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  1. #46
    Join Date
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    St. Kitts

    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Blah, not impressed with the gameplay in mass effect or skyrim, let the nerds waste all that time.

    Copping max Payne 3 instead.

  2. #47
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Quote Originally Posted by The Macho Man
    Shit, I'm gonna try and not quit my new job until I make enough money to buy a new TV just for this game.
    I already have my HD TV. Got it last year in anticipation. It's crazy what this game has done to a n!gga's mind.

  3. #48
    Clipper Nation Soldier Clippersfan86's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Gonna preorder it in a week. Pumped.

  4. #49
    good scorer Rose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Anyone downloaded the demo? I'm tempted to get it. But don't want ME3 ruined in anyway for me. I might get it just for the multiplayer. see if that's as cool as it's being made out to be.

  5. #50
    Stephen Kerry Brujesino's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rose
    Anyone downloaded the demo? I'm tempted to get it. But don't want ME3 ruined in anyway for me. I might get it just for the multiplayer. see if that's as cool as it's being made out to be.
    There is a minor spoiler mission in the demo.My advice is to download it and play it up until you get on the normandy to leave earth.

    I havent played the multi yet.

    I thought it was a good demo and gonna pre order later today or tomorrow.

  6. #51
    Stephen Kerry Brujesino's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Damn i check amazon collectors edition is sold out!

  7. #52
    good scorer Rose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Quote Originally Posted by Brujesino
    There is a minor spoiler mission in the demo.My advice is to download it and play it up until you get on the normandy to leave earth.

    I havent played the multi yet.

    I thought it was a good demo and gonna pre order later today or tomorrow.
    I might play single player today. I'm not sure.

    If you like Gears, you'll like the multiplayer. It plays A LOT like Gears of War. The rolling, the cover system, the enemies kind of have the same motions.

    Overall the multiplayer is REALLY good. I like the power system a lot as well, and you can **** enemies up pretty easily with them.

  8. #53
    Clipper Nation Soldier Clippersfan86's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Beat demo. Easily best game play of this epic series yet. ME3 has much improved fluidity to combat. I prefer RPG to shooters but the controls just felt so natural (more so than ME or ME2) so the transition to a more action/shooter type game doesn't bother me.

    I LOVE the new feature how you can select the style of play to accommodate the type of gamer you are. I chose RPG of course... but for those who like shooters you can make it to where you choose "action" and it shows everything in cut scenes and takes away dialog options.

    For those like me who are RPG junkies you can select RPG mode and it will play like the first two ME games where you have complete control over dialog. Some things I noticed in the short demo.

    So summed up.... graphics and fluidity of combat are MUCH improved. That's about all I could tell based on the short demo. It's by far going to be the best game of this console generation in my opinion and is absolutely going to be the best Mass Effect game yet.

    It's a conclusion I've been waiting anxiously on for 5 years.

    BTW guys Mass Effect movie coming late 2012- early 2013! It's going to be based on the first game. I'm so fu**ing pumped!

  9. #54
    Clipper Nation Soldier Clippersfan86's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Must see video of the cast talking about ME3.

    Jennifer Hale (female Shepard): "You can't even conceive how big the war is in this game".

    OMG I'm going nuts.....

    Here's new fem shep trailer too.
    Last edited by Clippersfan86; 02-16-2012 at 06:36 AM.

  10. #55
    College superstar Fiasco's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Quote Originally Posted by Clippersfan86
    Beat demo. Easily best game play of this epic series yet. ME3 has much improved fluidity to combat. I prefer RPG to shooters but the controls just felt so natural (more so than ME or ME2) so the transition to a more action/shooter type game doesn't bother me.
    It's quite pathetic how Mass Effect has gone from deep RPG to corridor shooter with interactive dialogue in between action.

    I LOVE the new feature how you can select the style of play to accommodate the type of gamer you are. I chose RPG of course... but for those who like shooters you can make it to where you choose "action" and it shows everything in cut scenes and takes away dialog options.
    The fact that the option to play this game as COD exists shows just how much Bioware has sold out.

    BTW guys Mass Effect movie coming late 2012- early 2013! It's going to be based on the first game. I'm so fu**ing pumped!
    They're basing it on the Contact War from what I last read.

  11. #56
    good scorer Rose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Quote Originally Posted by Fiasco
    It's quite pathetic how Mass Effect has gone from deep RPG to corridor shooter with interactive dialogue in between action.

    The fact that the option to play this game as COD exists shows just how much Bioware has sold out.

    They're basing it on the Contact War from what I last read.
    I agree to an extent.

    I wish it was more like the first one. The second was okay from a terms of combat type thing. Maybe a slight downgrade, but I enjoyed that one more.

    I wish it was a little more open. Anyone beaten the multiplayer yet? I've gotten to the 10th wave once. And one of our 4 people went down and it was just terrible after that.

  12. #57
    Where Eagles Dare El Kabong's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Dumbing down usually happens with sequels, especially when EA are involved. They see people complain about RPG stuff, so they think "If we take that out and replace it with a more generic and easier to use system, then even more people will buy it".

  13. #58
    College superstar Fiasco's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong
    Dumbing down usually happens with sequels, especially when EA are involved. They see people complain about RPG stuff, so they think "If we take that out and replace it with a more generic and easier to use system, then even more people will buy it".
    Bingo. Casey Hudson is a fu[COLOR="Black"]cki[/COLOR]ng moron.

  14. #59
    Join Date
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    Unhappy Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Gears of Mass Effect 3

  15. #60
    Clipper Nation Soldier Clippersfan86's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 update

    Quote Originally Posted by Fiasco
    Bingo. Casey Hudson is a fu[COLOR="Black"]cki[/COLOR]ng moron.
    You can't blame them. Making it a shooter means you triple sales. Same reason they added multiplayer. I don't like it either but I do see why they do it. As long as quality of game stays high I can't complain.

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