If you believe in the theory of evolution, then you would know that we all share a common ancestor. If you have siblings, you share the same parents. Cousins share the same grandparents. Second cousins share the same great-grandparents. If you look far back enough, we all came from the same place.

Would a brother murder a brother? Would you murder a cousin? Would family kill family? We need to put aside trivial differences such as skin color, beliefs, sexual orientation, etc and look at the big picture. We are like 99.9% the same as one another. We are tiny specs of dust in this unimaginably large universe we live in, and we ought to look out for and protect one another. Not only do we need to look out for Man, but we need to look out for all those that share our planet, for they too are our distant brethern.

Humans and chimps are like 99.5% identical. A horse and a zebra can mate. Dolphins and Orcas can produce offspring. All life on this planet is descended from the same tree and we are in this as one. Together, let us work to make better the quality of life for EVERYONE, to protect the species that need to be protected, to advance our sciences and understandings of this universe, and to make this world a better place for your grandchildren, and the grandchildren of your brethern on the other side of the world.