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  1. #76
    7-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBlackAttack
    The Facebook messages, Tweets, etc. listed above are disgusting and I have absolutely no intent on defending them. As far as I'm concerned, all the people involved, be it present or on the Internet, should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law or otherwise.
    That's all we wanted to hear.

  2. #77
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer tpols's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    ***** ass fvcking kids.. Should go right to the pen. See how big they feel there.

  3. #78
    Boozer and Lebron Fam CarlosBoozer's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    don't worry guys, when they get in jail i paid a couple of inmates to do my bidding.

  4. #79
    The Paterfamilias RedBlackAttack's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    Quote Originally Posted by Droid101
    That's all we wanted to hear.
    When did I say or even insinuate otherwise? My gripe comes from the unfounded claims by hackers and nameless bloggers that other people were involved when there was never a shred of proof behind it and an entire city of people being colored with the same brush unjustly.

    I've always been very clear that I have no sympathy for those involved, either directly or indirectly.

  5. #80
    new based god MetsPackers's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBlackAttack
    That roster is from the beginning of the season. No alleged rapists played a down for the team. In fact, only two teenagers are being accused of partaking in the rape. Those are Trent Mays and Malik Richmond, who have been in custody since mid-August.

    Others are being implicated for either being at the party and not stopping it or tweeting about it on the Internet.
    Well according to google, this is Trent Mays and Malik Richmond:

    I didn't know they let people who don't make the team or quit take pictures, which are taken towards the end of the season How are they not on the team and included on the roster but they're not team members?

    Honestly to me it looks like you're defending pedos and the enablers of racists. I mean shyt, how many pedo friends have you already admitted to having and defended in this thread? Like 3 confirmed child porn collectors. Is the ISH community really gona allow this pedo to try to convince people not to be outraged. Fvck that noise. RBA resident pedo over here trying to get his buddies off the hook; probably chills with the rape crew daily

  6. #81
    The Paterfamilias RedBlackAttack's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    Quote Originally Posted by MetsPackers
    Well according to google, this is Trent Mays and Malik Richmond:

    I didn't know they let people who don't make the team or quit take pictures, which are taken towards the end of the season How are they not on the team and included on the roster but they're not team members?

    Honestly to me it looks like you're defending pedos and the enablers of racists. I mean shyt, how many pedo friends have you already admitted to having and defended in this thread? Like 3 confirmed child porn collectors. Is the ISH community really gona allow this pedo to try to convince people not to be outraged. Fvck that noise. RBA resident pedo over here trying to get his buddies off the hook; probably chills with the rape crew daily
    You are an idiot.

    I will repeat it and you can either accept the facts or continue living in a dream world based on things you found on Google... Mays and Richmond never played a single down of football ever for the high school football team. In fact, they were in police custody all season long. They were arrested in mid-August. The season started in late-August.

    And, if you want to blindly accept the word of some nameless, faceless blogger on the Internet, that is your perogative, but I would encourage you to download the guy's email whom you are labeling a "pedo" and find proof to back it up. His email account is available through kyAnonymous and can be easily found.

    There is a good reason why there has been no police action or prosecution of any of that stuff... Because there is absolutely no evidence to support it. But, by all means... Continue being a sheep and believing something just because you read it in a blog. Are we really to that point in our society? Proof or facts are no longer mandatory to destroy someone's reputation in the court of public opinion?


  7. #82
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    Wow. What a thread. Haven't been following this story at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by iamgine
    Wait is this even real rape? From what I read in the OP it seemed like they fingered her and that's about it.
    Holy ****ing Cow! Real rape! You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Guess what? Adminstering a date rape drug to a woman and fingering her is legally real rape in Ohio.

  8. #83
    new based god MetsPackers's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBlackAttack
    You are an idiot.

    I will repeat it and you can either accept the facts or continue living in a dream world based on things you found on Google... Mays and Richmond never played a single down of football ever for the high school football team. In fact, they were in police custody all season long. They were arrested in mid-August. The season started in late-August.

    And, if you want to blindly accept the word of some nameless, faceless blogger on the Internet, that is your perogative, but I would encourage you to download the guy's email whom you are labeling a "pedo" and find proof to back it up. His email account is available through kyAnonymous and can be easily found.

    There is a good reason why there has been no police action or prosecution of any of that stuff... Because there is absolutely no evidence to support it. But, by all means... Continue being a sheep and believing something just because you read it in a blog. Are we really to that point in our society? Proof or facts are no longer mandatory to destroy someone's reputation in the court of public opinion?

    Did you even click the link I posted? Its a picture of those two kids wearing the towns football uniforms; you know, the individual players pictures that are usually taken midseason? Why is it that all links being presented seem to go against everything you're saying?

    I'm calling pedo on this one. You make me sick you fvcking pedo and your pedo town; trying to change the subject and make these kids and the town out to be the victims. Fvck that pedo ass town

    When you say "they didnt ever play" you probably mean not that season. However, if they had played the 3 years prior, it's kind of safe to call them football players for the town

  9. #84
    The Paterfamilias RedBlackAttack's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    Adminstering a date rape drug to a woman and fingering her is legally real rape in Ohio.
    Prosecution is not alleging a date rape drug was used. I've not seen that even noted as a possibility by any credible source.

    Completely agree that fingers constitute rape, though. That isn't even up for debate.

  10. #85
    The Paterfamilias RedBlackAttack's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    Quote Originally Posted by MetsPackers
    Did you even click the link I posted? Its a picture of those two kids wearing the towns football uniforms; you know, the individual players pictures that are usually taken midseason? Why is it that all links being presented seem to go against everything you're saying?
    ...because I'm well aware of the facts of the case since this is nothing new to me (unlike you). This has been a very widely covered case for six months in the Northeastern Ohio region. It was huge news when the players were arrested in mid-August, you idiot.

    If you did proper research, you wouldn't look like a fool.

    Note the date on that article... Aug. 22. The high school football season in Ohio begins the last week of August. I guess they were breaking out of jail each Friday night to suit up?

    Quote Originally Posted by MetsPackers
    I'm calling pedo on this one. You make me sick you fvcking pedo and your pedo town; trying to change the subject and make these kids and the town out to be the victims. Fvck that pedo ass town

    When you say "they didnt ever play" you probably mean not that season. However, if they had played the 3 years prior, it's kind of safe to call them football players for the town
    Once again, you are a moron who is just talking out of his @ss.

    Both kids were sophomores. They never played a down for the varsity football team. They played on the freshman team the year prior to the rape allegations. Then again, what does that have to do with anything?

    You dolt.

  11. #86
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBlackAttack
    You are an idiot.

    I will repeat it and you can either accept the facts or continue living in a dream world based on things you found on Google... Mays and Richmond never played a single down of football ever for the high school football team. In fact, they were in police custody all season long. They were arrested in mid-August. The season started in late-August.
    A couple of things. I think RBA is correct that we need to look at the facts of this case beyond rumors on the internet. (For example, it's unclear if the girl was administered a date rape drug or was just very drunk.)

    However, the man you cited as a role model, seemed to threaten a news reporter. Has he taken responsibility and issued an apology? He also doesn't seem to have been very rigorous in terms of getting to the bottom of what happened. If a couple of players who were no-innocent bystanders weren't discovered until halfway trough the season and especially if the coach claimed not to look at evidence on the internet, how throroughly did he try to get to the bottom of this. He blew up at the Times reporter when they were pressing just this issue.[QUOTE]Approached in November to be interviewed about the case, Saccoccia said he did not

  12. #87
    The Paterfamilias RedBlackAttack's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    A couple of things. I think RBA is correct that we need to look at the facts of this case beyond rumors on the internet. (For example, it's unclear if the girl was administered a date rape drug or was just very drunk.)
    If we are going to judge this case based on the facts, the date rape drug thing is already dead. It isn't something being alleged by prosecution. It will be very interesting when the trial begins, because then we will have actual facts to cite instead of random rumors from the 'net. No one truly knows what happened that night, myself included, except those who were there.

    I've said from the very start of this case that, if these allegations are proven, I am in complete support of punishment to the fullest extent of the law all of those involved.

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    However, the man you cited as a role model, seemed to threaten a news reporter. Has he taken responsibility and issued an apology? He also doesn't seem to have been very rigorous in terms of getting to the bottom of what happened. If a couple of players who were no-innocent bystanders weren't discovered until halfway trough the season and especially if the coach claimed not to look at evidence on the internet, how throroughly did he try to get to the bottom of this. He blew up at the Times reporter when they were pressing just this issue.
    I addressed this a few pages back...

    I'm not sure exactly what happened with the reporter, but what I've heard (and it sounds plausible) is that he had been hounded for days and repeatedly told them no comment. Finally, he was walking to his car and he was approached by these two NYT reporters. An argument ensued and words were had between all parties.

    I'm not defending the statements, but I'm also not going to throw out my 33 years of knowing the man and his entire life's work out the window based on an argument with a newspaper reporter. Again, this isn't a random person in a random news piece that I just happened to stumble upon and it is all I have to base opinions on. I've known this guy all my life.

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    Also it's just silly to pretend that these two were not associated with the football team because they were arrested before the season began. That's defense lawyer spin. They were expected to be stars on the football team (and I assume played some form of football freshman year.) It hurts your credibility to pretend otherwise. From the Times article.
    First, I don't remember ever saying these guys were not associated with the football team. Did I say that? If so, please cite it. If that's what I said, it was inaccurate. I was correcting completely inaccurate statements being made by that guy in above postings.

    Second, both defendants, from what I've heard, were very good athletes and expected to have a bright future on the football field. I also don't remember stating otherwise. I never saw either of them play, but I do know that to be the case.

    I can't stress enough the level to which this has absolutely nothing to do with football for me, though. I honestly could not care less how any of this impacts a high school football. This goes way beyond games being played by teenagers.

    Bringing any criminal acts to justice is absolutely foremost on my list of concerns. But, this case has gone far beyond any normal circumstances for a crime and potential punishment. A lot of people are being implicated without proof... There are a couple of those people, particularly Saccoccia, who I will continue to defend until the time where there is any evidence to justify the accusations. Anyone who knows the man would laugh at the idea of him being the mastermind of a criminal organization.

    As of this date, there has been nothing other than rumor and innuendo. The trial starts next month and I'll be happy when it begins.
    Last edited by RedBlackAttack; 01-05-2013 at 06:36 AM.

  13. #88
    new based god MetsPackers's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBlackAttack
    ...because I'm well aware of the facts of the case since this is nothing new to me (unlike you). This has been a very widely covered case for six months in the Northeastern Ohio region. It was huge news when the players were arrested in mid-August, you idiot.

    If you did proper research, you wouldn't look like a fool.

    Note the date on that article... Aug. 22. The high school football season in Ohio begins the last week of August. I guess they were breaking out of jail each Friday night to suit up?

    Once again, you are a moron who is just talking out of his @ss.

    Both kids were sophomores. They never played a down for the varsity football team. They played on the freshman team the year prior to the rape allegations. Then again, what does that have to do with anything?

    You dolt.
    LMAO so first they never played a down for the team, then they never played a down for the varsity team and had played the year before?

    I think the fact that they had played football for the school the year before and were only not on the team this year because they were in jail constitutes them being football players, you dolt. I was initially just trolling cuz u mad but now you've really kind of exposed yourself here. These kids are clearly associated with the football team and played for it while you play directly into the stereotype the media portrays; biased small town people doing anything they can to distinguish this crime from their prized football team

    News flash: The freshman football team is still part of the football team

    Now you're the one twisting facts. As someone who played high school football I can tell you that if you played the year before, and were for some reason banned the next season, you are still considered "a football player". They clearly still associated with other team members as well. You typed your responses as if they had no ties to the football team at all when that is clearly not the case. Little white lies like that are the kind of thing that leads the media to believe there is a cover up

  14. #89
    new based god MetsPackers's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    Also, just because the prosecution isn't including some of the alleged facts in their argument does not mean they are not true; it simply means they can not prove them. Didn't the girl say that she thought she got slipped something? Since she reported it 3 days later they obviously would not be able to find the drug in her system depending of it's halflife, so they wouldn't even pursue it at all.

    It's also this kind of stuff like "No it has been completely ruled out which is why it won't be included", which is just as sensational and assuming as the stuff you are condemning. I was just trolling at first but now I really see what people are saying, you're borderline delusional when it comes to reasonably assessing the facts of this case

  15. #90
    "The One" Budadiiii's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Rape Crew" in small town Ohio

    These kids are innocent.

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