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  1. #76
    High School Varsity 6th Man
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    Quote Originally Posted by Segatti
    Yeah, judging by your post and others (Glide2keva, Go Getter) in this thread you can see how much pacific and respectful people atheists are compared to the "religious nuts"
    Why wouldn't I make fun of them? It's not that they believe in God - that's fine. It's that they're nuts. I make fun of nuts people.

    And they don't even know the very dogma they subscribe to. The story of Noah is from the Old Testament, which is only included in the Bible because of its creation myth and few other outstanding elements that are important to Christianity (such as the Fall of Man so it could be used by Christianity to guilt humanity). As a whole, the Old Testament is of the Jewish canon with most of the literature being MYTHOLOGICAL no different than the Gods of Mount Olympus, the Nordic Gods of Valhalla, Winnie The Pooh, other fictional stuff (most of it written 600 BC when the Hebrews were exiled in Babylon). Why does Jesus mention it? Because he was a Jew and it was part of their holy scripture.

    And yes, Jesus was a historical figure. He existed. A Jewish man wanting to re-interpret religion, relationship to God (Yahweh) and more (there's only ONE Yahweh, MJ DA GOD). Doesn't mean he walked on water or was the son of God, LOL. Maybe he himself believed he was the son of God, in which case he was probably a schizophrenic, delusional man. Or he knowingly conned people into thinking he was the son of God in order to further his agenda. Either way, people believed him and deityfied him. You think this is unlikely? It happens today even that people are mystified by charismatic, public personalities and embellish accounts/events of the person. Tex Winther is lying through his teeth when claiming Wilt Chamberlain shot 'dunking' free throws or whatever by the way, c'mon.

    To literally believe in the story of Noah's Ark is nuts. To believe in God and take out of biblical allegories higher points of meaning, morality, justification of existence -- OK, that's not (totally) nuts.

    Think about this, religious people. If we consider a cosmic calendar, consisting of 12 months of which January 1st at 00:00.0000000000001 AM is the birth of the universe. When do human beings come into the picture? Somewhere around December 31st 11.53 PM (or so, don't recall the exact time). Humans are such an insignificant organism in the macro perspective, yet you think we are special, chosen beings by the Bearded Guy upstairs. What about the other 14 billion years before humans existed; what was God doing in that time period? Or was the Earth created 4000 years ago? LOL.

    To me, religion is a thing of duality. I respect people's spirituality and the belief of something higher than man, though I don't subscribe to this idea myself. I'm rational a man of science and reason. But extremists turn me off. Why not respect their belief? Because it's because of people like them we were set back as a species. Set back at least 1500 years. 1500 years of technological advancement we missed out on because generations of religious nuts suppressed scientific advancement that didn't adhere to their view on God.

    2500 years ago there were some astronomers of antiquity who believed the Earth was round, the Earth was NOT the center of the universe (they did however believe the Sun was). They couldn't prove it yet because they lacked the tools and the mathematics, but some were very close. One did actually prove the Earth was round, an Egyptian mathematician. Because of the persecution of these and ANYONE who had similar thoughts until the f*cking renaissance around 1600 AC these ideas went underdeveloped for so long. Think of where we would be as a species, as a society had these things not been hindered. We would've been on Mars by now no doubt. Cancer? Hunger? Poverty?

    Two millennia of technology we missed out on because extremists hanged people who in antiquity didn't believe Zeus and his gang. In the Roman empire and dark ages it was people who didn't believe in Jesus as the son of God and the list goes on.

    So yeah, pardon me if I'm not gonna be all nice to nutty religious people.

  2. #77
    World's Finest KingBeasley08's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    Athiests are as crazy as religious people. Argue so hard about shit they don't even believe in lmao

  3. #78
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    Quote Originally Posted by KingBeasley08
    Athiests are as crazy as religious people. Argue so hard about shit they don't even believe in lmao
    I'd say their response is proportional to the amount of arguments they have to hear about religion. If people claimed unicorns were true every day of the week they would probably talk about that too.

  4. #79
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    I wouldnt call myself an atheist, but will I say that the reason atheist come at religious people the way they do is because atheist are looking at religion in the same way as they look at any other thing to decide if it is true or not.

    Christians (for example) on the other hand, can laugh and understand how ridiculous OTHER religions sound, but they cannot see their own religion in that ridiculous light.

    For a person like me, who used to be a christian, but stopped after I kept doing the math (and it wasnt adding up), it is like having a conversation about whether or not Santa Clause is real or whether the Easter Bunny is real. I think atheist gets animated because to them? it is a very ridiculous idea (the idea that these religions and their Gods are real)

    When I decided to find out once and for all if Jesus was real and if the Bible was the holy book christians proclaimed it to be? that when I learned that it was not, and I accepted that because it is obvious if Iam being honest with myself. It takes time to disown the idea of going heaven and all the other beliefs that keep people tied to religion, but IMO it was one of the best things I ever did. It freed me from using that archaic code to rule my life.

  5. #80
    World's Finest KingBeasley08's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    I'd say their response is proportional to the amount of arguments they have to hear about religion. If people claimed unicorns were true every day of the week they would probably talk about that too.
    Just sit back and laugh. Instead they spaz out like little children doing all this research trying to convince someone that isn't gonna be convinced. I always found athiests to be losers in a way, no disrespect to some of the people here

  6. #81
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    Quote Originally Posted by KingBeasley08
    Just sit back and laugh. Instead they spaz out like little children doing all this research trying to convince someone that isn't gonna be convinced. I always found athiests to be losers in a way, no disrespect to some of the people here
    You think they're losers because they don't believe in what you believe in?

  7. #82
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    Quote Originally Posted by KingBeasley08
    Just sit back and laugh. Instead they spaz out like little children doing all this research trying to convince someone that isn't gonna be convinced. I always found athiests to be losers in a way, no disrespect to some of the people here
    doesnt make alot of sense.. they should just sit back and do no research? they would be winners if they just laughed? Im laughing right now

  8. #83
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    Quote Originally Posted by Legend of Josh
    How is what you bold'd from me something "you thought wrong" (meaning me being wrong) ? ... I don't see it being wrong or an inaccurate statement. You think religious people seem angrier; I feel atheists are. Atheists have the chip on their shoulder. IMO, much more than those who belong to a religious organization.

    I mean come on dude, just admit so many atheists await for any and all opportunities to jump into a religious conversation (be it RL or here on the internet) and engage in a negative way. Atheists are way more quick to blast religious people with harsh insults and belittling smug remarks right from the very beginning of any such discussion.

    Different people, different experiences I suppose.
    Much like religious people love to inject their religious belief's into almost any ongoing event, whether it be related to their life or an event that doesn't concern them?

  9. #84
    World's Finest KingBeasley08's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    Quote Originally Posted by Rasheed1
    doesnt make alot of sense.. they should just sit back and do no research? they would be winners if they just laughed? Im laughing right now
    What's the point in arguing? You aren't convincing anyone. That whole 'winner' shit is part of the problem. They take the whole argument like its a contest and come off as big losers. It is impossible to 'win' against a religious person

  10. #85
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    Quote Originally Posted by chosen_one6
    Much like religious people love to inject their religious belief's into almost any ongoing event, whether it be related to their life or an event that doesn't concern them?

    you just reminded me of religious people who attribute everything that happens to God. It gets tough not to talk about the subject with religious people because most everything they do is guided by god (according to them).

    "we would have never got this _______ if it wasnt for the grace of God"

    "God works in mysterious ways.. I knew praying would fix everything"

    sometimes, I just have to call a TIMEOUT so we can go over what they just said

    that talk screams out for a challenge, and I think many non-believers fall into that

  11. #86
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    Quote Originally Posted by KingBeasley08
    What's the point in arguing? You aren't convincing anyone. That whole 'winner' shit is part of the problem. They take the whole argument like its a contest and come off as big losers. It is impossible to 'win' against a religious person

    I only used the term 'winner' because you called them losers for trying to argue and use research to prove whatever point.

    Like I said earlier.. Atheists generally argue the point because it is almost impossible not to..

    Like I said, if you hear someone (a grown man or woman) arguing that Santa Clause is real? you arent going to just laugh it off. You might laugh while you point out how ridiculous it is, but you wont always just laugh and say "why try?"

    I mean the spaghetti monster is totally a ridiculous idea, and if someone were seriously argue that it is real? they get laughed and ridiculed at the same time.

    I understand how religious feel disrespected by atheists, but there is almost no other way to view religion if you arent religious. You can tolerate it as long people dont keep saying silly things in front of you.. If they do that? then people feel the need to challenge it (because it is usually easily challenged)

  12. #87
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    Quote Originally Posted by Rasheed1
    you just reminded me of religious people who attribute everything that happens to God. It gets tough not to talk about the subject with religious people because most everything they do is guided by god (according to them).

    "we would have never got this _______ if it wasnt for the grace of God"

    "God works in mysterious ways.. I knew praying would fix everything"

    sometimes, I just have to call a TIMEOUT so we can go over what they just said

    that talk screams out for a challenge, and I think many non-believers fall into that

    Exactly. And this is why I believe atheists get so aggravated by religious nutcases.

    I'm not an atheist, I'm more agnostic than anything. However, when I scroll through my facebook and see "Thank god for giving me another day" when they wake up in the morning, or "I'm so happy I didn't get kicked out of school for so many absences. #godprovides" it makes me want to go on a rant. However, I hold back because everyone is entitled to their opinion and their belief's. I used to try to convince people of what I believed in but then realized it's pointless. Religion is so deeply rooted in our society that it's acceptable to believe in magic and fairy tales, as long as you attribute it to some widely regarded god of some sort, whether it be "god", "allah", "shiva, vishnu, and brahma" or whomever it is they look up to and the respective book.

  13. #88
    Curry: 0x Finals MVP SilkkTheShocker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    Im yet to meet an Atheist that didn't come off as mentally unstable.

  14. #89
    The Magical T-Mac HardwoodLegend's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    Quote Originally Posted by SilkkTheShocker
    Im yet to meet an Atheist that didn't come off as mentally unstable.
    I'm still waiting for you to wake up one day, come to your senses and laugh at yourself for being a gullible dumbass all these years.

    I'm mentally stable. I used to be religious as I was raised that way. No problems in the home forced me to "abandon God" either. I just learned the power of critical thought.

  15. #90
    I usually hit open layups
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    Default Re: Atheism vs. Theism

    While Religion is most definately BS, it's actually pretty clever to believe in a God (if you are not completely brainwashed of course). Religion is a tool (kind of like a medicine) that helps you deal with various aspects of your life, especially to cope with grief and loss. Just imagine being a parent of a child that dies, this would be absolutely devestating for religious and nonreligious people alike but religious people have access to lets call it the "heaven wonder pill". This "pill" enables them to believe that their child is now in a better place and in a reunion after life. For nonreligious people this option doesn't exist and while their belief is very likely the truth it's also much more brutal .. basically my child is death and doesn't exist anymore and I won't see it again.
    And the good thing for religious people is that they never will notice that they were wrong. That's why you will never convince religious people no matter how good the arguments because it's not about the truth, they just want to keep their medicine.

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