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  1. #1
    Decent playground baller L3B120N J4M35's Avatar
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    Default Bulking Up for Basketball?

    My arms are pretty small, so i want to get bigger for basketball. I am pretty toned but i want em bigger. so I'm currently doing p90x (only 3 days a week; Chest & Back Monday, Shoulders & Arms Wednesday, Legs & Back Friday whilst trying to eat a lot) removing all the cardio stuff considering im trying to bulk up. is that gonna help? any tips for bulking either?

  2. #2
    o()xxx[{::::::::::::> SourPatchKids's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    I too want more knowledge on this cause knowledge is power.

  3. #3
    Decent college freshman
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    P90x isn't gonna get you any appreciable amount of muscle mass unless you were a complete twig beforehand, even then there are much better ways to put on mass. Lift heavy weights and eat more. Also don't stop doing cardio, just eat more.

    Source: I'm swole as fck

  4. #4
    Game. Set. Match. bdreason's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    I wouldn't worry about bulking up. I mean, there's nothing wrong with getting stronger, but you're better of focusing on plyometric training IMO.

  5. #5
    Good college starter Burgz V2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    i wouldn't do P90x if i were you, you might end up more muscular but not necessarily stronger.

    putting on good weight for basketball is tough because basketball is a sport that causes us to lose a relatively large % of your body mass (1-2%) every time we play. You can be in the gym all you want, at the end of the day its what you are eating. I know that sounds very clich

  6. #6
    Life goes on. ILLsmak's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    The real question is WHY do you want to bulk up for bball?

    What are you hoping to gain, how is it going to affect your game positively and negatively?

    How much stronger do you think you can get?

    Really, though... work on your mental toughness. I don't even know if it's possible, but mental toughness and love of contact mean more than strength.
    I've played against big dudes... got stuck against them on a break or on a mismatch in the post, and they expect you to roll over. In their life just being big as **** mean they can go in for a lay up on a break and people move out of the way. But no, you need to NOT move out of the way. Practice boxing people out... Push them with your lower body, put your forearm into their side... etc.

    In bball a lot of strength is about technique. Doing what you can. Sure, if you are gonna fight with people then maybe strength will matter, but if everyone is not on some crazy shit, you can get in there and bang with anyone no matter what size you are.

    I imagine you are young; you'll fill out. I lifted for awhile seriously... and I saw some gains, but mostly it was confidence. now that I'm older, I don't need any more confidence. I'll bang with anyone. And most people don't like that. Most people get upset. Even in the NBA and NCAA people are afraid of contact. That's why guys like Reggie Evans who are just bruisers can get work.


  7. #7
    Out here Pushxx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    I dunno. I can run circles around myself from when I was younger due to lifting weights.

    You lose nothing by lifting regularly. Just focus entirely on compound movements.

  8. #8
    Good college starter NotYetGreat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    Quote Originally Posted by L3B120N J4M35
    My arms are pretty small, so i want to get bigger for basketball. I am pretty toned but i want em bigger. so I'm currently doing p90x (only 3 days a week; Chest & Back Monday, Shoulders & Arms Wednesday, Legs & Back Friday whilst trying to eat a lot) removing all the cardio stuff considering im trying to bulk up. is that gonna help? any tips for bulking either?
    You could do away with the splits and isolation movements. A program built around the Deadlift, Squat, Overhead Press, and Chin-Up (or any of its variations) will do wonders for you. The easiest thing to remember with regards to training for muscle mass is Time Under Tension. However, I think it should actually be Time Under Maximal/Sub-Maximal Tension. In other words, get a pump... With a heavy weight. Of course, make sure you are lifting with proper form and the weights aren't too heavy for you. Remember though, as an athlete, you also need to get stronger, so you have to add plates to the bar when you can.

    There's more than enough information out there actually if you look and sift through well enough. Keep in mind though that IF you're playing ball at a competitive level, you won't want your muscle-building efforts to interfere with your sport/skill practice.

  9. #9
    Insidehoops Mafia Dictator's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    If you're a shooter, don't bulk up.
    If you're a driver, bulk up.

  10. #10
    Samurai Swoosh
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dictator
    If you're a driver, bulk up.
    And lose the speed in order to drive? No.

    Get stronger for bball, but don't bulk up unless you're a big man.

    Like someone else said, mental toughness, no fear of contact will manifest itself into a "stronger" player.

  11. #11
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    Quote Originally Posted by Money 23
    And lose the speed in order to drive? No.

    Get stronger for bball, but don't bulk up unless you're a big man.

    Like someone else said, mental toughness, no fear of contact will manifest itself into a "stronger" player.
    I think every person's situation is unique but more times than not, I'd agree with what you said. I think it's always cool to look to improve strength, but I don't always equate flat out "bulk" with improving in basketball.

    In truth, I'm 6'3'' 170 pounds and my lack of bulk has most often not been a detriment in any regard to my game. As you said, it's easier than people think to counteract a non-bulked frame with fearless aggression when attacking the basket. Basketball isn't always about raw strength. It's often about situational utilization of aggression, which can come from people of any size.

    If someone's making a home in the post, or looking to make a real serious move in high level basketball (Division II or I college or mid-level pro ball and above) I think there will probably be a sharper emphasis on perhaps... bulk improvement. For most everyone else, I'm not sure I'd consider it a priority.

  12. #12
    NBA Superstar eliteballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    Bulk up for basketball?

    If you want to destroy your knees, sure.

  13. #13
    Serious playground baller
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    I think your better off doing push pull or full body splits for basketball.


    Monday bench press, barbell row.

    Tuesday, squats still leg dead lifts

    Wed, off

    Thursday, overhead press, pull ups

    Friday core work,

  14. #14
    Decent playground baller L3B120N J4M35's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    Thanks. I'm 15 years old, 5'7 and 121 lbs. I'm not too serious for basketball but i wanna look bigger and still maintain in shape for basketball

  15. #15
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: Bulking Up for Basketball?

    Quote Originally Posted by Money 23
    And lose the speed in order to drive? No.

    Get stronger for bball, but don't bulk up unless you're a big man.

    Like someone else said, mental toughness, no fear of contact will manifest itself into a "stronger" player.
    I'm with Money. Very few athletes' main problem is "lack of size". Actually, if the only issue with your game is "lack of size", you're probably pretty good already i.e Isaiah Thomas/Ty Lawson...

    Improving relative strength is probably the most important thing here.

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