personal bubble of complacency.

    Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

  11. #71
    NBA Legend DeuceWallaces's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    Quote Originally Posted by shlver
    I can by using simplified assumptions using only radiative forcing of CO2, historical CO2 levels, the energy balance of the earth, and climate sensitivity which are all established published data. I can write out the calculations on paper if you would like.
    Well your original point is still up for debate. So maybe you should write them out and then send them in to Global Change Biology or a similar outlet.

  12. #72
    Titles are overrated Kblaze8855's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    I spend money on my education in this field, hope to work in that area in the near future and contribute to worthy causes with my skills and knowledge. That's the most I can do. That and accepting the challenges at hand and leaving my personal bubble of complacency.
    Im gonna talk to you about this issue for a moment as Ifeel you may be trying to do more than shoot your bottle rocket. I believe things like this:

    Ignorance is bliss, I guess.
    Will always be your biggest obstacle. The divisive mocking that creates two "teams" that argue like children with neither side listening....and the idea that people who arent terribly concerned simply dont know enough to be.

    I will grant you this....

    Most people in the world will never ever ever bother to look into any of this and even those in "developed" countries will mostly ignore it.

    So ignorance is something you just have to accept. So "Ignorance is bliss" would be fair to say to many. And some are just...idiots. matter what you may think of my thoughts on this I am no doubt more willing and able to look into it than most and I am above average intelligence. Not much to brag about but....lets be real. The average is not very high when you still have a huge chunk of the world doubting evolution.

    My point...


    Non republican(I hate that opinions on this issue are so politicized but...just being real)

    Educated(not that I had much interest in the field in question)

    Generally concerned about the well being of my fellow man

    Reasonably sure hurricanes are not caused by gay marriage.

    A lover of most aspects of science

    Have little doubt that when people who devote their lives to it tell me the climate is changing...that it probably is.

    Ive been reading links and watching clips and movies and hearing various people talk up the issue for over 15 years. Ive been arguing about it here for over 10. I am not new to this issue.

    If a man like me...does not care. What hope do you have of reaching the average american or citizen of the world?

    My question is you think climate change(when exactly did we stop saying global warming by the way) is low on my list of day to day concerns.

    If you are serious about making a difference you must know that apathy is probably your biggest obstacle. So your type need to figure out why people dont care. And especially why people who are reasonably informed of what is going on...dont care.

    So tell me please...why do you think someone like not terribly concerned?

    If you are gonna just give me a "U!" just give me that and ill assume you are less serious than I thought and leave you to it. I imagine someone making a life out of this knows that indifference is at least one of the biggest problems. So lets talk about that.

    I'll listen. Lets see what you think.

  13. #73
    pronouns - he/haw Nanners's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    arguing that climate change is invented for scientists to make money is like arguing that satan buried dinosaur bones and put evolution in textbooks to test our faith in god.

    climate change might not really start effecting us during our lifetimes, but future generations are going to look back on us like... thanks assholes.
    Last edited by Nanners; 11-20-2012 at 02:12 PM.

  14. #74
    Bringer of Rain AlphaWolf24's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nanners
    arguing that climate change is invented for scientists to make money is like arguing that satan buried dinosaur bones and put evolution in textbooks to test our faith in god.

    climate change might not really start effecting us during our lifetimes, but future generations are going to look back on us like... thanks assholes.

    - So future generations will disregard all we ( previous enerations) gave them...( I.E. the industrial revolution , Transportation ,communication , Indor Plumbing etc..etc...)because the climate changed .6 - .7 C ??? over the past 100 years??

    No one is going going care.

  15. #75
    pronouns - he/haw Nanners's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the 332nd consecutive month with an above-average temperature.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaWolf24
    - So future generations will disregard all we ( previous enerations) gave them...( I.E. the industrial revolution , Transportation ,communication , Indor Plumbing etc..etc...)because the climate changed .6 - .7 C ??? over the past 100 years??

    No one is going going care.

    yeah i can totally see that

    "you trashed the earth, consumed all the non-renewable resources, and sent most animal species extinct.... but we forgive you because you invented indoor plumbing"

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